import { test } from '@affine-test/kit/playwright'; import { createRandomAIUser, loginUser, loginUserDirectly, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/cloud'; import { openHomePage, setCoreUrl } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/load-page'; import { clickNewPageButton, getBlockSuiteEditorTitle, waitForEditorLoad, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/page-logic'; import { clickSideBarAllPageButton } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/sidebar'; import { createLocalWorkspace } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/workspace'; import { expect, type Page } from '@playwright/test'; test.describe.configure({ mode: 'parallel' }); const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const TEN_SECONDS = 10 * ONE_SECOND; const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * ONE_SECOND; let isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; if ( process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_USER_AGENT && process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_EMAIL && !process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_PASSWORD ) { test.use({ userAgent: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_USER_AGENT || 'affine-tester', }); setCoreUrl(process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_CORE_URL || 'http://localhost:8080'); isProduction = true; } function getUser() { if ( !isProduction || !process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_EMAIL || !process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_PASSWORD ) { return createRandomAIUser(); } return { email: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_EMAIL, password: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_PASSWORD, }; } test.skip( () => !process.env.COPILOT_OPENAI_API_KEY || !process.env.COPILOT_FAL_API_KEY || process.env.COPILOT_OPENAI_API_KEY === '1' || process.env.COPILOT_FAL_API_KEY === '1', 'skip test if no copilot api key' ); test('can open chat side panel', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await page.getByTestId('right-sidebar-toggle').click({ delay: 200, }); await page.getByTestId('sidebar-tab-chat').click(); await expect(page.getByTestId('sidebar-tab-content-chat')).toBeVisible(); }); const makeChat = async (page: Page, content: string) => { if (await page.getByTestId('sidebar-tab-chat').isHidden()) { await page.getByTestId('right-sidebar-toggle').click({ delay: 200, }); } await page.getByTestId('sidebar-tab-chat').click(); await page.getByTestId('chat-panel-input').focus(); await page.keyboard.type(content); await'Enter'); }; const clearChat = async (page: Page) => { await page.getByTestId('chat-panel-clear').click(); await page.getByTestId('confirm-modal-confirm').click(); }; const collectChat = async (page: Page) => { const chatPanel = await page.waitForSelector('.chat-panel-messages'); if (await chatPanel.$('.chat-panel-messages-placeholder')) { return []; } // wait ai response await page.waitForSelector('.chat-panel-messages .message chat-copy-more'); const lastMessage = await chatPanel.$$('.message').then(m => m[m.length - 1]); await lastMessage.waitForSelector('chat-copy-more'); await page.waitForTimeout(ONE_SECOND); return Promise.all( Array.from(await chatPanel.$$('.message')).map(async m => ({ name: await m.$('.user-info').then(i => i?.innerText()), content: await m .$('chat-text') .then(t => t?.$('editor-host')) .then(e => e?.innerText()), })) ); }; const focusToEditor = async (page: Page) => { const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.focus(); await'Enter'); }; const getEditorContent = async (page: Page) => { let content = ''; let retry = 3; while (!content && retry > 0) { const lines = await page.$$('page-editor .inline-editor'); const contents = await Promise.all( => el.innerText())); content = contents // cleanup zero width space .map(c => c.replace(/\u200B/g, '').trim()) .filter(c => !!c) .join('\n'); if (!content) { await page.waitForTimeout(500); retry -= 1; } } return content; }; const switchToEdgelessMode = async (page: Page) => { const editor = await page.waitForSelector('page-editor'); await page.getByTestId('switch-edgeless-mode-button').click(); // wait for new editor editor.waitForElementState('hidden'); await page.waitForSelector('edgeless-editor'); }; test('can trigger login at chat side panel', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const loginTips = await page.waitForSelector('ai-error-wrapper'); expect(await loginTips.innerText()).toBe('Login'); }); test('can chat after login at chat side panel', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const loginTips = await page.waitForSelector('ai-error-wrapper'); (await loginTips.$('div'))!.click(); // login const user = await getUser(); await loginUserDirectly(page, user); // after login await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const history = await collectChat(page); expect(history[0]).toEqual({ name: 'You', content: 'hello' }); expect(history[1].name).toBe('AFFiNE AI'); }); test.describe('chat panel', () => { let user: { email: string; password: string; }; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { user = await getUser(); await loginUser(page, user); }); test('basic chat', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const history = await collectChat(page); expect(history[0]).toEqual({ name: 'You', content: 'hello' }); expect(history[1].name).toBe('AFFiNE AI'); await clearChat(page); expect((await collectChat(page)).length).toBe(0); }); test('chat actions', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const content = (await collectChat(page))[1].content; await page.getByTestId('action-copy-button').click(); await page.waitForTimeout(500); expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.readText())).toBe( content ); await page.getByTestId('action-retry-button').click(); expect((await collectChat(page))[1].content).not.toBe(content); }); test('can be insert below', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const content = (await collectChat(page))[1].content; await focusToEditor(page); // insert below await page.getByTestId('action-insert-below').click(); await page.waitForSelector('affine-format-bar-widget editor-toolbar'); const editorContent = await getEditorContent(page); expect(editorContent).toBe(content); }); test('can be add to edgeless as node', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const content = (await collectChat(page))[1].content; await switchToEdgelessMode(page); // delete default note await (await page.waitForSelector('affine-edgeless-note')).click();'Delete'); // insert note await page.getByTestId('action-add-to-edgeless-as-note').click(); const edgelessNode = await page.waitForSelector('affine-edgeless-note'); expect(await edgelessNode.innerText()).toBe(content); }); test('can be create as a doc', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const content = (await collectChat(page))[1].content; const editor = await page.waitForSelector('page-editor'); await page.getByTestId('action-create-as-a-doc').click(); // wait for new editor editor.waitForElementState('hidden'); await page.waitForSelector('page-editor'); const editorContent = await getEditorContent(page); expect(editorContent).toBe(content); }); // feature not launched yet test.skip('can be save chat to block', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await makeChat(page, 'hello'); const contents = (await collectChat(page)).map(m => m.content); await switchToEdgelessMode(page); await page.getByTestId('action-save-chat-to-block').click(); const chatBlock = await page.waitForSelector('affine-edgeless-ai-chat'); expect( await Promise.all( (await chatBlock.$$('.ai-chat-user-message')).map(m => m.innerText()) ) ).toBe(contents); }); test('can be chat and insert below in page mode', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await focusToEditor(page); await page.keyboard.type('/'); await page.getByTestId('sub-menu-0').getByText('Ask AI').click(); const input = await page.waitForSelector('ai-panel-input textarea'); await input.fill('hello'); await'Enter'); const resp = await page.waitForSelector( 'ai-panel-answer .response-list-container' ); // wait response const content = await ( await page.waitForSelector('ai-panel-answer editor-host') ).innerText(); await (await resp.waitForSelector('.ai-item-insert-below')).click(); const editorContent = await getEditorContent(page); expect(editorContent).toBe(content); }); test('can be retry or discard chat in page mode', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await focusToEditor(page); await page.keyboard.type('/'); await page.getByTestId('sub-menu-0').getByText('Ask AI').click(); const input = await page.waitForSelector('ai-panel-input textarea'); await input.fill('hello'); await'Enter'); // regenerate { const resp = await page.waitForSelector( 'ai-panel-answer .response-list-container:last-child' ); const answerEditor = await page.waitForSelector( 'ai-panel-answer editor-host' ); const content = await answerEditor.innerText(); await (await resp.waitForSelector('.ai-item-regenerate')).click(); await page.waitForSelector('ai-panel-answer .response-list-container'); // wait response expect( await ( await ( await page.waitForSelector('ai-panel-answer') ).waitForSelector('editor-host') ).innerText() ).not.toBe(content); } // discard { const resp = await page.waitForSelector( 'ai-panel-answer .response-list-container:last-child' ); await (await resp.waitForSelector('.ai-item-discard')).click(); await page.getByTestId('confirm-modal-confirm').click(); const editorContent = await getEditorContent(page); expect(editorContent).toBe(''); } }); }); test.describe('chat with block', () => { let user: { email: string; password: string; }; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { user = await getUser(); await loginUser(page, user); }); const collectTextAnswer = async (page: Page) => { // wait ai response await page.waitForSelector( 'affine-ai-panel-widget .response-list-container', { timeout: ONE_MINUTE } ); const answer = await page.waitForSelector( 'affine-ai-panel-widget ai-panel-answer editor-host' ); return answer.innerText(); }; const collectImageAnswer = async (page: Page, timeout = TEN_SECONDS) => { // wait ai response await page.waitForSelector( 'affine-ai-panel-widget .response-list-container', { timeout } ); const answer = await page.waitForSelector( 'affine-ai-panel-widget .ai-answer-image img' ); return answer.getAttribute('src'); }; const disableEditorBlank = async (page: Page) => { // hide blank element, this may block the click const blank = page.getByTestId('page-editor-blank'); if (await blank.isVisible()) { await blank.evaluate(node => ( = 'none')); } else { console.warn('blank element not found'); } }; test.describe('chat with text', () => { const pasteTextToPageEditor = async (page: Page, content: string) => { await focusToEditor(page); await page.keyboard.type(content); }; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await pasteTextToPageEditor(page, 'hello'); }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.waitForSelector('affine-paragraph').then(i =>; await'ControlOrMeta+A'); await page .waitForSelector('page-editor editor-toolbar ask-ai-button') .then(b =>; }); const options = [ // review with ai 'Fix spelling', 'Fix Grammar', // edit with ai 'Explain selection', 'Improve writing', 'Make it longer', 'Make it shorter', 'Continue writing', // generate with ai 'Summarize', 'Generate headings', 'Generate outline', 'Find actions', // draft with ai 'Write an article about this', 'Write a tweet about this', 'Write a poem about this', 'Write a blog post about this', 'Brainstorm ideas about this', ]; for (const option of options) { test(option, async ({ page }) => { await disableEditorBlank(page); await page .waitForSelector( `.ai-item-${option.replaceAll(' ', '-').toLowerCase()}` ) .then(i =>; expect(await collectTextAnswer(page)).toBeTruthy(); }); } }); test.describe('chat with image block', () => { const pasteImageToPageEditor = async (page: Page) => { await page.evaluate(async () => { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 100; canvas.height = 100; const blob = await new Promise<Blob>(resolve => canvas.toBlob(blob => resolve(blob!), 'image/png') ); await navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({ [blob.type]: blob }), ]); }); await focusToEditor(page); await'ControlOrMeta+V'); }; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); await createLocalWorkspace({ name: 'test' }, page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await pasteImageToPageEditor(page); }); test.describe('page mode', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await disableEditorBlank(page); await page.waitForSelector('affine-image').then(i =>; await page .waitForSelector('affine-image editor-toolbar ask-ai-button') .then(b =>; }); test('explain this image', async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-explain-this-image') .then(i =>; expect(await collectTextAnswer(page)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('generate a caption', async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-generate-a-caption') .then(i =>; expect(await collectTextAnswer(page)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('continue with ai', async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-continue-with-ai') .then(i =>; await page .waitForSelector('chat-panel-input .chat-panel-images') .then(el => el.waitForElementState('visible')); }); test('open ai chat', async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-open-ai-chat') .then(i =>; const cards = await page.waitForSelector('chat-panel chat-cards'); await cards.waitForElementState('visible'); const cardTitles = await Promise.all( await cards .$$('.card-wrapper .card-title') .then(els => el => await el.innerText())) ); expect(cardTitles).toContain('Start with this Image'); }); }); // TODO(@darkskygit): block by BS-1709, enable this after bug fix test.describe.skip('edgeless mode', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await switchToEdgelessMode(page); const note = await page.waitForSelector('affine-edgeless-note'); { // move note to avoid menu overlap const box = (await note.boundingBox())!; page.mouse.move(box.x + box.width / 2, box.y + box.height / 2); page.mouse.down(); // sleep to avoid flicker await page.waitForTimeout(500); page.mouse.move(box.x + box.width / 2, box.y + box.height / 2 - 200); await page.waitForTimeout(500); page.mouse.up();; } await disableEditorBlank(page); await page.waitForSelector('affine-image').then(i =>; await page .waitForSelector('affine-image editor-toolbar ask-ai-button') .then(b =>; }); // skip by default, dalle is very slow test.skip('generate an image', async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-generate-an-image') .then(i =>; await page.keyboard.type('a cat'); await'Enter'); expect(await collectImageAnswer(page)).toBeTruthy(); }); const processes = [ 'Clearer', 'Remove background', // skip by default, need a face in image // 'Convert to sticker', ]; for (const process of processes) { test(`image processing ${process}`, async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-image-processing') .then(i => i.hover()); await page.getByText(process).click(); { // to be remove await page.keyboard.type(','); await'Enter'); } expect(await collectImageAnswer(page, ONE_MINUTE * 2)).toBeTruthy(); }); } const filters = ['Clay', 'Sketch', 'Anime', 'Pixel']; for (const filter of filters) { test(`ai image ${filter.toLowerCase()} filter`, async ({ page }) => { await page .waitForSelector('.ai-item-ai-image-filter') .then(i => i.hover()); await page.getByText(`${filter} style`).click(); { // to be remove await page.keyboard.type(','); await'Enter'); } expect(await collectImageAnswer(page, ONE_MINUTE * 2)).toBeTruthy(); }); } }); }); });