import { readFile, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { dirname, join } from 'node:path'; import { mkdirp, readJSON } from 'fs-extra'; interface SnapshotData { idbData: Record; localStorageData: Record; binaries: Record; } interface BinaryIndexData { name: string; start: number; end: number; } export class SnapshotStorage { idbFilePath: string; localStorageFilePath: string; binaryIndexPath: string; binaryFilePath: string; constructor(version: string) { // The snapshots data is stored in "@affine-test/fixtures/legacy", just keep all fixtures in one place const legacyReadMeFilePath = require.resolve( '@affine-test/fixtures/legacy/' ); const dir = dirname(legacyReadMeFilePath); this.idbFilePath = join(dir, version, 'idb.json'); this.binaryFilePath = join(dir, version, 'idb.bin'); this.binaryIndexPath = join(dir, version, 'idb_index.json'); this.localStorageFilePath = join(dir, version, 'local-storage.json'); } async read(): Promise { const { idbFilePath, localStorageFilePath, binaryIndexPath, binaryFilePath, } = this; const [idbData, localStorageData, binaryIndexArr, binaryContent] = await Promise.all([ readJSON(idbFilePath), readJSON(localStorageFilePath), readJSON(binaryIndexPath) as Promise, readFile(binaryFilePath), ]); const binaries: Record = {}; for (const index of binaryIndexArr) { const chunk = binaryContent.subarray(index.start, index.end); binaries[] = Array.from(chunk); } return { binaries, idbData, localStorageData, }; } async write(data: SnapshotData) { const { idbFilePath, localStorageFilePath, binaryIndexPath, binaryFilePath, } = this; const { idbData, localStorageData, binaries } = data; await mkdirp(dirname(idbFilePath)); const binaryIndexData: BinaryIndexData[] = []; const binaryBuffers: Buffer[] = []; let currentIndex = 0; for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(binaries)) { const buffer = Buffer.from(value); const endIndex = currentIndex + buffer.length; binaryIndexData.push({ name, start: currentIndex, end: endIndex, }); binaryBuffers.push(buffer); currentIndex += buffer.length; } await Promise.all([ writeFile( localStorageFilePath, JSON.stringify(localStorageData, null, 2), 'utf-8' ), writeFile(idbFilePath, JSON.stringify(idbData, null, 2), 'utf-8'), writeFile( binaryIndexPath, JSON.stringify(binaryIndexData, null, 2), 'utf-8' ), writeFile(binaryFilePath, Buffer.concat(binaryBuffers), 'utf-8'), ]); } }