mirror of https://github.com/tweag/asterius.git synced 2024-10-05 21:30:49 +03:00

Address issue #570 (#572)

This commit is contained in:
George Karachalias 2020-04-14 22:09:23 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 29529e4260
commit 8723e25777
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 62 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ where
import Asterius.Internals
import Asterius.Internals.Barf
import qualified Asterius.Internals.DList as DList
import Asterius.Internals.MagicNumber
import Asterius.Passes.Relooper
import Asterius.TypeInfer
import Asterius.Types
import Asterius.TypesConv
import Bag
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -464,27 +464,27 @@ lookupIndex i = flip lookupLocalContext i <$> reader envLclContext
makeInstructions ::
(MonadError MarshalError m, MonadReader MarshalEnv m) =>
Expression ->
m (DList.DList Wasm.Instruction)
m (Bag Wasm.Instruction)
makeInstructions expr =
case expr of
Block {..}
| BS.null name ->
fmap mconcat $ for bodys makeInstructions
fmap unionManyBags $ for bodys makeInstructions
| otherwise -> do
bs <- bindLocalLabel name $ for bodys makeInstructions
pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Block
pure $ unitBag Wasm.Block
{ blockResultType = map makeValueType blockReturnTypes,
blockInstructions = DList.toList $ mconcat bs
blockInstructions = bagToList $ unionManyBags bs
If {..} -> do
c <- makeInstructions condition -- NOTE: the label is only in scope for
-- the branches, not the condition.
t <- bindLocalLabel mempty $
DList.toList <$> makeInstructions ifTrue
bagToList <$> makeInstructions ifTrue
f <- bindLocalLabel mempty $
DList.toList <$> makeInstructionsMaybe ifFalse
bagToList <$> makeInstructionsMaybe ifFalse
pure $
c <> DList.singleton Wasm.If
c `snocBag` Wasm.If
{ ifResultType = map makeValueType $ infer ifTrue,
thenInstructions = t,
elseInstructions = case f of
@ -493,23 +493,23 @@ makeInstructions expr =
Loop {..} -> do
b <- bindLocalLabel name $ makeInstructions body
pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Loop
pure $ unitBag Wasm.Loop
{ loopResultType = [],
loopInstructions = DList.toList b
loopInstructions = bagToList b
Break {..} -> do
_lbl <- lookupLabel name
case breakCondition of
Just cond -> do
c <- makeInstructions cond
pure $ c <> DList.singleton Wasm.BranchIf {branchIfLabel = _lbl}
_ -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Branch {branchLabel = _lbl}
pure $ c `snocBag` Wasm.BranchIf {branchIfLabel = _lbl}
_ -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.Branch {branchLabel = _lbl}
Switch {..} -> do
c <- makeInstructions condition
_lbls <- mapM lookupLabel names
_lbl <- lookupLabel defaultName
pure $
c <> DList.singleton Wasm.BranchTable
c `snocBag` Wasm.BranchTable
{ branchTableLabels = _lbls,
branchTableFallbackLabel = _lbl
@ -528,17 +528,17 @@ makeInstructions expr =
else operands
pure $ mconcat xs <> DList.singleton Wasm.Call {callFunctionIndex = i}
pure $ unionManyBags xs `snocBag` Wasm.Call {callFunctionIndex = i}
_ -> do
sym_map <- askSymbolMap
if Map.member ("__asterius_barf_" <> target) sym_map
then makeInstructions $ barf target callReturnTypes
else pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Unreachable
else pure $ unitBag Wasm.Unreachable
CallImport {..} -> do
xs <- for operands makeInstructions
ModuleSymbolTable {..} <- askModuleSymbolTable
pure $
mconcat xs <> DList.singleton Wasm.Call
unionManyBags xs `snocBag` Wasm.Call
{ callFunctionIndex = functionSymbols ! target'
CallIndirect {..} -> do
@ -546,26 +546,26 @@ makeInstructions expr =
xs <- for operands makeInstructions
ModuleSymbolTable {..} <- askModuleSymbolTable
pure $
mconcat xs <> f <> DList.singleton Wasm.CallIndirect
unionManyBags xs `unionBags` f `snocBag` Wasm.CallIndirect
{ callIndirectFuctionTypeIndex = functionTypeSymbols ! functionType
GetLocal {..} -> do
idx <- lookupIndex index
pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.GetLocal
pure $ unitBag Wasm.GetLocal
{ getLocalIndex = idx
SetLocal {..} -> do
v <- makeInstructions value
idx <- lookupIndex index
pure $
v <> DList.singleton Wasm.SetLocal
v `snocBag` Wasm.SetLocal
{ setLocalIndex = idx
TeeLocal {..} -> do
v <- makeInstructions value
idx <- lookupIndex index
pure $
v <> DList.singleton Wasm.TeeLocal
v `snocBag` Wasm.TeeLocal
{ teeLocalIndex = idx
Load {..} -> do
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ makeInstructions expr =
{ memoryArgumentAlignment = 0,
memoryArgumentOffset = offset
op <- DList.singleton <$> case (signed, bytes, valueType) of
op <- case (signed, bytes, valueType) of
(_, 4, I32) -> pure $ Wasm.I32Load _mem_arg
(_, 8, I64) -> pure $ Wasm.I64Load _mem_arg
(_, 4, F32) -> pure $ Wasm.F32Load _mem_arg
@ -590,13 +590,13 @@ makeInstructions expr =
(False, 4, I64) -> pure $ Wasm.I64Load32Unsigned _mem_arg
_ -> throwError $ UnsupportedExpression expr
p <- makeInstructions ptr
pure $ p <> op
pure $ p `snocBag` op
Store {..} -> do
let _mem_arg = Wasm.MemoryArgument
{ memoryArgumentAlignment = 0,
memoryArgumentOffset = offset
op <- DList.singleton <$> case (bytes, valueType) of
op <- case (bytes, valueType) of
(4, I32) -> pure $ Wasm.I32Store _mem_arg
(8, I64) -> pure $ Wasm.I64Store _mem_arg
(4, F32) -> pure $ Wasm.F32Store _mem_arg
@ -609,23 +609,23 @@ makeInstructions expr =
_ -> throwError $ UnsupportedExpression expr
p <- makeInstructions ptr
v <- makeInstructions value
pure $ p <> v <> op
ConstI32 v -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.I32Const {i32ConstValue = v}
ConstI64 v -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.I64Const {i64ConstValue = v}
ConstF32 v -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.F32Const {f32ConstValue = v}
ConstF64 v -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.F64Const {f64ConstValue = v}
pure $ p `unionBags` v `snocBag` op
ConstI32 v -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.I32Const {i32ConstValue = v}
ConstI64 v -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.I64Const {i64ConstValue = v}
ConstF32 v -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.F32Const {f32ConstValue = v}
ConstF64 v -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.F64Const {f64ConstValue = v}
Unary {..} -> do
x <- makeInstructions operand0
let op = DList.singleton $ marshalUnaryOp unaryOp
pure $ x <> op
let op = marshalUnaryOp unaryOp
pure $ x `snocBag` op
Binary {..} -> do
x <- makeInstructions operand0
y <- makeInstructions operand1
let op = DList.singleton $ marshalBinaryOp binaryOp
pure $ x <> y <> op
let op = marshalBinaryOp binaryOp
pure $ x `unionBags` y `snocBag` op
Drop {..} -> do
x <- makeInstructions dropValue
pure $ x <> DList.singleton Wasm.Drop
pure $ x `snocBag` Wasm.Drop
ReturnCall {..} -> do
sym_map <- askSymbolMap
ModuleSymbolTable {..} <- askModuleSymbolTable
@ -634,12 +634,12 @@ makeInstructions expr =
-- Case 1: Tail calls are on
then case Map.lookup (entityName returnCallTarget64) functionSymbols of
Just i -> pure $
DList.singleton Wasm.ReturnCall {returnCallFunctionIndex = i}
unitBag Wasm.ReturnCall {returnCallFunctionIndex = i}
| Map.member ("__asterius_barf_" <> returnCallTarget64) sym_map ->
makeInstructions $ barf returnCallTarget64 []
| otherwise ->
pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Unreachable
pure $ unitBag Wasm.Unreachable
-- Case 2: Tail calls are off
else case Map.lookup returnCallTarget64 sym_map of
Just t -> makeInstructions
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ makeInstructions expr =
| Map.member ("__asterius_barf_" <> returnCallTarget64) sym_map ->
makeInstructions $ barf returnCallTarget64 []
| otherwise ->
pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Unreachable
pure $ unitBag Wasm.Unreachable
ReturnCallIndirect {..} -> do
sym_map <- askSymbolMap
ModuleSymbolTable {..} <- askModuleSymbolTable
@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ makeInstructions expr =
operand0 = returnCallIndirectTarget64
pure $
x <> DList.singleton Wasm.ReturnCallIndirect
x `snocBag` Wasm.ReturnCallIndirect
{ returnCallIndirectFunctionTypeIndex = functionTypeSymbols
! FunctionType {paramTypes = [], returnTypes = []}
@ -690,24 +690,24 @@ makeInstructions expr =
valueType = I64
Host {..} -> do
let op = DList.singleton $ case hostOp of
let op = unitBag $ case hostOp of
CurrentMemory -> Wasm.MemorySize
GrowMemory -> Wasm.MemoryGrow
xs <- for operands makeInstructions
pure $ mconcat xs <> op
Nop -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Nop
Unreachable -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.Unreachable
pure $ unionManyBags xs `unionBags` op
Nop -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.Nop
Unreachable -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.Unreachable
CFG {..} -> makeInstructions $ relooper graph
Symbol {..} -> do
sym_map <- askSymbolMap
case Map.lookup unresolvedSymbol sym_map of
Just x -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.I64Const
Just x -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.I64Const
{ i64ConstValue = x + fromIntegral symbolOffset
| Map.member ("__asterius_barf_" <> unresolvedSymbol) sym_map ->
makeInstructions $ barf unresolvedSymbol [I64]
| otherwise -> pure $ DList.singleton Wasm.I64Const
| otherwise -> pure $ unitBag Wasm.I64Const
{ i64ConstValue = invalidAddress
-- Unsupported expressions:
@ -719,10 +719,10 @@ makeInstructions expr =
makeInstructionsMaybe ::
(MonadError MarshalError m, MonadReader MarshalEnv m) =>
Maybe Expression ->
m (DList.DList Wasm.Instruction)
m (Bag Wasm.Instruction)
makeInstructionsMaybe m_expr = case m_expr of
Just expr -> makeInstructions expr
_ -> pure mempty
_ -> pure emptyBag
makeCodeSection ::
MonadError MarshalError m =>
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ makeCodeSection tail_calls sym_map _mod@Module {..} _module_symtable =
[ Wasm.Locals {localsCount = c, localsType = vt}
| (vt, c) <- _locals
functionBody = coerce $ DList.toList _body
functionBody = coerce $ bagToList _body
makeDataSection ::

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@ -89,33 +89,22 @@ import Asterius.Passes.All
import Asterius.Passes.Barf
import Asterius.Passes.GlobalRegs
import Asterius.Types
import Bag
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as LM
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable
import Language.Haskell.GHC.Toolkit.Constants
-- | Difference lists
type DList a = Endo [a]
-- | Append an element to the end of the list. Opposite of cons
dListSnoc :: DList a -> a -> DList a
dListSnoc dl a = dl <> Endo (a :)
-- | Materialize a difference list into a haskell list
fromDList :: DList a -> [a]
fromDList = ($ []) . appEndo
-- | State maintained by the EDSL builder.
data EDSLState
= EDSLState
{ retTypes :: [ValueType],
paramBuf :: DList ValueType,
paramBuf :: Bag ValueType,
paramNum :: Int,
localNum :: Int,
labelNum :: Int,
exprBuf :: DList Expression,
exprBuf :: Bag Expression,
-- | Static variables to be added into the module
staticsBuf :: [(EntitySymbol, AsteriusStatics)]
@ -123,11 +112,11 @@ data EDSLState
initialEDSLState :: EDSLState
initialEDSLState = EDSLState
{ retTypes = [],
paramBuf = mempty,
paramBuf = emptyBag,
paramNum = 0,
localNum = 0,
labelNum = 0,
exprBuf = mempty,
exprBuf = emptyBag,
staticsBuf = mempty
@ -146,7 +135,7 @@ instance Monoid a => Monoid (EDSL a) where
emit :: Expression -> EDSL ()
emit e =
EDSL $ modify' $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> s {exprBuf = exprBuf `dListSnoc` e}
EDSL $ modify' $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> s {exprBuf = exprBuf `snocBag` e}
-- | Create a block from the list of expressions returning the given values.
bundleExpressions ::
@ -177,11 +166,11 @@ runEDSL n (EDSL m) =
EDSLState {..} = execState m initialEDSLState
f0 = adjustLocalRegs $ Function
{ functionType = FunctionType
{ paramTypes = fromDList paramBuf,
{ paramTypes = bagToList paramBuf,
returnTypes = retTypes
varTypes = [],
body = bundleExpressions retTypes $ fromDList exprBuf
body = bundleExpressions retTypes $ bagToList exprBuf
m1 = processBarf n f0
@ -202,7 +191,7 @@ mutParam :: ValueType -> EDSL LVal
mutParam vt = EDSL $ do
i <- state $ \s@EDSLState {..} ->
( fromIntegral paramNum,
s {paramBuf = paramBuf `dListSnoc` vt, paramNum = succ paramNum}
s {paramBuf = paramBuf `snocBag` vt, paramNum = succ paramNum}
pure LVal
{ getLVal = GetLocal {index = i, valueType = vt},
@ -380,10 +369,10 @@ newLabel :: EDSL Label
newLabel = EDSL $ state $ \s@EDSLState {..} ->
(Label $ showBS labelNum, s {labelNum = succ labelNum})
newScope :: EDSL () -> EDSL (DList Expression)
newScope :: EDSL () -> EDSL (Bag Expression)
newScope m = do
orig_buf <- EDSL $ state $ \s@EDSLState {..} ->
(exprBuf, s {exprBuf = mempty})
(exprBuf, s {exprBuf = emptyBag})
EDSL $ state $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> (exprBuf, s {exprBuf = orig_buf})
@ -393,7 +382,7 @@ block' vts cont = do
es <- newScope $ cont lbl
emit Block
{ name = unLabel lbl,
bodys = fromDList es,
bodys = bagToList es,
blockReturnTypes = vts
@ -402,7 +391,7 @@ blockWithLabel vts lbl m = do
es <- newScope m
emit Block
{ name = unLabel lbl,
bodys = fromDList es,
bodys = bagToList es,
blockReturnTypes = vts
@ -410,7 +399,7 @@ loop' :: [ValueType] -> (Label -> EDSL ()) -> EDSL ()
loop' vts cont = do
lbl <- newLabel
es <- newScope $ cont lbl
emit Loop {name = unLabel lbl, body = bundleExpressions vts $ fromDList es}
emit Loop {name = unLabel lbl, body = bundleExpressions vts $ bagToList es}
if' :: [ValueType] -> Expression -> EDSL () -> EDSL () -> EDSL ()
if' vts cond t f = do
@ -418,8 +407,8 @@ if' vts cond t f = do
f_es <- newScope f
emit If
{ condition = cond,
ifTrue = bundleExpressions vts $ fromDList t_es,
ifFalse = Just $ bundleExpressions vts $ fromDList f_es
ifTrue = bundleExpressions vts $ bagToList t_es,
ifFalse = Just $ bundleExpressions vts $ bagToList f_es
break' :: Label -> Maybe Expression -> EDSL ()

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Asterius.Internals.DList
( DList,
import Control.Monad
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Monoid
import qualified GHC.Exts
import Prelude hiding
( foldr,
import qualified Prelude
newtype DList a
= DList (Endo [a])
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance GHC.Exts.IsList (DList a) where
type Item (DList a) = a
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList = fromList
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = toList
instance Functor DList where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap = map
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList :: [a] -> DList a
fromList = coerce . (<>)
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList :: DList a -> [a]
toList = ($ []) . appEndo . coerce
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
singleton :: a -> DList a
singleton = coerce . (:)
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons :: a -> DList a -> DList a
cons = (<>) . singleton
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> DList a -> b
foldr f b = Prelude.foldr f b . toList
{-# INLINE map #-}
map :: (a -> b) -> DList a -> DList b
map f = foldr (cons . f) mempty