mirror of https://github.com/tweag/asterius.git synced 2024-10-26 09:21:04 +03:00

WIP (wip-parallel-experiment, squash)

This commit is contained in:
Georgios Karachalias 2020-09-22 11:08:42 +02:00
parent af8575d5bb
commit cc6d042884
12 changed files with 156 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Asterius.Ld
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
@ -20,6 +22,10 @@ parseLinkTask args = do
linkObjs = link_objs,
linkLibs = link_libs,
linkModule = mempty,
threadPoolSize =
maybe 1 read $
find ("--thread-pool-size=" `isPrefixOf`) args
>>= stripPrefix "--thread-pool-size=",
hasMain = "--no-main" `notElem` args,
debug = "--debug" `elem` args,
gcSections = "--no-gc-sections" `notElem` args,
@ -63,5 +69,6 @@ main = do
rsp <- readFile rsp_path
let rsp_args = map read $ lines rsp
task <- parseLinkTask rsp_args
when (threadPoolSize task > 1) $ setNumCapabilities (threadPoolSize task)
ignore <- isJust <$> getEnv "ASTERIUS_AHC_LD_IGNORE"
if ignore then callProcess "touch" [linkOutput task] else linkExe task

View File

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
import Asterius.Main
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
main :: IO ()
main = getTask >>= ahcLinkMain
main = do
task <- getTask
when (threadPoolSize task > 1) $ setNumCapabilities (threadPoolSize task)
ahcLinkMain task

View File

@ -4,22 +4,36 @@
module Asterius.Ar
( loadAr,
import qualified Ar as GHC
import Asterius.Binary.ByteString
import Asterius.Types
import Data.Foldable
import qualified IfaceEnv as GHC
-- | Load an archive file from disk, deserialize all objects it contains and
-- concatenate them into a single 'AsteriusCachedModule'.
loadAr :: GHC.NameCacheUpdater -> FilePath -> IO AsteriusCachedModule
loadAr ncu p = do
loadAr ncu p = do -- TODO: This sequential version is currently being used by
-- Asterius.GHCi.Internals.asteriusIservCall
entries <- loadArchiveEntries p
mconcat <$> mapM (loadArchiveEntry ncu) entries
-- | Load all the archive entries from an archive file @.a@, as a list of plain
-- 'ByteString's (content only).
{-# INLINE loadArchiveEntries #-}
loadArchiveEntries :: FilePath -> IO [GHC.ArchiveEntry]
loadArchiveEntries p = do
GHC.Archive entries <- GHC.loadAr p
( \acc GHC.ArchiveEntry {..} -> tryGetBS ncu filedata >>= \case
Left _ -> pure acc
Right m -> pure $ m <> acc
return entries
-- | Deserialize an 'GHC.ArchiveEntry'. In case deserialization fails, return
-- an empty 'AsteriusModule'.
loadArchiveEntry :: GHC.NameCacheUpdater -> GHC.ArchiveEntry -> IO AsteriusCachedModule
loadArchiveEntry ncu = \GHC.ArchiveEntry {..} ->
tryGetBS ncu filedata >>= \case
Left {} -> pure mempty
Right m -> pure m

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ where
import Asterius.Internals.Barf
import Asterius.Internals.MagicNumber
import Asterius.Internals.Marshal
import Asterius.Internals.Parallel
import Asterius.Types
import qualified Asterius.Types.SymbolMap as SM
import Asterius.TypesConv
@ -525,24 +526,22 @@ marshalFunctionTable m tbl_slots FunctionTable {..} = flip runContT pure $ do
(fromIntegral fnl)
-- | Marshal the memory segments of a 'Module'. NOTE: It would be nice to
-- parallelize this process (see issue #621), but given that we want marshaling
-- to happen in @ContT@ for efficiency reasons, this might backfire. Leaving
-- linear for now.
marshalMemorySegments :: Int -> [DataSegment] -> CodeGen ()
marshalMemorySegments mbs segs = do
env <- ask
m <- askModuleRef
let segs_len = length segs
marshalOffset = \DataSegment {..} ->
lift $ flip runReaderT env $ marshalExpression $ ConstI32 offset
lift $ flip runContT pure $ do
(seg_bufs, _) <- marshalV =<< for segs (marshalBS . content)
(seg_passives, _) <- marshalV $ replicate segs_len 0
(seg_offsets, _) <-
=<< for
( \DataSegment {..} ->
lift $ flip runReaderT env $ marshalExpression $ ConstI32 offset
(seg_sizes, _) <-
marshalV $
map (fromIntegral . BS.length . content) segs
(seg_offsets, _) <- marshalV =<< for segs marshalOffset
(seg_sizes, _) <- marshalV $ map (fromIntegral . BS.length . content) segs
lift $
@ -571,8 +570,8 @@ marshalMemoryImport m MemoryImport {..} = flip runContT pure $ do
lift $ Binaryen.addMemoryImport m inp emp ebp 0
marshalModule ::
Bool -> SM.SymbolMap Int64 -> Module -> IO Binaryen.Module
marshalModule tail_calls sym_map hs_mod@Module {..} = do
Bool -> Int -> SM.SymbolMap Int64 -> Module -> IO Binaryen.Module
marshalModule tail_calls pool_size sym_map hs_mod@Module {..} = do
let fts = generateWasmFunctionTypeSet hs_mod
m <- Binaryen.Module.create
Binaryen.setFeatures m
@ -588,8 +587,8 @@ marshalModule tail_calls sym_map hs_mod@Module {..} = do
envSymbolMap = sym_map,
envModuleRef = m
for_ (M.toList functionMap') $ \(k, f@Function {..}) ->
flip runReaderT env $ marshalFunction k (ftps M.! functionType) f
parallelFoldMap pool_size (M.toList functionMap') $ \(k, f@Function {..}) ->
flip runReaderT env $ void $ marshalFunction k (ftps M.! functionType) f
forM_ functionImports $ \fi@FunctionImport {..} ->
marshalFunctionImport m (ftps M.! functionType) fi
forM_ functionExports $ marshalFunctionExport m

View File

@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ asteriusWriteIServ hsc_env i a
debug = False,
gcSections = True,
verboseErr = True,
threadPoolSize = 1,
outputIR = Nothing,
rootSymbols =
[ run_q_exp_sym,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Asterius.Internals.Parallel
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 EURL Tweag
-- License : All rights reserved (see LICENCE file in the distribution).
-- Simple parallel combinators. Since we need to control our dependency
-- surface, our current approach to parallelism is very simple: given the
-- worker thread pool capacity @c@ and the list of tasks to be performed,
-- 'parallelFoldMap' pins exactly @c@ threads on each of the capabilities, lets
-- them consume the input concurrently, and gathers the results using their
-- 'Monoid' instance. Notice that this behavior is deterministic only if '<>'
-- is also symmetric (not only associative), but that is sufficient for our
-- usecases.
-- To avoid needless threading overhead, if @c = 1@ them we fall back to the
-- sequential implementation.
module Asterius.Internals.Parallel
( parallelRnf,
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- | Given the worker thread pool capacity @c@, @parallelRnf c xs@ deeply
-- evaluates a list of objects in parallel on the global thread pool.
parallelRnf :: NFData a => Int -> [a] -> ()
parallelRnf n xs
| n >= 2 = unsafePerformIO $ parallelFoldMap n xs (void . evaluate . force)
| otherwise = rnf xs
-- | Given the worker thread pool capacity @c@, @parallelFoldMap c xs f@ maps @f@
-- on @xs@ in parallel on the global thread pool, and concatenates the results.
parallelFoldMap :: (NFData r, Monoid r) => Int -> [a] -> (a -> IO r) -> IO r
parallelFoldMap n xs fn
| n >= 2 = do
input <- newIORef xs
mvars <- replicateM n newEmptyMVar
let getNextElem = atomicModifyIORef' input $ \case
[] -> ([], Nothing)
(y : ys) -> (ys, Just y)
loop mvar !acc = getNextElem >>= \case -- was (force -> !acc)
Nothing -> putMVar mvar acc
Just y -> do
!res <- fn y -- was: res <- fn y -- was (force -> !res) <- fn y
loop mvar (acc <> res)
forM_ ([0 ..] `zip` mvars) $ \(i, mvar) ->
forkOn i (loop mvar mempty)
mconcat <$> forM mvars takeMVar
| otherwise = mconcat <$> mapM fn xs

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ linkNonMain store_m extra_syms = (m, link_report)
Asterius.Ld.debug = False,
Asterius.Ld.gcSections = True,
Asterius.Ld.verboseErr = True,
Asterius.Ld.threadPoolSize = 1,
Asterius.Ld.outputIR = Nothing,
rootSymbols = extra_syms,
Asterius.Ld.exportFunctions = []
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ distNonMain p extra_syms =
yolo = True,
Asterius.Main.Task.hasMain = False,
Asterius.Main.Task.verboseErr = True,
Asterius.Main.Task.threadPoolSize = 1,
extraRootSymbols = extra_syms

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -18,11 +19,11 @@ import Asterius.Binary.File
import Asterius.Binary.NameCache
import Asterius.Builtins
import Asterius.Builtins.Main
import Asterius.Internals.Parallel
import Asterius.Resolve
import Asterius.Types
import qualified Asterius.Types.SymbolSet as SS
import Control.Exception
import Data.Either
import Data.Traversable
data LinkTask
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ data LinkTask
linkObjs, linkLibs :: [FilePath],
linkModule :: AsteriusCachedModule,
hasMain, debug, gcSections, verboseErr :: Bool,
threadPoolSize :: Int,
outputIR :: Maybe FilePath,
rootSymbols, exportFunctions :: [EntitySymbol]
@ -45,9 +47,15 @@ data LinkTask
loadTheWorld :: LinkTask -> IO AsteriusCachedModule
loadTheWorld LinkTask {..} = do
ncu <- newNameCacheUpdater
lib <- mconcat <$> for linkLibs (loadAr ncu)
objs <- rights <$> for linkObjs (tryGetFile ncu)
evaluate $ linkModule <> mconcat objs <> lib
lib <- do
entries <- concat <$> for linkLibs loadArchiveEntries
parallelFoldMap threadPoolSize entries (loadArchiveEntry ncu)
objs <- parallelFoldMap threadPoolSize linkObjs (loadObj ncu)
evaluate $ linkModule <> objs <> lib
loadObj ncu path = tryGetFile ncu path >>= \case
Left {} -> pure mempty
Right m -> pure m
-- | The *_info are generated from Cmm using the INFO_TABLE macro.
-- For example, see StgMiscClosures.cmm / Exception.cmm
@ -95,6 +103,7 @@ linkModules LinkTask {..} m =
( toCachedModule
( (if hasMain then mainBuiltins else mempty)
<> rtsAsteriusModule

View File

@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ parseTask args = case err_msgs of
in if i >= 0 && i <= 2
then t {shrinkLevel = i}
else error "Shrink level must be [0..2]",
str_opt "thread-pool-size" $ \s t ->
let i = read s
in if i >= 1
then t {threadPoolSize = i}
else error "Thread pool size must be positive",
bool_opt "debug" $
\t ->
@ -272,6 +277,7 @@ ahcLink task = do
<> ["-optl--no-gc-sections" | not (gcSections task)]
<> ["-optl--verbose-err" | verboseErr task]
<> ["-optl--thread-pool-size=" <> show (threadPoolSize task)]
<> extraGHCFlags task
<> [ "-optl--output-ir="
<> outputDirectory task
@ -313,6 +319,7 @@ ahcDistMain logger task (final_m, report) = do
m_ref <-
(tailCalls task)
(threadPoolSize task)
(staticsSymbolMap report <> functionSymbolMap report)
when (optimizeLevel task > 0 || shrinkLevel task > 0) $ do

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Asterius.Main.Task
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ data Task
outputDirectory :: FilePath,
outputBaseName :: String,
hasMain, validate, tailCalls, gcSections, bundle, debug, outputIR, run, verboseErr, yolo, consoleHistory :: Bool,
threadPoolSize :: Int,
extraGHCFlags :: [String],
exportFunctions, extraRootSymbols :: [EntitySymbol],
gcThreshold :: Int
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ defTask = Task
verboseErr = False,
yolo = False,
consoleHistory = False,
threadPoolSize = 1,
extraGHCFlags = [],
exportFunctions = [],
extraRootSymbols = [],

View File

@ -105,11 +105,12 @@ linkStart ::
Bool ->
Bool ->
Bool ->
Int ->
AsteriusCachedModule ->
SS.SymbolSet ->
[EntitySymbol] ->
(AsteriusModule, Module, LinkReport)
linkStart debug gc_sections verbose_err store root_syms export_funcs =
linkStart debug gc_sections verbose_err pool_size store root_syms export_funcs =
( merged_m,
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ linkStart debug gc_sections verbose_err store root_syms export_funcs =
| gc_sections = gcSections verbose_err store root_syms export_funcs
| otherwise = fromCachedModule store
!merged_m0_evaluated = force merged_m0
!merged_m0_evaluated = parForceAsteriusModule pool_size merged_m0
| debug = addMemoryTrap merged_m0_evaluated
| otherwise = merged_m0_evaluated

View File

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module Asterius.Types
AsteriusStaticsType (..),
AsteriusStatics (..),
AsteriusModule (..),
AsteriusCachedModule (..),
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ where
import Asterius.Binary.Orphans ()
import Asterius.Binary.TH
import Asterius.Internals.Parallel
import Asterius.NFData.TH
import Asterius.Types.EntitySymbol
import Asterius.Types.SymbolMap (SymbolMap)
@ -126,6 +128,21 @@ instance Semigroup AsteriusModule where
instance Monoid AsteriusModule where
mempty = AsteriusModule mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
-- | Given the worker thread pool capacity @n@, @parForceAsteriusModule n m@
-- deeply evaluates an 'AsteriusModule' m in parallel on the global thread
-- pool. To avoid needless threading overhead, if @n = 1@ them we fall back to
-- the sequential implementation.
parForceAsteriusModule :: Int -> AsteriusModule -> AsteriusModule
parForceAsteriusModule n m@(AsteriusModule sm se fm spt mod_ffi_state)
| n >= 2 =
parallelRnf n (SM.toList sm)
`seq` parallelRnf n (SM.toList se)
`seq` parallelRnf n (SM.toList fm)
`seq` parallelRnf n (SM.toList spt)
`seq` rnf mod_ffi_state
`seq` m
| otherwise = force m
-- | An 'AsteriusCachedModule' in an 'AsteriusModule' along with with all of
-- its 'EntitySymbol' dependencies, as they are appear in the modules data
-- segments and function definitions (see function 'toCachedModule').
@ -158,7 +175,6 @@ toCachedModule m =
add :: Data a => SymbolMap a -> SymbolMap SymbolSet -> SymbolMap SymbolSet
add = flip $ SM.foldrWithKey' (\k e -> SM.insert k (collectEntitySymbols e))
-- Collect all entity symbols from an entity.
collectEntitySymbols :: Data a => a -> SymbolSet
collectEntitySymbols t