donteatfriedrice ca6e8c380b
feat: bump blocksuite (#8705)
## Feat

- feat: add pdf viewer to playground (#8650)
- feat: add view toggle menu to toolbar of attachment block (#8660)
- feat: attachment embedded view supports configurable (#8658)

## Fix

- fix: tidy up after multiple images uploaded (#8671)
- fix: unable to add caption for linked document of embedded view (#8670)
- fix(blocks): code block should update highlight when theme changed (#8669)
- fix(edgeless): allow right click of tool controller (#8652)
- fix(database): short name of tag type (#8665)
- fix: the content of formula should contain spaces (#8647)
- fix: import notion database with title (#8661)
- fix(page): bookmark block selected style (#8656)
- fix(edgeless): switching shape style and color, the preview does not change in time (#8655)
- fix(blocks): size of icons are not consistent in keyboard toolbar (#8653)
- fix: use host instead of offsetParent (#8651)

## Refactor

- refactor(database): filter ui (#8611)

## Ci

- ci: renovate pr title lint (#8666)
2024-11-05 08:54:00 +00:00

93 lines
2.8 KiB

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