diff --git a/FiraCode.glyphs b/FiraCode.glyphs index f70b8de..643903f 100644 --- a/FiraCode.glyphs +++ b/FiraCode.glyphs @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ DisplayStrings = ( classes = ( { automatic = 1; -code = "A Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Amacron Aogonek Aring Atilde AE AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek F G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent H Hbar Hcircumflex I IJ Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Imacron Iogonek Itilde J Jcircumflex K Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Lslash M N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Eng Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Oslashacute Otilde OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent S Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent T Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent U Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK Dche-cy Dzzhe-cy Eldescender-cy EnLeftHook-cy A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Iishorttail-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Omega-cy Yat-cy Eiotified-cy Yuslittle-cy Yuslittleiotified-cy Yusbig-cy Yusbigiotified-cy Ksi-cy Psi-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Izhitsadblgrave-cy Uk-cy Ghestroke-cy Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kastroke-cy Kabashkir-cy Endescender-cy Pemiddlehook-cy Pedescender-cy Haabkhasian-cy Esdescender-cy Tedescender-cy Ustrait-cy Ustraitstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Shhadescender-cy Cheabkhasian-cy Chedescenderabkhasian-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Kahook-cy Eltail-cy Enhook-cy Entail-cy Chekhakassian-cy Emtail-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Schwadieresis-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Dzeabkhasian-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Obarreddieresis-cy Edieresis-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Gestrokehook-cy Hahook-cy Hastroke-cy Komide-cy Komidje-cy Komizje-cy Komidzje-cy Komilje-cy Kominje-cy Komisje-cy Komitje-cy Reversedze-cy Elhook-cy Lha-cy Rha-cy Yae-cy Qa-cy We-cy Aleutka-cy Elmiddlehook-cy Enmiddlehook-cy Semisoftsign-cy Ertick-cy Yot-greek Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega Alphatonos Epsilontonos Etatonos Iotatonos Omicrontonos Upsilontonos Omegatonos Iotadieresis Upsilondieresis Heta Archaicsampi Pamphyliandigamma KoppaArchaic Stigma Digamma Koppa Sampi KaiSymbol UpsilonhookSymbol UpsilonacutehookSymbol UpsilondieresishookSymbol ThetaSymbol Sho SigmaLunateSymbol San SigmaLunateReversedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedReversedSymbol Alphapsili Alphadasia Alphapsilivaria Alphadasiavaria Alphapsilioxia Alphadasiaoxia Alphapsiliperispomeni Alphadasiaperispomeni Alphavaria Alphaoxia Alphavrachy Alphamacron Alphaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Epsilonpsili Epsilondasia Epsilonpsilivaria Epsilondasiavaria Epsilonpsilioxia Epsilondasiaoxia Epsilonvaria Epsilonoxia Etapsili Etadasia Etapsilivaria Etadasiavaria Etapsilioxia Etadasiaoxia Etapsiliperispomeni Etadasiaperispomeni Etavaria Etaoxia Etaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliprosgegrammeni Etadasiaprosgegrammeni Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Iotapsili Iotadasia Iotapsilivaria Iotadasiavaria Iotapsilioxia Iotadasiaoxia Iotapsiliperispomeni Iotadasiaperispomeni Iotavaria Iotaoxia Iotavrachy Iotamacron Omicronpsili Omicrondasia Omicronpsilivaria Omicrondasiavaria Omicronpsilioxia Omicrondasiaoxia Omicronvaria Omicronoxia Rhodasia Upsilondasia Upsilondasiavaria Upsilondasiaoxia Upsilondasiaperispomeni Upsilonvaria Upsilonoxia Upsilonvrachy Upsilonmacron Omegapsili Omegadasia Omegapsilivaria Omegadasiavaria Omegapsilioxia Omegadasiaoxia Omegapsiliperispomeni Omegadasiaperispomeni Omegavaria Omegaoxia Omegaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni"; +code = "A Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Amacron Aogonek Aring Atilde AE AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek F G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent H Hbar Hcircumflex I IJ Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Imacron Iogonek Itilde J Jcircumflex K Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Lslash M N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Eng Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Oslashacute Otilde OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent S Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent T Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent U Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK Dche-cy Dzzhe-cy Eldescender-cy EnLeftHook-cy A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Iishorttail-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Omega-cy Yat-cy Eiotified-cy Yuslittle-cy Yuslittleiotified-cy Yusbig-cy Yusbigiotified-cy Ksi-cy Psi-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Izhitsadblgrave-cy Uk-cy Ghestroke-cy Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kastroke-cy Kabashkir-cy Endescender-cy Enghe-cy Pemiddlehook-cy Pedescender-cy Haabkhasian-cy Esdescender-cy Tedescender-cy Ustrait-cy Ustraitstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Tetse-cy Chedescender-cy Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Shhadescender-cy Cheabkhasian-cy Chedescenderabkhasian-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Kahook-cy Eltail-cy Enhook-cy Entail-cy Chekhakassian-cy Emtail-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Aie-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Schwadieresis-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Dzeabkhasian-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Obarreddieresis-cy Edieresis-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Gestrokehook-cy Hahook-cy Hastroke-cy Komide-cy Komidje-cy Komizje-cy Komidzje-cy Komilje-cy Kominje-cy Komisje-cy Komitje-cy Reversedze-cy Elhook-cy Lha-cy Rha-cy Yae-cy Qa-cy We-cy Aleutka-cy Elmiddlehook-cy Enmiddlehook-cy Semisoftsign-cy Ertick-cy Yot-greek Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega Alphatonos Epsilontonos Etatonos Iotatonos Omicrontonos Upsilontonos Omegatonos Iotadieresis Upsilondieresis Heta Archaicsampi Pamphyliandigamma KoppaArchaic Stigma Digamma Koppa Sampi KaiSymbol UpsilonhookSymbol UpsilonacutehookSymbol UpsilondieresishookSymbol ThetaSymbol Sho SigmaLunateSymbol San SigmaLunateReversedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedReversedSymbol Alphapsili Alphadasia Alphapsilivaria Alphadasiavaria Alphapsilioxia Alphadasiaoxia Alphapsiliperispomeni Alphadasiaperispomeni Alphavaria Alphaoxia Alphavrachy Alphamacron Alphaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Epsilonpsili Epsilondasia Epsilonpsilivaria Epsilondasiavaria Epsilonpsilioxia Epsilondasiaoxia Epsilonvaria Epsilonoxia Etapsili Etadasia Etapsilivaria Etadasiavaria Etapsilioxia Etadasiaoxia Etapsiliperispomeni Etadasiaperispomeni Etavaria Etaoxia Etaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliprosgegrammeni Etadasiaprosgegrammeni Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Iotapsili Iotadasia Iotapsilivaria Iotadasiavaria Iotapsilioxia Iotadasiaoxia Iotapsiliperispomeni Iotadasiaperispomeni Iotavaria Iotaoxia Iotavrachy Iotamacron Omicronpsili Omicrondasia Omicronpsilivaria Omicrondasiavaria Omicronpsilioxia Omicrondasiaoxia Omicronvaria Omicronoxia Rhodasia Upsilondasia Upsilondasiavaria Upsilondasiaoxia Upsilondasiaperispomeni Upsilonvaria Upsilonoxia Upsilonvrachy Upsilonmacron Omegapsili Omegadasia Omegapsilivaria Omegadasiavaria Omegapsilioxia Omegadasiaoxia Omegapsiliperispomeni Omegadasiaperispomeni Omegavaria Omegaoxia Omegaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni"; name = Uppercase; }, { @@ -137,11 +137,16 @@ name = Languagesystems; features = ( { automatic = 1; -code = "feature sups;\012feature numr;\012feature dnom;\012feature frac;\012feature ordn;\012feature tnum;\012feature onum;\012feature case;\012feature locl;\012feature subs;\012feature zero;\012feature calt;\012"; +code = "feature subs;\012feature sups;\012feature numr;\012feature dnom;\012feature frac;\012feature ordn;\012feature tnum;\012feature onum;\012feature case;\012feature locl;\012feature zero;\012feature calt;\012feature salt;\012feature ss01;\012"; name = aalt; }, { automatic = 1; +code = "sub zero by zeroinferior;\012sub one by oneinferior;\012sub two by twoinferior;\012sub three by threeinferior;\012sub four by fourinferior;\012sub five by fiveinferior;\012sub six by sixinferior;\012sub seven by seveninferior;\012sub eight by eightinferior;\012sub nine by nineinferior;\012sub parenleft by parenleftinferior;\012sub parenright by parenrightinferior;\012sub minus by minusinferior;\012sub plus by plusinferior;\012"; +name = subs; +}, +{ +automatic = 1; code = "sub zero by zerosuperior;\012sub one by onesuperior;\012sub two by twosuperior;\012sub three by threesuperior;\012sub four by foursuperior;\012sub five by fivesuperior;\012sub six by sixsuperior;\012sub seven by sevensuperior;\012sub eight by eightsuperior;\012sub nine by ninesuperior;\012sub parenleft by parenleftsuperior;\012sub parenright by parenrightsuperior;\012sub equal by equalsuperior;\012sub minus by minussuperior;\012sub plus by plussuperior;\012"; name = sups; }, @@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ name = case; }, { automatic = 1; -code = "sub w w w by w_w_w.liga;\012sub asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012sub asterisk asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012sub asterisk asterisk slash by asterisk_asterisk_slash.liga;\012sub asterisk greater by asterisk_greater.liga;\012sub asterisk slash by asterisk_slash.liga;\012sub backslash backslash by backslash_backslash.liga;\012sub backslash backslash backslash by backslash_backslash_backslash.liga;\012sub braceleft hyphen by braceleft_hyphen.liga;\012sub bracketleft bracketright by bracketleft_bracketright.liga;\012sub colon colon by colon_colon.liga;\012sub colon colon colon by colon_colon_colon.liga;\012sub colon equal by colon_equal.liga;\012sub exclam exclam by exclam_exclam.liga;\012sub exclam exclam exclam by exclam_exclam_exclam.liga;\012sub exclam equal by exclam_equal.liga;\012sub exclam equal equal by exclam_equal_equal.liga;\012sub hyphen braceright by hyphen_braceright.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen by hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen hyphen by hyphen_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen greater by hyphen_hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen greater by hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen greater greater by hyphen_greater_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen less by hyphen_less.liga;\012sub hyphen less less by hyphen_less_less.liga;\012sub hyphen asciitilde by hyphen_asciitilde.liga;\012sub numbersign braceleft by numbersign_braceleft.liga;\012sub numbersign bracketleft by numbersign_bracketleft.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign parenleft by numbersign_parenleft.liga;\012sub numbersign question by numbersign_question.liga;\012sub numbersign underscore by numbersign_underscore.liga;\012sub numbersign underscore parenleft by numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga;\012sub period hyphen by period_hyphen.liga;\012sub period equal by period_equal.liga;\012sub period period by period_period.liga;\012sub period period less by period_period_less.liga;\012sub period period period by period_period_period.liga;\012sub question equal by question_equal.liga;\012sub question question by question_question.liga;\012sub question question question by question_question_question.liga;\012sub semicolon semicolon by semicolon_semicolon.liga;\012sub semicolon semicolon semicolon by semicolon_semicolon_semicolon.liga;\012sub slash asterisk by slash_asterisk.liga;\012sub slash asterisk asterisk by slash_asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012sub slash equal by slash_equal.liga;\012sub slash equal equal by slash_equal_equal.liga;\012sub slash greater by slash_greater.liga;\012sub slash slash by slash_slash.liga;\012sub slash slash slash by slash_slash_slash.liga;\012sub ampersand ampersand by ampersand_ampersand.liga;\012sub ampersand ampersand ampersand by ampersand_ampersand_ampersand.liga;\012sub bar bar by bar_bar.liga;\012sub bar bar bar by bar_bar_bar.liga;\012sub bar bar equal by bar_bar_equal.liga;\012sub bar equal by bar_equal.liga;\012sub bar greater by bar_greater.liga;\012sub asciicircum equal by asciicircum_equal.liga;\012sub dollar greater by dollar_greater.liga;\012sub plus plus by plus_plus.liga;\012sub plus greater by plus_greater.liga;\012sub equal colon equal by equal_colon_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal by equal_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal equal by equal_equal_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal greater by equal_equal_greater.liga;\012sub equal greater by equal_greater.liga;\012sub equal greater greater by equal_greater_greater.liga;\012sub equal less by equal_less.liga;\012sub equal less less by equal_less_less.liga;\012sub equal asciitilde by equal_asciitilde.liga;\012sub equal slash equal by equal_slash_equal.liga;\012sub greater hyphen by greater_hyphen.liga;\012sub greater equal by greater_equal.liga;\012sub greater equal greater by greater_equal_greater.liga;\012sub greater greater by greater_greater.liga;\012sub greater greater hyphen by greater_greater_hyphen.liga;\012sub greater greater equal by greater_greater_equal.liga;\012sub greater greater greater by greater_greater_greater.liga;\012sub less asterisk by less_asterisk.liga;\012sub less asterisk greater by less_asterisk_greater.liga;\012sub less bar by less_bar.liga;\012sub less bar greater by less_bar_greater.liga;\012sub less dollar by less_dollar.liga;\012sub less dollar greater by less_dollar_greater.liga;\012sub less exclam hyphen hyphen by less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen by less_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen hyphen by less_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen greater by less_hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub less plus by less_plus.liga;\012sub less plus greater by less_plus_greater.liga;\012sub less equal by less_equal.liga;\012sub less equal equal by less_equal_equal.liga;\012sub less equal greater by less_equal_greater.liga;\012sub less equal less by less_equal_less.liga;\012sub less greater by less_greater.liga;\012sub less less by less_less.liga;\012sub less less hyphen by less_less_hyphen.liga;\012sub less less equal by less_less_equal.liga;\012sub less less less by less_less_less.liga;\012sub less asciitilde by less_asciitilde.liga;\012sub less asciitilde asciitilde by less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012sub less slash by less_slash.liga;\012sub asciitilde at by asciitilde_at.liga;\012sub asciitilde hyphen by asciitilde_hyphen.liga;\012sub asciitilde equal by asciitilde_equal.liga;\012sub asciitilde greater by asciitilde_greater.liga;\012sub asciitilde asciitilde by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012sub asciitilde asciitilde greater by asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga;\012sub asciitilde asciitilde asciitilde by asciitilde_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012sub percent percent by percent_percent.liga;\012sub percent percent percent by percent_percent_percent.liga;\012"; +code = "sub w w w by w_w_w.liga;\012sub asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012sub asterisk asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012sub asterisk greater by asterisk_greater.liga;\012sub asterisk slash by asterisk_slash.liga;\012sub braceleft bar by braceleft_bar.liga;\012sub bracketleft bar by bracketleft_bar.liga;\012sub bracketright numbersign by bracketright_numbersign.liga;\012sub colon colon by colon_colon.liga;\012sub colon colon colon by colon_colon_colon.liga;\012sub colon colon equal by colon_colon_equal.liga;\012sub colon equal by colon_equal.liga;\012sub colon greater by colon_greater.liga;\012sub colon less by colon_less.liga;\012sub exclam exclam by exclam_exclam.liga;\012sub exclam exclam period by exclam_exclam_period.liga;\012sub exclam equal by exclam_equal.liga;\012sub exclam equal equal by exclam_equal_equal.liga;\012sub hyphen bar by hyphen_bar.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen by hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen hyphen by hyphen_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub hyphen hyphen greater by hyphen_hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen greater by hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen greater greater by hyphen_greater_greater.liga;\012sub hyphen less by hyphen_less.liga;\012sub hyphen less less by hyphen_less_less.liga;\012sub hyphen asciitilde by hyphen_asciitilde.liga;\012sub numbersign braceleft by numbersign_braceleft.liga;\012sub numbersign bracketleft by numbersign_bracketleft.liga;\012sub numbersign colon by numbersign_colon.liga;\012sub numbersign exclam by numbersign_exclam.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign numbersign numbersign numbersign by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012sub numbersign equal by numbersign_equal.liga;\012sub numbersign parenleft by numbersign_parenleft.liga;\012sub numbersign question by numbersign_question.liga;\012sub numbersign underscore by numbersign_underscore.liga;\012sub numbersign underscore parenleft by numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga;\012sub period hyphen by period_hyphen.liga;\012sub period equal by period_equal.liga;\012sub period period by period_period.liga;\012sub period period equal by period_period_equal.liga;\012sub period period less by period_period_less.liga;\012sub period period period by period_period_period.liga;\012sub period question by period_question.liga;\012sub question colon by question_colon.liga;\012sub question equal by question_equal.liga;\012sub question period by question_period.liga;\012sub question question by question_question.liga;\012sub semicolon semicolon by semicolon_semicolon.liga;\012sub slash asterisk by slash_asterisk.liga;\012sub slash equal by slash_equal.liga;\012sub slash equal equal by slash_equal_equal.liga;\012sub slash greater by slash_greater.liga;\012sub slash slash by slash_slash.liga;\012sub slash slash slash by slash_slash_slash.liga;\012sub underscore bar underscore by underscore_bar_underscore.liga;\012sub underscore underscore by underscore_underscore.liga;\012sub ampersand ampersand by ampersand_ampersand.liga;\012sub bar bar by bar_bar.liga;\012sub bar bar bar greater by bar_bar_bar_greater.liga;\012sub bar bar equal by bar_bar_equal.liga;\012sub bar bar greater by bar_bar_greater.liga;\012sub bar braceright by bar_braceright.liga;\012sub bar bracketright by bar_bracketright.liga;\012sub bar hyphen by bar_hyphen.liga;\012sub bar equal by bar_equal.liga;\012sub bar greater by bar_greater.liga;\012sub asciicircum equal by asciicircum_equal.liga;\012sub dollar greater by dollar_greater.liga;\012sub plus plus by plus_plus.liga;\012sub plus plus plus by plus_plus_plus.liga;\012sub plus greater by plus_greater.liga;\012sub equal colon equal by equal_colon_equal.liga;\012sub equal exclam equal by equal_exclam_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal by equal_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal equal by equal_equal_equal.liga;\012sub equal equal greater by equal_equal_greater.liga;\012sub equal greater by equal_greater.liga;\012sub equal greater greater by equal_greater_greater.liga;\012sub equal less less by equal_less_less.liga;\012sub equal slash equal by equal_slash_equal.liga;\012sub greater colon by greater_colon.liga;\012sub greater hyphen by greater_hyphen.liga;\012sub greater hyphen greater by greater_hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub greater equal by greater_equal.liga;\012sub greater equal greater by greater_equal_greater.liga;\012sub greater greater by greater_greater.liga;\012sub greater greater hyphen by greater_greater_hyphen.liga;\012sub greater greater equal by greater_greater_equal.liga;\012sub greater greater greater by greater_greater_greater.liga;\012sub less asterisk by less_asterisk.liga;\012sub less asterisk greater by less_asterisk_greater.liga;\012sub less bar by less_bar.liga;\012sub less bar bar by less_bar_bar.liga;\012sub less bar bar bar by less_bar_bar_bar.liga;\012sub less bar greater by less_bar_greater.liga;\012sub less colon by less_colon.liga;\012sub less dollar by less_dollar.liga;\012sub less dollar greater by less_dollar_greater.liga;\012sub less exclam hyphen hyphen by less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen by less_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen hyphen by less_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012sub less hyphen greater by less_hyphen_greater.liga;\012sub less hyphen less by less_hyphen_less.liga;\012sub less plus by less_plus.liga;\012sub less plus greater by less_plus_greater.liga;\012sub less equal by less_equal.liga;\012sub less equal equal by less_equal_equal.liga;\012sub less equal equal greater by less_equal_equal_greater.liga;\012sub less equal greater by less_equal_greater.liga;\012sub less equal less by less_equal_less.liga;\012sub less greater by less_greater.liga;\012sub less less by less_less.liga;\012sub less less hyphen by less_less_hyphen.liga;\012sub less less equal by less_less_equal.liga;\012sub less less less by less_less_less.liga;\012sub less asciitilde by less_asciitilde.liga;\012sub less asciitilde greater by less_asciitilde_greater.liga;\012sub less asciitilde asciitilde by less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012sub less slash by less_slash.liga;\012sub less slash greater by less_slash_greater.liga;\012sub asciitilde at by asciitilde_at.liga;\012sub asciitilde hyphen by asciitilde_hyphen.liga;\012sub asciitilde equal by asciitilde_equal.liga;\012sub asciitilde greater by asciitilde_greater.liga;\012sub asciitilde asciitilde by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012sub asciitilde asciitilde greater by asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga;\012sub percent percent by percent_percent.liga;\012"; disabled = 1; name = liga; }, @@ -191,18 +196,13 @@ code = "script latn;\012language TAT;\012sub i by idotaccent;\012language TRK;\0 name = locl; }, { -automatic = 1; -code = "sub zero by zeroinferior;\012sub one by oneinferior;\012sub two by twoinferior;\012sub three by threeinferior;\012sub four by fourinferior;\012sub five by fiveinferior;\012sub six by sixinferior;\012sub seven by seveninferior;\012sub eight by eightinferior;\012sub nine by nineinferior;\012sub parenleft by parenleftinferior;\012sub parenright by parenrightinferior;\012sub minus by minusinferior;\012sub plus by plusinferior;\012"; -name = subs; -}, -{ code = "sub f i by fi;\012sub f l by fl;\012"; disabled = 1; name = dlig; }, { automatic = 1; -code = "sub zero by zero.zero;\012sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.zero;\012"; +code = "sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.zero;\012sub zero by zero.zero;\012"; name = zero; }, { @@ -213,6 +213,16 @@ name = cpsp; { code = "### start of generated calt\012lookup less_equal_equal_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' equal equal greater;\012 ignore sub less' equal equal greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG LIG greater' by less_equal_equal_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' greater by LIG;\012 sub LIG equal' equal greater by LIG;\012 sub less' equal equal greater by LIG;\012} less_equal_equal_greater;\012\012lookup less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen {\012 ignore sub less less' exclam hyphen hyphen;\012 ignore sub less' exclam hyphen hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG LIG LIG hyphen' by less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012 sub LIG LIG hyphen' hyphen by LIG;\012 sub LIG exclam' hyphen hyphen by LIG;\012 sub less' exclam hyphen hyphen by LIG;\012} less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen;\012\012lookup less_bar_bar_bar {\012 ignore sub less less' bar bar bar;\012 ignore sub less' bar bar bar bar;\012 sub LIG LIG LIG bar' by less_bar_bar_bar.liga;\012 sub LIG LIG bar' bar by LIG;\012 sub LIG bar' bar bar by LIG;\012 sub less' bar bar bar by LIG;\012} less_bar_bar_bar;\012\012lookup bar_bar_bar_greater {\012 ignore sub bar bar' bar bar greater;\012 ignore sub bar' bar bar greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG LIG greater' by bar_bar_bar_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG LIG bar' greater by LIG;\012 sub LIG bar' bar greater by LIG;\012 sub bar' bar bar greater by LIG;\012} bar_bar_bar_greater;\012\012lookup numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' numbersign numbersign numbersign;\012 ignore sub numbersign' numbersign numbersign numbersign numbersign;\012 sub LIG LIG LIG numbersign' by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012 sub LIG LIG numbersign' numbersign by LIG;\012 sub LIG numbersign' numbersign numbersign by LIG;\012 sub numbersign' numbersign numbersign numbersign by LIG;\012} numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign;\012\012lookup asciitilde_asciitilde_greater {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' asciitilde greater;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' asciitilde greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' greater by LIG;\012 sub asciitilde' asciitilde greater by LIG;\012} asciitilde_asciitilde_greater;\012\012lookup less_slash_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' slash greater;\012 ignore sub less' slash greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_slash_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG slash' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' slash greater by LIG;\012} less_slash_greater;\012\012lookup less_asciitilde_asciitilde {\012 ignore sub less less' asciitilde asciitilde;\012 ignore sub less' asciitilde asciitilde asciitilde;\012 sub LIG LIG asciitilde' by less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' asciitilde by LIG;\012 sub less' asciitilde asciitilde by LIG;\012} less_asciitilde_asciitilde;\012\012lookup less_asciitilde_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' asciitilde greater;\012 ignore sub less' asciitilde greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_asciitilde_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' asciitilde greater by LIG;\012} less_asciitilde_greater;\012\012lookup less_less_less {\012 ignore sub less less' less less;\012 ignore sub less' less less less;\012 ignore sub less' less less asterisk;\012 ignore sub less' less less plus;\012 ignore sub less' less less dollar;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by less_less_less.liga;\012 sub LIG less' less by LIG;\012 sub less' less less by LIG;\012} less_less_less;\012\012lookup less_less_equal {\012 ignore sub less less' less equal;\012 ignore sub less' less equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by less_less_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG less' equal by LIG;\012 sub less' less equal by LIG;\012} less_less_equal;\012\012lookup less_less_hyphen {\012 ignore sub less less' less hyphen;\012 ignore sub less' less hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG LIG hyphen' by less_less_hyphen.liga;\012 sub LIG less' hyphen by LIG;\012 sub less' less hyphen by LIG;\012} less_less_hyphen;\012\012lookup less_equal_less {\012 ignore sub less less' equal less;\012 ignore sub less' equal less less;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by less_equal_less.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' less by LIG;\012 sub less' equal less by LIG;\012} less_equal_less;\012\012lookup less_equal_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' equal greater;\012 ignore sub less' equal greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_equal_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' equal greater by LIG;\012} less_equal_greater;\012\012lookup less_equal_equal {\012 ignore sub less less' equal equal;\012 ignore sub less' equal equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by less_equal_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' equal by LIG;\012 sub less' equal equal by LIG;\012} less_equal_equal;\012\012lookup less_plus_greater {\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_plus_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG plus' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' plus greater by LIG;\012} less_plus_greater;\012\012lookup less_hyphen_less {\012 ignore sub less less' hyphen less;\012 ignore sub less' hyphen less less;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by less_hyphen_less.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' less by LIG;\012 sub less' hyphen less by LIG;\012} less_hyphen_less;\012\012lookup less_hyphen_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' hyphen greater;\012 ignore sub less' hyphen greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_hyphen_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' hyphen greater by LIG;\012} less_hyphen_greater;\012\012lookup less_hyphen_hyphen {\012 ignore sub less less' hyphen hyphen;\012 ignore sub less' hyphen hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG LIG hyphen' by less_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' hyphen by LIG;\012 sub less' hyphen hyphen by LIG;\012} less_hyphen_hyphen;\012\012lookup less_dollar_greater {\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_dollar_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG dollar' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' dollar greater by LIG;\012} less_dollar_greater;\012\012lookup less_bar_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' bar greater;\012 ignore sub less' bar greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_bar_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG bar' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' bar greater by LIG;\012} less_bar_greater;\012\012lookup less_bar_bar {\012 ignore sub less less' bar bar;\012 ignore sub less' bar bar bar;\012 ignore sub less' bar bar greater;\012 sub LIG LIG bar' by less_bar_bar.liga;\012 sub LIG bar' bar by LIG;\012 sub less' bar bar by LIG;\012} less_bar_bar;\012\012lookup less_asterisk_greater {\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by less_asterisk_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG asterisk' greater by LIG;\012 sub less' asterisk greater by LIG;\012} less_asterisk_greater;\012\012lookup greater_greater_greater {\012 ignore sub greater greater' greater greater;\012 ignore sub greater' greater greater greater;\012 ignore sub asterisk greater' greater greater;\012 ignore sub plus greater' greater greater;\012 ignore sub dollar greater' greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by greater_greater_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG greater' greater by LIG;\012 sub greater' greater greater by LIG;\012} greater_greater_greater;\012\012lookup greater_greater_equal {\012 ignore sub greater greater' greater equal;\012 ignore sub greater' greater equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by greater_greater_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG greater' equal by LIG;\012 sub greater' greater equal by LIG;\012} greater_greater_equal;\012\012lookup greater_greater_hyphen {\012 ignore sub greater greater' greater hyphen;\012 ignore sub greater' greater hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG LIG hyphen' by greater_greater_hyphen.liga;\012 sub LIG greater' hyphen by LIG;\012 sub greater' greater hyphen by LIG;\012} greater_greater_hyphen;\012\012lookup greater_equal_greater {\012 ignore sub greater greater' equal greater;\012 ignore sub greater' equal greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by greater_equal_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' greater by LIG;\012 sub greater' equal greater by LIG;\012} greater_equal_greater;\012\012lookup greater_hyphen_greater {\012 ignore sub greater greater' hyphen greater;\012 ignore sub greater' hyphen greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by greater_hyphen_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' greater by LIG;\012 sub greater' hyphen greater by LIG;\012} greater_hyphen_greater;\012\012lookup equal_slash_equal {\012 ignore sub equal equal' slash equal;\012 ignore sub equal' slash equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by equal_slash_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG slash' equal by LIG;\012 sub equal' slash equal by LIG;\012} equal_slash_equal;\012\012lookup equal_less_less {\012 ignore sub equal equal' less less;\012 ignore sub equal' less less less;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by equal_less_less.liga;\012 sub LIG less' less by LIG;\012 sub equal' less less by LIG;\012} equal_less_less;\012\012lookup equal_greater_greater {\012 ignore sub equal equal' greater greater;\012 ignore sub equal' greater greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by equal_greater_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG greater' greater by LIG;\012 sub equal' greater greater by LIG;\012} equal_greater_greater;\012\012lookup equal_equal_greater {\012 ignore sub equal equal' equal greater;\012 ignore sub equal' equal greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by equal_equal_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' greater by LIG;\012 sub equal' equal greater by LIG;\012} equal_equal_greater;\012\012lookup equal_equal_equal {\012 ignore sub equal equal' equal equal;\012 ignore sub equal' equal equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by equal_equal_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' equal by LIG;\012 sub equal' equal equal by LIG;\012} equal_equal_equal;\012\012lookup equal_exclam_equal {\012 ignore sub equal equal' exclam equal;\012 ignore sub equal' exclam equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by equal_exclam_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG exclam' equal by LIG;\012 sub equal' exclam equal by LIG;\012} equal_exclam_equal;\012\012lookup equal_colon_equal {\012 ignore sub equal equal' colon equal;\012 ignore sub equal' colon equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by equal_colon_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG colon' equal by LIG;\012 sub equal' colon equal by LIG;\012} equal_colon_equal;\012\012lookup plus_plus_plus {\012 ignore sub plus plus' plus plus;\012 ignore sub plus' plus plus plus;\012 sub LIG LIG plus' by plus_plus_plus.liga;\012 sub LIG plus' plus by LIG;\012 sub plus' plus plus by LIG;\012} plus_plus_plus;\012\012lookup bar_bar_greater {\012 ignore sub bar bar' bar greater;\012 ignore sub bar' bar greater greater;\012 ignore sub less bar' bar greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by bar_bar_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG bar' greater by LIG;\012 sub bar' bar greater by LIG;\012} bar_bar_greater;\012\012lookup bar_bar_equal {\012 ignore sub bar bar' bar equal;\012 ignore sub bar' bar equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by bar_bar_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG bar' equal by LIG;\012 sub bar' bar equal by LIG;\012} bar_bar_equal;\012\012lookup underscore_bar_underscore {\012 ignore sub underscore underscore' bar underscore;\012 ignore sub underscore' bar underscore underscore;\012 sub LIG LIG underscore' by underscore_bar_underscore.liga;\012 sub LIG bar' underscore by LIG;\012 sub underscore' bar underscore by LIG;\012} underscore_bar_underscore;\012\012lookup slash_slash_slash {\012 ignore sub slash slash' slash slash;\012 ignore sub slash' slash slash slash;\012 sub LIG LIG slash' by slash_slash_slash.liga;\012 sub LIG slash' slash by LIG;\012 sub slash' slash slash by LIG;\012} slash_slash_slash;\012\012lookup slash_equal_equal {\012 ignore sub slash slash' equal equal;\012 ignore sub slash' equal equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by slash_equal_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' equal by LIG;\012 sub slash' equal equal by LIG;\012} slash_equal_equal;\012\012lookup period_period_period {\012 ignore sub period period' period period;\012 ignore sub period' period period period;\012 sub LIG LIG period' by period_period_period.liga;\012 sub LIG period' period by LIG;\012 sub period' period period by LIG;\012} period_period_period;\012\012lookup period_period_less {\012 ignore sub period period' period less;\012 ignore sub period' period less less;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by period_period_less.liga;\012 sub LIG period' less by LIG;\012 sub period' period less by LIG;\012} period_period_less;\012\012lookup period_period_equal {\012 ignore sub period period' period equal;\012 ignore sub period' period equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by period_period_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG period' equal by LIG;\012 sub period' period equal by LIG;\012} period_period_equal;\012\012lookup numbersign_underscore_parenleft {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' underscore parenleft;\012 ignore sub numbersign' underscore parenleft parenleft;\012 sub LIG LIG parenleft' by numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga;\012 sub LIG underscore' parenleft by LIG;\012 sub numbersign' underscore parenleft by LIG;\012} numbersign_underscore_parenleft;\012\012lookup numbersign_numbersign_numbersign {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' numbersign numbersign;\012 ignore sub numbersign' numbersign numbersign numbersign;\012 sub LIG LIG numbersign' by numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012 sub LIG numbersign' numbersign by LIG;\012 sub numbersign' numbersign numbersign by LIG;\012} numbersign_numbersign_numbersign;\012\012lookup hyphen_less_less {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' less less;\012 ignore sub hyphen' less less less;\012 sub LIG LIG less' by hyphen_less_less.liga;\012 sub LIG less' less by LIG;\012 sub hyphen' less less by LIG;\012} hyphen_less_less;\012\012lookup hyphen_greater_greater {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' greater greater;\012 ignore sub hyphen' greater greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by hyphen_greater_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG greater' greater by LIG;\012 sub hyphen' greater greater by LIG;\012} hyphen_greater_greater;\012\012lookup hyphen_hyphen_greater {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' hyphen greater;\012 ignore sub hyphen' hyphen greater greater;\012 sub LIG LIG greater' by hyphen_hyphen_greater.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' greater by LIG;\012 sub hyphen' hyphen greater by LIG;\012} hyphen_hyphen_greater;\012\012lookup hyphen_hyphen_hyphen {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' hyphen hyphen;\012 ignore sub hyphen' hyphen hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG LIG hyphen' by hyphen_hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012 sub LIG hyphen' hyphen by LIG;\012 sub hyphen' hyphen hyphen by LIG;\012} hyphen_hyphen_hyphen;\012\012lookup exclam_equal_equal {\012 ignore sub exclam exclam' equal equal;\012 ignore sub exclam' equal equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by exclam_equal_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG equal' equal by LIG;\012 sub exclam' equal equal by LIG;\012} exclam_equal_equal;\012\012lookup exclam_exclam_period {\012 ignore sub exclam exclam' exclam period;\012 ignore sub exclam' exclam period period;\012 sub LIG LIG period' by exclam_exclam_period.liga;\012 sub LIG exclam' period by LIG;\012 sub exclam' exclam period by LIG;\012} exclam_exclam_period;\012\012lookup colon_colon_equal {\012 ignore sub colon colon' colon equal;\012 ignore sub colon' colon equal equal;\012 sub LIG LIG equal' by colon_colon_equal.liga;\012 sub LIG colon' equal by LIG;\012 sub colon' colon equal by LIG;\012} colon_colon_equal;\012\012lookup colon_colon_colon {\012 ignore sub colon colon' colon colon;\012 ignore sub colon' colon colon colon;\012 sub LIG LIG colon' by colon_colon_colon.liga;\012 sub LIG colon' colon by LIG;\012 sub colon' colon colon by LIG;\012} colon_colon_colon;\012\012lookup asterisk_asterisk_asterisk {\012 ignore sub asterisk asterisk' asterisk asterisk;\012 ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk asterisk;\012 ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk asterisk;\012 ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk slash;\012 sub LIG LIG asterisk' by asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012 sub LIG asterisk' asterisk by LIG;\012 sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk by LIG;\012} asterisk_asterisk_asterisk;\012\012lookup w_w_w {\012 ignore sub w w' w w;\012 ignore sub w' w w w;\012 sub LIG LIG w' by w_w_w.liga;\012 sub LIG w' w by LIG;\012 sub w' w w by LIG;\012} w_w_w;\012\012lookup percent_percent {\012 ignore sub percent percent' percent;\012 ignore sub percent' percent percent;\012 sub LIG percent' by percent_percent.liga;\012 sub percent' percent by LIG;\012} percent_percent;\012\012lookup asciitilde_asciitilde {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' asciitilde;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' asciitilde asciitilde;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012 sub asciitilde' asciitilde by LIG;\012} asciitilde_asciitilde;\012\012lookup asciitilde_greater {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' greater;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by asciitilde_greater.liga;\012 sub asciitilde' greater by LIG;\012} asciitilde_greater;\012\012lookup asciitilde_equal {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' equal;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by asciitilde_equal.liga;\012 sub asciitilde' equal by LIG;\012} asciitilde_equal;\012\012lookup asciitilde_hyphen {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' hyphen;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by asciitilde_hyphen.liga;\012 sub asciitilde' hyphen by LIG;\012} asciitilde_hyphen;\012\012lookup asciitilde_at {\012 ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' at;\012 ignore sub asciitilde' at at;\012 sub LIG at' by asciitilde_at.liga;\012 sub asciitilde' at by LIG;\012} asciitilde_at;\012\012lookup less_slash {\012 ignore sub less less' slash;\012 ignore sub less' slash slash;\012 sub LIG slash' by less_slash.liga;\012 sub less' slash by LIG;\012} less_slash;\012\012lookup less_asciitilde {\012 ignore sub less less' asciitilde;\012 ignore sub less' asciitilde asciitilde;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' by less_asciitilde.liga;\012 sub less' asciitilde by LIG;\012} less_asciitilde;\012\012lookup less_less {\012 ignore sub less less' less;\012 ignore sub less' less less;\012 ignore sub less' less asterisk;\012 ignore sub less' less plus;\012 ignore sub less' less dollar;\012 sub LIG less' by less_less.liga;\012 sub less' less by LIG;\012} less_less;\012\012lookup less_greater {\012 ignore sub less less' greater;\012 ignore sub less' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by less_greater.liga;\012 sub less' greater by LIG;\012} less_greater;\012\012lookup less_equal {\012 ignore sub less less' equal;\012 ignore sub less' equal equal;\012 ignore sub parenleft question less' equal;\012 ignore sub exclam less' equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by less_equal.liga;\012 sub less' equal by LIG;\012} less_equal;\012\012lookup less_plus {\012 ignore sub less less' plus;\012 ignore sub less' plus plus;\012 sub LIG plus' by less_plus.liga;\012 sub less' plus by LIG;\012} less_plus;\012\012lookup less_hyphen {\012 ignore sub less less' hyphen;\012 ignore sub less' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by less_hyphen.liga;\012 sub less' hyphen by LIG;\012} less_hyphen;\012\012lookup less_dollar {\012 ignore sub less less' dollar;\012 ignore sub less' dollar dollar;\012 sub LIG dollar' by less_dollar.liga;\012 sub less' dollar by LIG;\012} less_dollar;\012\012lookup less_colon {\012 ignore sub less less' colon;\012 ignore sub less' colon colon;\012 sub LIG colon' by less_colon.liga;\012 sub less' colon by LIG;\012} less_colon;\012\012lookup less_bar {\012 ignore sub less less' bar;\012 ignore sub less' bar bar;\012 sub LIG bar' by less_bar.liga;\012 sub less' bar by LIG;\012} less_bar;\012\012lookup less_asterisk {\012 ignore sub less less' asterisk;\012 ignore sub less' asterisk asterisk;\012 sub LIG asterisk' by less_asterisk.liga;\012 sub less' asterisk by LIG;\012} less_asterisk;\012\012lookup greater_greater {\012 ignore sub greater greater' greater;\012 ignore sub greater' greater greater;\012 ignore sub asterisk greater' greater;\012 ignore sub plus greater' greater;\012 ignore sub dollar greater' greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by greater_greater.liga;\012 sub greater' greater by LIG;\012} greater_greater;\012\012lookup greater_equal {\012 ignore sub greater greater' equal;\012 ignore sub greater' equal equal;\012 ignore sub greater' equal less;\012 sub LIG equal' by greater_equal.liga;\012 sub greater' equal by LIG;\012} greater_equal;\012\012lookup greater_hyphen {\012 ignore sub greater greater' hyphen;\012 ignore sub greater' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by greater_hyphen.liga;\012 sub greater' hyphen by LIG;\012} greater_hyphen;\012\012lookup greater_colon {\012 ignore sub greater greater' colon;\012 ignore sub greater' colon colon;\012 sub LIG colon' by greater_colon.liga;\012 sub greater' colon by LIG;\012} greater_colon;\012\012lookup equal_greater {\012 ignore sub equal equal' greater;\012 ignore sub equal' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by equal_greater.liga;\012 sub equal' greater by LIG;\012} equal_greater;\012\012lookup equal_equal {\012 ignore sub equal equal' equal;\012 ignore sub equal' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by equal_equal.liga;\012 sub equal' equal by LIG;\012} equal_equal;\012\012lookup plus_greater {\012 ignore sub plus plus' greater;\012 ignore sub plus' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by plus_greater.liga;\012 sub plus' greater by LIG;\012} plus_greater;\012\012lookup plus_plus {\012 ignore sub plus plus' plus;\012 ignore sub plus' plus plus;\012 sub LIG plus' by plus_plus.liga;\012 sub plus' plus by LIG;\012} plus_plus;\012\012lookup dollar_greater {\012 ignore sub dollar dollar' greater;\012 ignore sub dollar' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by dollar_greater.liga;\012 sub dollar' greater by LIG;\012} dollar_greater;\012\012lookup asciicircum_equal {\012 ignore sub asciicircum asciicircum' equal;\012 ignore sub asciicircum' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by asciicircum_equal.liga;\012 sub asciicircum' equal by LIG;\012} asciicircum_equal;\012\012lookup bar_greater {\012 ignore sub bar bar' greater;\012 ignore sub bar' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by bar_greater.liga;\012 sub bar' greater by LIG;\012} bar_greater;\012\012lookup bar_equal {\012 ignore sub bar bar' equal;\012 ignore sub bar' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by bar_equal.liga;\012 sub bar' equal by LIG;\012} bar_equal;\012\012lookup bar_hyphen {\012 ignore sub bar bar' hyphen;\012 ignore sub bar' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by bar_hyphen.liga;\012 sub bar' hyphen by LIG;\012} bar_hyphen;\012\012lookup bar_bracketright {\012 ignore sub bar bar' bracketright;\012 ignore sub bar' bracketright bracketright;\012 ignore sub bracketleft bar' bracketright;\012 sub LIG bracketright' by bar_bracketright.liga;\012 sub bar' bracketright by LIG;\012} bar_bracketright;\012\012lookup bar_braceright {\012 ignore sub bar bar' braceright;\012 ignore sub bar' braceright braceright;\012 ignore sub braceleft bar' braceright;\012 sub LIG braceright' by bar_braceright.liga;\012 sub bar' braceright by LIG;\012} bar_braceright;\012\012lookup bar_bar {\012 ignore sub bar bar' bar;\012 ignore sub bar' bar bar;\012 sub LIG bar' by bar_bar.liga;\012 sub bar' bar by LIG;\012} bar_bar;\012\012lookup ampersand_ampersand {\012 ignore sub ampersand ampersand' ampersand;\012 ignore sub ampersand' ampersand ampersand;\012 sub LIG ampersand' by ampersand_ampersand.liga;\012 sub ampersand' ampersand by LIG;\012} ampersand_ampersand;\012\012lookup underscore_underscore {\012 ignore sub underscore underscore' underscore;\012 ignore sub underscore' underscore underscore;\012 sub LIG underscore' by underscore_underscore.liga;\012 sub underscore' underscore by LIG;\012} underscore_underscore;\012\012lookup slash_slash {\012 ignore sub slash slash' slash;\012 ignore sub slash' slash slash;\012 sub LIG slash' by slash_slash.liga;\012 sub slash' slash by LIG;\012} slash_slash;\012\012lookup slash_greater {\012 ignore sub slash slash' greater;\012 ignore sub slash' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by slash_greater.liga;\012 sub slash' greater by LIG;\012} slash_greater;\012\012lookup slash_equal {\012 ignore sub slash slash' equal;\012 ignore sub slash' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by slash_equal.liga;\012 sub slash' equal by LIG;\012} slash_equal;\012\012lookup slash_asterisk {\012 ignore sub slash slash' asterisk;\012 ignore sub slash' asterisk asterisk;\012 ignore sub slash' asterisk slash;\012 ignore sub asterisk slash' asterisk;\012 sub LIG asterisk' by slash_asterisk.liga;\012 sub slash' asterisk by LIG;\012} slash_asterisk;\012\012lookup semicolon_semicolon {\012 ignore sub semicolon semicolon' semicolon;\012 ignore sub semicolon' semicolon semicolon;\012 sub LIG semicolon' by semicolon_semicolon.liga;\012 sub semicolon' semicolon by LIG;\012} semicolon_semicolon;\012\012lookup question_question {\012 ignore sub question question' question;\012 ignore sub question' question question;\012 sub LIG question' by question_question.liga;\012 sub question' question by LIG;\012} question_question;\012\012lookup question_period {\012 ignore sub question question' period;\012 ignore sub question' period period;\012 sub LIG period' by question_period.liga;\012 sub question' period by LIG;\012} question_period;\012\012lookup question_equal {\012 ignore sub question question' equal;\012 ignore sub question' equal equal;\012 ignore sub parenleft question' equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by question_equal.liga;\012 sub question' equal by LIG;\012} question_equal;\012\012lookup question_colon {\012 ignore sub question question' colon;\012 ignore sub question' colon colon;\012 ignore sub parenleft question' colon;\012 sub LIG colon' by question_colon.liga;\012 sub question' colon by LIG;\012} question_colon;\012\012lookup period_question {\012 ignore sub period period' question;\012 ignore sub period' question question;\012 sub LIG question' by period_question.liga;\012 sub period' question by LIG;\012} period_question;\012\012lookup period_period {\012 ignore sub period period' period;\012 ignore sub period' period period;\012 sub LIG period' by period_period.liga;\012 sub period' period by LIG;\012} period_period;\012\012lookup period_equal {\012 ignore sub period period' equal;\012 ignore sub period' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by period_equal.liga;\012 sub period' equal by LIG;\012} period_equal;\012\012lookup period_hyphen {\012 ignore sub period period' hyphen;\012 ignore sub period' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by period_hyphen.liga;\012 sub period' hyphen by LIG;\012} period_hyphen;\012\012lookup numbersign_underscore {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' underscore;\012 ignore sub numbersign' underscore underscore;\012 sub LIG underscore' by numbersign_underscore.liga;\012 sub numbersign' underscore by LIG;\012} numbersign_underscore;\012\012lookup numbersign_question {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' question;\012 ignore sub numbersign' question question;\012 sub LIG question' by numbersign_question.liga;\012 sub numbersign' question by LIG;\012} numbersign_question;\012\012lookup numbersign_parenleft {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' parenleft;\012 ignore sub numbersign' parenleft parenleft;\012 sub LIG parenleft' by numbersign_parenleft.liga;\012 sub numbersign' parenleft by LIG;\012} numbersign_parenleft;\012\012lookup numbersign_equal {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' equal;\012 ignore sub numbersign' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by numbersign_equal.liga;\012 sub numbersign' equal by LIG;\012} numbersign_equal;\012\012lookup numbersign_numbersign {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' numbersign;\012 ignore sub numbersign' numbersign numbersign;\012 sub LIG numbersign' by numbersign_numbersign.liga;\012 sub numbersign' numbersign by LIG;\012} numbersign_numbersign;\012\012lookup numbersign_exclam {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' exclam;\012 ignore sub numbersign' exclam exclam;\012 sub LIG exclam' by numbersign_exclam.liga;\012 sub numbersign' exclam by LIG;\012} numbersign_exclam;\012\012lookup numbersign_colon {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' colon;\012 ignore sub numbersign' colon colon;\012 sub LIG colon' by numbersign_colon.liga;\012 sub numbersign' colon by LIG;\012} numbersign_colon;\012\012lookup numbersign_bracketleft {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' bracketleft;\012 ignore sub numbersign' bracketleft bracketleft;\012 sub LIG bracketleft' by numbersign_bracketleft.liga;\012 sub numbersign' bracketleft by LIG;\012} numbersign_bracketleft;\012\012lookup numbersign_braceleft {\012 ignore sub numbersign numbersign' braceleft;\012 ignore sub numbersign' braceleft braceleft;\012 sub LIG braceleft' by numbersign_braceleft.liga;\012 sub numbersign' braceleft by LIG;\012} numbersign_braceleft;\012\012lookup hyphen_asciitilde {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' asciitilde;\012 ignore sub hyphen' asciitilde asciitilde;\012 sub LIG asciitilde' by hyphen_asciitilde.liga;\012 sub hyphen' asciitilde by LIG;\012} hyphen_asciitilde;\012\012lookup hyphen_less {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' less;\012 ignore sub hyphen' less less;\012 sub LIG less' by hyphen_less.liga;\012 sub hyphen' less by LIG;\012} hyphen_less;\012\012lookup hyphen_greater {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' greater;\012 ignore sub hyphen' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by hyphen_greater.liga;\012 sub hyphen' greater by LIG;\012} hyphen_greater;\012\012lookup hyphen_hyphen {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' hyphen;\012 ignore sub hyphen' hyphen hyphen;\012 sub LIG hyphen' by hyphen_hyphen.liga;\012 sub hyphen' hyphen by LIG;\012} hyphen_hyphen;\012\012lookup hyphen_bar {\012 ignore sub hyphen hyphen' bar;\012 ignore sub hyphen' bar bar;\012 sub LIG bar' by hyphen_bar.liga;\012 sub hyphen' bar by LIG;\012} hyphen_bar;\012\012lookup exclam_equal {\012 ignore sub exclam exclam' equal;\012 ignore sub exclam' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by exclam_equal.liga;\012 sub exclam' equal by LIG;\012} exclam_equal;\012\012lookup exclam_exclam {\012 ignore sub exclam exclam' exclam;\012 ignore sub exclam' exclam exclam;\012 sub LIG exclam' by exclam_exclam.liga;\012 sub exclam' exclam by LIG;\012} exclam_exclam;\012\012lookup colon_less {\012 ignore sub colon colon' less;\012 ignore sub colon' less less;\012 sub LIG less' by colon_less.liga;\012 sub colon' less by LIG;\012} colon_less;\012\012lookup colon_greater {\012 ignore sub colon colon' greater;\012 ignore sub colon' greater greater;\012 ignore sub colon' greater equal;\012 sub LIG greater' by colon_greater.liga;\012 sub colon' greater by LIG;\012} colon_greater;\012\012lookup colon_equal {\012 ignore sub colon colon' equal;\012 ignore sub colon' equal equal;\012 sub LIG equal' by colon_equal.liga;\012 sub colon' equal by LIG;\012} colon_equal;\012\012lookup colon_colon {\012 ignore sub colon colon' colon;\012 ignore sub colon' colon colon;\012 sub LIG colon' by colon_colon.liga;\012 sub colon' colon by LIG;\012} colon_colon;\012\012lookup bracketright_numbersign {\012 ignore sub bracketright bracketright' numbersign;\012 ignore sub bracketright' numbersign numbersign;\012 sub LIG numbersign' by bracketright_numbersign.liga;\012 sub bracketright' numbersign by LIG;\012} bracketright_numbersign;\012\012lookup bracketleft_bar {\012 ignore sub bracketleft bracketleft' bar;\012 ignore sub bracketleft' bar bar;\012 ignore sub bracketleft' bar bracketright;\012 sub LIG bar' by bracketleft_bar.liga;\012 sub bracketleft' bar by LIG;\012} bracketleft_bar;\012\012lookup braceleft_bar {\012 ignore sub braceleft braceleft' bar;\012 ignore sub braceleft' bar bar;\012 ignore sub braceleft' bar braceright;\012 sub LIG bar' by braceleft_bar.liga;\012 sub braceleft' bar by LIG;\012} braceleft_bar;\012\012lookup asterisk_slash {\012 ignore sub asterisk asterisk' slash;\012 ignore sub asterisk' slash slash;\012 ignore sub slash asterisk' slash;\012 ignore sub asterisk' slash asterisk;\012 sub LIG slash' by asterisk_slash.liga;\012 sub asterisk' slash by LIG;\012} asterisk_slash;\012\012lookup asterisk_greater {\012 ignore sub asterisk asterisk' greater;\012 ignore sub asterisk' greater greater;\012 sub LIG greater' by asterisk_greater.liga;\012 sub asterisk' greater by LIG;\012} asterisk_greater;\012\012lookup asterisk_asterisk {\012 ignore sub asterisk asterisk' asterisk;\012 ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk;\012 ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk;\012 ignore sub asterisk' asterisk slash;\012 sub LIG asterisk' by asterisk_asterisk.liga;\012 sub asterisk' asterisk by LIG;\012} asterisk_asterisk;\012### end of generated calt\012\012sub less asciitilde' greater by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;\012\012lookup lowercase_hyphen {\012 ignore sub @Tall \\hyphen' @Lowercase;\012 ignore sub @Lowercase \\hyphen' @Tall; \012 sub \\hyphen' @Lowercase by \\hyphen.lc;\012 sub @Lowercase \\hyphen' by \\hyphen.lc;\012} lowercase_hyphen;\012\012lookup lowercase_plus {\012 ignore sub @Tall \\plus' @Lowercase;\012 ignore sub @Lowercase \\plus' @Tall;\012 sub \\plus' @Lowercase by \\plus.lc;\012 sub @Lowercase \\plus' by \\plus.lc;\012} lowercase_plus;\012\012lookup lowercase_asterisk {\012 ignore sub @Tall \\asterisk' @Lowercase;\012 ignore sub @Lowercase \\asterisk' @Tall;\012 sub \\asterisk' @Lowercase by \\asterisk.lc;\012 sub @Lowercase \\asterisk' by \\asterisk.lc;\012} lowercase_asterisk;\012\012lookup uppercase_colon {\012 ignore sub @Tall \\colon' @Lowercase;\012 ignore sub @Lowercase \\colon' @Tall;\012 sub @Tall \\colon' by \\colon.uc;\012 sub \\colon' @Tall by \\colon.uc;\012} uppercase_colon;\012\012sub \\zero \\x' @HexDigit by \\x.multiply;\012sub @Digit \\x' @Digit by \\x.multiply;\012# sub \\bracketleft [\\x \\X]' \\bracketright by \\x.multiply;\012# sub \\bracketleft [\\v \\V]' \\bracketright by \\checkmark;\012\012###\012\012lookup caltGreekUCdiph {\012 sub @GreekUCdiphIOTA Iota' by Iotadieresis;\012 sub @GreekUCdiphUPSILON Upsilon' by Upsilondieresis;\012} caltGreekUCdiph;\012\012lookup caltGreekUC {\012 sub @GreekUCAcc' @GreekUC by @GreekUCcalt;\012 sub @GreekUC @GreekUCAcc' by @GreekUCcalt;\012 sub @GreekUCAcc' space @GreekUC by @GreekUCcalt;\012 sub @GreekUC space @GreekUCAcc' by @GreekUCcalt;\012} caltGreekUC;\012"; name = calt; +}, +{ +automatic = 1; +code = "sub r by r.ss01;\012"; +name = salt; +}, +{ +automatic = 1; +code = "sub r by r.ss01;\012"; +name = ss01; } ); fontMaster = ( @@ -284,7 +294,6 @@ verticalStems = ( visible = 1; weight = Light; weightValue = 62; -widthValue = 99; xHeight = 1050; }, { @@ -14571,6 +14580,103 @@ width = 1200; ); }, { +color = 6; +glyphname = r.ss01; +lastChange = "2019-04-05 17:52:54 +0000"; +layers = ( +{ +anchors = ( +{ +name = bottom; +position = "{462, 0}"; +}, +{ +name = top; +position = "{664, 1050}"; +} +); +layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"740 0 LINE", +"740 104 LINE", +"524 104 LINE", +"524 592 LINE", +"599 841 OFFCURVE", +"715 952 OFFCURVE", +"885 952 CURVE SMOOTH", +"930 952 OFFCURVE", +"960 946 OFFCURVE", +"1007 933 CURVE", +"1042 1050 LINE", +"994 1062 OFFCURVE", +"955 1071 OFFCURVE", +"900 1071 CURVE SMOOTH", +"704 1071 OFFCURVE", +"600 969 OFFCURVE", +"518 798 CURVE", +"495 1050 LINE", +"229 1050 LINE", +"229 945 LINE", +"400 945 LINE", +"400 104 LINE", +"229 104 LINE", +"229 0 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1200; +}, +{ +anchors = ( +{ +name = bottom; +position = "{448, 0}"; +}, +{ +name = top; +position = "{650, 1062}"; +} +); +layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"816 0 LINE", +"816 212 LINE", +"606 212 LINE", +"606 516 LINE", +"661 691 OFFCURVE", +"769 817 OFFCURVE", +"908 817 CURVE SMOOTH", +"955 817 OFFCURVE", +"991 811 OFFCURVE", +"1030 801 CURVE", +"1126 1062 LINE", +"1076 1082 OFFCURVE", +"1023 1094 OFFCURVE", +"951 1094 CURVE SMOOTH", +"780 1094 OFFCURVE", +"665 1005 OFFCURVE", +"589 823 CURVE", +"531 1062 LINE", +"150 1062 LINE", +"150 852 LINE", +"290 852 LINE", +"290 212 LINE", +"150 212 LINE", +"150 0 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1200; +} +); +}, +{ color = 9; export = 0; glyphname = r.001; @@ -107485,7 +107591,7 @@ value = 300; ); interpolationWeight = 62; instanceInterpolations = { -"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 1; +"B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69" = 1; }; name = Light; weightClass = Light; @@ -107505,7 +107611,8 @@ value = 400; ); interpolationWeight = 84; instanceInterpolations = { -"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 1; +"B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69" = 0.770833; +"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 0.229167; }; name = Regular; }, @@ -107524,7 +107631,8 @@ cpsp ); interpolationWeight = 96; instanceInterpolations = { -"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 1; +"B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69" = 0.645833; +"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 0.354167; }; name = Retina; weightClass = Normal; @@ -107544,7 +107652,8 @@ value = 500; ); interpolationWeight = 112; instanceInterpolations = { -"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 1; +"B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69" = 0.479167; +"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 0.520833; }; name = Medium; weightClass = Medium; @@ -107566,7 +107675,8 @@ value = 600; ); interpolationWeight = 132; instanceInterpolations = { -"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 1; +"B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69" = 0.270833; +"4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA" = 0.729167; }; name = SemiBold; weightClass = SemiBold; diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ba19e25..1abf991 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ pip install gftools pip install fontmake brew install ttfautohint brew install woff2 +brew tap bramstein/webfonttools +brew install sfnt2woff-zopfli ``` Run `./build.sh` diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh index 087f243..cc0c6e1 100755 --- a/build.sh +++ b/build.sh @@ -42,4 +42,22 @@ mkdir -p distr/woff2 woff2s=$(ls distr/*/*.woff2) for woff2 in $woff2s; do mv $woff2 distr/woff2/$(basename $woff2) +done + +# ============================================================================ +# Build woff fonts =========================================================== + +# requires sfnt2woff-zopfli (https://github.com/bramstein/homebrew-webfonttools) + +rm -rf distr/woff + +ttfs=$(ls distr/*/*.ttf) +for ttf in $ttfs; do + sfnt2woff-zopfli $ttf +done + +mkdir -p distr/woff +woffs=$(ls distr/*/*.woff) +for woff in $woffs; do + mv $woff distr/woff/$(basename $woff) done \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distr/otf/FiraCode-Bold.otf b/distr/otf/FiraCode-Bold.otf index 6bb5da0..d59ac93 100644 Binary files a/distr/otf/FiraCode-Bold.otf and b/distr/otf/FiraCode-Bold.otf differ diff --git a/distr/otf/FiraCode-Light.otf b/distr/otf/FiraCode-Light.otf index 6398e2e..c8f591a 100644 Binary files a/distr/otf/FiraCode-Light.otf and b/distr/otf/FiraCode-Light.otf differ diff --git a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Bold.ttf b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Bold.ttf index 075239a..bdbbd3e 100644 Binary files a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Bold.ttf and b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Bold.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Light.ttf b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Light.ttf index 653a7a6..cd13f45 100644 Binary files a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Light.ttf and b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Light.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Medium.ttf b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Medium.ttf index ab17e68..1bef503 100644 Binary files a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Medium.ttf and b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Medium.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Regular.ttf b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Regular.ttf index d21256a..0e09150 100644 Binary files a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Regular.ttf and b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Regular.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Retina.ttf b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Retina.ttf index a2b5bb9..6afa005 100644 Binary files a/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Retina.ttf and b/distr/ttf/FiraCode-Retina.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/variable_ttf/FiraCode-VF.ttf b/distr/variable_ttf/FiraCode-VF.ttf index c3bc2c6..eac9d7a 100644 Binary files a/distr/variable_ttf/FiraCode-VF.ttf and b/distr/variable_ttf/FiraCode-VF.ttf differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Bold.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Bold.woff index 09f5da9..6c1aa6d 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Bold.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Bold.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Light.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Light.woff index 9297461..491c9e6 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Light.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Light.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Medium.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Medium.woff index ba14003..71583ae 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Medium.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Medium.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Regular.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Regular.woff index 01bf22a..51e22a0 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Regular.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Regular.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Retina.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Retina.woff index d9b7a25..ee2684b 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-Retina.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-Retina.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff/FiraCode-VF.woff b/distr/woff/FiraCode-VF.woff index f4537ae..487a9bb 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff/FiraCode-VF.woff and b/distr/woff/FiraCode-VF.woff differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Bold.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Bold.woff2 index d09fe60..00eca5a 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Bold.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Bold.woff2 differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Light.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Light.woff2 index fefac9d..efd5b7b 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Light.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Light.woff2 differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Medium.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Medium.woff2 index 9d093eb..ed49f8b 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Medium.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Medium.woff2 differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Regular.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Regular.woff2 index 4711bf8..519f2ce 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Regular.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Regular.woff2 differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Retina.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Retina.woff2 index 3df32e2..c0bde9e 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Retina.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Retina.woff2 differ diff --git a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-VF.woff2 b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-VF.woff2 index eda654f..fa24c4d 100644 Binary files a/distr/woff2/FiraCode-VF.woff2 and b/distr/woff2/FiraCode-VF.woff2 differ diff --git a/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh b/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh deleted file mode 100755 index cc0c6e1..0000000 --- a/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -source venv/bin/activate - -# variable font -fontmake -g FiraCode.glyphs -o variable --output-dir distr/variable_ttf - -# statics -fontmake -g FiraCode.glyphs -o ttf --output-dir distr/ttf -fontmake -g FiraCode.glyphs -o otf --output-dir distr/otf - -# ============================================================================ -# Autohinting ================================================================ - -statics=$(ls distr/ttf/*.ttf) -for file in $statics; do - echo "fix DSIG in " ${file} - gftools fix-dsig --autofix ${file} - - echo "TTFautohint " ${file} - # autohint with detailed info - hintedFile=${file/".ttf"/"-hinted.ttf"} - ttfautohint -I ${file} ${hintedFile} --stem-width-mode nnn - cp ${hintedFile} ${file} - rm -rf ${hintedFile} -done - - -# ============================================================================ -# Build woff2 fonts ========================================================== - -# requires https://github.com/google/woff2 - -rm -rf distr/woff2 - -ttfs=$(ls distr/*/*.ttf) -for ttf in $ttfs; do - woff2_compress $ttf -done - -mkdir -p distr/woff2 -woff2s=$(ls distr/*/*.woff2) -for woff2 in $woff2s; do - mv $woff2 distr/woff2/$(basename $woff2) -done - -# ============================================================================ -# Build woff fonts =========================================================== - -# requires sfnt2woff-zopfli (https://github.com/bramstein/homebrew-webfonttools) - -rm -rf distr/woff - -ttfs=$(ls distr/*/*.ttf) -for ttf in $ttfs; do - sfnt2woff-zopfli $ttf -done - -mkdir -p distr/woff -woffs=$(ls distr/*/*.woff) -for woff in $woffs; do - mv $woff distr/woff/$(basename $woff) -done \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh b/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh new file mode 120000 index 0000000..fcb4d4e --- /dev/null +++ b/googlefonts-qa/scripts/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../build.sh \ No newline at end of file