mirror of https://github.com/tweag/asterius.git synced 2024-09-19 21:07:55 +03:00

Experimenting on a top-level FSM for control-flow. Not working yet

This commit is contained in:
Shao Cheng 2018-04-03 19:30:07 +08:00
parent ce2d8254c2
commit 840d442cd6
5 changed files with 214 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstInt64" c_BinaryenConstInt64
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> Int64 -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat32" c_BinaryenConstFloat32
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> CFloat -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> Float -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat64" c_BinaryenConstFloat64
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> CDouble -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> Double -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "BinaryenConstFloat32Bits" c_BinaryenConstFloat32Bits
:: BinaryenModuleRef -> Int32 -> IO BinaryenExpressionRef

View File

@ -7,16 +7,13 @@ import Foreign.C
main :: IO ()
main = do
c_BinaryenSetAPITracing 1
m <- c_BinaryenModuleCreate
ft <-
withCString "add_func_type" $ \p0 ->
SV.unsafeWith [c_BinaryenTypeInt32, c_BinaryenTypeInt32] $ \p1 ->
c_BinaryenAddFunctionType m p0 c_BinaryenTypeInt32 p1 2
x <- c_BinaryenGetLocal m 0 c_BinaryenTypeInt32
y <- c_BinaryenGetLocal m 1 c_BinaryenTypeInt32
tot <- c_BinaryenBinary m c_BinaryenAddInt32 x y
_ <-
withCString "add_func" $ \p0 -> c_BinaryenAddFunction m p0 ft nullPtr 0 tot
withCString "func_type" $ \p0 ->
SV.unsafeWith [c_BinaryenTypeInt32] $ \p1 ->
c_BinaryenAddFunctionType m p0 c_BinaryenTypeInt32 p1 1
e <- c_BinaryenUnreachable m
_ <- withCString "func" $ \p0 -> c_BinaryenAddFunction m p0 ft nullPtr 0 e
c_BinaryenModulePrint m
c_BinaryenModuleValidate m >>= print
c_BinaryenModuleDispose m

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ library:
- ConstraintKinds
- DefaultSignatures
- DeriveGeneric
- DuplicateRecordFields
- FlexibleContexts
- MagicHash
- PolyKinds
@ -40,3 +41,13 @@ library:
- TypeFamilies
- UnboxedTuples
- UndecidableInstances
source-dirs: test
main: nir-test.hs
- wasm-toolkit
- OverloadedLists
- OverloadedStrings

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Language.WebAssembly.NIR
( ValueType(..)
, FunctionType(..)
, Expression(..)
, Function(..)
, marshalFunction
) where
import Bindings.Binaryen.Raw
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import Data.Serialize
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.Generics
import Language.WebAssembly.Internals
import UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.Foreign
data ValueType
= None
| I32
| I64
| F32
| F64
| Auto
deriving (Show, Generic)
data FunctionType = FunctionType
{ name :: SBS.ShortByteString
, returnType :: ValueType
, paramTypes :: V.Vector ValueType
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Serialize FunctionType
instance Serialize ValueType
data Expression
= ConstI32 Int32
| ConstI64 Int64
| ConstF32 Float
| ConstF64 Double
| ConstF32Bits Int32
| ConstF64Bits Int64
| Block { name :: SBS.ShortByteString
, bodys :: V.Vector Expression
, blockType :: ValueType }
| If { condition, ifTrue, ifFalse :: Expression }
| Loop { name :: SBS.ShortByteString
, body :: Expression }
| Break { name :: SBS.ShortByteString
, condition, value :: Expression }
| Switch { names :: V.Vector SBS.ShortByteString
, defaultName :: SBS.ShortByteString
, condition, value :: Expression }
| GetLocal { index :: BinaryenIndex, localType :: ValueType }
| Return { value :: Expression }
| Null
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Serialize Expression
data Function = Function
{ name :: SBS.ShortByteString
, functionType :: FunctionType
, varTypes :: V.Vector ValueType
, body :: Expression
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Serialize Function
marshalValueType :: ValueType -> BinaryenType
marshalValueType t =
case t of
None -> c_BinaryenTypeNone
I32 -> c_BinaryenTypeInt32
I64 -> c_BinaryenTypeInt64
F32 -> c_BinaryenTypeFloat32
F64 -> c_BinaryenTypeFloat64
Auto -> c_BinaryenTypeAuto
marshalFunctionType ::
MonadIO m => BinaryenModuleRef -> FunctionType -> m BinaryenFunctionTypeRef
marshalFunctionType m FunctionType {..} =
liftIO $
withSV (V.convert $ V.map marshalValueType paramTypes) $ \pts ptl ->
withSBS name $ \np ->
c_BinaryenAddFunctionType m np (marshalValueType returnType) pts ptl
marshalExpression ::
MonadIO m => BinaryenModuleRef -> Expression -> m BinaryenExpressionRef
marshalExpression m e =
liftIO $
case e of
ConstI32 x -> c_BinaryenConstInt32 m x
ConstI64 x -> c_BinaryenConstInt64 m x
ConstF32 x -> c_BinaryenConstFloat32 m x
ConstF64 x -> c_BinaryenConstFloat64 m x
ConstF32Bits x -> c_BinaryenConstFloat32Bits m x
ConstF64Bits x -> c_BinaryenConstFloat64Bits m x
Block {..} -> do
bs <- fmap V.convert $ V.forM bodys $ marshalExpression m
withSV bs $ \bsp bl ->
withSBS name $ \np ->
c_BinaryenBlock m np bsp bl (marshalValueType blockType)
If {..} -> do
c <- marshalExpression m condition
t <- marshalExpression m ifTrue
f <- marshalExpression m ifFalse
c_BinaryenIf m c t f
Loop {..} -> do
b <- marshalExpression m body
withSBS name $ \np -> c_BinaryenLoop m np b
Break {..} -> do
c <- marshalExpression m condition
v <- marshalExpression m value
withSBS name $ \np -> c_BinaryenBreak m np c v
Switch {..} -> do
c <- marshalExpression m condition
v <- marshalExpression m value
ns <- fmap V.convert $ V.forM names $ flip withSBS pure
withSV ns $ \nsp nl ->
withSBS defaultName $ \dn -> c_BinaryenSwitch m nsp nl dn c v
GetLocal {..} -> c_BinaryenGetLocal m index $ marshalValueType localType
Return {..} -> do
v <- marshalExpression m value
c_BinaryenReturn m v
Null -> pure nullPtr
marshalFunction ::
MonadIO m => BinaryenModuleRef -> Function -> m BinaryenFunctionRef
marshalFunction m Function {..} =
liftIO $ do
ft <- marshalFunctionType m functionType
b <- marshalExpression m body
withSV (V.convert $ V.map marshalValueType varTypes) $ \vtp vtl ->
withSBS name $ \np -> c_BinaryenAddFunction m np ft vtp vtl b
instance Serialize SBS.ShortByteString where
{-# INLINE put #-}
put sbs = put (SBS.length sbs) *> putShortByteString sbs
{-# INLINE get #-}
get = get >>= getShortByteString
instance Serialize a => Serialize (V.Vector a) where
{-# INLINE put #-}
put v = put (V.length v) *> V.mapM_ put v
{-# INLINE get #-}
get = do
len <- get
V.replicateM len get

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Bindings.Binaryen.Raw
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import Data.Functor
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Language.WebAssembly.NIR
maxn :: Int
maxn = 2
blockTag :: Int -> SBS.ShortByteString
blockTag = ("block" <>) . fromString . show
f :: Int -> Expression
f 0 =
(blockTag 0)
[ Switch
(V.fromList [blockTag i | i <- [0 .. maxn]])
(GetLocal 0 I32)
(ConstI32 233)
f n =
Block (blockTag n) [f $ n - 1, Return $ ConstI32 $ fromIntegral $ n - 1] Auto
main :: IO ()
main = do
m <- c_BinaryenModuleCreate
void $
marshalFunction m $
Function "func" (FunctionType "func_type" I32 [I32]) [] $
Block "block_out" [f maxn, Return $ ConstI32 $ fromIntegral maxn] Auto
c_BinaryenModuleValidate m >>= print
c_BinaryenModuleDispose m