/// import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto'; import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import type { TestFn } from 'ava'; import ava from 'ava'; import Sinon from 'sinon'; import { AuthService } from '../src/core/auth'; import { WorkspaceModule } from '../src/core/workspaces'; import { prompts } from '../src/data/migrations/utils/prompts'; import { ConfigModule } from '../src/fundamentals/config'; import { CopilotModule } from '../src/plugins/copilot'; import { PromptService } from '../src/plugins/copilot/prompt'; import { CopilotProviderService, FalProvider, OpenAIProvider, registerCopilotProvider, unregisterCopilotProvider, } from '../src/plugins/copilot/providers'; import { CopilotStorage } from '../src/plugins/copilot/storage'; import { acceptInviteById, createTestingApp, createWorkspace, inviteUser, signUp, } from './utils'; import { array2sse, chatWithImages, chatWithText, chatWithTextStream, chatWithWorkflow, createCopilotMessage, createCopilotSession, forkCopilotSession, getHistories, MockCopilotTestProvider, sse2array, textToEventStream, } from './utils/copilot'; const test = ava as TestFn<{ auth: AuthService; app: INestApplication; prompt: PromptService; provider: CopilotProviderService; storage: CopilotStorage; }>; test.beforeEach(async t => { const { app } = await createTestingApp({ imports: [ ConfigModule.forRoot({ plugins: { copilot: { openai: { apiKey: '1', }, fal: { apiKey: '1', }, }, }, }), WorkspaceModule, CopilotModule, ], }); const auth = app.get(AuthService); const prompt = app.get(PromptService); const storage = app.get(CopilotStorage); t.context.app = app; t.context.auth = auth; t.context.prompt = prompt; t.context.storage = storage; }); let token: string; const promptName = 'prompt'; test.beforeEach(async t => { const { app, prompt } = t.context; const user = await signUp(app, 'test', 'darksky@affine.pro', '123456'); token = user.token.token; unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); unregisterCopilotProvider(FalProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); await prompt.set(promptName, 'test', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); for (const p of prompts) { await prompt.set(p.name, p.model, p.messages, p.config); } }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { await t.context.app.close(); }); // ==================== session ==================== test('should create session correctly', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const assertCreateSession = async ( workspaceId: string, error: string, asserter = async (x: any) => { t.truthy(await x, error); } ) => { await asserter( createCopilotSession(app, token, workspaceId, randomUUID(), promptName) ); }; { const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); await assertCreateSession( id, 'should be able to create session with cloud workspace that user can access' ); } { await assertCreateSession( randomUUID(), 'should be able to create session with local workspace' ); } { const { token: { token }, } = await signUp(app, 'test', 'test@affine.pro', '123456'); const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); await assertCreateSession(id, '', async x => { await t.throwsAsync( x, { instanceOf: Error }, 'should not able to create session with cloud workspace that user cannot access' ); }); const inviteId = await inviteUser( app, token, id, 'darksky@affine.pro', 'Admin' ); await acceptInviteById(app, id, inviteId, false); await assertCreateSession( id, 'should able to create session after user have permission' ); } }); test('should fork session correctly', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const assertForkSession = async ( token: string, workspaceId: string, sessionId: string, lastMessageId: string, error: string, asserter = async (x: any) => { const forkedSessionId = await x; t.truthy(forkedSessionId, error); return forkedSessionId; } ) => await asserter( forkCopilotSession( app, token, workspaceId, randomUUID(), sessionId, lastMessageId ) ); // prepare session const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); let forkedSessionId: string; // should be able to fork session { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); } const histories = await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId: id }); const latestMessageId = histories[0].messages.findLast( m => m.role === 'assistant' )?.id; t.truthy(latestMessageId, 'should find last message id'); // should be able to fork session forkedSessionId = await assertForkSession( token, id, sessionId, latestMessageId!, 'should be able to fork session with cloud workspace that user can access' ); } { const { token: { token: newToken }, } = await signUp(app, 'test', 'test@affine.pro', '123456'); await assertForkSession( newToken, id, sessionId, randomUUID(), '', async x => { await t.throwsAsync( x, { instanceOf: Error }, 'should not able to fork session with cloud workspace that user cannot access' ); } ); const inviteId = await inviteUser( app, token, id, 'test@affine.pro', 'Admin' ); await acceptInviteById(app, id, inviteId, false); await assertForkSession( newToken, id, sessionId, randomUUID(), '', async x => { await t.throwsAsync( x, { instanceOf: Error }, 'should not able to fork a root session from other user' ); } ); const histories = await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId: id }); const latestMessageId = histories .find(h => h.sessionId === forkedSessionId) ?.messages.findLast(m => m.role === 'assistant')?.id; t.truthy(latestMessageId, 'should find latest message id'); await assertForkSession( newToken, id, forkedSessionId, latestMessageId!, 'should able to fork a forked session created by other user' ); } }); test('should be able to use test provider', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); t.truthy( await createCopilotSession(app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName), 'failed to create session' ); }); // ==================== message ==================== test('should create message correctly', async t => { const { app } = t.context; { const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); t.truthy(messageId, 'should be able to create message with valid session'); } { await t.throwsAsync( createCopilotMessage(app, token, randomUUID()), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should not able to create message with invalid session' ); } }); // ==================== chat ==================== test('should be able to chat with api', async t => { const { app, storage } = t.context; Sinon.stub(storage, 'handleRemoteLink').resolvesArg(2); const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); const ret = await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); t.is(ret, 'generate text to text', 'should be able to chat with text'); const ret2 = await chatWithTextStream(app, token, sessionId, messageId); t.is( ret2, textToEventStream('generate text to text stream', messageId), 'should be able to chat with text stream' ); const ret3 = await chatWithImages(app, token, sessionId, messageId); t.is( array2sse(sse2array(ret3).filter(e => e.event !== 'event')), textToEventStream( ['https://example.com/test.jpg', 'hello '], messageId, 'attachment' ), 'should be able to chat with images' ); Sinon.restore(); }); test('should be able to chat with api by workflow', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), 'workflow:presentation' ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage( app, token, sessionId, 'apple company' ); const ret = await chatWithWorkflow(app, token, sessionId, messageId); t.is( array2sse(sse2array(ret).filter(e => e.event !== 'event')), textToEventStream('generate text to text stream', messageId), 'should be able to chat with workflow' ); }); test('should be able to chat with special image model', async t => { const { app, storage } = t.context; Sinon.stub(storage, 'handleRemoteLink').resolvesArg(2); const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const testWithModel = async (promptName: string, finalPrompt: string) => { const model = prompts.find(p => p.name === promptName)?.model; const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage( app, token, sessionId, 'some-tag', [`https://example.com/${promptName}.jpg`] ); const ret3 = await chatWithImages(app, token, sessionId, messageId); t.is( ret3, textToEventStream( [`https://example.com/${model}.jpg`, finalPrompt], messageId, 'attachment' ), 'should be able to chat with images' ); }; await testWithModel('debug:action:fal-sd15', 'some-tag'); await testWithModel( 'debug:action:fal-upscaler', 'best quality, 8K resolution, highres, clarity, some-tag' ); await testWithModel('debug:action:fal-remove-bg', 'some-tag'); Sinon.restore(); }); test('should be able to retry with api', async t => { const { app, storage } = t.context; Sinon.stub(storage, 'handleRemoteLink').resolvesArg(2); // normal chat { const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); // chat 2 times await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); const histories = await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId: id }); t.deepEqual( histories.map(h => h.messages.map(m => m.content)), [['generate text to text', 'generate text to text']], 'should be able to list history' ); } // retry chat { const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); // retry without message id await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId); // should only have 1 message const histories = await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId: id }); t.deepEqual( histories.map(h => h.messages.map(m => m.content)), [['generate text to text']], 'should be able to list history' ); } Sinon.restore(); }); test('should reject message from different session', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const anotherSessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); const anotherMessageId = await createCopilotMessage( app, token, anotherSessionId ); await t.throwsAsync( chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, anotherMessageId), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should reject message from different session' ); }); test('should reject request from different user', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { id } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, id, randomUUID(), promptName ); // should reject message from different user { const { token } = await signUp(app, 'a1', 'a1@affine.pro', '123456'); await t.throwsAsync( createCopilotMessage(app, token.token, sessionId), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should reject message from different user' ); } // should reject chat from different user { const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); { const { token } = await signUp(app, 'a2', 'a2@affine.pro', '123456'); await t.throwsAsync( chatWithText(app, token.token, sessionId, messageId), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should reject chat from different user' ); } } }); // ==================== history ==================== test('should be able to list history', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { id: workspaceId } = await createWorkspace(app, token); const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, token, workspaceId, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, token, sessionId); await chatWithText(app, token, sessionId, messageId); const histories = await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId }); t.deepEqual( histories.map(h => h.messages.map(m => m.content)), [['generate text to text']], 'should be able to list history' ); }); test('should reject request that user have not permission', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const { token: { token: anotherToken }, } = await signUp(app, 'a1', 'a1@affine.pro', '123456'); const { id: workspaceId } = await createWorkspace(app, anotherToken); // should reject request that user have not permission { await t.throwsAsync( getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId }), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should reject request that user have not permission' ); } // should able to list history after user have permission { const inviteId = await inviteUser( app, anotherToken, workspaceId, 'darksky@affine.pro', 'Admin' ); await acceptInviteById(app, workspaceId, inviteId, false); t.deepEqual( await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId }), [], 'should able to list history after user have permission' ); } { const sessionId = await createCopilotSession( app, anotherToken, workspaceId, randomUUID(), promptName ); const messageId = await createCopilotMessage(app, anotherToken, sessionId); await chatWithText(app, anotherToken, sessionId, messageId); const histories = await getHistories(app, anotherToken, { workspaceId }); t.deepEqual( histories.map(h => h.messages.map(m => m.content)), [['generate text to text']], 'should able to list history' ); t.deepEqual( await getHistories(app, token, { workspaceId }), [], 'should not list history created by another user' ); } });