/// import { TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import type { TestFn } from 'ava'; import ava from 'ava'; import Sinon from 'sinon'; import { ConfigModule } from '../src/base/config'; import { AuthService } from '../src/core/auth'; import { QuotaModule } from '../src/core/quota'; import { CopilotModule } from '../src/plugins/copilot'; import { prompts, PromptService } from '../src/plugins/copilot/prompt'; import { CopilotProviderService, OpenAIProvider, registerCopilotProvider, unregisterCopilotProvider, } from '../src/plugins/copilot/providers'; import { ChatSessionService } from '../src/plugins/copilot/session'; import { CopilotCapability, CopilotProviderType, } from '../src/plugins/copilot/types'; import { CopilotChatTextExecutor, CopilotWorkflowService, GraphExecutorState, type WorkflowGraph, WorkflowGraphExecutor, type WorkflowNodeData, WorkflowNodeType, } from '../src/plugins/copilot/workflow'; import { CopilotChatImageExecutor, CopilotCheckHtmlExecutor, CopilotCheckJsonExecutor, getWorkflowExecutor, NodeExecuteState, NodeExecutorType, } from '../src/plugins/copilot/workflow/executor'; import { AutoRegisteredWorkflowExecutor } from '../src/plugins/copilot/workflow/executor/utils'; import { WorkflowGraphList } from '../src/plugins/copilot/workflow/graph'; import { createTestingModule } from './utils'; import { MockCopilotTestProvider, WorkflowTestCases } from './utils/copilot'; const test = ava as TestFn<{ auth: AuthService; module: TestingModule; prompt: PromptService; provider: CopilotProviderService; session: ChatSessionService; workflow: CopilotWorkflowService; executors: { image: CopilotChatImageExecutor; text: CopilotChatTextExecutor; html: CopilotCheckHtmlExecutor; json: CopilotCheckJsonExecutor; }; }>; test.beforeEach(async t => { const module = await createTestingModule({ imports: [ ConfigModule.forRoot({ plugins: { copilot: { openai: { apiKey: process.env.COPILOT_OPENAI_API_KEY ?? '1', }, fal: { apiKey: '1', }, }, }, }), QuotaModule, CopilotModule, ], }); const auth = module.get(AuthService); const prompt = module.get(PromptService); const provider = module.get(CopilotProviderService); const session = module.get(ChatSessionService); const workflow = module.get(CopilotWorkflowService); t.context.module = module; t.context.auth = auth; t.context.prompt = prompt; t.context.provider = provider; t.context.session = session; t.context.workflow = workflow; t.context.executors = { image: module.get(CopilotChatImageExecutor), text: module.get(CopilotChatTextExecutor), html: module.get(CopilotCheckHtmlExecutor), json: module.get(CopilotCheckJsonExecutor), }; }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { await t.context.module.close(); }); let userId: string; test.beforeEach(async t => { const { auth } = t.context; const user = await auth.signUp('test@affine.pro', '123456'); userId = user.id; }); // ==================== prompt ==================== test('should be able to manage prompt', async t => { const { prompt } = t.context; const internalPromptCount = (await prompt.listNames()).length; t.is(internalPromptCount, prompts.length, 'should list names'); await prompt.set('test', 'test', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello' }, { role: 'user', content: 'hello' }, ]); t.is( (await prompt.listNames()).length, internalPromptCount + 1, 'should have one prompt' ); t.is( (await prompt.get('test'))!.finish({}).length, 2, 'should have two messages' ); await prompt.update('test', [{ role: 'system', content: 'hello' }]); t.is( (await prompt.get('test'))!.finish({}).length, 1, 'should have one message' ); await prompt.delete('test'); t.is( (await prompt.listNames()).length, internalPromptCount, 'should be delete prompt' ); t.is(await prompt.get('test'), null, 'should not have the prompt'); }); test('should be able to render prompt', async t => { const { prompt } = t.context; const msg = { role: 'system' as const, content: 'translate {{src_language}} to {{dest_language}}: {{content}}', params: { src_language: ['eng'], dest_language: ['chs', 'jpn', 'kor'] }, }; const params = { src_language: 'eng', dest_language: 'chs', content: 'hello world', }; await prompt.set('test', 'test', [msg]); const testPrompt = await prompt.get('test'); t.assert(testPrompt, 'should have prompt'); t.is( testPrompt?.finish(params).pop()?.content, 'translate eng to chs: hello world', 'should render the prompt' ); t.deepEqual( testPrompt?.paramKeys, Object.keys(params), 'should have param keys' ); t.deepEqual(testPrompt?.params, msg.params, 'should have params'); // will use first option if a params not provided t.deepEqual(testPrompt?.finish({ src_language: 'abc' }), [ { content: 'translate eng to chs: ', params: { dest_language: 'chs', src_language: 'eng' }, role: 'system', }, ]); }); test('should be able to render listed prompt', async t => { const { prompt } = t.context; const msg = { role: 'system' as const, content: 'links:\n{{#links}}- {{.}}\n{{/links}}', }; const params = { links: ['https://affine.pro', 'https://github.com/toeverything/affine'], }; await prompt.set('test', 'test', [msg]); const testPrompt = await prompt.get('test'); t.is( testPrompt?.finish(params).pop()?.content, 'links:\n- https://affine.pro\n- https://github.com/toeverything/affine\n', 'should render the prompt' ); }); // ==================== session ==================== test('should be able to manage chat session', async t => { const { prompt, session } = t.context; await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); const params = { word: 'world' }; const commonParams = { docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test' }; const sessionId = await session.create({ userId, promptName: 'prompt', ...commonParams, }); t.truthy(sessionId, 'should create session'); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; t.is(s.config.sessionId, sessionId, 'should get session'); t.is(s.config.promptName, 'prompt', 'should have prompt name'); t.is(s.model, 'model', 'should have model'); s.push({ role: 'user', content: 'hello', createdAt: new Date() }); // @ts-expect-error const finalMessages = s.finish(params).map(({ createdAt: _, ...m }) => m); t.deepEqual( finalMessages, [ { content: 'hello world', params, role: 'system' }, { content: 'hello', role: 'user' }, ], 'should generate the final message' ); await s.save(); const s1 = (await session.get(sessionId))!; t.deepEqual( s1 .finish(params) // @ts-expect-error .map(({ id: _, attachments: __, createdAt: ___, ...m }) => m), finalMessages, 'should same as before message' ); t.deepEqual( // @ts-expect-error s1.finish({}).map(({ id: _, attachments: __, createdAt: ___, ...m }) => m), [ { content: 'hello ', params: {}, role: 'system' }, { content: 'hello', role: 'user' }, ], 'should generate different message with another params' ); // should get main session after fork if re-create a chat session for same docId and workspaceId { const newSessionId = await session.create({ userId, promptName: 'prompt', ...commonParams, }); t.is(newSessionId, sessionId, 'should get same session id'); } }); test('should be able to fork chat session', async t => { const { auth, prompt, session } = t.context; await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); const params = { word: 'world' }; const commonParams = { docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test' }; // create session const sessionId = await session.create({ userId, promptName: 'prompt', ...commonParams, }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; s.push({ role: 'user', content: 'hello', createdAt: new Date() }); s.push({ role: 'assistant', content: 'world', createdAt: new Date() }); s.push({ role: 'user', content: 'aaa', createdAt: new Date() }); s.push({ role: 'assistant', content: 'bbb', createdAt: new Date() }); await s.save(); // fork session const s1 = (await session.get(sessionId))!; // @ts-expect-error const latestMessageId = s1.finish({}).find(m => m.role === 'assistant')!.id; const forkedSessionId1 = await session.fork({ userId, sessionId, latestMessageId, ...commonParams, }); t.not(sessionId, forkedSessionId1, 'should fork a new session'); const newUser = await auth.signUp('darksky.1@affine.pro', '123456'); const forkedSessionId2 = await session.fork({ userId: newUser.id, sessionId, latestMessageId, ...commonParams, }); t.not( forkedSessionId1, forkedSessionId2, 'should fork new session with same params' ); // check forked session messages { const s2 = (await session.get(forkedSessionId1))!; const finalMessages = s2 .finish(params) // @ts-expect-error .map(({ id: _, attachments: __, createdAt: ___, ...m }) => m); t.deepEqual( finalMessages, [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello world', params }, { role: 'user', content: 'hello' }, { role: 'assistant', content: 'world' }, ], 'should generate the final message' ); } // check second times forked session { const s2 = (await session.get(forkedSessionId2))!; // should overwrite user id t.is(s2.config.userId, newUser.id, 'should have same user id'); const finalMessages = s2 .finish(params) // @ts-expect-error .map(({ id: _, attachments: __, createdAt: ___, ...m }) => m); t.deepEqual( finalMessages, [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello world', params }, { role: 'user', content: 'hello' }, { role: 'assistant', content: 'world' }, ], 'should generate the final message' ); } // check original session messages { const s3 = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const finalMessages = s3 .finish(params) // @ts-expect-error .map(({ id: _, attachments: __, createdAt: ___, ...m }) => m); t.deepEqual( finalMessages, [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello world', params }, { role: 'user', content: 'hello' }, { role: 'assistant', content: 'world' }, { role: 'user', content: 'aaa' }, { role: 'assistant', content: 'bbb' }, ], 'should generate the final message' ); } // should get main session after fork if re-create a chat session for same docId and workspaceId { const newSessionId = await session.create({ userId, promptName: 'prompt', ...commonParams, }); t.is(newSessionId, sessionId, 'should get same session id'); } }); test('should be able to process message id', async t => { const { prompt, session } = t.context; await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); const sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const textMessage = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, content: 'hello', }))!; const anotherSessionMessage = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId: 'another-session-id', }))!; await t.notThrowsAsync( s.pushByMessageId(textMessage), 'should push by message id' ); await t.throwsAsync( s.pushByMessageId(anotherSessionMessage), { instanceOf: Error, }, 'should throw error if push by another session message id' ); await t.throwsAsync( s.pushByMessageId('invalid'), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should throw error if push by invalid message id' ); }); test('should be able to generate with message id', async t => { const { prompt, session } = t.context; await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); // text message { const sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const message = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, content: 'hello', }))!; await s.pushByMessageId(message); const finalMessages = s .finish({ word: 'world' }) .map(({ content }) => content); t.deepEqual(finalMessages, ['hello world', 'hello']); } // attachment message { const sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const message = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, attachments: ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], }))!; await s.pushByMessageId(message); const finalMessages = s .finish({ word: 'world' }) .map(({ attachments }) => attachments); t.deepEqual(finalMessages, [ // system prompt undefined, // user prompt ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], ]); } // empty message { const sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const message = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, }))!; await s.pushByMessageId(message); const finalMessages = s .finish({ word: 'world' }) .map(({ content }) => content); // empty message should be filtered t.deepEqual(finalMessages, ['hello world']); } }); test('should save message correctly', async t => { const { prompt, session } = t.context; await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); const sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const message = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, content: 'hello', }))!; await s.pushByMessageId(message); t.is(s.stashMessages.length, 1, 'should get stash messages'); await s.save(); t.is(s.stashMessages.length, 0, 'should empty stash messages after save'); }); test('should revert message correctly', async t => { const { prompt, session } = t.context; // init session let sessionId: string; { await prompt.set('prompt', 'model', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); sessionId = await session.create({ docId: 'test', workspaceId: 'test', userId, promptName: 'prompt', }); const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const message = (await session.createMessage({ sessionId, content: 'hello', }))!; await s.pushByMessageId(message); await s.save(); } // check ChatSession behavior { const s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; s.push({ role: 'assistant', content: 'hi', createdAt: new Date() }); await s.save(); const beforeRevert = s.finish({ word: 'world' }); t.is(beforeRevert.length, 3, 'should have three messages before revert'); s.revertLatestMessage(); const afterRevert = s.finish({ word: 'world' }); t.is(afterRevert.length, 2, 'should remove assistant message after revert'); } // check database behavior { let s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const beforeRevert = s.finish({ word: 'world' }); t.is(beforeRevert.length, 3, 'should have three messages before revert'); await session.revertLatestMessage(sessionId); s = (await session.get(sessionId))!; const afterRevert = s.finish({ word: 'world' }); t.is(afterRevert.length, 2, 'should remove assistant message after revert'); } }); // ==================== provider ==================== test('should be able to get provider', async t => { const { provider } = t.context; { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.TextToText ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'openai', 'should get provider support text-to-text' ); } { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.TextToEmbedding ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'openai', 'should get provider support text-to-embedding' ); } { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.TextToImage ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'fal', 'should get provider support text-to-image' ); } { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.ImageToImage ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'fal', 'should get provider support image-to-image' ); } { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.ImageToText ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'fal', 'should get provider support image-to-text' ); } // text-to-image use fal by default, but this case can use // model dall-e-3 to select openai provider { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.TextToImage, 'dall-e-3' ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'openai', 'should get provider support text-to-image and model' ); } // gpt4o is not defined now, but it already published by openai // we should check from online api if it is available { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.ImageToText, 'gpt-4o-2024-08-06' ); t.is( p?.type.toString(), 'openai', 'should get provider support text-to-image and model' ); } // if a model is not defined and not available in online api // it should return null { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability( CopilotCapability.ImageToText, 'gpt-4-not-exist' ); t.falsy(p, 'should not get provider'); } }); test('should be able to register test provider', async t => { const { provider } = t.context; registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); const assertProvider = async (cap: CopilotCapability) => { const p = await provider.getProviderByCapability(cap, 'test'); t.is( p?.type, CopilotProviderType.Test, `should get test provider with ${cap}` ); }; await assertProvider(CopilotCapability.TextToText); await assertProvider(CopilotCapability.TextToEmbedding); await assertProvider(CopilotCapability.TextToImage); await assertProvider(CopilotCapability.ImageToImage); await assertProvider(CopilotCapability.ImageToText); }); // ==================== workflow ==================== // this test used to preview the final result of the workflow // for the functional test of the API itself, refer to the follow tests test.skip('should be able to preview workflow', async t => { const { prompt, workflow, executors } = t.context; executors.text.register(); registerCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider); for (const p of prompts) { await prompt.set(p.name, p.model, p.messages, p.config); } let result = ''; for await (const ret of workflow.runGraph( { content: 'apple company' }, 'presentation' )) { if (ret.status === GraphExecutorState.EnterNode) { console.log('enter node:', ret.node.name); } else if (ret.status === GraphExecutorState.ExitNode) { console.log('exit node:', ret.node.name); } else if (ret.status === GraphExecutorState.EmitAttachment) { console.log('stream attachment:', ret); } else { result += ret.content; // console.log('stream result:', ret); } } console.log('final stream result:', result); t.truthy(result, 'should return result'); unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); }); const runWorkflow = async function* runWorkflow( workflowService: CopilotWorkflowService, graph: WorkflowGraph, params: Record ) { const instance = workflowService.initWorkflow(graph); const workflow = new WorkflowGraphExecutor(instance); for await (const result of workflow.runGraph(params)) { yield result; } }; test('should be able to run pre defined workflow', async t => { const { prompt, workflow, executors } = t.context; executors.text.register(); executors.html.register(); executors.json.register(); unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); const executor = Sinon.spy(executors.text, 'next'); for (const testCase of WorkflowTestCases) { const { graph, prompts, callCount, input, params, result } = testCase; console.log('running workflow test:', graph.name); for (const p of prompts) { await prompt.set(p.name, p.model, p.messages, p.config); } for (const [idx, i] of input.entries()) { let content: string | undefined = undefined; const param: any = Object.assign({ content: i }, params[idx]); for await (const ret of runWorkflow(workflow, graph!, param)) { if (ret.status === GraphExecutorState.EmitContent) { if (!content) content = ''; content += ret.content; } } t.is( content, result[idx], `workflow ${graph.name} should generate correct text: ${result[idx]}` ); t.is( executor.callCount, callCount[idx], `should call executor ${callCount} times` ); // check run order for (const [idx, node] of graph!.graph .filter(g => g.nodeType === WorkflowNodeType.Basic) .entries()) { const params = executor.getCall(idx); t.is(params.args[0].id, node.id, 'graph id should correct'); } } } unregisterCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider); }); test('should be able to run workflow', async t => { const { workflow, executors } = t.context; executors.text.register(); unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); const executor = Sinon.spy(executors.text, 'next'); const graphName = 'presentation'; const graph = WorkflowGraphList.find(g => g.name === graphName); t.truthy(graph, `graph ${graphName} not defined`); // TODO(@darkskygit): use Array.fromAsync let result = ''; for await (const ret of workflow.runGraph( { content: 'apple company' }, graphName )) { if (ret.status === GraphExecutorState.EmitContent) { result += ret; } } t.assert(result, 'generate text to text stream'); // presentation workflow has condition node, it will always false // so the latest 2 nodes will not be executed const callCount = graph!.graph.length - 2; t.is( executor.callCount, callCount, `should call executor ${callCount} times` ); for (const [idx, node] of graph!.graph .filter(g => g.nodeType === WorkflowNodeType.Basic) .entries()) { const params = executor.getCall(idx); t.is(params.args[0].id, node.id, 'graph id should correct'); t.is( params.args[1].content, 'generate text to text stream', 'graph params should correct' ); t.is( params.args[1].language, 'generate text to text', 'graph params should correct' ); } unregisterCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider); }); // ==================== workflow executor ==================== const wrapAsyncIter = async (iter: AsyncIterable) => { const result: T[] = []; for await (const r of iter) { result.push(r); } return result; }; test('should be able to run executor', async t => { const { executors } = t.context; const assertExecutor = async (proto: AutoRegisteredWorkflowExecutor) => { proto.register(); const executor = getWorkflowExecutor(proto.type); t.is(executor.type, proto.type, 'should get executor'); await t.throwsAsync( wrapAsyncIter( executor.next( { id: 'nope', name: 'nope', nodeType: WorkflowNodeType.Nope }, {} ) ), { instanceOf: Error }, 'should throw error if run non basic node' ); }; await assertExecutor(executors.image); await assertExecutor(executors.text); }); test('should be able to run text executor', async t => { const { executors, provider, prompt } = t.context; executors.text.register(); const executor = getWorkflowExecutor(executors.text.type); unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); await prompt.set('test', 'test', [ { role: 'system', content: 'hello {{word}}' }, ]); // mock provider const testProvider = (await provider.getProviderByModel('test'))!; const text = Sinon.spy(testProvider, 'generateText'); const textStream = Sinon.spy(testProvider, 'generateTextStream'); const nodeData: WorkflowNodeData = { id: 'basic', name: 'basic', nodeType: WorkflowNodeType.Basic, promptName: 'test', type: NodeExecutorType.ChatText, }; // text { const ret = await wrapAsyncIter( executor.next({ ...nodeData, paramKey: 'key' }, { word: 'world' }) ); t.deepEqual(ret, [ { type: NodeExecuteState.Params, params: { key: 'generate text to text' }, }, ]); t.deepEqual( text.lastCall.args[0][0].content, 'hello world', 'should render the prompt with params' ); } // text stream with attachment { const ret = await wrapAsyncIter( executor.next(nodeData, { attachments: ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], }) ); t.deepEqual( ret, Array.from('generate text to text stream').map(t => ({ content: t, nodeId: 'basic', type: NodeExecuteState.Content, })) ); t.deepEqual( textStream.lastCall.args[0][0].params?.attachments, ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], 'should pass attachments to provider' ); } Sinon.restore(); unregisterCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider); }); test('should be able to run image executor', async t => { const { executors, provider, prompt } = t.context; executors.image.register(); const executor = getWorkflowExecutor(executors.image.type); unregisterCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider); await prompt.set('test', 'test', [ { role: 'user', content: 'tag1, tag2, tag3, {{#tags}}{{.}}, {{/tags}}' }, ]); // mock provider const testProvider = (await provider.getProviderByModel('test'))!; const image = Sinon.spy(testProvider, 'generateImages'); const imageStream = Sinon.spy(testProvider, 'generateImagesStream'); const nodeData: WorkflowNodeData = { id: 'basic', name: 'basic', nodeType: WorkflowNodeType.Basic, promptName: 'test', type: NodeExecutorType.ChatText, }; // image { const ret = await wrapAsyncIter( executor.next( { ...nodeData, paramKey: 'key' }, { tags: ['tag4', 'tag5'] } ) ); t.deepEqual(ret, [ { type: NodeExecuteState.Params, params: { key: [ 'https://example.com/test.jpg', 'tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, ', ], }, }, ]); t.deepEqual( image.lastCall.args[0][0].content, 'tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, ', 'should render the prompt with params array' ); } // image stream with attachment { const ret = await wrapAsyncIter( executor.next(nodeData, { attachments: ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], }) ); t.deepEqual( ret, Array.from(['https://example.com/test.jpg', 'tag1, tag2, tag3, ']).map( t => ({ attachment: t, nodeId: 'basic', type: NodeExecuteState.Attachment, }) ) ); t.deepEqual( imageStream.lastCall.args[0][0].params?.attachments, ['https://affine.pro/example.jpg'], 'should pass attachments to provider' ); } Sinon.restore(); unregisterCopilotProvider(MockCopilotTestProvider.type); registerCopilotProvider(OpenAIProvider); });