import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { loadPage } from './libs/load-page'; import pkg from './../packages/app/package.json'; loadPage(); test.describe('web console', () => { test('editor version', async ({ page }) => { // // // Get the handle to a specific function. //Later on, call this function with some arguments. // const msg = await getEditoVersionHandle.evaluate((post, args) => post); // console.log(getEditoVersionHandle); await page.waitForTimeout(500); const editoVersion = await page.evaluate( () => (window as any).__editoVersion ); // const documentEditorVersion = await page.inputValue('input#editor-version'); const pkgEditorVersion = pkg.dependencies['@blocksuite/editor']; expect(editoVersion).toBe(pkgEditorVersion); }); });