/// import { TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import type { TestFn } from 'ava'; import ava from 'ava'; import { AuthService } from '../src/core/auth'; import { QuotaManagementService, QuotaModule, Quotas, QuotaService, QuotaType, } from '../src/core/quota'; import { StorageModule } from '../src/core/storage'; import { createTestingModule } from './utils'; const test = ava as TestFn<{ auth: AuthService; quota: QuotaService; quotaManager: QuotaManagementService; module: TestingModule; }>; test.beforeEach(async t => { const module = await createTestingModule({ imports: [StorageModule, QuotaModule], }); const quota = module.get(QuotaService); const quotaManager = module.get(QuotaManagementService); const auth = module.get(AuthService); t.context.module = module; t.context.quota = quota; t.context.quotaManager = quotaManager; t.context.auth = auth; }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { await t.context.module.close(); }); test('should be able to set quota', async t => { const { auth, quota } = t.context; const u1 = await auth.signUp('DarkSky', 'darksky@example.org', '123456'); const q1 = await quota.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.truthy(q1, 'should have quota'); t.is(q1?.feature.name, QuotaType.FreePlanV1, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1?.feature.version, 4, 'should be version 4'); await quota.switchUserQuota(u1.id, QuotaType.ProPlanV1); const q2 = await quota.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q2?.feature.name, QuotaType.ProPlanV1, 'should be pro plan'); const fail = quota.switchUserQuota(u1.id, 'not_exists_plan_v1' as QuotaType); await t.throwsAsync(fail, { instanceOf: Error }, 'should throw error'); }); test('should be able to check storage quota', async t => { const { auth, quota, quotaManager } = t.context; const u1 = await auth.signUp('DarkSky', 'darksky@example.org', '123456'); const q1 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q1?.blobLimit, Quotas[5].configs.blobLimit, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1?.storageQuota, Quotas[5].configs.storageQuota, 'should be free plan'); await quota.switchUserQuota(u1.id, QuotaType.ProPlanV1); const q2 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q2?.blobLimit, Quotas[1].configs.blobLimit, 'should be pro plan'); t.is(q2?.storageQuota, Quotas[1].configs.storageQuota, 'should be pro plan'); }); test('should be able revert quota', async t => { const { auth, quota, quotaManager } = t.context; const u1 = await auth.signUp('DarkSky', 'darksky@example.org', '123456'); const q1 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q1?.blobLimit, Quotas[5].configs.blobLimit, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1?.storageQuota, Quotas[5].configs.storageQuota, 'should be free plan'); await quota.switchUserQuota(u1.id, QuotaType.ProPlanV1); const q2 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q2?.blobLimit, Quotas[1].configs.blobLimit, 'should be pro plan'); t.is(q2?.storageQuota, Quotas[1].configs.storageQuota, 'should be pro plan'); await quota.switchUserQuota(u1.id, QuotaType.FreePlanV1); const q3 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); t.is(q3?.blobLimit, Quotas[5].configs.blobLimit, 'should be free plan'); const quotas = await quota.getUserQuotas(u1.id); t.is(quotas.length, 3, 'should have 3 quotas'); t.is(quotas[0].feature.name, QuotaType.FreePlanV1, 'should be free plan'); t.is(quotas[1].feature.name, QuotaType.ProPlanV1, 'should be pro plan'); t.is(quotas[2].feature.name, QuotaType.FreePlanV1, 'should be free plan'); t.is(quotas[0].activated, false, 'should be activated'); t.is(quotas[1].activated, false, 'should be activated'); t.is(quotas[2].activated, true, 'should be activated'); }); test('should be able to check quota', async t => { const { auth, quotaManager } = t.context; const u1 = await auth.signUp('DarkSky', 'darksky@example.org', '123456'); const q1 = await quotaManager.getUserQuota(u1.id); const freePlan = Quotas[5].configs; t.assert(q1, 'should have quota'); t.is(q1.blobLimit, freePlan.blobLimit, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1.storageQuota, freePlan.storageQuota, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1.historyPeriod, freePlan.historyPeriod, 'should be free plan'); t.is(q1.memberLimit, freePlan.memberLimit, 'should be free plan'); t.is( q1.copilotActionLimit!, freePlan.copilotActionLimit!, 'should be free plan' ); });