import { test } from '@affine-test/kit/playwright'; import { addUserToWorkspace, createRandomUser, enableCloudWorkspace, enableCloudWorkspaceFromShareButton, loginUser, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/cloud'; import { dropFile } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/drop-file'; import { clickEdgelessModeButton } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/editor'; import { clickNewPageButton, getBlockSuiteEditorTitle, waitForEditorLoad, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/page-logic'; import { clickUserInfoCard, openSettingModal, openWorkspaceSettingPanel, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/setting'; import { clickSideBarAllPageButton, clickSideBarCurrentWorkspaceBanner, clickSideBarSettingButton, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/sidebar'; import { createLocalWorkspace } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/workspace'; import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; let user: { id: string; name: string; email: string; password: string; }; test.beforeEach(async () => { user = await createRandomUser(); }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await loginUser(page,; }); test.describe('collaboration', () => { test('can enable share page', async ({ page, browser }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspaceFromShareButton(page); const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.pressSequentially('TEST TITLE', { delay: 50, }); await'Enter', { delay: 50 }); await page.keyboard.type('TEST CONTENT', { delay: 50 }); await page.getByTestId('cloud-share-menu-button').click(); await page.getByTestId('share-menu-create-link-button').click(); await page.getByTestId('share-menu-copy-link-button').click(); // check share page is accessible { const context = await browser.newContext(); const url: string = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.readText() ); const page2 = await context.newPage(); await page2.goto(url); await waitForEditorLoad(page2); const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page2); expect(await title.innerText()).toBe('TEST TITLE'); expect(await page2.textContent('affine-paragraph')).toContain( 'TEST CONTENT' ); } }); test('share page with default edgeless', async ({ page, browser }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspaceFromShareButton(page); const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.pressSequentially('TEST TITLE', { delay: 50, }); await'Enter', { delay: 50 }); await page.keyboard.type('TEST CONTENT', { delay: 50 }); await clickEdgelessModeButton(page); await expect(page.locator('affine-edgeless-page')).toBeVisible({ timeout: 1000, }); await page.getByTestId('cloud-share-menu-button').click(); await page.getByTestId('share-menu-create-link-button').click(); await page.getByTestId('share-menu-copy-link-button').click(); // check share page is accessible { const context = await browser.newContext(); const url: string = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.readText() ); const page2 = await context.newPage(); await page2.goto(url); await waitForEditorLoad(page2); await expect(page.locator('affine-edgeless-page')).toBeVisible({ timeout: 1000, }); expect(await page2.textContent('affine-paragraph')).toContain( 'TEST CONTENT' ); const logo = page2.getByTestId('share-page-logo'); const editButton = page2.getByTestId('share-page-edit-button'); await expect(editButton).not.toBeVisible(); await expect(logo).toBeVisible(); } }); test('can collaborate with other user and name should display when editing', async ({ page, browser, }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); const currentUrl = page.url(); // format: http://localhost:8080/workspace/${workspaceId}/xxx const workspaceId = currentUrl.split('/')[4]; const userB = await createRandomUser(); const context = await browser.newContext(); const page2 = await context.newPage(); await loginUser(page2,; await addUserToWorkspace(workspaceId,, 1 /* READ */); await page2.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page2); await page2.goto(currentUrl); { const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.pressSequentially('TEST TITLE', { delay: 50, }); } await page2.waitForTimeout(200); { const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page2); expect(await title.innerText()).toBe('TEST TITLE'); const typingPromise = Promise.all(['Enter', { delay: 50 }), page.keyboard.type('TEST CONTENT', { delay: 50 }), ]); // username should be visible when editing await expect(page2.getByText(; await typingPromise; } // change username await clickSideBarSettingButton(page); await clickUserInfoCard(page); const input = page.getByTestId('user-name-input'); await input.clear(); await input.pressSequentially('TEST USER', { delay: 50, }); await page.getByTestId('save-user-name').click({ delay: 50, }); await'Escape', { delay: 50, }); const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.focus(); { await expect(page2.getByText('TEST USER')).toBeVisible({ timeout: 2000, }); } }); test('can sync collections between different browser', async ({ page, browser, }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await page.getByTestId('slider-bar-add-collection-button').click(); const title = page.getByTestId('input-collection-title'); await title.isVisible(); await title.fill('test collection'); await page.getByTestId('save-collection').click(); { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page2 = await context.newPage(); await loginUser(page2,; await page2.goto(page.url()); const collections = page2.getByTestId('collections'); await expect(collections.getByText('test collection')).toBeVisible(); } }); test('exit successfully and re-login', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await page.waitForTimeout(200); const url = page.url(); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await clickSideBarSettingButton(page); await clickUserInfoCard(page); await page.getByTestId('sign-out-button').click(); await page.getByTestId('confirm-sign-out-button').click(); await page.waitForTimeout(5000); expect(page.url()).toBe(url); }); }); test.describe('collaboration members', () => { test('should have pagination in member list', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); const currentUrl = page.url(); // format: http://localhost:8080/workspace/${workspaceId}/xxx const workspaceId = currentUrl.split('/')[4]; // create 10 user and add to workspace const createUserAndAddToWorkspace = async () => { const userB = await createRandomUser(); await addUserToWorkspace(workspaceId,, 1 /* READ */); }; await Promise.all( new Array(10).fill(1).map(() => createUserAndAddToWorkspace()) ); await openSettingModal(page); await openWorkspaceSettingPanel(page, 'test'); await page.waitForTimeout(1000); const firstPageMemberItemCount = await page .locator('[data-testid="member-item"]') .count(); expect(firstPageMemberItemCount).toBe(8); const navigationItems = await page .getByRole('navigation') .getByRole('button') .all(); // make sure the first member is the owner await expect(page.getByTestId('member-item').first()).toContainText( 'Workspace Owner' ); // There have four pagination items: < 1 2 > expect(navigationItems.length).toBe(4); // Click second page await navigationItems[2].click(); await page.waitForTimeout(500); // There should have other three members in second page const secondPageMemberItemCount = await page .locator('[data-testid="member-item"]') .count(); expect(secondPageMemberItemCount).toBe(3); // Click left arrow to back to first page await navigationItems[0].click(); await page.waitForTimeout(500); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="member-item"]').count()).toBe(8); // Click right arrow to second page await navigationItems[3].click(); await page.waitForTimeout(500); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="member-item"]').count()).toBe(3); }); }); test.describe('sign out', () => { test('can sign out', async ({ page }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); const currentUrl = page.url(); await clickSideBarCurrentWorkspaceBanner(page); await page.getByTestId('workspace-modal-account-option').click(); await page.getByTestId('workspace-modal-sign-out-option').click(); await page.getByTestId('confirm-sign-out-button').click(); await clickSideBarCurrentWorkspaceBanner(page); const signInButton = page.getByTestId('cloud-signin-button'); await expect(signInButton).toBeVisible(); expect(page.url()).toBe(currentUrl); }); }); test('can sync svg between different browsers', async ({ page, browser }) => { await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await waitForEditorLoad(page); // drop an svg file const svg = ` `; await dropFile(page, 'affine-paragraph', svg, 'test.svg', 'image/svg+xml'); { const context = await browser.newContext(); const page2 = await context.newPage(); await loginUser(page2,; await page2.goto(page.url()); // the user should see the svg // get the image src under "affine-image img" const src = await page2.locator('affine-image img').getAttribute('src'); expect(src).not.toBeNull(); // fetch the src resource in the browser const svg2 = await page2.evaluate(async src => { async function blobToString(blob: Blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsText(blob); }); } const blob = fetch(src!).then(res => res.blob()); return blobToString(await blob); }, src); // turn the blob into string and check if it contains the svg expect(svg2).toContain(svg); } });