import path from 'node:path'; import { buildForge } from 'app-builder-lib'; import debug from 'debug'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { appIdMap, arch, buildType, iconPngPath, icoPath, platform, productName, REPO_ROOT, ROOT, } from './make-env.js'; const log = debug('electron-forge:make-nsis'); async function make() { const appName = productName; const makeDir = path.resolve(ROOT, 'out', buildType, 'make'); const outPath = path.resolve(makeDir, `${arch}`); const appDirectory = path.resolve( ROOT, 'out', buildType, `${appName}-${platform}-${arch}` ); await fs.ensureDir(outPath); await fs.emptyDir(outPath); // create tmp dir const tmpPath = await fs.mkdtemp(appName); // copy app to tmp dir log(`Copying app to ${tmpPath}`); await fs.copy(appDirectory, tmpPath); log(`Calling app-builder-lib's buildForge() with ${tmpPath}`); const output = await buildForge( { dir: tmpPath }, { win: [`nsis:${arch}`], config: { appId: appIdMap[buildType], productName, executableName: productName, icon: iconPngPath, extraMetadata: { // do not use package.json's name name: productName, }, nsis: { differentialPackage: false, perMachine: false, oneClick: false, license: path.resolve(REPO_ROOT, 'LICENSE'), include: path.resolve(ROOT, 'scripts', 'nsis-installer.nsh'), installerIcon: icoPath, allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true, installerSidebar: path.resolve( ROOT, 'resources', 'icons', 'nsis-sidebar.bmp' ), }, }, } ); // Move the output to the actual output folder, app-builder-lib might get it wrong log('Received output files', output); const result: Array = []; for (const file of output) { const filePath = path.resolve(outPath, path.basename(file)); result.push(filePath); await fs.move(file, filePath); } // cleanup await fs.remove(tmpPath); } make();