import { Controller, Get, HttpStatus, INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { APP_GUARD } from '@nestjs/core'; import ava, { TestFn } from 'ava'; import Sinon from 'sinon'; import request from 'supertest'; import { AuthGuard, AuthModule, CurrentUser, Public, } from '../../src/core/auth'; import { AuthService } from '../../src/core/auth/service'; import { createTestingApp } from '../utils'; @Controller('/') class TestController { @Public() @Get('/public') home(@CurrentUser() user?: CurrentUser) { return { user }; } @Get('/private') private(@CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser) { return { user }; } } const test = ava as TestFn<{ app: INestApplication; auth: Sinon.SinonStubbedInstance; }>; test.beforeEach(async t => { const { app } = await createTestingApp({ imports: [AuthModule], providers: [ { provide: APP_GUARD, useClass: AuthGuard, }, ], controllers: [TestController], tapModule: m => { m.overrideProvider(AuthService).useValue( Sinon.createStubInstance(AuthService) ); }, }); t.context.auth = app.get(AuthService); = app; }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { await; }); test('should be able to visit public api if not signed in', async t => { const { app } = t.context; const res = await request(app.getHttpServer()).get('/public').expect(200);, undefined); }); test('should be able to visit public api if signed in', async t => { const { app, auth } = t.context; // @ts-expect-error mock auth.getUser.resolves({ user: { id: '1' } }); const res = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/public') .set('Cookie', `${AuthService.sessionCookieName}=1`) .expect(HttpStatus.OK);, '1'); }); test('should not be able to visit private api if not signed in', async t => { const { app } = t.context; await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/private') .expect(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) .expect({ statusCode: 401, message: 'You are not signed in.', error: 'Unauthorized', }); t.assert(true); }); test('should be able to visit private api if signed in', async t => { const { app, auth } = t.context; // @ts-expect-error mock auth.getUser.resolves({ user: { id: '1' } }); const res = await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/private') .set('Cookie', `${AuthService.sessionCookieName}=1`) .expect(HttpStatus.OK);, '1'); }); test('should be able to parse session cookie', async t => { const { app, auth } = t.context; // @ts-expect-error mock auth.getUser.resolves({ user: { id: '1' } }); await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/public') .set('cookie', `${AuthService.sessionCookieName}=1`) .expect(200); t.deepEqual(auth.getUser.firstCall.args, ['1', 0]); }); test('should be able to parse bearer token', async t => { const { app, auth } = t.context; // @ts-expect-error mock auth.getUser.resolves({ user: { id: '1' } }); await request(app.getHttpServer()) .get('/public') .auth('1', { type: 'bearer' }) .expect(200); t.deepEqual(auth.getUser.firstCall.args, ['1', 0]); });