import { z } from 'zod'; const _appConfigSchema = z.object({ /** whether to show onboarding first */ onBoarding: z.boolean().optional().default(true), /** whether to show change workspace guide modal */ dismissWorkspaceGuideModal: z.boolean().optional().default(false), }); export type AppConfigSchema = z.infer; export const defaultAppConfig = _appConfigSchema.parse({}); const _storage: Record = {}; let _inMemoryId = 0; interface StorageOptions { /** default config */ config: T; get?: () => T; set?: (data: T) => void; } /** * Storage for app configuration, stored in memory by default */ class Storage { private _cfg: T; private readonly _id = _inMemoryId++; private readonly _options; constructor(options: StorageOptions) { this._options = { get: () => _storage[this._id], set: (data: T) => (_storage[this._id] = data), ...options, }; this._cfg = this.get() ?? options.config; } /** * update entire config * @param data */ set(data: T) { try { this._options.set(data); } catch (err) { console.error('failed to save config', err); } this._cfg = data; } get(): T; get(key: keyof T): T[keyof T]; /** * get config, if key is provided, return the value of the key * @param key * @returns */ get(key?: keyof T): T | T[keyof T] { if (!key) { try { const cfg = this._options.get(); if (!cfg) { this.set(this._options.config); return this._options.config; } return cfg; } catch (err) { return this._cfg; } } else { const fullConfig = this.get(); // TODO: handle key not found, set default value // if (!(key in fullConfig)) {} return fullConfig[key]; } } /** * update a key in config * @param key * @param value */ patch(key: keyof T, value: any) { this.set({ ...this.get(), [key]: value }); } get value(): T { return this.get(); } } export class AppConfigStorage extends Storage {}