import type { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import type { TestFn } from 'ava'; import ava from 'ava'; import request from 'supertest'; import { buildAppModule } from '../../src/app.module'; import { createTestingApp } from '../utils'; const gql = '/graphql'; const test = ava as TestFn<{ app: INestApplication; }>; test.before('start app', async t => { // @ts-expect-error override AFFiNE.flavor = { type: 'graphql', allinone: false, graphql: true, sync: false, renderer: false, } satisfies typeof AFFiNE.flavor; const { app } = await createTestingApp({ imports: [buildAppModule()], }); = app; }); test.after.always(async t => { await; }); test('should init app', async t => { await request( .post(gql) .send({ query: ` query { error } `, }) .expect(400); const response = await request( .post(gql) .send({ query: `query { serverConfig { name version type features } }`, }) .expect(200); const config =;, 'Affine'); t.true(Array.isArray(config.features)); }); test('should return 404 for unknown path', async t => { await request('/unknown').expect(404); t.pass(); }); test('should be able to call apis', async t => { const res = await request( .get('/info') .expect(200);, 'graphql'); });