Refactor AFFiNE layout to support new right sidebar.
The new layout:
- new sidebar UI/UX
- favoring top-down UI components that are composed by basic building blocks in each route, instead of creating universal component like `WorkspaceHeader` that renders every possible cases (which I think is really hard to maintain)
- remove plugin based solution
**Pros/cons for current plugin-based solution:**
The current solution is somewhat a Dependency Injection (DI) approach, where the layout is defined at the top and UI items can be injected using Jotai atom slots.
This approach works well if we want a fully configurable system with everything being handled by plugins. It provides flexibility for custom extensions.
However, this solution is more suitable for single-page applications where the UI is completely controlled by configuration. It becomes challenging to achieve an optimized and visually appealing UI that remains under our control. An example of such a scenario would be a customizable dashboard like Grafana.
Another drawback of the existing solution is that we need to use Jotai and hooks to access context values, resulting in an unclear data flow within the component hierarchy.
**Alternatively, our approach in this PR** provides layout building blocks such as headers and sidebars, which can then be composed in individual route components. The good is that we have cleaner biz component instead of vague all-in-one layout component (like `<WorkspaceHeader />`).
**Issues of the implementation in this PR:**
Some UI layouts that that seems to be defined at the root layout are now defined in individual route component instead.
New 3-col layout component like the right sidebar still needs some abstraction and they are right now just for the detail editor only.
1. Split logic in `packages/common/infra/src/blocksuite/index.ts` to multiple single files
2. Move migration logic from setup to upgrade module, to prevent auto migration problems and loading problem
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at d3fdf86</samp>
### Summary
1. 📄 - This emoji represents the page and edgeless modes of sharing a page, as well as the GraphQL operations and types related to public pages.
2. 🚀 - This emoji represents the functionality of publishing and revoking public pages, as well as the confirmation modal and the notifications for the user.
3. 🔗 - This emoji represents the sharing URL and the query parameter for the share mode, as well as the hooks and functions that generate and use the URL.
This pull request adds a feature to the frontend component of AFFiNE that allows the user to share a page in either `page` or `edgeless` mode, which affects the appearance and functionality of the page. It also adds the necessary GraphQL operations, types, and schema to support this feature in the backend, and updates the tests and the storybook stories accordingly.
* Modify the `useIsSharedPage` hook to accept an optional `shareMode` argument and use the `getWorkspacePublicPagesQuery`, `publishPageMutation`, and `revokePublicPageMutation` from `@affine/graphql`