import { mock } from 'node:test'; import { TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import test from 'ava'; import * as Sinon from 'sinon'; import { applyUpdate, decodeStateVector, Doc as YDoc, encodeStateAsUpdate, } from 'yjs'; import { Config } from '../src/config'; import { DocManager, DocModule } from '../src/modules/doc'; import { QuotaModule } from '../src/modules/quota'; import { StorageModule } from '../src/modules/storage'; import { PrismaService } from '../src/prisma'; import { createTestingModule, initTestingDB } from './utils'; const createModule = () => { return createTestingModule({ imports: [QuotaModule, StorageModule, DocModule], }); }; let m: TestingModule; let timer: Sinon.SinonFakeTimers; // cleanup database before each test test.beforeEach(async () => { timer = Sinon.useFakeTimers({ toFake: ['setInterval'], }); m = await createModule(); await m.init(); await initTestingDB(m.get(PrismaService)); }); test.afterEach.always(async () => { await m.close(); timer.restore(); }); test('should setup update poll interval', async t => { const m = await createModule(); const manager = m.get(DocManager); const fake = mock.method(manager, 'setup'); await m.init();, 1); // @ts-expect-error private member t.truthy(manager.job); m.close(); }); test('should be able to stop poll', async t => { const manager = m.get(DocManager); const fake = mock.method(manager, 'destroy'); await m.close();, 1); // @ts-expect-error private member, null); }); test('should poll when intervel due', async t => { const manager = m.get(DocManager); const interval = m.get(Config).doc.manager.updatePollInterval; let resolve: any; // @ts-expect-error private method const fake = mock.method(manager, 'autoSquash', () => { return new Promise(_resolve => { resolve = _resolve; }); }); timer.tick(interval);, 1); // busy timer.tick(interval); // @ts-expect-error private member, true);, 1); resolve(); await timer.tickAsync(1); // @ts-expect-error private member, false); timer.tick(interval);, 2); }); test('should merge update when intervel due', async t => { const db = m.get(PrismaService); const manager = m.get(DocManager); const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); text.insert(0, 'hello'); const update = encodeStateAsUpdate(doc); const ws = await db.workspace.create({ data: { id: '1', public: false, }, }); await db.update.createMany({ data: [ { id: '1', workspaceId: '1', blob: Buffer.from([0, 0]), seq: 1, }, { id: '1', workspaceId: '1', blob: Buffer.from(update), seq: 2, }, ], }); // @ts-expect-error private method await manager.autoSquash(); t.deepEqual( (await manager.getBinary(, '1'))?.toString('hex'), Buffer.from(update.buffer).toString('hex') ); let appendUpdate = Buffer.from([]); doc.on('update', update => { appendUpdate = Buffer.from(update); }); text.insert(5, 'world'); await db.update.create({ data: { workspaceId:, id: '1', blob: appendUpdate, seq: 3, }, }); // @ts-expect-error private method await manager.autoSquash(); t.deepEqual( (await manager.getBinary(, '1'))?.toString('hex'), Buffer.from(encodeStateAsUpdate(doc)).toString('hex') ); }); test('should have sequential update number', async t => { const db = m.get(PrismaService); const manager = m.get(DocManager); const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); const updates: Buffer[] = []; doc.on('update', update => { updates.push(Buffer.from(update)); }); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); await Promise.all( => manager.push('2', '2', update))); // [1,2,3] let records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); t.deepEqual({ seq }) => seq), [1, 2, 3] ); // @ts-expect-error private method await manager.autoSquash(); await db.snapshot.update({ where: { id_workspaceId: { id: '2', workspaceId: '2', }, }, data: { seq: 0x3ffffffe, }, }); await Promise.all( => manager.push('2', '2', update))); records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); // push a new update with new seq num await manager.push('2', '2', updates[0]); // let the manager ignore update with the new seq num const stub = Sinon.stub(manager, 'getUpdates').resolves(records); // @ts-expect-error private method await manager.autoSquash(); stub.restore(); records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); // should not merge in one run t.not(records.length, 0); }); test('should have correct sequential update number with batching push', async t => { const manager = m.get(DocManager); const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); const updates: Buffer[] = []; doc.on('update', update => { updates.push(Buffer.from(update)); }); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); await manager.batchPush('2', '2', updates); // [1,2,3] const records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); t.deepEqual({ seq }) => seq), [1, 2, 3] ); }); test('should retry if seq num conflict', async t => { const manager = m.get(DocManager); // @ts-expect-error private method const stub = Sinon.stub(manager, 'getUpdateSeq'); stub.onCall(0).resolves(1); // seq num conflict stub.onCall(1).resolves(1); stub.onCall(2).resolves(2); await t.notThrowsAsync(() => manager.push('1', '1', Buffer.from([0, 0]))); await t.notThrowsAsync(() => manager.push('1', '1', Buffer.from([0, 0])));, 3); }); test('should throw if meet max retry times', async t => { const manager = m.get(DocManager); // @ts-expect-error private method const stub = Sinon.stub(manager, 'getUpdateSeq'); stub.resolves(1); await t.notThrowsAsync(() => manager.push('1', '1', Buffer.from([0, 0]))); await t.throwsAsync( () => manager.push('1', '1', Buffer.from([0, 0]), 3 /* retry 3 times */), { message: 'Failed to push update' } );, 5); }); test('should not update snapshot if state is outdated', async t => { const db = m.get(PrismaService); const manager = m.get(DocManager); await db.snapshot.create({ data: { id: '2', workspaceId: '2', blob: Buffer.from([0, 0]), seq: 1, }, }); const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); const updates: Buffer[] = []; doc.on('update', update => { updates.push(Buffer.from(update)); }); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); await Promise.all( => manager.push('2', '2', update))); const updateWith3Records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); text.insert(11, '!'); await manager.push('2', '2', updates[3]); const updateWith4Records = await manager.getUpdates('2', '2'); // Simulation: // Node A get 3 updates and squash them at time 1, will finish at time 10 // Node B get 4 updates and squash them at time 3, will finish at time 8 // Node B finish the squash first, and update the snapshot // Node A finish the squash later, and update the snapshot to an outdated state // Time: ----------------------> // A: ^get ^upsert // B: ^get ^upsert // // We should avoid such situation // @ts-expect-error private await manager.squash(updateWith4Records, null); // @ts-expect-error private await manager.squash(updateWith3Records, null); const result = await db.snapshot.findUnique({ where: { id_workspaceId: { id: '2', workspaceId: '2', }, }, }); if (!result) {'snapshot not found'); return; } const state = decodeStateVector(result.state!);, 12); const d = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(d, result.blob!); const dtext = d.getText('content');, 'hello world!'); });