# AFFiNE Docs This repo is the source for AFFiNE documentation. The published documentation is at: - https://docs.affine.pro Please [file an issue](https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE-docs/issues) if you can't find what you are looking for. ## Get Started This repo is split into folders - with each folder being a separate category of documentation. You can browse the folders to view the pages within each category. Please note: Some pages may not display correctly on GitHub, be sure to check the corresponding page on GitBook. ### Asset Naming All assets should be stored in `.gitbook/assets/`. The asset should be named according to where it will be used. If an image is needed for `/developer-docs/coding/setup.md` the expected filename would be `developer-docs_coding_setup` where `_` separates each folder/file. And if multiple images are required a unique filename can be appeneded, such as `_01`.