import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { loadPage } from './libs/load-page'; import { test } from './libs/playwright'; import { createWorkspace } from './libs/workspace-logic'; loadPage(); test.describe('Local first workspace list', () => { test('just one item in the workspace list at first', async ({ page }) => { const workspaceName = page.getByTestId('workspace-name'); await; expect( page .locator('div') .filter({ hasText: 'AFFiNE TestLocal WorkspaceAvailable Offline' }) .nth(3) ).not.toBeNull(); }); test('create one workspace in the workspace list', async ({ page }) => { const newWorkspaceNameStr = 'New Workspace'; await createWorkspace({ name: newWorkspaceNameStr }, page); // check new workspace name const newWorkspaceName = page.getByTestId('workspace-name'); await; //check workspace list length const workspaceCards = await page.$$('data-testid=workspace-card'); expect(workspaceCards.length).toBe(2); //check page list length const closeWorkspaceModal = page.getByTestId('close-workspace-modal'); await; const allPageButton = page.getByTestId('all-pages'); await; await page.waitForTimeout(1000); const pageList = page.locator('[data-testid=page-list-item]'); const result = await pageList.count(); expect(result).toBe(0); await page.reload(); await page.waitForTimeout(1000); const pageList1 = page.locator('[data-testid=page-list-item]'); const result1 = await pageList1.count(); expect(result1).toBe(0); }); test('create multi workspace in the workspace list', async ({ page }) => { await createWorkspace({ name: 'New Workspace 2' }, page); await createWorkspace({ name: 'New Workspace 3' }, page); // show workspace list const workspaceName = page.getByTestId('workspace-name'); await; //check workspace list length const workspaceCards = await page.$$('data-testid=workspace-card'); expect(workspaceCards.length).toBe(3); }); });