import { type DefaultTheme, defineConfig } from 'vitepress'; import { sortByText } from './libs/sortByText.mts'; export const en = defineConfig({ lang: 'en', description: 'A state-of-the-art, high-performance JavaScript utility library with a small bundle size and strong type annotations.', themeConfig: { nav: nav(), sidebar: sidebar(), editLink: { pattern: '', text: 'Edit this page on GitHub', }, footer: { message: 'Released under the MIT License.', copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Viva Republica, Inc.`, }, }, }); function nav(): DefaultTheme.NavItem[] { return [ { text: 'Home', link: '/' }, { text: 'Introduction', link: '/intro' }, { text: 'Reference', link: '/reference/array/chunk' }, ]; } function sidebar(): DefaultTheme.Sidebar { return [ { text: 'Guide', items: [ { text: 'Introduction', link: '/intro' }, { text: 'Installation & Usage', link: '/usage' }, { text: 'Impact on Bundle Size', link: '/bundle-size' }, { text: 'Performance', link: '/performance' }, { text: 'Compatibility with Lodash', link: '/compatibility' }, ], }, { text: 'Reference', items: sortByText([ { text: 'Array Utilities', items: [ { text: 'at', link: '/reference/array/at' }, { text: 'chunk', link: '/reference/array/chunk' }, { text: 'concat (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/concat' }, { text: 'countBy', link: '/reference/array/countBy' }, { text: 'compact', link: '/reference/array/compact' }, { text: 'difference', link: '/reference/array/difference' }, { text: 'differenceBy', link: '/reference/array/differenceBy' }, { text: 'differenceWith', link: '/reference/array/differenceWith' }, { text: 'drop', link: '/reference/array/drop' }, { text: 'dropWhile', link: '/reference/array/dropWhile' }, { text: 'dropRight', link: '/reference/array/dropRight' }, { text: 'dropRightWhile', link: '/reference/array/dropRightWhile' }, { text: 'fill', link: '/reference/array/fill' }, { text: 'toFilled', link: '/reference/array/toFilled' }, { text: 'find (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/find' }, { text: 'findIndex (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/findIndex' }, { text: 'flatMap', link: '/reference/array/flatMap' }, { text: 'flatten', link: '/reference/array/flatten' }, { text: 'flattenDeep', link: '/reference/array/flattenDeep' }, { text: 'forEachRight', link: '/reference/array/forEachRight' }, { text: 'groupBy', link: '/reference/array/groupBy' }, { text: 'indexOf (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/indexOf' }, { text: 'intersection', link: '/reference/array/intersection' }, { text: 'intersectionBy', link: '/reference/array/intersectionBy' }, { text: 'intersectionWith', link: '/reference/array/intersectionWith', }, { text: 'isSubset', link: '/reference/array/isSubset' }, { text: 'keyBy', link: '/reference/array/keyBy' }, { text: 'minBy', link: '/reference/array/minBy' }, { text: 'maxBy', link: '/reference/array/maxBy' }, { text: 'min (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/min' }, { text: 'max (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/max' }, { text: 'orderBy', link: '/reference/array/orderBy' }, { text: 'partition', link: '/reference/array/partition' }, { text: 'pullAt', link: '/reference/array/pullAt' }, { text: 'sample', link: '/reference/array/sample' }, { text: 'sampleSize', link: '/reference/array/sampleSize' }, { text: 'shuffle', link: '/reference/array/shuffle' }, { text: 'size (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/size' }, { text: 'sortBy', link: '/reference/array/sortBy' }, { text: 'take', link: '/reference/array/take' }, { text: 'takeWhile', link: '/reference/array/takeWhile' }, { text: 'takeRight', link: '/reference/array/takeRight' }, { text: 'takeRightWhile', link: '/reference/array/takeRightWhile' }, { text: 'union', link: '/reference/array/union' }, { text: 'unionBy', link: '/reference/array/unionBy' }, { text: 'unionWith', link: '/reference/array/unionWith' }, { text: 'uniq', link: '/reference/array/uniq' }, { text: 'uniqBy', link: '/reference/array/uniqBy' }, { text: 'uniqWith', link: '/reference/array/uniqWith' }, { text: 'unzip', link: '/reference/array/unzip' }, { text: 'unzipWith', link: '/reference/array/unzipWith' }, { text: 'without', link: '/reference/array/without' }, { text: 'xor', link: '/reference/array/xor' }, { text: 'xorBy', link: '/reference/array/xorBy' }, { text: 'xorWith', link: '/reference/array/xorWith' }, { text: 'zip', link: '/reference/array/zip' }, { text: 'zipObject', link: '/reference/array/zipObject' }, { text: 'zipObjectDeep (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/array/zipObjectDeep' }, { text: 'zipWith', link: '/reference/array/zipWith' }, { text: 'head', link: '/reference/array/head' }, { text: 'tail', link: '/reference/array/tail' }, { text: 'last', link: '/reference/array/last' }, { text: 'initial', link: '/reference/array/initial' }, ], }, { text: 'Function Utilities', items: [ { text: 'before', link: '/reference/function/before' }, { text: 'after', link: '/reference/function/after' }, { text: 'debounce', link: '/reference/function/debounce' }, { text: 'throttle', link: '/reference/function/throttle' }, { text: 'negate', link: '/reference/function/negate' }, { text: 'once', link: '/reference/function/once' }, { text: 'noop', link: '/reference/function/noop' }, { text: 'memoize', link: '/reference/function/memoize' }, { text: 'ary', link: '/reference/function/ary' }, { text: 'unary', link: '/reference/function/unary' }, { text: 'bind (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/function/bind' }, { text: 'partial', link: '/reference/function/partial' }, { text: 'partialRight', link: '/reference/function/partialRight' }, { text: 'rest', link: '/reference/function/rest' }, { text: 'spread', link: '/reference/function/spread' }, ], }, { text: 'Math Utilities', items: [ { text: 'clamp', link: '/reference/math/clamp' }, { text: 'inRange', link: '/reference/math/inRange' }, { text: 'mean', link: '/reference/math/mean' }, { text: 'meanBy', link: '/reference/math/meanBy' }, { text: 'random', link: '/reference/math/random' }, { text: 'randomInt', link: '/reference/math/randomInt' }, { text: 'range', link: '/reference/math/range' }, { text: 'round', link: '/reference/math/round' }, { text: 'sum', link: '/reference/math/sum' }, { text: 'sumBy', link: '/reference/math/sumBy' }, ], }, { text: 'Object Utilities', items: [ { text: 'clone', link: '/reference/object/clone' }, { text: 'cloneDeep', link: '/reference/object/cloneDeep' }, { text: 'invert', link: '/reference/object/invert' }, { text: 'flattenObject', link: '/reference/object/flattenObject' }, { text: 'mapKeys', link: '/reference/object/mapKeys' }, { text: 'mapValues', link: '/reference/object/mapValues' }, { text: 'merge', link: '/reference/object/merge' }, { text: 'mergeWith', link: '/reference/object/mergeWith' }, { text: 'toMerged', link: '/reference/object/toMerged' }, { text: 'omit', link: '/reference/object/omit' }, { text: 'omitBy', link: '/reference/object/omitBy' }, { text: 'pick', link: '/reference/object/pick' }, { text: 'pickBy', link: '/reference/object/pickBy' }, { text: 'get (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/object/get' }, { text: 'set (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/object/set' }, { text: 'has (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/object/has' }, { text: 'property (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/object/property' }, ], }, { text: 'Predicates', items: [ { text: 'isArguments (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/isArguments' }, { text: 'isArray (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/isArray' }, { text: 'isArrayLike (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/isArrayLike' }, { text: 'isBoolean', link: '/reference/predicate/isBoolean' }, { text: 'isEqual', link: '/reference/predicate/isEqual' }, { text: 'isFunction', link: '/reference/predicate/isFunction' }, { text: 'isLength', link: '/reference/predicate/isLength' }, { text: 'isPlainObject', link: '/reference/predicate/isPlainObject' }, { text: 'isPrimitive', link: '/reference/predicate/isPrimitive' }, { text: 'isRegExp', link: '/reference/predicate/isRegExp' }, { text: 'isString', link: '/reference/predicate/isString' }, { text: 'isSymbol', link: '/reference/predicate/isSymbol' }, { text: 'isMatch (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/isMatch' }, { text: 'matches (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/matches' }, { text: 'matchesProperty (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/matchesProperty' }, { text: 'isNil', link: '/reference/predicate/isNil' }, { text: 'isNotNil', link: '/reference/predicate/isNotNil' }, { text: 'isNull', link: '/reference/predicate/isNull' }, { text: 'isObjectLike (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/predicate/isObjectLike' }, { text: 'isTypedArray', link: '/reference/predicate/isTypedArray' }, { text: 'isUndefined', link: '/reference/predicate/isUndefined' }, { text: 'isWeakMap', link: '/reference/predicate/isWeakMap' }, ], }, { text: 'Promise Utilities', items: [ { text: 'delay', link: '/reference/promise/delay' }, { text: 'timeout', link: '/reference/promise/timeout' }, { text: 'withTimeout', link: '/reference/promise/withTimeout' }, ], }, { text: 'String Utilities', items: [ { text: 'camelCase', link: '/reference/string/camelCase' }, { text: 'snakeCase', link: '/reference/string/snakeCase' }, { text: 'kebabCase', link: '/reference/string/kebabCase' }, { text: 'lowerCase', link: '/reference/string/lowerCase' }, { text: 'startCase', link: '/reference/string/startCase' }, { text: 'pascalCase', link: '/reference/string/pascalCase' }, { text: 'capitalize', link: '/reference/string/capitalize' }, { text: 'lowerFirst', link: '/reference/string/lowerFirst' }, { text: 'upperFirst', link: '/reference/string/upperFirst' }, { text: 'startsWith (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/string/startsWith' }, { text: 'endsWith (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/string/endsWith' }, { text: 'padStart (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/string/padStart' }, { text: 'padEnd (compat)', link: '/reference/compat/string/padEnd' }, { text: 'deburr', link: '/reference/string/deburr' }, { text: 'pad', link: '/reference/string/pad' }, ], }, { text: 'Errors', items: [ { text: 'AbortError', link: '/reference/error/AbortError' }, { text: 'TimeoutError', link: '/reference/error/TimeoutError' }, ], }, ]), }, ]; }