This commit is contained in:
Tom Ellis 2024-09-27 13:18:32 +01:00
parent 2c7c19ca31
commit 60f518f8fd
4 changed files with 2 additions and 2357 deletions

View File

@ -77,18 +77,11 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src
base >= 4.12 && < 4.21,
unliftio-core < 0.3,
transformers < 0.7,
transformers-base < 0.5,
monad-control < 1.1,
ghc-options: -Wall
test-suite bluefin-test
import: defaults

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Bluefin.Internal.Examples where
import Bluefin.Internal hiding (w)
import Bluefin.Internal.Pipes
( Producer,
import qualified Bluefin.Internal.Pipes as P
import Control.Exception (IOException)
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Functor.Linear as L
import Control.Monad (forever, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Monoid (Any (Any, getAny))
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Prelude hiding
( break,
import qualified Prelude
monadIOExample :: IO ()
monadIOExample = runEff $ \io -> withMonadIO io $ liftIO $ do
name <- readLn
putStrLn ("Hello " ++ name)
monadFailExample :: Either String ()
monadFailExample = runPureEff $ try $ \e ->
when ((2 :: Int) > 1) $
withMonadFail e (fail "2 was bigger than 1")
throwExample :: Either Int String
throwExample = runPureEff $ try $ \e -> do
_ <- throw e 42
pure "No exception thrown"
handleExample :: String
handleExample = runPureEff $ handle (pure . show) $ \e -> do
_ <- throw e (42 :: Int)
pure "No exception thrown"
exampleGet :: (Int, Int)
exampleGet = runPureEff $ runState 10 $ \st -> do
n <- get st
pure (2 * n)
examplePut :: ((), Int)
examplePut = runPureEff $ runState 10 $ \st -> do
put st 30
exampleModify :: ((), Int)
exampleModify = runPureEff $ runState 10 $ \st -> do
modify st (* 2)
yieldExample :: ([Int], ())
yieldExample = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
yield y 1
yield y 2
yield y 100
withYieldToListExample :: Int
withYieldToListExample = runPureEff $ withYieldToList $ \y -> do
yield y (1 :: Int)
yield y 2
yield y 100
pure length
forEachExample :: ([Int], ())
forEachExample = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
forEach (inFoldable [0 .. 4]) $ \i -> do
yield y i
yield y (i * 10)
inFoldableExample :: ([Int], ())
inFoldableExample = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ inFoldable [1, 2, 100]
enumerateExample :: ([(Int, String)], ())
enumerateExample = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ enumerate (inFoldable ["A", "B", "C"])
returnEarlyExample :: String
returnEarlyExample = runPureEff $ withEarlyReturn $ \e -> do
for_ [1 :: Int .. 10] $ \i -> do
when (i >= 5) $
returnEarly e ("Returned early with " ++ show i)
pure "End of loop"
effIOExample :: IO ()
effIOExample = runEff $ \io -> do
effIO io (putStrLn "Hello world!")
example1_ :: (Int, Int)
example1_ =
let example1 :: Int -> Int
example1 n = runPureEff $ evalState n $ \st -> do
n' <- get st
when (n' < 10) $
put st (n' + 10)
get st
in (example1 5, example1 12)
example2_ :: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
example2_ =
let example2 :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
example2 (m, n) = runPureEff $
evalState m $ \sm -> do
evalState n $ \sn -> do
n' <- get sn
m' <- get sm
if n' < m'
then put sn (n' + 10)
else put sm (m' + 10)
n' <- get sn
m' <- get sm
pure (n', m')
in (example2 (5, 10), example2 (12, 5))
example3' :: Int -> Either String Int
example3' n = runPureEff $
try $ \ex -> do
evalState 0 $ \total -> do
for_ [1 .. n] $ \i -> do
soFar <- get total
when (soFar > 20) $ do
throw ex ("Became too big: " ++ show soFar)
put total (soFar + i)
get total
-- Count non-empty lines from stdin, and print a friendly message,
-- until we see "STOP".
example3_ :: IO ()
example3_ = runEff $ \io -> do
let getLineUntilStop y = withJump $ \stop -> forever $ do
line <- effIO io getLine
when (line == "STOP") $
jumpTo stop
yield y line
nonEmptyLines =
( \case
"" -> Nothing
line -> Just line
enumeratedLines = enumerateFrom 1 nonEmptyLines
formattedLines =
(\(i, line) -> show i ++ ". Hello! You said " ++ line)
forEach formattedLines $ \line -> effIO io (putStrLn line)
-- Count the number of (strictly) positives and (strictly) negatives
-- in a list, unless we see a zero, in which case we bail with an
-- error message.
countPositivesNegatives :: [Int] -> String
countPositivesNegatives is = runPureEff $
evalState (0 :: Int) $ \positives -> do
r <- try $ \ex ->
evalState (0 :: Int) $ \negatives -> do
for_ is $ \i -> do
case compare i 0 of
GT -> modify positives (+ 1)
EQ -> throw ex ()
LT -> modify negatives (+ 1)
p <- get positives
n <- get negatives
pure $
"Positives: "
++ show p
++ ", negatives "
++ show n
case r of
Right r' -> pure r'
Left () -> do
p <- get positives
pure $
"We saw a zero, but before that there were "
++ show p
++ " positives"
-- How to make compound effects
type MyHandle = Compound (State Int) (Exception String)
myInc :: (e :> es) => MyHandle e -> Eff es ()
myInc h = withCompound h (\s _ -> modify s (+ 1))
myBail :: (e :> es) => MyHandle e -> Eff es r
myBail h = withCompound h $ \s e -> do
i <- get s
throw e ("Current state was: " ++ show i)
runMyHandle ::
(forall e. MyHandle e -> Eff (e :& es) a) ->
Eff es (Either String (a, Int))
runMyHandle f =
try $ \e -> do
runState 0 $ \s -> do
runCompound s e f
compoundExample :: Either String (a, Int)
compoundExample = runPureEff $ runMyHandle $ \h -> do
myInc h
myInc h
myBail h
countExample :: IO ()
countExample = runEff $ \io -> do
evalState @Int 0 $ \sn -> do
withJump $ \break -> forever $ do
n <- get sn
when (n >= 10) (jumpTo break)
effIO io (print n)
modify sn (+ 1)
writerExample1 :: Bool
writerExample1 = getAny $ runPureEff $ execWriter $ \w -> do
for_ [] $ \_ -> tell w (Any True)
writerExample2 :: Bool
writerExample2 = getAny $ runPureEff $ execWriter $ \w -> do
for_ [1 .. 10 :: Int] $ \_ -> tell w (Any True)
while :: Eff es Bool -> Eff es a -> Eff es ()
while condM body =
withJump $ \break_ -> do
forever $ do
cond <- insertFirst condM
unless cond (jumpTo break_)
insertFirst body
stateSourceExample :: Int
stateSourceExample = runPureEff $ withStateSource $ \source -> do
n <- newState source 5
total <- newState source 0
withJump $ \done -> forever $ do
n' <- get n
modify total (+ n')
when (n' == 0) $ jumpTo done
modify n (subtract 1)
get total
incrementReadLine ::
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es, e3 :> es) =>
State Int e1 ->
Exception String e2 ->
IOE e3 ->
Eff es ()
incrementReadLine state exception io = do
withJump $ \break -> forever $ do
line <- effIO io getLine
i <- case readMaybe line of
Nothing ->
throw exception ("Couldn't read: " ++ line)
Just i ->
pure i
when (i == 0) $
jumpTo break
modify state (+ i)
runIncrementReadLine :: IO (Either String Int)
runIncrementReadLine = runEff $ \io -> do
try $ \exception -> do
((), r) <- runState 0 $ \state -> do
incrementReadLine state exception io
pure r
-- Counter 1
newtype Counter1 e = MkCounter1 (State Int e)
incCounter1 :: (e :> es) => Counter1 e -> Eff es ()
incCounter1 (MkCounter1 st) = modify st (+ 1)
runCounter1 ::
(forall e. Counter1 e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter1 k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- k (MkCounter1 st)
get st
exampleCounter1 :: Int
exampleCounter1 = runPureEff $ runCounter1 $ \c -> do
incCounter1 c
incCounter1 c
incCounter1 c
-- > exampeleCounter1
-- 3
-- Counter 2
data Counter2 e1 e2 = MkCounter2 (State Int e1) (Exception () e2)
incCounter2 :: (e1 :> es, e2 :> es) => Counter2 e1 e2 -> Eff es ()
incCounter2 (MkCounter2 st ex) = do
count <- get st
when (count >= 10) $
throw ex ()
put st (count + 1)
runCounter2 ::
(forall e1 e2. Counter2 e1 e2 -> Eff (e2 :& e1 :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter2 k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- try $ \ex -> do
k (MkCounter2 st ex)
get st
exampleCounter2 :: Int
exampleCounter2 = runPureEff $ runCounter2 $ \c ->
forever $
incCounter2 c
-- > exampleCounter2
-- 10
-- Counter 3
data Counter3 e = MkCounter3 (State Int e) (Exception () e)
incCounter3 :: (e :> es) => Counter3 e -> Eff es ()
incCounter3 (MkCounter3 st ex) = do
count <- get st
when (count >= 10) $
throw ex ()
put st (count + 1)
runCounter3 ::
(forall e. Counter3 e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter3 k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- try $ \ex -> do
useImplIn k (MkCounter3 (mapHandle st) (mapHandle ex))
get st
exampleCounter3 :: Int
exampleCounter3 = runPureEff $ runCounter3 $ \c ->
forever $
incCounter3 c
-- > exampleCounter3
-- 10
-- Counter 4
data Counter4 e
= MkCounter4 (State Int e) (Exception () e) (Stream String e)
incCounter4 :: (e :> es) => Counter4 e -> Eff es ()
incCounter4 (MkCounter4 st ex y) = do
count <- get st
when (even count) $
yield y "Count was even"
when (count >= 10) $
throw ex ()
put st (count + 1)
getCounter4 :: (e :> es) => Counter4 e -> String -> Eff es Int
getCounter4 (MkCounter4 st _ y) msg = do
yield y msg
get st
runCounter4 ::
(e1 :> es) =>
Stream String e1 ->
(forall e. Counter4 e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter4 y k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- try $ \ex -> do
useImplIn k (MkCounter4 (mapHandle st) (mapHandle ex) (mapHandle y))
get st
exampleCounter4 :: ([String], Int)
exampleCounter4 = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
runCounter4 y $ \c -> do
incCounter4 c
incCounter4 c
n <- getCounter4 c "I'm getting the counter"
when (n == 2) $
yield y "n was 2, as expected"
-- > exampleCounter4
-- (["Count was even","I'm getting the counter","n was 2, as expected"],2)
-- Counter 5
data Counter5 e = MkCounter5
{ incCounter5Impl :: Eff e (),
getCounter5Impl :: String -> Eff e Int
incCounter5 :: (e :> es) => Counter5 e -> Eff es ()
incCounter5 e = useImpl (incCounter5Impl e)
getCounter5 :: (e :> es) => Counter5 e -> String -> Eff es Int
getCounter5 e msg = useImpl (getCounter5Impl e msg)
runCounter5 ::
(e1 :> es) =>
Stream String e1 ->
(forall e. Counter5 e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter5 y k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- try $ \ex -> do
( MkCounter5
{ incCounter5Impl = do
count <- get st
when (even count) $
yield y "Count was even"
when (count >= 10) $
throw ex ()
put st (count + 1),
getCounter5Impl = \msg -> do
yield y msg
get st
get st
exampleCounter5 :: ([String], Int)
exampleCounter5 = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
runCounter5 y $ \c -> do
incCounter5 c
incCounter5 c
n <- getCounter5 c "I'm getting the counter"
when (n == 2) $
yield y "n was 2, as expected"
-- > exampleCounter5
-- (["Count was even","I'm getting the counter","n was 2, as expected"],2)
-- Counter 6
data Counter6 e = MkCounter6
{ incCounter6Impl :: Eff e (),
counter6State :: State Int e,
counter6Stream :: Stream String e
incCounter6 :: (e :> es) => Counter6 e -> Eff es ()
incCounter6 e = useImpl (incCounter6Impl e)
getCounter6 :: (e :> es) => Counter6 e -> String -> Eff es Int
getCounter6 (MkCounter6 _ st y) msg = do
yield y msg
get st
runCounter6 ::
(e1 :> es) =>
Stream String e1 ->
(forall e. Counter6 e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es Int
runCounter6 y k =
evalState 0 $ \st -> do
_ <- try $ \ex -> do
( MkCounter6
{ incCounter6Impl = do
count <- get st
when (even count) $
yield y "Count was even"
when (count >= 10) $
throw ex ()
put st (count + 1),
counter6State = mapHandle st,
counter6Stream = mapHandle y
get st
exampleCounter6 :: ([String], Int)
exampleCounter6 = runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
runCounter6 y $ \c -> do
incCounter6 c
incCounter6 c
n <- getCounter6 c "I'm getting the counter"
when (n == 2) $
yield y "n was 2, as expected"
-- > exampleCounter6
-- (["Count was even","I'm getting the counter","n was 2, as expected"],2)
-- FileSystem
data FileSystem es = MkFileSystem
{ readFileImpl :: FilePath -> Eff es String,
writeFileImpl :: FilePath -> String -> Eff es ()
readFile :: (e :> es) => FileSystem e -> FilePath -> Eff es String
readFile fs filepath = useImpl (readFileImpl fs filepath)
writeFile :: (e :> es) => FileSystem e -> FilePath -> String -> Eff es ()
writeFile fs filepath contents = useImpl (writeFileImpl fs filepath contents)
runFileSystemPure ::
(e1 :> es) =>
Exception String e1 ->
[(FilePath, String)] ->
(forall e2. FileSystem e2 -> Eff (e2 :& es) r) ->
Eff es r
runFileSystemPure ex fs0 k =
evalState fs0 $ \fs ->
{ readFileImpl = \path -> do
fs' <- get fs
case lookup path fs' of
Nothing ->
throw ex ("File not found: " <> path)
Just s -> pure s,
writeFileImpl = \path contents ->
modify fs ((path, contents) :)
runFileSystemIO ::
forall e1 e2 es r.
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
Exception String e1 ->
IOE e2 ->
(forall e. FileSystem e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Eff es r
runFileSystemIO ex io k =
{ readFileImpl =
adapt . Prelude.readFile,
writeFileImpl =
\path -> adapt . Prelude.writeFile path
adapt :: (e1 :> ess, e2 :> ess) => IO a -> Eff ess a
adapt m =
effIO io (Control.Exception.try @IOException m) >>= \case
Left e -> throw ex (show e)
Right r -> pure r
action :: (e :> es) => FileSystem e -> Eff es String
action fs = do
file <- readFile fs "/dev/null"
when (length file == 0) $ do
writeFile fs "/tmp/bluefin" "Hello!\n"
readFile fs "/tmp/doesn't exist"
exampleRunFileSystemPure :: Either String String
exampleRunFileSystemPure = runPureEff $ try $ \ex ->
runFileSystemPure ex [("/dev/null", "")] action
-- > exampleRunFileSystemPure
-- Left "File not found: /tmp/doesn't exist"
exampleRunFileSystemIO :: IO (Either String String)
exampleRunFileSystemIO = runEff $ \io -> try $ \ex ->
runFileSystemIO ex io action
-- > exampleRunFileSystemIO
-- Left "/tmp/doesn't exist: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)"
-- \$ cat /tmp/bluefin
-- Hello!
-- instance Handle example
data Application e = MkApplication
{ queryDatabase :: String -> Int -> Eff e [String],
applicationState :: State (Int, Bool) e,
logger :: Stream String e
instance Handle Application where
{ queryDatabase = q,
applicationState = a,
logger = l
} =
{ queryDatabase = (fmap . fmap) useImpl q,
applicationState = mapHandle a,
logger = mapHandle l
-- This example shows a case where we can use @bracket@ polymorphically
-- in order to perform correct cleanup if @es@ is instantiated to a
-- set of effects that includes exceptions.
polymorphicBracket ::
(st :> es) =>
State (Integer, Bool) st ->
Eff es () ->
Eff es ()
polymorphicBracket st act =
(pure ())
-- Always set the boolean indicating that we have terminated
(\_ -> modify st (\(c, _) -> (c, True)))
-- Perform the given effectful action, then increment the counter
(\_ -> do act; modify st (\(c, b_) -> ((c + 1), b_)))
-- Results in (1, True)
polymorphicBracketExample1 :: (Integer, Bool)
polymorphicBracketExample1 =
runPureEff $ do
(_res, st) <- runState (0, False) $ \st -> polymorphicBracket st (pure ())
pure st
-- Results in (0, True)
polymorphicBracketExample2 :: (Integer, Bool)
polymorphicBracketExample2 =
runPureEff $ do
(_res, st) <- runState (0, False) $ \st -> try $ \e -> polymorphicBracket st (throw e (42 :: Int))
pure st
pipesExample1 :: IO ()
pipesExample1 = runEff $ \io -> runEffect (count >-> P.print io)
count :: (e :> es) => Producer Int e -> Eff es ()
count p = for_ [1 .. 5] $ \i -> P.yield p i
pipesExample2 :: IO String
pipesExample2 = runEff $ \io -> runEffect $ do
stdinLn io >-> takeWhile' (/= "quit") >-> stdoutLn io
-- Acquiring resource
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- 5
-- Releasing resource
-- Finishing
promptCoroutine :: IO ()
promptCoroutine = runEff $ \io -> do
-- receiveStream connects a consumer to a producer
-- Like a pipes Consumer. Prints the first five elements it
-- receives.
( \r -> for_ [1 :: Int .. 5] $ \_ -> do
v <- yieldCoroutine r ()
effIO io (print v)
-- Like a pipes Producer. Yields successive integers indefinitely.
-- Unlike in pipes, we can simply use Bluefin's standard bracket
-- for prompt release of a resource
( \y ->
(effIO io (putStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(\_ -> effIO io (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 :: Int ..] $ \i -> yield y i)
effIO io (putStrLn "Finishing")
linearlyExample :: IO ()
linearlyExample = runEff $ \io ->
( \out -> do
(\() y -> for_ ['A' .. 'H'] $ \i -> yield y i)
\l1 ->
(\() y -> for_ [1 :: Int .. 3] $ \i -> yield y i)
\l2 ->
alternate out l1 l2
(\s -> effIO io (putStrLn s))
alternate ::
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es, e3 :> es, Show a1, Show a2) =>
Stream String e3 ->
Linearly () a1 () e1 %1 ->
Linearly () a2 () e2 %1 ->
Eff es ()
alternate y l1 l2 =
yieldLinearly l1 () L.>>= \case
Right (Ur r) ->
yield y ("done: " <> show r)
yieldAll y l2
Left (Ur s, l1') ->
yield y ("got: " <> show s)
alternate y l2 l1'
yieldAll ::
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es, Show a) =>
Stream String e1 ->
Linearly () a () e2 %1 ->
Eff es ()
yieldAll y l =
yieldLinearly l () L.>>= \case
Right (Ur r) ->
yield y ("done: " <> show r)
Left (Ur s, l1) ->
yield y ("got: " <> show s)
yieldAll y l1

View File

@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
module Bluefin.Internal.Pipes where
import Bluefin.Internal hiding (yield)
import qualified Bluefin.Internal
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Prelude hiding (break, print, takeWhile)
import qualified Prelude
data Proxy a' a b' b e = MkProxy (Coroutine a' a e) (Coroutine b b' e)
type Pipe a = Proxy () a ()
type Producer = Proxy Void () ()
type Consumer a = Pipe a Void
type Effect = Producer Void
infixl 7 >->
(>->) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(forall e. Proxy a' a () b e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
(forall e. Proxy () b c' c e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Proxy a' a c' c e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
(>->) k1 k2 (MkProxy c1 c2) =
(\c -> useImplIn k2 (MkProxy (mapHandle c) (mapHandle c2)))
(\s -> useImplIn k1 (MkProxy (mapHandle c1) (mapHandle s)))
infixr 7 <-<
(<-<) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(forall e. Proxy () b c' c e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
(forall e. Proxy a' a () b e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
Proxy a' a c' c e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
k1 <-< k2 = k2 >-> k1
for ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(forall e. Proxy x' x b' b e -> Eff (e :& es) a') ->
(b -> forall e. Proxy x' x c' c e -> Eff (e :& es) b') ->
Proxy x' x c' c e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es a'
for k1 k2 (MkProxy c1 c2) =
forEach (\bk -> useImplIn k1 (MkProxy (mapHandle c1) (mapHandle bk))) $ \b_ ->
useImplIn (k2 b_) (MkProxy (mapHandle c1) (mapHandle c2))
infixr 4 ~>
(~>) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(a -> forall e. Proxy x' x b' b e -> Eff (e :& es) a') ->
(b -> forall e. Proxy x' x c' c e -> Eff (e :& es) b') ->
a ->
Proxy x' x c' c e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es a'
(k1 ~> k2) a = for (k1 a) k2
infixl 4 <~
(<~) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(b -> forall e. Proxy x' x c' c e -> Eff (e :& es) b') ->
(a -> forall e. Proxy x' x b' b e -> Eff (e :& es) a') ->
a ->
Proxy x' x c' c e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es a'
k2 <~ k1 = k1 ~> k2
reverseProxy :: Proxy a' a b' b e -> Proxy b b' a a' e
reverseProxy (MkProxy c1 c2) = MkProxy c2 c1
infixl 5 >~
(>~) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(forall e. Proxy a' a y' y e -> Eff (e :& es) b) ->
(forall e. Proxy () b y' y e -> Eff (e :& es) c) ->
Proxy a' a y' y e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es c
(>~) k1 k2 p =
( \p1 ->
k2 (reverseProxy p1)
(\() p1 -> k1 (reverseProxy p1))
(reverseProxy p)
infixr 5 ~<
(~<) ::
(e1 :> es) =>
(forall e. Proxy () b y' y e -> Eff (e :& es) c) ->
(forall e. Proxy a' a y' y e -> Eff (e :& es) b) ->
Proxy a' a y' y e1 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es c
(~<) k1 k2 = (>~) k2 k1
cat :: Pipe a a e -> Eff (e :& es) r
cat (MkProxy c1 c2) = forever $ do
a <- yieldCoroutine c1 ()
yieldCoroutine c2 a
runEffect ::
(forall e. Effect e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
runEffect k =
( \c1 ->
( \c2 ->
(MkProxy (mapHandle c1) (mapHandle c2))
yield ::
(e :> es) =>
Proxy x1 x () a e ->
a ->
-- | ͘
Eff es ()
yield (MkProxy _ c) = Bluefin.Internal.yield c
await :: (e :> es) => Proxy () a y' y e -> Eff es a
await (MkProxy c _) = yieldCoroutine c ()
-- | @pipe@'s 'next' doesn't exist in Bluefin
next :: ()
next = ()
each ::
(Foldable f) =>
f a ->
Proxy x' x () a e ->
-- | ͘
Eff (e :& es) ()
each f p = for_ f (yield p)
repeatM ::
(e :> es) =>
Eff es a ->
Proxy x' x () a e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
repeatM e p = forever $ do
a <- e
yield p a
replicateM ::
(e :> es) =>
Int ->
Eff es a ->
Proxy x' x () a e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es ()
replicateM n e p = for_ [0 .. n] $ \_ -> do
a <- e
yield p a
print ::
(e2 :> es, e1 :> es, Show a) =>
IOE e1 ->
Consumer a e2 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
print io p = forever $ do
a <- await p
effIO io (Prelude.print a)
unfoldr ::
(e :> es) =>
(s -> Eff es (Either r (a, s))) ->
s ->
Proxy x1 x () a e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
unfoldr next_ sInit p =
withEarlyReturn $ \break -> evalState sInit $ \ss -> forever $ do
s <- get ss
useImpl (next_ s) >>= \case
Left r -> returnEarly break r
Right (a, s') -> do
put ss s'
yield p a
mapM_ ::
(e :> es) =>
(a -> Eff es ()) ->
Proxy () a b b' e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
mapM_ f = for cat (\a _ -> useImpl (f a))
drain ::
(e :> es) =>
Proxy () b c' c e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
drain = for cat (\_ _ -> pure ())
map ::
(e :> es) =>
(a -> b) ->
Pipe a b e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
map f = for cat (\a p1 -> yield p1 (f a))
mapM ::
(e :> es) =>
(a -> Eff es b) ->
Pipe a b e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
mapM f = for cat $ \a p -> do
b_ <- useImpl (f a)
yield p b_
takeWhile' ::
(e :> es) =>
(r -> Bool) ->
Pipe r r e ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
takeWhile' predicate p = withEarlyReturn $ \early -> forever $ do
a <- await p
if predicate a
then yield p a
else returnEarly early a
stdinLn ::
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
IOE e1 ->
Producer String e2 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
stdinLn io c = forever $ do
line <- effIO io getLine
yield c line
stdoutLn ::
(e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
IOE e1 ->
Consumer String e2 ->
-- | ͘
Eff es r
stdoutLn io c = forever $ do
line <- await c
effIO io (putStrLn line)