import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { resolve } from 'node:path'; import { test } from '@affine-test/kit/playwright'; import { createRandomUser, deleteUser, enableCloudWorkspace, getLoginCookie, loginUser, runPrisma, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/cloud'; import { clickEdgelessModeButton } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/editor'; import { coreUrl } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/load-page'; import { clickNewPageButton, waitForEditorLoad, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/page-logic'; import { clickSideBarSettingButton } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/sidebar'; import { createLocalWorkspace } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/workspace'; import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; let user: { id: string; name: string; email: string; password: string; }; test.beforeEach(async () => { user = await createRandomUser(); }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page, context }) => { await loginUser(page,, { beforeLogin: async () => { expect(await getLoginCookie(context)).toBeUndefined(); }, afterLogin: async () => { expect(await getLoginCookie(context)).toBeTruthy(); await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); expect(await getLoginCookie(context)).toBeTruthy(); }, }); }); test.afterEach(async () => { // if you want to keep the user in the database for debugging, // comment this line await deleteUser(; }); test.describe('basic', () => { test('migration', async ({ page, browser }) => { let workspaceId: string; { // create the old cloud workspace in another browser const context = await browser.newContext(); const page = await context.newPage(); await loginUser(page,; await page.reload(); await createLocalWorkspace( { name: 'test', }, page ); await enableCloudWorkspace(page); await clickNewPageButton(page); await waitForEditorLoad(page); // http://localhost:8080/workspace/2bc0b6c8-f68d-4dd3-98a8-be746754f9e1/xxx workspaceId = page.url().split('/')[4]; await runPrisma(async client => { const sqls = ( await readFile( resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', '0.9.0-canary.9-snapshots.sql'), 'utf-8' ) ) .replaceAll('2bc0b6c8-f68d-4dd3-98a8-be746754f9e1', workspaceId) .split('\n'); await client.snapshot.deleteMany({ where: { workspaceId, }, }); for (const sql of sqls) { await client.$executeRawUnsafe(sql); } }); await page.close(); } await page.reload(); await page.waitForTimeout(1000); await page.goto(`${coreUrl}/workspace/${workspaceId}/all`); await page.getByTestId('upgrade-workspace').click(); await expect(page.getByText('Done, please refresh the page.')).toBeVisible({ timeout: 60000, }); await page.goto( // page 'F1SX6cgNxy' has edgeless mode `${coreUrl}/workspace/${workspaceId}/F1SX6cgNxy` ); await page.waitForTimeout(5000); await page.reload(); await waitForEditorLoad(page); await clickEdgelessModeButton(page); await expect(page.locator('affine-edgeless-page')).toBeVisible({ timeout: 1000, }); }); test('can see and change email and password in setting panel', async ({ page, }) => { const newName = 'test name'; { await clickSideBarSettingButton(page); const locator = page.getByTestId('user-info-card'); expect(locator.getByText(; expect(locator.getByText(; await{ delay: 50, }); const nameInput = page.getByPlaceholder('Input account name'); await nameInput.clear(); await nameInput.pressSequentially(newName, { delay: 50, }); await page.getByTestId('save-user-name').click({ delay: 50, }); } await page.reload(); { await clickSideBarSettingButton(page); const locator = page.getByTestId('user-info-card'); expect(locator.getByText(; expect(locator.getByText(newName)).toBeTruthy(); } }); });