import { test } from '@affine-test/kit/playwright'; import { changeFilter, checkDatePicker, checkDatePickerMonth, checkFilterName, checkPagesCount, clickDatePicker, createFirstFilter, createPageWithTag, fillDatePicker, selectDateFromDatePicker, selectMonthFromMonthPicker, selectTag, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/filter'; import { openHomePage } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/load-page'; import { getBlockSuiteEditorTitle, newPage, waitEditorLoad, waitForAllPagesLoad, } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/page-logic'; import { clickSideBarAllPageButton } from '@affine-test/kit/utils/sidebar'; import type { Page } from '@playwright/test'; import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; function getAllPage(page: Page) { const newPageButton = page .locator('table') .getByRole('button', { name: 'New Page' }); const newPageDropdown = newPageButton.locator('svg'); const edgelessBlockCard = page.locator('table').getByText('New Edgeless'); async function clickNewPageButton() { return; } async function clickNewEdgelessDropdown() { await; await; } return { clickNewPageButton, clickNewEdgelessDropdown }; } test('all page', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); }); test('all page can create new page', async ({ page }) => { const { clickNewPageButton } = getAllPage(page); await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await clickNewPageButton(); const title = getBlockSuiteEditorTitle(page); await title.fill('this is a new page'); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); const cell = page.getByRole('cell', { name: 'this is a new page' }); expect(cell).not.toBeUndefined(); }); test('all page can create new edgeless page', async ({ page }) => { const { clickNewEdgelessDropdown } = getAllPage(page); await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await clickNewEdgelessDropdown(); await expect(page.locator('affine-edgeless-page')).toBeVisible(); }); test('allow creation of filters by favorite', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Favourited'); await page .locator('[data-testid="filter-arg"]', { hasText: 'true' }) .locator('div') .click(); await expect( await page.locator('[data-testid="filter-arg"]').textContent() ).toBe('false'); }); test('allow creation of filters by created time', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await newPage(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await waitForAllPagesLoad(page); const pages = await page.locator('[data-testid="title"]').all(); const pageCount = pages.length; expect(pageCount).not.toBe(0); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Created'); await checkFilterName(page, 'after'); // init date const yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); await checkDatePicker(page, yesterday); await checkPagesCount(page, 1); // change date const today = new Date(); await fillDatePicker(page, today); await checkPagesCount(page, 0); // change filter await page.locator('[data-testid="filter-name"]').click(); await page .locator('[data-testid="filter-name-select"]') .locator('button', { hasText: 'before' }) .click(); const tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); await fillDatePicker(page, tomorrow); await checkDatePicker(page, tomorrow); await checkPagesCount(page, pageCount); }); test('creation of filters by created time, then click date picker to modify the date', async ({ page, }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await newPage(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await waitForAllPagesLoad(page); const pages = await page.locator('[data-testid="title"]').all(); const pageCount = pages.length; expect(pageCount).not.toBe(0); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Created'); await checkFilterName(page, 'after'); // init date const yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); await checkDatePicker(page, yesterday); await checkPagesCount(page, 1); // change date const today = new Date(); await selectDateFromDatePicker(page, today); await checkPagesCount(page, 0); // change filter await page.locator('[data-testid="filter-name"]').click(); await page .locator('[data-testid="filter-name-select"]') .locator('button', { hasText: 'before' }) .click(); const tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); await selectDateFromDatePicker(page, tomorrow); await checkDatePicker(page, tomorrow); await checkPagesCount(page, pageCount); }); test('use monthpicker to modify the month of datepicker', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Created'); await checkFilterName(page, 'after'); // init date const yesterday = new Date(); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); await checkDatePicker(page, yesterday); // change month await clickDatePicker(page); const lastMonth = new Date(); lastMonth.setMonth(lastMonth.getMonth() - 1); await selectMonthFromMonthPicker(page, lastMonth); await checkDatePickerMonth(page, lastMonth); // change month await clickDatePicker(page); const nextMonth = new Date(); nextMonth.setMonth(nextMonth.getMonth() + 1); await selectMonthFromMonthPicker(page, nextMonth); await checkDatePickerMonth(page, nextMonth); }); test('allow creation of filters by tags', async ({ page }) => { await openHomePage(page); await waitEditorLoad(page); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await waitForAllPagesLoad(page); const pages = await page.locator('[data-testid="title"]').all(); const pageCount = pages.length; expect(pageCount).not.toBe(0); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Tags'); await checkFilterName(page, 'is not empty'); const pagesWithTags = await page.locator('[data-testid="title"]').all(); const pagesWithTagsCount = pagesWithTags.length; expect(pagesWithTagsCount).not.toBe(0); await createPageWithTag(page, { title: 'Page A', tags: ['A'] }); await createPageWithTag(page, { title: 'Page B', tags: ['B'] }); await clickSideBarAllPageButton(page); await createFirstFilter(page, 'Tags'); await checkFilterName(page, 'is not empty'); await checkPagesCount(page, pagesWithTagsCount + 2); await changeFilter(page, /^contains all/); await checkPagesCount(page, pageCount + 2); await selectTag(page, 'A'); await checkPagesCount(page, 1); await changeFilter(page, /^does not contains all/); await selectTag(page, 'B'); await checkPagesCount(page, pageCount + 1); });