import type { ExecutionResult } from 'graphql'; import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'; import { isNil, isObject, merge } from 'lodash-es'; import type { GraphQLQuery } from './graphql'; import type { Mutations, Queries } from './schema'; export type NotArray = T extends Array ? never : T; export type _QueryVariables = Q['id'] extends Queries['name'] ? Extract['variables'] : Q['id'] extends Mutations['name'] ? Extract['variables'] : undefined; export type QueryVariables = _QueryVariables extends never | Record ? never : _QueryVariables; export type QueryResponse = Extract< Queries | Mutations, { name: Q['id'] } >['response']; type NullableKeys = { [K in keyof T]: null extends T[K] ? K : never; }[keyof T]; type NonNullableKeys = { [K in keyof T]: null extends T[K] ? never : K; }[keyof T]; export type RecursiveMaybeFields = T extends | number | boolean | string | null | undefined ? T : { [K in NullableKeys]?: RecursiveMaybeFields; } & { [K in NonNullableKeys]: RecursiveMaybeFields; }; type AllowedRequestContext = Omit; export interface RequestBody { operationName?: string; variables: any; query: string; form?: FormData; } type QueryVariablesOption = QueryVariables extends never ? { variables?: undefined; } : { variables: RecursiveMaybeFields> }; export type RequestOptions = QueryVariablesOption & { /** * parameter passed to `fetch` function */ context?: AllowedRequestContext; /** * Whether keep null or undefined value in variables. * * if `false` given, `{ a: 0, b: undefined, c: null }` will be converted to `{ a: 0 }` * * @default true */ keepNilVariables?: boolean; }; export type QueryOptions = RequestOptions & { query: Q; }; export type MutationOptions = RequestOptions & { mutation: M; }; function filterEmptyValue(vars: any) { const newVars: Record = {}; Object.entries(vars).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (isNil(value)) { return; } if (isObject(value) && !(value instanceof File)) { newVars[key] = filterEmptyValue(value); return; } newVars[key] = value; }); return newVars; } export function transformToForm(body: RequestBody) { const form = new FormData(); const gqlBody: { name?: string; query: string; variables: any; map: any; } = { query: body.query, variables: body.variables, map: {}, }; if (body.operationName) { = body.operationName; } const map: Record = {}; const files: File[] = []; if (body.variables) { let i = 0; const buildMap = (key: string, value: any) => { if (value instanceof File) { map['' + i] = [key]; files[i] = value; i++; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach((v, index) => { buildMap(`${key}.${index}`, v); }); } else if (isObject(value)) { Object.entries(value).forEach(([k, v]) => { buildMap(`${key}.${k}`, v); }); } }; buildMap('variables', body.variables); } form.set('operations', JSON.stringify(gqlBody)); form.set('map', JSON.stringify(map)); for (const [i, file] of files.entries()) { form.set(`${i}`, file); } return form; } function formatRequestBody({ query, variables, keepNilVariables, }: QueryOptions): RequestBody | FormData { const body: RequestBody = { query: query.query, variables: keepNilVariables ?? true ? variables : filterEmptyValue(variables), }; if (query.operationName) { body.operationName = query.operationName; } if (query.containsFile) { return transformToForm(body); } return body; } export const gqlFetcherFactory = ( endpoint: string, fetcher: (input: string, init?: RequestInit) => Promise = fetch ) => { const gqlFetch = async ( options: QueryOptions ): Promise> => { const body = formatRequestBody(options); const isFormData = body instanceof FormData; const headers: Record = { 'x-operation-name': options.query.operationName, 'x-definition-name': options.query.definitionName, }; if (!isFormData) { headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'; } const ret = fetcher( endpoint, merge(options.context, { method: 'POST', headers, body: isFormData ? body : JSON.stringify(body), }) ).then(async res => { if (res.headers.get('content-type')?.startsWith('application/json')) { const result = (await res.json()) as ExecutionResult; if (res.status >= 400 || result.errors) { if (result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) { throw error => new GraphQLError(error.message, error) ); } else { throw new GraphQLError('Empty GraphQL error body'); } } else if ( { // we have to cast here because the type of is a union type return as any; } } throw new GraphQLError( 'GraphQL query responds unexpected result, query ' + options.query.operationName ); }); return ret; }; return gqlFetch; };