Due to restrictions on how Electron package works, the `node_modules` should not be hoisted and not to use s/h-links at all. This is why we need to have two separate installs for electron and non-electron packages in the build.
Tested via the following script
echo "step 1: clean up"
find . -name "node_modules" -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
# git clean -dfX
echo "step 2: install web dependencies"
# firstly, build web static
echo "step 3: generate assets"
BUILD_TYPE="$build_type" yarn workspace @affine/electron generate-assets
# cleanup node_modules
find . -name "node_modules" -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
echo "step 4: install electron dependencies"
# install electron deps
yarn config set nmHoistingLimits workspaces
yarn config set enableScripts false
yarn config set nmMode classic
PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD=1 HUSKY=0 yarn workspaces focus @affine/electron @affine/monorepo
echo "step 5: build native"
# build native
yarn workspace @affine/native build
yarn workspace @affine/storage build
echo "step 6: build electron"
# build electron
yarn workspace @affine/electron build
echo "step 7: package electron"
# package
SKIP_GENERATE_ASSETS=1 BUILD_TYPE="$build_type" HOIST_NODE_MODULES=1 yarn workspace @affine/electron package