mirror of https://github.com/tweag/asterius.git synced 2024-09-21 05:48:04 +03:00

Implement & document the remote monad EDSL to write wasm in Haskell (+3 squashed commit)

Squashed commit:

[6504e82] Implement remote monad style EDSL for WebAssembly & use it to refactor most of builtin functions

[82c7048] Field test

[d958724] Start work on a shallow EDSL for hand-written WebAssembly code in Haskell
This commit is contained in:
Shao Cheng 2018-07-29 08:46:00 +08:00
parent 9c987ff757
commit e81f535f4e
9 changed files with 603 additions and 665 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ dependencies:
- containers
- deepseq
- directory
- dlist
- filepath
- ghc
- ghc-prim

View File

@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ module Asterius.Builtins
) where
import Asterius.BuildInfo
import Asterius.EDSL
import Asterius.Internals
import Asterius.Types
import Asterius.TypesConv
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
@ -151,12 +154,6 @@ rtsAsteriusModule opts =
generateWasmFunctionTypeName :: FunctionType -> SBS.ShortByteString
generateWasmFunctionTypeName FunctionType {..} =
showSBS returnType <> "(" <>
mconcat (intersperse "," [showSBS t | t <- V.toList paramTypes]) <>
rtsAsteriusFunctionImports :: Bool -> [AsteriusFunctionImport]
rtsAsteriusFunctionImports debug =
[ AsteriusFunctionImport
@ -347,328 +344,110 @@ errBrokenFunction = 11
mainFunction, initRtsAsteriusFunction, rtsEvalIOFunction, scheduleWaitThreadFunction, createThreadFunction, createGenThreadFunction, createIOThreadFunction, createStrictIOThreadFunction, allocateFunction, allocateMightFailFunction, allocatePinnedFunction, allocBlockFunction, allocBlockLockFunction, allocBlockOnNodeFunction, allocBlockOnNodeLockFunction, allocGroupFunction, allocGroupLockFunction, allocGroupOnNodeFunction, allocGroupOnNodeLockFunction, freeFunction, newCAFFunction, stgRunFunction, stgReturnFunction, printI64Function, printF32Function, printF64Function, memoryTrapFunction ::
BuiltinsOptions -> AsteriusFunction
mainFunction BuiltinsOptions {..} =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = []}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ Call
{ target = "init_rts_asterius"
, operands = []
, valueType = None
, Call
{ target = "rts_evalIO"
, operands =
[ mainCap
, Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "Main_main_closure"}
, constInt 0
, valueType = None
, valueType = None
runEDSL $ do
call "init_rts_asterius" []
call "rts_evalIO" [mainCapability, symbol "Main_main_closure", constI64 0]
initRtsAsteriusFunction BuiltinsOptions {..} =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = []}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 0 I64
, value =
{ target = "allocGroup"
, operands = [constInt nurseryGroups]
, valueType = I64
, UnresolvedSetGlobal
{ unresolvedGlobalReg = Hp
, value = getFieldWord bd offset_bdescr_start
, UnresolvedSetGlobal
{ unresolvedGlobalReg = HpLim
, value =
{ binaryOp = AddInt64
, operand0 =
UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Hp}
, operand1 =
{ binaryOp = MulInt64
, operand0 =
{ unaryOp = ExtendUInt32
, operand0 =
getFieldWord32 bd offset_bdescr_blocks
, operand1 = constInt block_size
, setFieldWord baseReg offset_StgRegTable_rCCCS (ConstI64 0)
, setFieldWord baseReg offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentNursery bd
, setFieldWord baseReg offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentAlloc bd
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 1 I64
, value =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands =
[ mainCap
, constInt $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_Task
, valueType = I64
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 2 I64
, value =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands =
[ mainCap
, constInt $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_InCall
, valueType = I64
, setFieldWord mainCap offset_Capability_running_task task
, setFieldWord task offset_Task_cap mainCap
, setFieldWord task offset_Task_incall incall
, setFieldWord incall offset_InCall_task task
, valueType = None
bd = getUnresolvedLocalWord 0
task = getUnresolvedLocalWord 1
incall = getUnresolvedLocalWord 2
runEDSL $ do
bd <- call' "allocGroup" [constI64 nurseryGroups] I64
putLVal hp $ loadI64 bd offset_bdescr_start
putLVal hpLim $
getLVal hp `addInt64`
(extendUInt32 (loadI32 bd offset_bdescr_blocks) `mulInt64`
constI64 block_size)
putLVal cccs (constI64 0)
putLVal currentNursery bd
storeI64 (getLVal baseReg) offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentAlloc bd
task <-
[mainCapability, constI64 $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_Task]
incall <-
[mainCapability, constI64 $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_InCall]
storeI64 mainCapability offset_Capability_running_task task
storeI64 task offset_Task_cap mainCapability
storeI64 task offset_Task_incall incall
storeI64 incall offset_InCall_task task
rtsEvalIOFunction BuiltinsOptions {..} =
{ functionType =
FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [I64, I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 3 I64
, value =
{ target = "createStrictIOThread"
, operands =
[ cap
, constInt $ roundup_bytes_to_words threadStateSize
, p
, valueType = I64
, Call
{ target = "scheduleWaitThread"
, operands = [tso, ret, cap]
, valueType = None
, valueType = None
cap = mainCap
p = getLocalWord 1
ret = getLocalWord 2
tso = getUnresolvedLocalWord 3
runEDSL $ do
[cap, p, ret] <- params [I64, I64, I64]
tso <-
[cap, constI64 $ roundup_bytes_to_words threadStateSize, p]
call "scheduleWaitThread" [tso, ret, cap]
scheduleWaitThreadFunction _ =
{ functionType =
FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [I64, I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 3 I64
, value = getFieldWord cap offset_Capability_running_task
, setFieldWord tso offset_StgTSO_bound $
getFieldWord task offset_Task_incall
, setFieldWord tso offset_StgTSO_cap cap
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 4 I64
, value = getFieldWord task offset_Task_incall
, setFieldWord incall offset_InCall_tso tso
, setFieldWord incall offset_InCall_ret ret
, setFieldWord
(offset_Capability_r + offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO)
, setFieldWord32 cap offset_Capability_interrupt (ConstI32 0)
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 5 I64
, value =
{ target = "StgRun"
, operands =
[ Unresolved
{unresolvedSymbol = "stg_returnToStackTop"}
, fieldOff cap offset_Capability_r
runEDSL $ do
[tso, ret, cap] <- params [I64, I64, I64]
task <- i64Local $ loadI64 cap offset_Capability_running_task
storeI64 tso offset_StgTSO_bound $ loadI64 task offset_Task_incall
storeI64 tso offset_StgTSO_cap cap
incall <- i64Local $ loadI64 task offset_Task_incall
storeI64 incall offset_InCall_tso tso
storeI64 incall offset_InCall_ret ret
storeI64 cap (offset_Capability_r + offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO) tso
storeI32 cap offset_Capability_interrupt (constI32 0)
_ <-
[ symbol "stg_returnToStackTop"
, cap `addInt64` constI64 offset_Capability_r
, valueType = I64
, setFieldWord incall offset_InCall_ret $
(getFieldWord tso $
offset_StgTSO_StgStack + offset_StgStack_sp)
, valueType = None
tso = getLocalWord 0
ret = getLocalWord 1
cap = mainCap
task = getUnresolvedLocalWord 3
incall = getUnresolvedLocalWord 4
storeI64 incall offset_InCall_ret $
loadI64 (loadI64 tso $ offset_StgTSO_StgStack + offset_StgStack_sp) 8
createThreadFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 2 I64
, value =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands = [getLocalWord 0, alloc_words]
, valueType = I64
, UnresolvedSetGlobal
{unresolvedGlobalReg = CurrentTSO, value = tso_p}
, saveUnresolvedSp 3 tso_p
, setFieldWord
Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "stg_STACK_info"}
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 4 I64
, value =
{ binaryOp = SubInt64
, operand0 = alloc_words
, operand1 =
constInt $
(offset_StgTSO_StgStack + offset_StgStack_stack) `div`
, setFieldWord32
(wrapI64 stack_size_w)
, UnresolvedSetGlobal
{ unresolvedGlobalReg = Sp
, value =
{ binaryOp = AddInt64
, operand0 = fieldOff stack_p offset_StgStack_stack
, operand1 =
{ binaryOp = SubInt64
, operand0 = stack_size_w
, operand1 =
constInt $
roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_StgStopFrame
, setFieldWord stack_p offset_StgStack_sp sp
, setFieldWord tso_p offset_StgTSO_cap cap
, setFieldWord tso_p offset_StgTSO_stackobj stack_p
, setFieldWord tso_p offset_StgTSO_alloc_limit (ConstI64 0)
, setFieldWord
Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "stg_stop_thread_info"}
, tso_p
, valueType = I64
cap = mainCap
alloc_words = getLocalWord 1
tso_p = getUnresolvedLocalWord 2
stack_p = getUnresolvedLocalWord 3
stack_size_w = getUnresolvedLocalWord 4
sp = UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Sp}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
[cap, alloc_words] <- params [I64, I64]
tso_p <- call' "allocate" [cap, alloc_words] I64
putLVal currentTSO tso_p
stack_p <- i64Local $ tso_p `addInt64` constI64 offset_StgTSO_StgStack
storeI64 stack_p 0 $ symbol "stg_STACK_info"
stack_size_w <-
i64Local $
alloc_words `subInt64`
constI64 ((offset_StgTSO_StgStack + offset_StgStack_stack) `div` 8)
storeI32 stack_p offset_StgStack_stack_size $ wrapInt64 stack_size_w
putLVal sp $
(stack_p `addInt64` constI64 offset_StgStack_stack) `addInt64`
(stack_size_w `subInt64`
constI64 (roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_StgStopFrame) `mulInt64`
constI64 8)
storeI64 stack_p offset_StgStack_sp (getLVal sp)
storeI64 tso_p offset_StgTSO_cap cap
storeI64 tso_p offset_StgTSO_stackobj stack_p
storeI64 tso_p offset_StgTSO_alloc_limit (constI64 0)
storeI64 (getLVal sp) 0 $ symbol "stg_stop_thread_info"
emit tso_p
createThreadHelperFunction ::
BuiltinsOptions -> [Maybe AsteriusEntitySymbol] -> AsteriusFunction
createThreadHelperFunction _ closures =
{ functionType =
FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
V.fromList $
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 3 I64
, value =
{ target = "createThread"
, operands = [cap, stack_size_w]
, valueType = I64
, saveUnresolvedSp 4 tso_p
, UnresolvedSetGlobal
{ unresolvedGlobalReg = Sp
, value =
(getFieldWord stack_p offset_StgStack_sp)
(-8 * length closures)
, setFieldWord stack_p offset_StgStack_sp sp
] <>
[ setFieldWord
(i * 8)
(case maybe_closure of
Just closure -> Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = closure}
_ -> target_closure)
| (i, maybe_closure) <- zip [0 ..] (reverse closures)
] <>
, valueType = I64
cap = mainCap
stack_size_w = getLocalWord 1
target_closure = getLocalWord 2
tso_p = getUnresolvedLocalWord 3
stack_p = getUnresolvedLocalWord 4
sp = UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Sp}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
[cap, stack_size_w, target_closure] <- params [I64, I64, I64]
tso_p <- call' "createThread" [cap, stack_size_w] I64
stack_p <- i64Local $ tso_p `addInt64` constI64 offset_StgTSO_StgStack
putLVal sp $
loadI64 stack_p offset_StgStack_sp `addInt64`
constI64 (-8 * length closures)
storeI64 stack_p offset_StgStack_sp $ getLVal sp
for_ (zip [0 ..] (reverse closures)) $ \(i, maybe_closure) ->
storeI64 (getLVal sp) (i * 8) $
case maybe_closure of
Just closure -> symbol closure
_ -> target_closure
emit tso_p
createGenThreadFunction opts =
createThreadHelperFunction opts [Nothing, Just "stg_enter_info"]
@ -688,338 +467,163 @@ createStrictIOThreadFunction opts =
allocateFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 2 I64
, value =
{ binaryOp = AddInt64
, operand0 =
UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Hp}
, operand1 = words2Bytes n
, If
{ condition =
{ binaryOp = GtSInt64
, operand0 = new_hp
, operand1 =
UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = HpLim}
, ifTrue = marshalErrorCode errHeapOverflow None
, ifFalse = Null
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 3 I64
, value = UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Hp}
, UnresolvedSetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = Hp, value = new_hp}
, setFieldWord
(getFieldWord baseReg offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentAlloc)
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
[_, n] <- params [I64, I64]
new_hp <- i64Local $ getLVal hp `addInt64` (n `mulInt64` constI64 8)
(new_hp `gtUInt64` getLVal hpLim)
(emit $ marshalErrorCode errHeapOverflow None)
old_hp <- i64Local $ getLVal hp
putLVal hp new_hp
(loadI64 (getLVal baseReg) offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentAlloc)
, old_hp
, valueType = I64
n = getLocalWord 1
new_hp = getUnresolvedLocalWord 2
old_hp = getUnresolvedLocalWord 3
emit old_hp
allocateMightFailFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands = [getLocalWord 0, getLocalWord 1]
, valueType = I64
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
xs <- params [I64, I64]
r <- call' "allocate" xs I64
emit r
allocatePinnedFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands = [getLocalWord 0, getLocalWord 1]
, valueType = I64
allocatePinnedFunction = allocateMightFailFunction
allocBlockFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = []}
, body =
Call {target = "allocGroup", operands = [ConstI64 1], valueType = I64}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
r <- call' "allocGroup" [constI64 1] I64
emit r
allocBlockLockFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = []}
, body = Call {target = "allocBlock", operands = [], valueType = I64}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
r <- call' "allocBlock" [] I64
emit r
allocBlockOnNodeFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I32]}
, body = Call {target = "allocBlock", operands = [], valueType = I64}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
_ <- param I32
r <- call' "allocBlock" [] I64
emit r
allocBlockOnNodeLockFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I32]}
, body =
{ target = "allocBlockOnNode"
, operands = [GetLocal {index = 0, valueType = I32}]
, valueType = I64
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
node <- param I32
r <- call' "allocBlockOnNode" [node] I64
emit r
allocGroupFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ If
{ condition =
{ binaryOp = GtSInt64
, operand0 = blocks_n
, operand1 = constInt $ 1024 * blocks_per_mblock
, ifTrue = marshalErrorCode errMegaBlockGroup None
, ifFalse = Null
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 1 I64
, value =
{ binaryOp = MulInt64
, operand0 =
{ unaryOp = ExtendUInt32
, operand0 =
{ hostOp = GrowMemory
, name = ""
, operands =
[ constInt32 $
1024 *
(mblock_size `div` wasmPageSize)
, operand1 = constInt wasmPageSize
, setFieldWord
(offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_start)
, setFieldWord
(offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_free)
, setFieldWord32
(offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_blocks) $
constInt32 $
blocks_per_mblock + ((1023 * mblock_size) `div` block_size)
, fieldOff mblocks_p offset_first_bdescr
, valueType = I64
first_block_p = fieldOff mblocks_p offset_first_block
blocks_n = getLocalWord 0
mblocks_p = getUnresolvedLocalWord 1
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
blocks_n <- param I64
(blocks_n `gtUInt64` constI64 (1024 * blocks_per_mblock))
(emit $ marshalErrorCode errMegaBlockGroup None)
mblocks_p <-
i64Local $
(growMemory (constI32 (1024 * (mblock_size `div` wasmPageSize)))) `mulInt64`
constI64 wasmPageSize
first_block_p <- i64Local $ mblocks_p `addInt64` constI64 offset_first_block
storeI64 mblocks_p (offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_start) first_block_p
storeI64 mblocks_p (offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_free) first_block_p
storeI32 mblocks_p (offset_first_bdescr + offset_bdescr_blocks) $
constI32 $ blocks_per_mblock + ((1023 * mblock_size) `div` block_size)
emit $ mblocks_p `addInt64` constI64 offset_first_bdescr
allocGroupLockFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64]}
, body =
{target = "allocGroup", operands = [getLocalWord 0], valueType = I64}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
x <- param I64
r <- call' "allocGroup" [x] I64
emit r
allocGroupOnNodeFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I32, I64]}
, body =
{target = "allocGroup", operands = [getLocalWord 1], valueType = I64}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
[_, x] <- params [I32, I64]
r <- call' "allocGroup" [x] I64
emit r
allocGroupOnNodeLockFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I32, I64]}
, body =
{ target = "allocGroupOnNode"
, operands = [GetLocal {index = 0, valueType = I32}, getLocalWord 1]
, valueType = I64
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
xs <- params [I32, I64]
r <- call' "allocGroupOnNode" xs I64
emit r
freeFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [I64]}
, body = marshalErrorCode errUnimplemented None
runEDSL $ do
_ <- param I64
emit $ marshalErrorCode errUnimplemented None
newCAFFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ setFieldWord caf offset_StgIndStatic_saved_info orig_info
, UnresolvedSetLocal
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg 2 I64
, value =
{ target = "allocate"
, operands =
[ cap
, constInt $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_StgInd
, valueType = I64
, setFieldWord
Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "stg_CAF_BLACKHOLE_info"}
, setFieldWord bh offset_StgInd_indirectee $
getFieldWord reg offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO
, setFieldWord caf offset_StgIndStatic_indirectee bh
, setFieldWord
Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "stg_IND_STATIC_info"}
, bh
, valueType = I64
reg = getLocalWord 0
caf = getLocalWord 1
cap = mainCap
orig_info = getFieldWord caf 0
bh = getUnresolvedLocalWord 2
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
[reg, caf] <- params [I64, I64]
orig_info <- i64Local $ loadI64 caf 0
storeI64 caf offset_StgIndStatic_saved_info orig_info
bh <-
[mainCapability, constI64 $ roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_StgInd]
storeI64 bh 0 $ symbol "stg_CAF_BLACKHOLE_info"
storeI64 bh offset_StgInd_indirectee $
loadI64 reg offset_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO
storeI64 caf offset_StgIndStatic_indirectee bh
storeI64 caf 0 $ symbol "stg_IND_STATIC_info"
emit bh
stgRunFunction BuiltinsOptions {..} =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = [I64, I64]}
, body =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ Loop
{ name = loop_lbl
, body =
{ condition = Unary {unaryOp = EqZInt64, operand0 = f}
, ifTrue = Nop
, ifFalse =
{ name = ""
, bodys =
[ SetLocal
{ index = 0
, value =
{ indirectTarget =
{ unaryOp = WrapInt64
, operand0 =
{ binaryOp = SubInt64
, operand0 =
{ index = 0
, valueType = I64
, operand1 = ConstI64 1
, operands = []
, typeName = "I64()"
, Break
{ name = loop_lbl
, condition = Null
, value = Null
, valueType = None
, UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = VanillaReg 1}
, valueType = I64
loop_lbl = "StgRun_loop"
f = getLocalWord 0
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
f <- mutParam I64
_ <- param I64
loop $ \loop_lbl ->
if' (eqZInt64 (getLVal f)) mempty $ do
f' <-
(getLVal f `subInt64` constI64 1)
(FunctionType I64 [])
putLVal f f'
break' loop_lbl Null
emit $ getLVal r1
stgReturnFunction _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I64, paramTypes = []}
, body = ConstI64 0
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I64
emit $ constI64 0
printI64Function _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [I64]}
, body =
CallImport {target' = "printI64", operands = cutI64 x, valueType = None}
x = getLocalWord 0
runEDSL $ do
x <- param I64
callImport "printI64" (V.toList (cutI64 x))
printF32Function _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [F32]}
, body = CallImport {target' = "printF32", operands = [x], valueType = None}
x = GetLocal {index = 0, valueType = F32}
runEDSL $ do
x <- param F32
callImport "printF32" [x]
printF64Function _ =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = None, paramTypes = [F64]}
, body = CallImport {target' = "printF64", operands = [x], valueType = None}
x = GetLocal {index = 0, valueType = F64}
runEDSL $ do
x <- param F64
callImport "printF64" [x]
getI32GlobalRegFunction ::
BuiltinsOptions -> UnresolvedGlobalReg -> AsteriusFunction
getI32GlobalRegFunction _ gr =
{ functionType = FunctionType {returnType = I32, paramTypes = []}
, body = wrapI64 UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = gr}
runEDSL $ do
setReturnType I32
emit $ wrapInt64 $ getLVal $ global gr
memoryTrapFunction _ =
@ -1233,66 +837,23 @@ fieldOff p o
getFieldWord :: Expression -> Int -> Expression
getFieldWord p o = loadWord (wrapI64 $ fieldOff p o)
getFieldWord32 :: Expression -> Int -> Expression
getFieldWord32 p o = loadWord32 (wrapI64 $ fieldOff p o)
setFieldWord :: Expression -> Int -> Expression -> Expression
setFieldWord p o = storeWord (wrapI64 $ fieldOff p o)
loadWord :: Expression -> Expression
loadWord p =
{signed = False, bytes = 8, offset = 0, align = 0, valueType = I64, ptr = p}
loadWord32 :: Expression -> Expression
loadWord32 p =
{signed = False, bytes = 4, offset = 0, align = 0, valueType = I32, ptr = p}
storeWord :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
storeWord p w =
Store {bytes = 8, offset = 0, align = 0, ptr = p, value = w, valueType = I64}
setFieldWord32 :: Expression -> Int -> Expression -> Expression
setFieldWord32 p o = storeWord32 (wrapI64 $ fieldOff p o)
storeWord32 :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
storeWord32 p w =
Store {bytes = 4, offset = 0, align = 0, ptr = p, value = w, valueType = I32}
wrapI64 :: Expression -> Expression
wrapI64 w = Unary {unaryOp = WrapInt64, operand0 = w}
words2Bytes :: Expression -> Expression
words2Bytes w =
Binary {binaryOp = MulInt64, operand0 = w, operand1 = ConstI64 8}
constInt :: Int -> Expression
constInt = ConstI64 . fromIntegral
constInt32 :: Int -> Expression
constInt32 = ConstI32 . fromIntegral
getUnresolvedLocalWord :: Int -> Expression
getUnresolvedLocalWord i =
UnresolvedGetLocal {unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg i I64}
getLocalWord :: BinaryenIndex -> Expression
getLocalWord i = GetLocal {index = i, valueType = I64}
saveUnresolvedSp :: Int -> Expression -> Expression
saveUnresolvedSp sp_i tso_p =
{ unresolvedLocalReg = UniqueLocalReg sp_i I64
, value = fieldOff tso_p offset_StgTSO_StgStack
mainCap :: Expression
mainCap = Unresolved {unresolvedSymbol = "MainCapability"}
baseReg :: Expression
baseReg = UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = BaseReg}
offset_StgTSO_StgStack :: Int
offset_StgTSO_StgStack = 8 * roundup_bytes_to_words sizeof_StgTSO

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@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Asterius.EDSL
, emit
, runEDSL
, LVal
, getLVal
, putLVal
, setReturnType
, mutParam
, mutLocal
, param
, params
, local
, i64Local
, global
, pointer
, pointerI64
, pointerI32
, loadI64
, loadI32
, storeI64
, storeI32
, call
, call'
, callImport
, callImport'
, callIndirect'
, Label
, block
, loop
, if'
, break'
, eqZInt64
, extendUInt32
, wrapInt64
, growMemory
, addInt64
, subInt64
, mulInt64
, gtUInt64
, symbol
, constI32
, constI64
, baseReg
, r1
, sp
, spLim
, hp
, hpLim
, cccs
, currentTSO
, currentNursery
, hpAlloc
, mainCapability
) where
import Asterius.Internals
import Asterius.Types
import Asterius.TypesConv
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data EDSLState = EDSLState
{ retType :: ValueType
, paramBuf :: DL.DList ValueType
, paramNum, localNum, labelNum :: Int
, exprBuf :: DL.DList Expression
initialEDSLState :: EDSLState
initialEDSLState =
{ retType = None
, paramBuf = mempty
, paramNum = 0
, localNum = 0
, labelNum = 0
, exprBuf = mempty
newtype EDSL a =
EDSL (State EDSLState a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (EDSL a) where
p0 <> p1 = (<>) <$> p0 <*> p1
instance Monoid a => Monoid (EDSL a) where
mempty = pure mempty
emit :: Expression -> EDSL ()
emit e = EDSL $ modify' $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> s {exprBuf = exprBuf `DL.snoc` e}
bundleExpressions :: DL.DList Expression -> Expression
bundleExpressions es =
case el of
[] -> Nop
[e] -> e
_ -> Block {name = mempty, bodys = V.fromList el, valueType = Auto}
el = DL.toList es
runEDSL :: EDSL () -> AsteriusFunction
runEDSL (EDSL m) =
{ functionType =
{returnType = retType, paramTypes = V.fromList $ DL.toList paramBuf}
, body = bundleExpressions exprBuf
EDSLState {..} = execState m initialEDSLState
data LVal = LVal
{ getLVal :: Expression
, putLVal :: Expression -> EDSL ()
setReturnType :: ValueType -> EDSL ()
setReturnType vt = EDSL $ modify' $ \s -> s {retType = vt}
mutParam, mutLocal :: ValueType -> EDSL LVal
mutParam vt =
EDSL $ do
i <-
state $ \s@EDSLState {..} ->
( fromIntegral paramNum
, s {paramBuf = paramBuf `DL.snoc` vt, paramNum = succ paramNum})
{ getLVal = GetLocal {index = i, valueType = vt}
, putLVal = \v -> emit SetLocal {index = i, value = v}
mutLocal vt =
EDSL $ do
i <- state $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> (localNum, s {localNum = succ localNum})
let lr = UniqueLocalReg i vt
{ getLVal = UnresolvedGetLocal {unresolvedLocalReg = lr}
, putLVal =
\v -> emit UnresolvedSetLocal {unresolvedLocalReg = lr, value = v}
param :: ValueType -> EDSL Expression
param vt = do
p <- mutParam vt
pure $ getLVal p
params :: [ValueType] -> EDSL [Expression]
params vt = for vt param
local :: ValueType -> Expression -> EDSL Expression
local vt v = do
lr <- mutLocal vt
putLVal lr v
pure $ getLVal lr
i64Local :: Expression -> EDSL Expression
i64Local = local I64
global :: UnresolvedGlobalReg -> LVal
global gr =
{ getLVal = UnresolvedGetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = gr}
, putLVal =
\v -> emit $ UnresolvedSetGlobal {unresolvedGlobalReg = gr, value = v}
pointer :: ValueType -> BinaryenIndex -> Expression -> Int -> LVal
pointer vt b bp o =
{ getLVal =
{ signed = False
, bytes = b
, offset = 0
, align = 0
, valueType = vt
, ptr = p
, putLVal =
\v ->
emit $
{ bytes = b
, offset = 0
, align = 0
, ptr = p
, value = v
, valueType = vt
p =
wrapInt64 $
case o of
0 -> bp
_ -> bp `addInt64` constI64 o
pointerI64, pointerI32 :: Expression -> Int -> LVal
pointerI64 = pointer I64 8
pointerI32 = pointer I32 4
loadI64, loadI32 :: Expression -> Int -> Expression
loadI64 bp o = getLVal $ pointerI64 bp o
loadI32 bp o = getLVal $ pointerI32 bp o
storeI64, storeI32 :: Expression -> Int -> Expression -> EDSL ()
storeI64 bp o = putLVal $ pointerI64 bp o
storeI32 bp o = putLVal $ pointerI32 bp o
call :: AsteriusEntitySymbol -> [Expression] -> EDSL ()
call f xs = emit Call {target = f, operands = V.fromList xs, valueType = None}
call' :: AsteriusEntitySymbol -> [Expression] -> ValueType -> EDSL Expression
call' f xs vt = do
lr <- mutLocal vt
putLVal lr Call {target = f, operands = V.fromList xs, valueType = vt}
pure $ getLVal lr
callImport :: SBS.ShortByteString -> [Expression] -> EDSL ()
callImport f xs =
emit CallImport {target' = f, operands = V.fromList xs, valueType = None}
callImport' ::
SBS.ShortByteString -> [Expression] -> ValueType -> EDSL Expression
callImport' f xs vt = do
lr <- mutLocal vt
putLVal lr CallImport {target' = f, operands = V.fromList xs, valueType = vt}
pure $ getLVal lr
callIndirect' :: Expression -> [Expression] -> FunctionType -> EDSL Expression
callIndirect' f xs ft = do
lr <- mutLocal (returnType ft)
{ indirectTarget = wrapInt64 f
, operands = V.fromList xs
, typeName = generateWasmFunctionTypeName ft
pure $ getLVal lr
newtype Label = Label
{ unLabel :: SBS.ShortByteString
newLabel :: EDSL Label
newLabel =
state $ \s@EDSLState {..} ->
(Label $ showSBS labelNum, s {labelNum = succ labelNum})
newScope :: EDSL () -> EDSL (DL.DList Expression)
newScope m = do
orig_buf <-
EDSL $ state $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> (exprBuf, s {exprBuf = mempty})
EDSL $ state $ \s@EDSLState {..} -> (exprBuf, s {exprBuf = orig_buf})
block, loop :: (Label -> EDSL ()) -> EDSL ()
block cont = do
lbl <- newLabel
es <- newScope $ cont lbl
{name = unLabel lbl, bodys = V.fromList $ DL.toList es, valueType = Auto}
loop cont = do
lbl <- newLabel
es <- newScope $ cont lbl
emit Loop {name = unLabel lbl, body = bundleExpressions es}
if' :: Expression -> EDSL () -> EDSL () -> EDSL ()
if' cond t f = do
t_es <- newScope t
f_es <- newScope f
{ condition = cond
, ifTrue = bundleExpressions t_es
, ifFalse = bundleExpressions f_es
break' :: Label -> Expression -> EDSL ()
break' (Label lbl) cond =
emit Break {name = lbl, condition = cond, value = Null}
eqZInt64, extendUInt32, wrapInt64, growMemory :: Expression -> Expression
eqZInt64 = Unary EqZInt64
extendUInt32 = Unary ExtendUInt32
wrapInt64 = Unary WrapInt64
growMemory x = Host {hostOp = GrowMemory, name = "", operands = [x]}
addInt64, subInt64, mulInt64, gtUInt64 :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
addInt64 = Binary AddInt64
subInt64 = Binary SubInt64
mulInt64 = Binary MulInt64
gtUInt64 = Binary GtUInt64
symbol :: AsteriusEntitySymbol -> Expression
symbol = Unresolved
constI32, constI64 :: Int -> Expression
constI32 = ConstI32 . fromIntegral
constI64 = ConstI64 . fromIntegral
baseReg, r1, sp, spLim, hp, hpLim, cccs, currentTSO, currentNursery, hpAlloc ::
baseReg = global BaseReg
r1 = global $ VanillaReg 1
sp = global Sp
spLim = global SpLim
hp = global Hp
hpLim = global HpLim
cccs = global CCCS
currentTSO = global CurrentTSO
currentNursery = global CurrentNursery
hpAlloc = global HpAlloc
mainCapability :: Expression
mainCapability = symbol "MainCapability"

View File

@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Asterius.JSFFI
( emptyFFIMarshalState
, addFFIProcessor
( addFFIProcessor
, generateFFIFunctionImports
, generateFFIDict
) where
@ -71,9 +70,6 @@ combineChunks =
parseFFIChunks :: Parser [Chunk Int]
parseFFIChunks = combineChunks <$> parseChunks (parseChunk (parseField decimal))
emptyFFIMarshalState :: FFIMarshalState
emptyFFIMarshalState = FFIMarshalState {ffiDecls = mempty}
marshalToFFIValueType :: GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> Maybe FFIValueType
marshalToFFIValueType loc_t =
case GHC.occNameString $ GHC.rdrNameOcc $ GHC.unLoc loc_t of

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@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
module Asterius.TypesConv
( marshalToModuleSymbol
, zEncodeModuleSymbol
, generateWasmFunctionTypeName
) where
import Asterius.Internals
import Asterius.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GhcPlugins as GHC
@ -33,3 +36,10 @@ zEncodeModuleSymbol AsteriusModuleSymbol {..} =
[SBS.fromShort mod_chunk | mod_chunk <- V.toList moduleName]
{-# INLINEABLE generateWasmFunctionTypeName #-}
generateWasmFunctionTypeName :: FunctionType -> SBS.ShortByteString
generateWasmFunctionTypeName FunctionType {..} =
showSBS returnType <> "(" <>
mconcat (intersperse "," [showSBS t | t <- V.toList paramTypes]) <>

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ root@76bcb511663d:/mirror# ahc-link --help
`asterius` requires a custom `ghc` which:
* Uses `ghc-head` instead of a release version. It forces us to keep an eye on upstream changes. The `master` branch of `ghc` may introduce breaking commits, so for safety you should choose the specific `ghc` commit as indicated in the `NIXPKGS_REV` revision of the CircleCI config file, details below.
* Disables [`TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE`](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Rts/Storage/HeapObjects#TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE). It's impossible to attach executable code to an info table on the WebAssembly platform.
* Uses `ghc-head` instead of a release version. It forces us to keep an eye on upstream changes. The `master` branch of `ghc` may introduce breaking commits, so for safety you should choose the specific `ghc` version as indicated in the `stack.yaml` file.
* Disables [`TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE`](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Rts/Storage/HeapObjects#TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE). It's hard to attach executable code to an info table on the WebAssembly platform.
* Uses `integer-simple` instead of `integer-gmp`. Porting `integer-gmp` to WebAssembly requires extra work and is not currently scheduled.
The building guide of `ghc` can be found [here](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building). Add the following lines to `mk/build.mk`:
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ Besides the custom `ghc`, these dependencies are also required:
* `cmake`/`make`/`g++`: For building in-tree [`binaryen`](https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen)
* `autoconf`: For booting `ghc-prim`/`base`
* `nodejs`: For running tests
* `stack`
* `nodejs`: For running tests. Ensure the latest version is used, since we rely on some recent V8 experimental features (e.g. BigInt support)
* `stack`: Someday `cabal` may also work, no specific obstacles anyway.
## Building `asterius`
`stack build asterius`. That's it. If you are using `nix`, make sure to add `--system-ghc` when invoking `stack`.
`stack build asterius`. That's it. Set `MAKEFLAGS=-j8` to pass flags to `make` for parallel building of `binaryen`.
Set `MAKEFLAGS=-j8` to pass flags to `make` for parallel building of `binaryen`. Run `stack exec ahc-boot` to test if booting works.
After the dust settles, run `stack exec ahc-boot` to perform booting. Set the `ASTERIUS_DEBUG` environment variable to make `ahc-boot` pretty-print IRs to text files which are useful when debugging compiled code of standard libraries. Be aware that this flag slows down the booting process significantly!

docs/wasm-in-hs.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
## Writing WebAssembly code in Haskell
In `Asterius.Builtins`, there are WebAssembly shims which serve as our runtime. We choose to write WebAssembly code in Haskell, using Haskell as our familiar meta-language.
As of now, there are two ways of writing WebAssembly code in Haskell. The first way is directly manipulating AST types as specified in `Asterius.Types`. Those types are pretty bare-metal and maps closely to binaryen IR. Simply write some code to generate an `AsteriusFunction`, and ensure the function and its symbol is present in the store when linking starts. It will eventually be bundled into output WebAssembly binary file.
Directly using `Asterius.Types` is not a pleasant experience, it's basically a DDoS on one's working memory, since the developer needs to keep a lot of things in mind: parameter/local ids, block/loop labels, etc. Also, the resulting Haskell code is pretty verbose, littered with syntactic noise (e.g. tons of list concats when constructing a block)
We now provide an EDSL in `Asterius.EDSL` to construct an `AsteriusFunction`. Its core type is `EDSL a`, and can be composed with a `Monad` or `Monoid` interface. Most builtin functions in `Asterius.Builtins` are already refactored to use this EDSL. Typical usages:
* "Allocate" a parameter/local. Use `param` or `local` to obtain an immutable `Expression` which corresponds to the value of a new parameter/local. There are also mutable variants.
* An opaque `LVal` type is provided to uniformly deal with local reads/assignments and memory loads/stores. Once an `LVal` is instantiated, it can be used to read an `Expression` in the pure world, or set an `Expression` in the `EDSL` monad.
* Several side-effecting instructions can simply be composed with the monadic/monoidal interface, without the need to explicitly construct an anonymous block.
* When we need named blocks/loops with branching instructions inside, use the `block`/`loop` combinators which has the type `(Label -> EDSL ()) -> EDSL ()`. Inside the passed in continuation, we can use `break'` to perform branching. The `Label` type is also opaque and cannot be inspected, the only thing we know is that it's scope-checked just like any ordinary Haskell value, so it's impossible to accidently branch to an "inner" label.
The EDSL only checks for scope safety, so we don't mess up different locals or jump to non-existent labels. Type-safety is not guaranteed (binaryen validator checks for it anyway). Underneath it's just a shallow embedded DSL implemented with a plain old state monad. Some people call it the "remote monad design pattern".

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ pages:
- For users:
- 'Building guide': 'building.md'
- For developers:
- 'Writing WebAssembly code in Haskell': 'wasm-in-hs.md'
- 'JavaScript FFI': 'jsffi.md'
- 'The runtime debugging feature': 'debugging.md'
- 'Project architecture': 'architecture.md'

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extra-deps:
- base-compat-0.10.4
- https://github.com/TerrorJack/cereal/archive/Serialize-instance-ShortByteString.zip
- colour-2.3.4
- dlist-
- happy-1.19.9
- hashable-
- haskell-lexer-1.0.1