/* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck // The scores are arranged so that a continuous match of characters will // result in a total score of 1. // // The best case, this character is a match, and either this is the start // of the string, or the previous character was also a match. var SCORE_CONTINUE_MATCH = 1, // A new match at the start of a word scores better than a new match // elsewhere as it's more likely that the user will type the starts // of fragments. // NOTE: We score word jumps between spaces slightly higher than slashes, brackets // hyphens, etc. SCORE_SPACE_WORD_JUMP = 0.9, SCORE_NON_SPACE_WORD_JUMP = 0.8, // Any other match isn't ideal, but we include it for completeness. SCORE_CHARACTER_JUMP = 0.17, // If the user transposed two letters, it should be significantly penalized. // // i.e. "ouch" is more likely than "curtain" when "uc" is typed. SCORE_TRANSPOSITION = 0.1, // The goodness of a match should decay slightly with each missing // character. // // i.e. "bad" is more likely than "bard" when "bd" is typed. // // This will not change the order of suggestions based on SCORE_* until // 100 characters are inserted between matches. PENALTY_SKIPPED = 0.999, // The goodness of an exact-case match should be higher than a // case-insensitive match by a small amount. // // i.e. "HTML" is more likely than "haml" when "HM" is typed. // // This will not change the order of suggestions based on SCORE_* until // 1000 characters are inserted between matches. PENALTY_CASE_MISMATCH = 0.9999, // Match higher for letters closer to the beginning of the word PENALTY_DISTANCE_FROM_START = 0.9, // If the word has more characters than the user typed, it should // be penalised slightly. // // i.e. "html" is more likely than "html5" if I type "html". // // However, it may well be the case that there's a sensible secondary // ordering (like alphabetical) that it makes sense to rely on when // there are many prefix matches, so we don't make the penalty increase // with the number of tokens. PENALTY_NOT_COMPLETE = 0.99; var IS_GAP_REGEXP = /[\\\/_+.#"@\[\(\{&]/, COUNT_GAPS_REGEXP = /[\\\/_+.#"@\[\(\{&]/g, IS_SPACE_REGEXP = /[\s-]/, COUNT_SPACE_REGEXP = /[\s-]/g; function commandScoreInner( string, abbreviation, lowerString, lowerAbbreviation, stringIndex, abbreviationIndex, memoizedResults ) { if (abbreviationIndex === abbreviation.length) { if (stringIndex === string.length) { return SCORE_CONTINUE_MATCH; } return PENALTY_NOT_COMPLETE; } var memoizeKey = `${stringIndex},${abbreviationIndex}`; if (memoizedResults[memoizeKey] !== undefined) { return memoizedResults[memoizeKey]; } var abbreviationChar = lowerAbbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex); var index = lowerString.indexOf(abbreviationChar, stringIndex); var highScore = 0; var score, transposedScore, wordBreaks, spaceBreaks; while (index >= 0) { score = commandScoreInner( string, abbreviation, lowerString, lowerAbbreviation, index + 1, abbreviationIndex + 1, memoizedResults ); if (score > highScore) { if (index === stringIndex) { score *= SCORE_CONTINUE_MATCH; } else if (IS_GAP_REGEXP.test(string.charAt(index - 1))) { score *= SCORE_NON_SPACE_WORD_JUMP; wordBreaks = string .slice(stringIndex, index - 1) .match(COUNT_GAPS_REGEXP); if (wordBreaks && stringIndex > 0) { score *= Math.pow(PENALTY_SKIPPED, wordBreaks.length); } } else if (IS_SPACE_REGEXP.test(string.charAt(index - 1))) { score *= SCORE_SPACE_WORD_JUMP; spaceBreaks = string .slice(stringIndex, index - 1) .match(COUNT_SPACE_REGEXP); if (spaceBreaks && stringIndex > 0) { score *= Math.pow(PENALTY_SKIPPED, spaceBreaks.length); } } else { score *= SCORE_CHARACTER_JUMP; if (stringIndex > 0) { score *= Math.pow(PENALTY_SKIPPED, index - stringIndex); } } if (string.charAt(index) !== abbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex)) { score *= PENALTY_CASE_MISMATCH; } } if ( (score < SCORE_TRANSPOSITION && lowerString.charAt(index - 1) === lowerAbbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex + 1)) || (lowerAbbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex + 1) === lowerAbbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex) && // allow duplicate letters. Ref #7428 lowerString.charAt(index - 1) !== lowerAbbreviation.charAt(abbreviationIndex)) ) { transposedScore = commandScoreInner( string, abbreviation, lowerString, lowerAbbreviation, index + 1, abbreviationIndex + 2, memoizedResults ); if (transposedScore * SCORE_TRANSPOSITION > score) { score = transposedScore * SCORE_TRANSPOSITION; } } if (score > highScore) { highScore = score; } index = lowerString.indexOf(abbreviationChar, index + 1); } memoizedResults[memoizeKey] = highScore; return highScore; } function formatInput(string) { // convert all valid space characters to space so they match each other return string.toLowerCase().replace(COUNT_SPACE_REGEXP, ' '); } export function commandScore(string: string, abbreviation: string): number { /* NOTE: * in the original, we used to do the lower-casing on each recursive call, but this meant that toLowerCase() * was the dominating cost in the algorithm, passing both is a little ugly, but considerably faster. */ return commandScoreInner( string, abbreviation, formatInput(string), formatInput(abbreviation), 0, 0, {} ); }