mirror of https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode.git synced 2024-10-05 17:17:34 +03:00
2018-09-30 23:37:33 +03:00

128 lines
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Executable File

(ns regen-calt
[clojure.string :as str]
[glyphs :as glyphs]))
(def ignores
{ ["slash" "asterisk"]
" ignore sub slash' asterisk slash;\n"
" ignore sub asterisk slash' asterisk;\n")
["asterisk" "slash"]
" ignore sub slash asterisk' slash;\n"
" ignore sub asterisk' slash asterisk;\n")
["asterisk" "asterisk"]
" ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk;\n"
" ignore sub asterisk' asterisk slash;\n")
["asterisk" "asterisk" "asterisk"]
" ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk asterisk;\n"
" ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk slash;\n")
["question" "equal"]
" ignore sub parenleft question' equal;\n"
["less" "equal"]
" ignore sub parenleft question less' equal;\n"
["question" "colon"]
" ignore sub parenleft question' colon;\n"
["less" "bar" "bar"]
" ignore sub less' bar bar greater;\n"
["bar" "bar" "greater"]
" ignore sub less bar' bar greater;\n"
["colon" "greater"]
" ignore sub colon' greater equal;\n"
["greater" "equal"]
" ignore sub greater' equal less;\n"
["equal" "less"]
" ignore sub greater equal' less;\n"
(defn liga->rule
"[f f i] => { [LIG LIG i] f_f_i.liga
[LIG f i] LIG
[ f f i] LIG }"
(case (count liga)
2 (let [[a b] liga]
(str "lookup 1_2 {\n"
" ignore sub 1 1' 2;\n"
" ignore sub 1' 2 2;\n"
(get ignores liga)
" sub LIG 2' by 1_2.liga;\n"
" sub 1' 2 by LIG;\n"
"} 1_2;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b}))
3 (let [[a b c] liga]
(str "lookup 1_2_3 {\n"
" ignore sub 1 1' 2 3;\n"
" ignore sub 1' 2 3 3;\n"
(get ignores liga)
" sub LIG LIG 3' by 1_2_3.liga;\n"
" sub LIG 2' 3 by LIG;\n"
" sub 1' 2 3 by LIG;\n"
"} 1_2_3;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b "3" c}))
4 (let [[a b c d] liga]
(str "lookup 1_2_3_4 {\n"
" ignore sub 1 1' 2 3 4;\n"
" ignore sub 1' 2 3 4 4;\n"
(get ignores liga)
" sub LIG LIG LIG 4' by 1_2_3_4.liga;\n"
" sub LIG LIG 3' 4 by LIG;\n"
" sub LIG 2' 3 4 by LIG;\n"
" sub 1' 2 3 4 by LIG;\n"
"} 1_2_3_4;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b "3" c "4" d}))))
(defn index-of [pred xs]
(reduce (fn [i x] (if (pred x) (reduced i) (inc i))) 0 xs))
(defn replace-calt [font calt]
(let [features (:features font)
idx (index-of #(= "calt" (:name %)) features)
code (get-in features [idx :code])
code' (str/replace code
#"### start of generated calt\n[^#]+\n### end of generated calt\n"
(str "### start of generated calt\n" calt "\n### end of generated calt\n"))]
(assoc-in font [:features idx :code] code')))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [file (or (first args) "FiraCode.glyphs")
_ (println "Parsing" file "...")
font (glyphs/parse (slurp file))
ligas (for [g (:glyphs font)
:let [name (:glyphname g)]
:when (str/ends-with? name ".liga")
:let [[_ liga] (re-matches #"([a-z_]+)\.liga" name)]]
(str/split liga #"_")) ;; [ ["dash" "greater" "greater"] ... ]
calt (->> ligas (sort-by count) (reverse) (map liga->rule) (str/join "\n\n"))
font' (replace-calt font calt)]
(println "Saving" file "...")
(spit file (glyphs/serialize font'))
(println "Total ligatures count:" (count ligas))
(println " " (->> ligas
(group-by count)
(sort-by first)
(map (fn [[k v]] (str (count v) (case k 2 " pairs", 3 " triples", 4 " quadruples"))))
(str/join ", ")))
;; (-main)