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{ haskell-nix, mdbook, stdenvNoCC }:
{ haskell-nix, mdbook, stdenvNoCC, stix-two, texlive }:
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "asterius-docs";
src = haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
@ -6,8 +6,12 @@ stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
src = ../.;
subDir = "docs";
nativeBuildInputs = [ mdbook ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ mdbook stix-two texlive.combined.scheme-full ];
buildPhase = ''
pushd $(mktemp -d)
latexmk -pdfxe -file-line-error -halt-on-error $OLDPWD/src/semantics.tex
mv semantics.pdf $OLDPWD/src
mdbook build --dest-dir $out
dontInstall = true;

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# Draft semantics of concurrency and foreign calls.
# Interaction of GHC Runtime with JavaScript Runtime
Note: This document assumes that every function takes exactly one
argument. Just imagine that it's the last argument in a fully
saturated call.
## Foreign export asynchronous
Suppose that a Haskell function `f` is exported to JavaScript
asynchronously (which might be the default). When JavaScript calls the
exported function with argument `v`, it has the effect of performing
the IO action `⟦f⟧ v`, where the translation `⟦f⟧` is defined as
⟦f⟧ v = do
p <- allocate new promise
let run_f = case try (return $ f $ jsToHaskell v) of
Left exn -> p.fails (exnToJS exn)
Right a -> p.succeeds (haskellToJS a)
forkIO run_f
return p -- returned to JavaScript
Not specified here is whether the scheduler is allowed to steal a few
cycles to run previously forked threads.
N.B. This is just a semantics. We certainly have the option of
implementing the entire action completely in the runtime system.
Not yet specified: What is the API by which JavaScript would call an
asynchronously exported Haskell function? Would it, for example, use
API functions to construct a Haskell closure, then evaluate it?
## Foreign import asynchronous
Suppose that a JavaScript function `g` is imported asynchronously
(which might be the default). Let types `a` and `b` stand for two
unknown but fixed types. The JavaScript function expects an argument
of type `a` and returns a `Promise` that (if successful) eventually
delivers a value of type `b`. When a Haskell thunk of the form `g e`
is forced (evaluated), the machine performs the following monadic
action, the result of which is (eventually) written into the thunk.
do let v = haskellToJS e -- evaluates e, converts result to JavaScript
p <- g v -- call returns a `Promise`, "immediately"
m <- newEmptyMVar
... juju to associate m with p ... -- RTS primitive?
result <- takeMVar m
case result of Left fails -> ... raise asynchronous exception ...
Right b -> return $ jsToHaskell v
## CPU sharing
Suppose GHC wishes to say politely to the JavaScript engine, "every so
often I would like to use the CPU for a bounded time." It looks like
Haskell would need to add a message to the JavaScript message queue,
such that the function associated with that messages is "run Haskell
for N ticks." Is the right API to call `setTimeout` with a delay of 0
## Concurrency sketch
Let's suppose the state of a Haskell machine has these components:
- `F` ("fuel") is the number of ticks a Haskell thread can execute
before returning control to JavaScript. This component is present
only when Haskell code is running.
- `R` ("running") is either the currently running Haskell thread, or
if no thread is currently running, it is • ("nothing")
- `Q` ("run queue") is a collection of runnable threads.
- `H` ("heap") is the Haskell heap, which may contain `MVar`s and
threads that are blocked on them.
Components `R` and `H` are used linearly, so they can be stored in
global mutable state.
The machine will enjoy a set of labeled transitions such as are
described in Simon PJ's paper on the "Awkward Squad." Call these the
"standard transitions." (The awkward-squad machine state is a single
term, formed by the parallel composition of `R` with all the threads
of `Q` and all the MVars of `H`. The awkward squad doesn't care about
order, but we do.) To specify the standard transitions, we could add
an additional clock that tells the machine when to switch the running
thread `R` out for a new thread from the queue. Or we could leave the
context switch nondeterministic, as it is in the awkward-squad paper.
Whatever seems useful.
Every state transition has the potential use to fuel. Fuel might
actually be implemented using an allocation clock, but for semantics
purposes, we can simply decrement fuel at each state transition, then
gate the standard transitions on the condition `F > 0`.
At a high level, every invocation of Haskell looks the same:
JavaScript starts the Haskell machine in a state `⟨F, •, Q, H⟩`, and
the Haskell machine makes repeated state transitions until it reaches
one of two stopping states:
- `⟨F',•, [], H'⟩`: no Haskell threads are left to run
- `⟨0, ̧R', Q', H'⟩`: fuel is exhausted, in which case the machine
moves the currently running thread onto the run queue, reaching
state `⟨0, ̧•, R':Q', H'⟩`
Once one of these states is reached, GHC's runtime system takes two
1. It allocates a polite request for the CPU and puts that request on
the JavaScript message queue, probably using `setTimeout` with a
delay of 0 seconds.
2. It returns control to JavaScript.
See rendered [pdf](semantics.pdf) for details.

docs/src/semantics.tex Normal file
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\newcommand{\mono}[1]{% Thanks Paul A. (Windfall Software)
{\@tempdima = \fontdimen2\font
\texttt{\spaceskip = 1.1\@tempdima{}#1}}}
{\@tempdima = \fontdimen2\font
\texttt{\spaceskip = #1\@tempdima{}#2}}
\setmainfont{STIX Two}[
UprightFont={* Math},
ItalicFont={* Text Italic},
BoldFont={* Text Bold},
BoldItalicFont={* Text Bold Italic},
\ensuremath{\langle \c{fuel}, \c{running}, \c{queue}, \c{heap};
\c{mc}, \c{jsheap} \rangle}}}
\newcommand\goesto[1]{\xrightarrow{#1}} % {\stackrel{#1}{\longrightarrow}}
\title{Interaction of GHC Runtime with JavaScript Runtime}
\author{Norman Ramsey\\Cheng Shao}
\section{Semantics of concurrency}\label{concurrency-sketch}
To~describe how GHC's run-time system must interact with JavaScript,
we~present a small-step operational semantics using labeled
The~semantics is in the same style as the
semantics in Simon PJ's tutorial \emph{Tackling the Awkward Squad},
only not as thorough and careful.
\subsection{Metavariables and state}
The semantics describes transitions of a state machine whose
components model the states of \emph{both} Haskell and JavaScript runtimes.
$F$ (``fuel'') is the number of ticks a Haskell thread can
execute before returning control to JavaScript. This component is
always nonnegative, and it is
nonzero only when Haskell code is running.
$R$ (``running'') is either the currently running Haskell
thread, or if no Haskell code is currently running, it is \notrunning\ (``nothing'')
$Q$ (``run queue'') is a collection of runnable Haskell threads.
For the moment we model it using the parallel-composition
operator~$\mid$ from the Awkward Squad tutorial.
So a queue with $n$ runnable threads might have the form $R_1 \mid
R_2 \mid \cdots \mid R_n$.
An~empty queue is written like an empty list, thus:~\emptylist.
$H$ (``heap'') is the Haskell heap, which may contain
\texttt{MVar}s and threads that are blocked on them.
$M$ (``message'') is a JavaScript message.
Note that in JavaScript, \emph{message} is a term of~art.
The message is the atomic unit of concurrency.
JavaScript works by taking a message from its ``message queue,''
running that message to completion (atomically),
then repeating.
While JavaScript is executing a message~$M$, that message will show up
as a component of the state machine.
$K$ (``continuation'') is a JavaScript continuation.
This component represents the state of a JavaScript message that is
suspended waiting for Haskell code to return a value (most commonly a
The~continuation is resumed when a value is supplied, so
$K\,v$ is a message.
$J$ is the JavaScript heap, including the message queue, which we
don't model separately.
To~add a message~$M$ to the message queue, we write
$J+M$, which stands for the JavaScript heap that is like~$J$, except
$M$~is added to the message queue.
\slicemessage\ is the special message that, when executed, causes JavaScript
to allocate a time slice to Haskell.
When GHC's runtime system wants to be sure it has a future opportunity
to run Haskell code, it~will add this message \slicemessage\ to
JavaScript's message queue.
\slicecont\ is a continuation that JavaScript is suspended on when
it has granted a time slice to Haskell.
This~continuation is unique in that it doesn't expect a meaningful
return value.
It~is resumed by passing it the empty tuple, so $\slicecont()$ is a message.
$v$ is a value (JavaScript value or Haskell WHNF).
$e$ is an unevaluated Haskell expression, thunk, or closure (all words for the same
JavaScript calls into Haskell by constructing a closure, then asking
GHC's run-time system to evaluate~it.
A~complete machine state includes both Haskell components and
JavaScript components.
The two sets of components are separated by a semicolon.
Common forms of machine state include the following:
In state \hstate[mc=\slicecont], Haskell code is running in thread $R$ with fuel~$F$.
JavaScript is suspended on continuation~$\slicecont$ waiting for
Haskell to give back the~CPU.
In state \hstate[mc=K], Haskell code is running in thread $R$ with fuel~$F$.
JavaScript called Haskell to get a \texttt{Promise}, and it is
suspended on continuation~$K$ waiting for that \texttt{Promise} to be delivered.
In state \jstate, JavaScript has the~CPU and is running code
associated with message~$M$.
Haskell is suspended and not running.
Typically $F=0$, but the value of~$F$ is not relevant.
Components $R$, $Q$, $H$, and~$J$ are all meant to be stored in global
variables in their respective run-time systems.
It~would be lovely to have a good invariant describing when the
message \slicemessage\ can appear in the JavaScript message queue, and
how many times.
I~think we like ``exactly when Haskell code is runnable'' and
``at most once.''
\subsection{Most interesting state transitions}
The machine will enjoy a set of labeled transitions such as are
described in Simon PJ's paper on the ``Awkward Squad.'' Call these the
``standard transitions.'' (The awkward-squad machine state is a single
term, formed by the parallel composition of $R$ with all the
threads of~$Q$ and all the MVars of~$H$. The awkward squad
doesn't care about order, but we~do.)
An~important nonstandard transition is made when the Haskell engine
runs out of fuel and returns control to JavaScript.
The~currently running thread is placed on the run queue.
\goesto{\text{\texttt{return} from \texttt{rts\_grant\_slice}}}
\jstate[queue=\parthreads R Q,mc=\slicecont(),jsheap=J+\slicemessage]
JavaScript starts running $\slicecont()$, that is, it resumes the
message that was suspended waiting for Haskell.
Notice that before returning, Haskell puts message \slicemessage\ on
JavaScript's message queue---thereby ensuring that at some future
point, it~will get more~CPU.
That's accomplished by a \texttt{setImmediate} call into the
JavaScript runtime, whose function will call \texttt{rts\_grant\_slice}
in the Haskell runtime.
Haskell will also return control to JavaScript if there are no Haskell
threads available to run.
In~this case, it~doesn't ask for future access to the~CPU.
\goesto{\text{\texttt{return} from \texttt{rts\_grant\_slice}}}
When JavaScript sees the special message~\slicemessage, it~grants CPU
to Haskell by calling \texttt{rts\_grant\_slice($F_0$)}, where
$F_0$~is the amount of fuel to grant.
(In~practice, this policy will likely be set elsewhere, not passed
from JavaScript.)
\jstate[queue=\parthreads R Q,mc=\slicemessage]
When JavaScript wants to call Haskell asynchronously, it first constructs a
closure~$e$, then calls \texttt{eval\_async($e$)}, which forks a new
Haskell thread.
\goesto{\mathtt{eval\_async}(e)\text{ and \texttt{return} $p$}}
\jstate[mc=K(p),queue=\parthreads R Q,jsheap=J+\slicemessage]
\qquad \text{where}~
p = \text{a fresh promise}\\
R = \text{\texttt{deliver} $p$ (\texttt{try} $e$)}\\
\text{\texttt{deliver p (Left exn)}} = \text{\texttt{p.fails exn}}\\
\text{\texttt{deliver p (Right v)~}} = \text{\texttt{p.succeeds v}}
This transition specifies the following sequence of actions:
Allocate a fresh promise~$p$.
Fork a new thread~$R$, which will evaluate~$e$.
(When the evaluation of~$e$ completes, $R$~will deliver the result to promise~$p$.)
Ask JavaScript to grant future CPU (so that $R$ can be run).
Return $p$ to JavaScript \emph{immediately}.
When Haskell wants to call JavaScript asynchronously, it~expects a
\texttt{Promise} in return, and it suspends the current thread waiting
on the \texttt{Promise}.
The run-time system already handles this case as part of its support
for \texttt{MVar}s and exceptions; no special state transition is required.
let's assume we define an exception constructor something like this:
data JSFault = JSFault JSValue
instance Exception JSFault where ...
The Haskell equivalent of a call \monobox{f e} to a foreign JavaScript
function with argument~\texttt{e} can look something like this:
do let v = haskellToJS e -- evaluates e, converts result to JavaScript
p <- g v -- call to JavaScript returns a `Promise`
m <- newEmptyMVar
myself <- threadId
p.then(putMVar m, throwTo myself . JSFault) -- attach continuations to p
takeMVar m -- block waiting for async call to complete
To~make this code work, the two continuations that contain references
to~\texttt{m} and \texttt{myself} will have to be wrapped in
JavaScript lambdas, something like this:
(v => rts_eval_async(⟦putVar m⟧))
where \texttt{⟦putVar m⟧} denotes the run-time representation of the
Haskell closure in JavaScript.
Notes: Calls \monobox{g v} and \monobox{p.then(...)} are both
\subsection{Other state transitions}
Computation is modeled by evolving the running thread from
Computation may also change the Haskell heap and the queue of runnable
threads, as described in the Awkward Squad paper.
Computation uses fuel, which is always
The Haskell scheduler can decide to grant the CPU to a different
Haskell thread.
\hstate[fuel=F,queue=\parthreads{R'} Q]
\goesto{\text{context switch}}
\subsection{Scaling up to POSIX}
What if a user types Control-C?
Computation doesn't use fuel.
Add component to state machine: \emph{why} does $F=0$?
Maybe because: a~user hit Control-C.