mirror of https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode.git synced 2024-10-05 17:17:34 +03:00

223 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

(ns fira-code.glyphs
(:refer-clojure :exclude [load])
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[fipp.edn :as fipp]
[fira-code.coll :as coll]
[flatland.ordered.map :refer [ordered-map]]))
(def ^:dynamic *str)
(def ^:dynamic *pos)
(defn current-char [] (nth @*str @*pos))
(defn advance! [] (swap! *pos inc))
(declare parse-anything!)
(defn skip-ws! []
(loop []
(case (current-char)
\space (do (advance!) (recur))
\newline (do (advance!) (recur))
(defn parse-escaped-string! []
(when (= \" (current-char))
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(loop []
(let [ch (current-char)]
(= ch \\) (do (.append sb \\) (advance!) (.append sb (current-char)) (recur))
(= ch \") (do (advance!) (str sb))
:else (do (.append sb ch) (recur)))))
(str/replace "\\012" "\n")
(str/replace "\\\"" "\"")
(str/replace "\\\\" "\\")))))
(defn parse-string! []
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(loop []
(let [ch (current-char)]
(#{\space \newline \{ \} \( \) \; \, \" \=} ch) sb
:else (do (.append sb ch) (advance!) (recur)))))
(let [res (str sb)]
(re-matches #"-?[1-9][0-9]*" res) (Integer/parseInt res)
(re-matches #"-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" res) (Double/parseDouble res)
(re-matches #"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.0-9]*" res) (keyword res)
:else res))))
(defn expect [c]
(assert (= c (current-char))
(str "Expected '" c
"', found " (current-char)
" at " @*pos
" around here:\n" (subs @*str (max 0 (- @*pos 100)) (min (count @*str) (+ @*pos 100))))))
(defn parse-map! []
(when (= \{ (current-char))
(loop [m (ordered-map)]
(if (= \} (current-char))
(do (advance!) m)
(let [k (or (parse-escaped-string!) (parse-string!))
_ (do (skip-ws!) (expect \=) (advance!))
v (parse-anything!)
v (if (keyword? v) (name v) v)
_ (do (skip-ws!) (expect \;) (advance!))]
(recur (assoc m k v)))))))
(defn parse-list! []
(when (= \( (current-char))
(loop [l []]
(if (= \) (current-char))
(do (advance!) l)
(let [v (parse-anything!)
_ (skip-ws!)
_ (when (not= \) (current-char))
(expect \,)
(recur (conj l v)))))))
(defn parse-anything! []
(defn parse [s]
(binding [*str (atom s)
*pos (atom 0)]
(def escapes {"\n" "\\012"
"\"" "\\\""
"\\" "\\\\"})
(def escape-re #"[\n\"\\]")
(defn- serialize-impl [form]
(string? form) (if (re-matches #"[a-zA-Z0-9._/]+" form)
(str \" (str/replace form escape-re escapes) \"))
(keyword? form) (name form)
(number? form) (str form)
(instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry form)
(serialize-impl (key form))
" = "
(if (= ".appVersion" (key form)) ;; https://github.com/googlefonts/glyphsLib/issues/209
(str \" (val form) \")
(serialize-impl (val form)))
(sequential? form) (if (empty? form)
(str "(\n" (str/join ",\n" (map serialize-impl form)) "\n)"))
(map? form) (if (empty? form)
(str "{\n" (str/join "\n" (map serialize-impl form)) "\n}"))))
(defn serialize [font]
(str (serialize-impl font) "\n"))
; (-> (slurp "FiraCode.glyphs") parse serialize (->> (spit "FiraCode_saved.glyphs")))
(defn load [path]
(println (str "Parsing '" path "'..."))
(parse (slurp path)))
(defn save! [path font]
(println (str "Saving '" path "'..."))
(spit path (serialize font)))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [font (-> (slurp "FiraCode.glyphs") parse)]
(with-open [os (io/writer "clojure/FiraCode.edn")]
(binding [*out* os]
(fipp/pprint font {:width 200})))))
(defn update-code [font key name f & args]
(let [idx (coll/index-of #(= (:name %) name) (get font key))]
(assert (>= idx 0) (str "Cant find " key "[name=\"" name "\"], got " (str/join ", " (map :name (get font key)))))
(apply update-in font [key idx :code] f args)))
(defn lines [s]
(inc (count (re-seq #"\n" s))))
(defn words [s]
(count (re-seq #"[^\s]+" s)))
(defn set-feature [font name feature]
(let [idx (coll/index-of #(= (:name %) name) (:features font))]
(if (pos? idx)
(println " replacing feature" name "with" (lines (:code feature)) "lines")
(assoc-in font [:features idx] feature))
(println " appending to feature" name (lines (:code feature)) "lines")
(update font :features conj feature)))))
(defn set-class [font name class]
(let [idx (coll/index-of #(= (:name %) name) (:classes font))]
(if (pos? idx)
(println " replacing class" name "with" (words (:code class)) "entries")
(assoc-in font [:classes idx] class))
(println " appending to class" name (words (:code class)) "entries")
(update font :classes conj class)))))
(def weights
{:Light "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69"
:Regular "UUID0"
:Bold "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA"})
(defn layer [l]
{ :id (condp = (:layerId l)
(:Light weights) "Light"
(:Regular weights) "Regular"
(:Bold weights) "Bold"
(:layerId l))
:width (:width l) })
(defn save-not600 []
(let [font (-> (slurp "FiraCode.glyphs") parse)]
(with-open [os (io/writer "clojure/FiraCode_not600.edn")]
(binding [*out* os]
(let [glyphs (for [glyph (:glyphs font)
:when (->> (:layers glyph)
(filter #(contains? (set (vals weights)) (:layerId %)))
(every? #(= 600 (:width %)))
{:glyphname (:glyphname glyph)
:layers (mapv layer (:layers glyph))})]
(doseq [glyph glyphs]
(fipp/pprint glyph {:width 200}))
(count glyphs))))))
;; (-main)
;; (save-not600)
;; (-> (slurp "FiraCode.glyphs") parse keys)