import { TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'; import test from 'ava'; import * as Sinon from 'sinon'; import { applyUpdate, Doc as YDoc, encodeStateAsUpdate } from 'yjs'; import { DocStorageModule, PgWorkspaceDocStorageAdapter as Adapter, } from '../../src/core/doc'; import { ConfigModule } from '../../src/fundamentals/config'; import { createTestingModule, initTestingDB } from '../utils'; let m: TestingModule; let db: PrismaClient; let adapter: Adapter; test.before('init testing module', async () => { m = await createTestingModule({ imports: [ ConfigModule.forRoot({ doc: { manager: { enableUpdateAutoMerging: false, }, }, }), DocStorageModule, ], }); db = m.get(PrismaClient); adapter = m.get(Adapter); // @ts-expect-error private method Sinon.stub(adapter, 'createDocHistory'); }); test.beforeEach(async () => { await initTestingDB(db); }); test.after.always(async () => { await m?.close(); }); /** * @deprecated `seq` would be removed */ test('should have sequential update number', async t => { const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); const updates: Buffer[] = []; doc.on('update', update => { updates.push(Buffer.from(update)); }); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); await adapter.pushDocUpdates('2', '2', updates); // [1,2,3] let records = await db.update.findMany({ where: { workspaceId: '2', id: '2', }, }); t.deepEqual({ seq }) => seq), [1, 2, 3] ); // merge await adapter.getDoc('2', '2'); // fake the seq num is about to overflow await db.snapshot.update({ where: { id_workspaceId: { id: '2', workspaceId: '2', }, }, data: { seq: 0x3ffffffe, }, }); await adapter.pushDocUpdates('2', '2', updates); records = await db.update.findMany({ where: { workspaceId: '2', id: '2', }, }); t.deepEqual({ seq }) => seq), [0x3ffffffe + 1, 0x3ffffffe + 2, 0x3ffffffe + 3] ); // push a new update with new seq num await adapter.pushDocUpdates('2', '2', updates.slice(0, 1)); // let the manager ignore update with the new seq num // @ts-expect-error private method const stub = Sinon.stub(adapter, 'getDocUpdates').resolves( => ({ bin: record.blob, timestamp: record.createdAt.getTime(), })) ); await adapter.getDoc('2', '2'); stub.restore(); // should not merge in one run t.not(await db.update.count(), 0); }); test('should retry if failed to insert updates', async t => { const stub = Sinon.stub(); const createMany = db.update.createMany; db.update.createMany = stub; stub.onCall(0).rejects(new Error()); stub.onCall(1).resolves(); await t.notThrowsAsync(() => adapter.pushDocUpdates('1', '1', [Buffer.from([0, 0])]) );, 2); stub.reset(); db.update.createMany = createMany; }); test('should throw if meet max retry times', async t => { const stub = Sinon.stub(); const createMany = db.update.createMany; db.update.createMany = stub; stub.rejects(new Error()); await t.throwsAsync( () => adapter.pushDocUpdates('1', '1', [Buffer.from([0, 0])]), { message: 'Failed to store doc updates.' } );, 4); stub.reset(); db.update.createMany = createMany; }); test('should be able to merge updates as snapshot', async t => { const doc = new YDoc(); const text = doc.getText('content'); text.insert(0, 'hello'); const update = encodeStateAsUpdate(doc); await db.workspace.create({ data: { id: '1', public: false, }, }); await db.update.createMany({ data: [ { id: '1', workspaceId: '1', blob: Buffer.from(update), seq: 1, createdAt: new Date( + 1), }, ], }); t.deepEqual( Buffer.from((await adapter.getDoc('1', '1'))!.bin), Buffer.from(update) ); let appendUpdate = Buffer.from([]); doc.on('update', update => { appendUpdate = Buffer.from(update); }); text.insert(5, 'world'); await db.update.create({ data: { workspaceId: '1', id: '1', blob: appendUpdate, seq: 2, createdAt: new Date(), }, }); { const { bin } = (await adapter.getDoc('1', '1'))!; const dbDoc = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(dbDoc, bin);'content').toString(), 'helloworld'); t.deepEqual(encodeStateAsUpdate(dbDoc), encodeStateAsUpdate(doc)); } }); test('should be able to merge updates into snapshot', async t => { const updates: Buffer[] = []; { const doc = new YDoc(); doc.on('update', data => { updates.push(Buffer.from(data)); }); const text = doc.getText('content'); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); text.insert(11, '!'); } { await adapter.pushDocUpdates('1', '1', updates.slice(0, 2)); // merge const { bin } = (await adapter.getDoc('1', '1'))!; const doc = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(doc, bin);'content').toString(), 'helloworld'); } { await adapter.pushDocUpdates('1', '1', updates.slice(2)); // merge const { bin } = (await adapter.getDoc('1', '1'))!; const doc = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(doc, bin);'content').toString(), 'hello world!'); } db.update.count(), 0); }); test('should not update snapshot if doc is outdated', async t => { const updates: Buffer[] = []; { const doc = new YDoc(); doc.on('update', data => { updates.push(Buffer.from(data)); }); const text = doc.getText('content'); text.insert(0, 'hello'); text.insert(5, 'world'); text.insert(5, ' '); text.insert(11, '!'); } await adapter.pushDocUpdates('2', '1', updates.slice(0, 2)); // 'helloworld' // merge await adapter.getDoc('2', '1'); // fake the snapshot is a lot newer await db.snapshot.update({ where: { id_workspaceId: { workspaceId: '2', id: '1', }, }, data: { updatedAt: new Date( + 10000), }, }); { await adapter.pushDocUpdates('2', '1', updates.slice(2)); // 'hello world!' const { bin } = (await adapter.getDoc('2', '1'))!; // all updated will merged into doc not matter it's timestamp is outdated or not, // but the snapshot record will not be updated const doc = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(doc, bin);'content').toString(), 'hello world!'); } { const doc = new YDoc(); applyUpdate(doc, (await adapter.getDoc('2', '1'))!.bin); // the snapshot will not get touched if the new doc's timestamp is outdated'content').toString(), 'helloworld'); // the updates are known as outdated, so they will be deleted db.update.count(), 0); } });