import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { test } from './libs/playwright.js'; import { loadPage } from './libs/load-page.js'; loadPage(); test.describe('Open contact us', () => { test.skip('Click about us', async ({ page }) => { const currentWorkspace = page.getByTestId('current-workspace'); await; // await page.waitForTimeout(1000); await page .getByRole('tooltip', { name: 'AFFiNE Log in to sync with affine About AFFiNE', }) .locator('div') .filter({ hasText: 'About AFFiNE' }) .nth(2) .click(); const contactUsModal = page.locator( '[data-testid=contact-us-modal-content]' ); await expect(contactUsModal).toContainText('AFFiNE Community'); }); test('Click right-bottom corner contact icon', async ({ page }) => { const faqIcon = page.locator('[data-testid=faq-icon]'); const box = await faqIcon.boundingBox(); expect(box?.x).not.toBeUndefined(); await page.mouse.move((box?.x ?? 0) + 10, (box?.y ?? 0) + 10); await page.mouse.move((box?.x ?? 0) + 5, (box?.y ?? 0) + 5); const rightBottomContactUs = page.locator( '[data-testid=right-bottom-contact-us-icon]' ); expect(await rightBottomContactUs.isVisible()).toEqual(true); await; const contactUsModal = page.locator( '[data-testid=contact-us-modal-content]' ); await expect(contactUsModal).toContainText('AFFiNE Community'); }); });