akumatus 2f79104bdb
feat(core): support ai insert image, mindmap, slides and make it real in page mode (#9164)
Support issue [BS-2085](

### What changed?
- Refactor the `actionToAnswerRenderer` function to support reuse in both page mode and edgeless mode.
- Add a new `page-response.ts` module to handle AI-generated answers in page mode.
    - Remove the redundant `edgelessHandler` function from `_common/config.ts`.
- Introduce the `AIContext` class along with the `ctx` TypeScript type to standardize context management.
- Implement the `createTemplateJob` function to enable AI slide insertion in both page mode and edgeless mode.

Insert mindmap on page mode:
<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src=""></video>

Insert image on edgeless note
<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src=""></video>

Insert image on page mode:
<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src=""></video>

Generate image from image:
<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src=""></video>

Insert presentation on page mode:
<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src=""></video>

Insert make it real on page mode:

<div class='graphite__hidden'>
          <div>🎥 Video uploaded on Graphite:</div>
            <a href="">
              <img src="">
<video src="">make it</video>
2024-12-16 10:04:16 +00:00

97 lines
2.9 KiB

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