name: Nx Cloud Main on: workflow_call: secrets: NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN: required: false NX_CLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN: required: false NX_CYPRESS_KEY: required: false inputs: number-of-agents: required: false type: number environment-variables: required: false type: string init-commands: required: false type: string final-commands: required: false type: string parallel-commands: required: false type: string parallel-commands-on-agents: required: false type: string node-version: required: false type: string yarn-version: required: false type: string npm-version: required: false type: string pnpm-version: required: false type: string install-commands: required: false type: string main-branch-name: required: false type: string default: main runs-on: required: false type: string default: ubuntu-latest # We needed this input in order to be able to configure out integration tests for this repo, it is not documented # so as to not cause confusion/add noise, but technically any consumer of the workflow can use it if they want to. working-directory: required: false type: string env: NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION: true NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION_AGENT_COUNT: ${{ inputs.number-of-agents }} NX_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.number || github.ref_name }} NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN }} NX_CLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NX_CLOUD_AUTH_TOKEN }} CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ${{ secrets.NX_CYPRESS_KEY }} jobs: main: runs-on: ${{ inputs.runs-on }} # The name of the job which will invoke this one is expected to be "Nx Cloud - Main Job", and whatever we call this will be appended # to that one after a forward slash, so we keep this one intentionally short to produce "Nx Cloud - Main Job / Run" in the Github UI name: Run defaults: run: working-directory: ${{ inputs.working-directory || github.workspace }} # Specify shell to help normalize across different operating systems shell: bash steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 name: Checkout [Pull Request] if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} with: # By default, PRs will be checked-out based on the Merge Commit, but we want the actual branch HEAD. ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} # We need to fetch all branches and commits so that Nx affected has a base to compare against. fetch-depth: 0 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 name: Checkout [Default Branch] if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} with: # We need to fetch all branches and commits so that Nx affected has a base to compare against. fetch-depth: 0 - name: Derive appropriate SHAs for base and head for `nx affected` commands uses: nrwl/nx-set-shas@v2 with: main-branch-name: ${{ inputs.main-branch-name }} - name: Detect package manager id: package_manager shell: bash run: | echo "::set-output name=name::$([[ -f ./yarn.lock ]] && echo "yarn" || ([[ -f ./pnpm-lock.yaml ]] && echo "pnpm") || echo "npm")" # Set node/npm/yarn versions using volta, with optional overrides provided by the consumer - uses: volta-cli/action@fdf4cf319494429a105efaa71d0e5ec67f338c6e with: node-version: "${{ inputs.node-version }}" npm-version: "${{ inputs.npm-version }}" yarn-version: "${{ inputs.yarn-version }}" # Install pnpm with exact version provided by consumer or fallback to latest - name: Install PNPM if: == 'pnpm' uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2.2.1 with: version: ${{ inputs.pnpm-version || 'latest' }} - name: Print node/npm/yarn versions id: versions run: | node_ver=$( node --version ) yarn_ver=$( yarn --version || true ) pnpm_ver=$( pnpm --version || true ) echo "Node: ${node_ver:1}" echo "NPM: $( npm --version )" if [[ $yarn_ver != '' ]]; then echo "Yarn: $yarn_ver"; fi if [[ $pnpm_ver != '' ]]; then echo "PNPM: $pnpm_ver"; fi echo "::set-output name=node_version::${node_ver:1}" - name: Use the node_modules cache if available [npm] if: == 'npm' uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.npm key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}- - name: Use the node_modules cache if available [pnpm] if: == 'pnpm' uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ~/.pnpm-store key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}-${{ hashFiles('**/pnpm-lock.yaml') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}- - name: Get yarn cache directory path if: == 'yarn' id: yarn-cache-dir-path run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Use the node_modules cache if available [yarn] if: == 'yarn' uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ steps.versions.outputs.node_version }}-yarn- - name: Process environment-variables if: ${{ inputs.environment-variables != '' }} uses: actions/github-script@v6 env: ENV_VARS: ${{ inputs.environment-variables }} with: script: | const { appendFileSync } = require('fs'); // trim spaces and escape quotes const cleanStr = str => str .trim() .replaceAll(/`/g, "\`"); // parse variable to correct type const parseStr = str => str === 'true' || str === 'TRUE' ? true : str === 'false' || str === 'FALSE' ? false : isNaN(str) ? str : parseFloat(str); const varsStr = process.env.ENV_VARS || ''; const vars = varsStr .split('\n') .map(variable => variable.trim()) .filter(variable => variable.indexOf('=') > 0) .map(variable => ({ name: cleanStr(variable.split('=')[0]), value: cleanStr(variable.slice(variable.indexOf('=') + 1)) })); for (const v of vars) { console.log(`Appending environment variable \`${}\` with value \`${v.value}\` to ${process.env.GITHUB_ENV}`); appendFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_ENV, `${}=${parseStr(v.value)}\n`); } - name: Run any configured install-commands if: ${{ inputs.install-commands != '' }} run: | ${{ inputs.install-commands }} - name: Install dependencies if: ${{ inputs.install-commands == '' }} run: | if [ "${{ == 'yarn' }}" == "true" ]; then echo "Running yarn install --frozen-lockfile" yarn install --frozen-lockfile elif [ "${{ == 'pnpm' }}" == "true" ]; then echo "Running pnpm install --frozen-lockfile" pnpm install --frozen-lockfile else echo "Running npm ci" npm ci fi # An unfortunate side-effect of the way reusable workflows work is that by the time they are pulled into the "caller" # repo, they are effectively completely embedded in that context. This means that we cannot reference any files which # are local to this repo which defines the workflow, and we therefore need to work around this by embedding the contents # of the shell utilities for executing commands into the workflow directly. - name: Create command utils uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const { writeFileSync } = require('fs'); const runCommandsInParallelScript = ` # Extract the provided commands from the stringified JSON array. IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -a userCommands < <((jq -c -r '.[]') <<<"$1") # Invoke the provided commands in parallel and collect their exit codes. pids=() for userCommand in "\${userCommands[@]}"; do eval "$userCommand" & pids+=($!) done # If any one of the invoked commands exited with a non-zero exit code, exit the whole thing with code 1. for pid in \${pids[*]}; do if ! wait $pid; then exit 1 fi done # All the invoked commands must have exited with code zero. exit 0 `; writeFileSync('./.github/workflows/', runCommandsInParallelScript); - name: Prepare command utils # We need to escape the workspace path to be consistent cross-platform: run: chmod +x ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE//\\//}/.github/workflows/ - name: Initialize the Nx Cloud distributed CI run run: npx nx-cloud start-ci-run # The good thing about the multi-line string input for sequential commands is that we can simply forward it on as is to the bash shell and it will behave # how we want it to in terms of quote escaping, variable assignment etc - name: Run any configured init-commands sequentially if: ${{ inputs.init-commands != '' }} run: | ${{ inputs.init-commands }} - name: Process parallel commands configuration uses: actions/github-script@v6 id: parallel_commands_config env: PARALLEL_COMMANDS: ${{ inputs.parallel-commands }} PARALLEL_COMMANDS_ON_AGENTS: ${{ inputs.parallel-commands-on-agents }} with: # For the ones configured for main, explicitly set NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION to false, taking into account commands chained with && # within the strings. In order to properly escape single quotes we need to do some manual replacing and escaping so that the commands # are forwarded onto the script appropriately. script: | const parallelCommandsOnMainStr = process.env.PARALLEL_COMMANDS || ''; const parallelCommandsOnAgentsStr = process.env.PARALLEL_COMMANDS_ON_AGENTS || ''; const parallelCommandsOnMain = parallelCommandsOnMainStr .split('\n') .map(command => command.trim()) .filter(command => command.length > 0) .map(s => s.replace(/'/g, '%27')); const parallelCommandsOnAgents = parallelCommandsOnAgentsStr .split('\n') .map(command => command.trim()) .filter(command => command.length > 0) .map(s => s.replace(/'/g, '%27')); const formattedArrayOfCommands = [ => s .split(' && ') .map(s => `NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION=false ${s}`) .join(' && ') ), ...parallelCommandsOnAgents, ]; const stringifiedEncodedArrayOfCommands = JSON.stringify(formattedArrayOfCommands) .replace(/%27/g, "'\\''"); return stringifiedEncodedArrayOfCommands result-encoding: string - name: Run any configured parallel commands on main and agent jobs # We need to escape the workspace path to be consistent cross-platform: run: ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE//\\//}/.github/workflows/ '${{ steps.parallel_commands_config.outputs.result }}' # The good thing about the multi-line string input for sequential commands is that we can simply forward it on as is to the bash shell and it will behave # how we want it to in terms of quote escaping, variable assignment etc - name: Run any configured final-commands sequentially if: ${{ != '' }} run: | ${{ }} - name: Stop all running agents for this CI run # It's important that we always run this step, otherwise in the case of any failures in preceding non-Nx steps, the agents will keep running and waste billable minutes if: ${{ always() }} run: npx nx-cloud stop-all-agents