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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-- The above warning suppression flags are a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
-- any warnings in the module. See
-- http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
-- for details
module Main(main) where
#include "ghcconfig.h"
#include "stg/HaskellMachRegs.h"
#include "rts/Constants.h"
-- Needed for TAG_BITS
#include "MachDeps.h"
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.List ( intersperse, nub, sort )
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Control.Arrow ((***))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Argument kinds (rougly equivalent to PrimRep)
data ArgRep
= N -- non-ptr
| P -- ptr
| V -- void
| F -- float
| D -- double
| L -- long (64-bit)
| V16 -- 16-byte (128-bit) vectors
| V32 -- 32-byte (256-bit) vectors
| V64 -- 64-byte (512-bit) vectors
-- size of a value in *words*
argSize :: ArgRep -> Int
argSize N = 1
argSize P = 1
argSize V = 0
argSize F = 1
argSize D = (SIZEOF_DOUBLE `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
argSize L = (8 `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
argSize V16 = (16 `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
argSize V32 = (32 `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
argSize V64 = (64 `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
showArg :: ArgRep -> String
showArg N = "n"
showArg P = "p"
showArg V = "v"
showArg F = "f"
showArg D = "d"
showArg L = "l"
showArg V16 = "v16"
showArg V32 = "v32"
showArg V64 = "v64"
-- is a value a pointer?
isPtr :: ArgRep -> Bool
isPtr P = True
isPtr _ = False
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Registers
data RegStatus = Registerised | Unregisterised
type Reg = String
availableRegs :: RegStatus -> ([Reg],[Reg],[Reg],[Reg])
availableRegs Unregisterised = ([],[],[],[])
availableRegs Registerised =
vanillaRegs, floatRegs, doubleRegs, longRegs :: Int -> [Reg]
vanillaRegs n = [ "R" ++ show m | m <- [2..n] ] -- never use R1
floatRegs n = [ "F" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
doubleRegs n = [ "D" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
longRegs n = [ "L" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Loading/saving register arguments to the stack
loadRegArgs :: RegStatus -> Int -> [ArgRep] -> (Doc,Int)
loadRegArgs regstatus sp args
= (loadRegOffs reg_locs, sp')
where (reg_locs, _, sp') = assignRegs regstatus sp args
loadRegOffs :: [(Reg,Int)] -> Doc
loadRegOffs = vcat . map (uncurry assign_stk_to_reg)
saveRegOffs :: [(Reg,Int)] -> Doc
saveRegOffs = vcat . map (uncurry assign_reg_to_stk)
:: RegStatus -- are we registerised?
-> Int -- Sp of first arg
-> [ArgRep] -- args
-> ([(Reg,Int)], -- regs and offsets to load
[ArgRep], -- left-over args
Int) -- Sp of left-over args
assignRegs regstatus sp args = assign sp args (availableRegs regstatus) []
assign sp [] regs doc = (doc, [], sp)
assign sp (V : args) regs doc = assign sp args regs doc
assign sp (arg : args) regs doc
= case findAvailableReg arg regs of
Just (reg, regs') -> assign (sp + argSize arg) args regs'
((reg, sp) : doc)
Nothing -> (doc, (arg:args), sp)
findAvailableReg N (vreg:vregs, fregs, dregs, lregs) =
Just (vreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
findAvailableReg P (vreg:vregs, fregs, dregs, lregs) =
Just (vreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
findAvailableReg F (vregs, freg:fregs, dregs, lregs) =
Just (freg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
findAvailableReg D (vregs, fregs, dreg:dregs, lregs) =
Just (dreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
findAvailableReg L (vregs, fregs, dregs, lreg:lregs) =
Just (lreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
findAvailableReg _ _ = Nothing
assign_reg_to_stk reg sp
= loadSpWordOff (regRep reg) sp <> text " = " <> text reg <> semi
assign_stk_to_reg reg sp
= text reg <> text " = " <> loadSpWordOff (regRep reg) sp <> semi
regRep ('F':_) = "F_"
regRep ('D':_) = "D_"
regRep ('L':_) = "L_"
regRep _ = "W_"
loadSpWordOff :: String -> Int -> Doc
loadSpWordOff rep off = text rep <> text "[Sp+WDS(" <> int off <> text ")]"
-- Make a jump
mkJump :: RegStatus -- Registerised status
-> Doc -- Jump target
-> [Reg] -- Registers that are definitely live
-> [ArgRep] -- Jump arguments
-> Doc
mkJump regstatus jump live args =
text "jump" <+> jump <+> brackets (hcat (punctuate comma liveRegs))
liveRegs = mkJumpLiveRegs regstatus live args
-- Make a jump, saving CCCS and restoring it on return
mkJumpSaveCCCS :: RegStatus -- Registerised status
-> Doc -- Jump target
-> [Reg] -- Registers that are definitely live
-> [ArgRep] -- Jump arguments
-> Doc
mkJumpSaveCCCS regstatus jump live args =
text "jump_SAVE_CCCS" <> parens (hcat (punctuate comma (jump : liveRegs)))
liveRegs = mkJumpLiveRegs regstatus live args
-- Calculate live registers for a jump
mkJumpLiveRegs :: RegStatus -- Registerised status
-> [Reg] -- Registers that are definitely live
-> [ArgRep] -- Jump arguments
-> [Doc]
mkJumpLiveRegs regstatus live args =
map text regs
(reg_locs, _, _) = assignRegs regstatus 0 args
regs = (nub . sort) (live ++ map fst reg_locs)
-- make a ptr/non-ptr bitmap from a list of argument types
mkBitmap :: [ArgRep] -> Word32
mkBitmap args = foldr f 0 args
where f arg bm | isPtr arg = bm `shiftL` 1
| otherwise = (bm `shiftL` size) .|. ((1 `shiftL` size) - 1)
where size = argSize arg
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating the application functions
-- A SUBTLE POINT about stg_ap functions (can't think of a better
-- place to put this comment --SDM):
-- The entry convention to an stg_ap_ function is as follows: all the
-- arguments are on the stack (we might revisit this at some point,
-- but it doesn't make any difference on x86), and THERE IS AN EXTRA
-- EMPTY STACK SLOT at the top of the stack.
-- Why? Because in several cases, stg_ap_* will need an extra stack
-- slot, eg. to push a return address in the THUNK case, and this is a
-- way of pushing the stack check up into the caller which is probably
-- doing one anyway. Allocating the extra stack slot in the caller is
-- also probably free, because it will be adjusting Sp after pushing
-- the args anyway (this might not be true of register-rich machines
-- when we start passing args to stg_ap_* in regs).
mkApplyName args
= text "stg_ap_" <> text (concatMap showArg args)
mkApplyRetName args
= mkApplyName args <> text "_ret"
mkApplyFastName args
= mkApplyName args <> text "_fast"
mkApplyInfoName args
= mkApplyName args <> text "_info"
mb_tag_node arity | Just tag <- tagForArity arity = mkTagStmt tag <> semi
| otherwise = empty
mkTagStmt tag = text ("R1 = R1 + "++ show tag)
type StackUsage = (Int, Int) -- PROFILING, normal
maxStack :: [StackUsage] -> StackUsage
maxStack = (maximum *** maximum) . unzip
:: RegStatus -- Registerised status
-> [ArgRep]
-> Bool -- args in regs?
-> Doc -- fun_info_label
-> StackUsage
-> Doc
stackCheck regstatus args args_in_regs fun_info_label (prof_sp, norm_sp) =
(reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
cmp_sp n
| n > 0 =
text "if (Sp - WDS(" <> int n <> text ") < SpLim) {" $$
nest 4 (vcat [
if args_in_regs
text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi $$
saveRegOffs reg_locs
text "Sp(0) = " <> fun_info_label <> char ';',
mkJump regstatus (text "__stg_gc_enter_1") ["R1"] [] <> semi
]) $$
char '}'
| otherwise = empty
vcat [ text "#if defined(PROFILING)",
cmp_sp prof_sp,
text "#else",
cmp_sp norm_sp,
text "#endif"
genMkPAP :: RegStatus -- Register status
-> String -- Macro
-> String -- Jump target
-> [Reg] -- Registers that are definitely live
-> String -- Ticker
-> String -- Disamb
-> Bool -- Don't load argument registers before jump if True
-> Bool -- Arguments already in registers if True
-> Bool -- Is a PAP if True
-> [ArgRep] -- Arguments
-> Int -- Size of all arguments
-> Doc -- info label
-> Bool -- Is a function
-> (Doc, StackUsage)
genMkPAP regstatus macro jump live ticker disamb
no_load_regs -- don't load argument regs before jumping
args_in_regs -- arguments are already in regs
is_pap args all_args_size fun_info_label
= (doc, stack_usage)
doc = vcat smaller_arity_doc $$ exact_arity_case $$ larger_arity_doc
stack_usage = maxStack (larger_arity_stack : smaller_arity_stack)
n_args = length args
-- offset of arguments on the stack at slow apply calls.
stk_args_slow_offset = 1
| args_in_regs = 0
| otherwise = stk_args_slow_offset
-- The SMALLER ARITY cases:
-- if (arity == 1) {
-- Sp[0] = Sp[1];
-- Sp[1] = (W_)&stg_ap_1_info;
-- JMP_(GET_ENTRY(R1.cl));
(smaller_arity_doc, smaller_arity_stack)
= unzip [ smaller_arity i | i <- [1..n_args-1] ]
smaller_arity arity = (doc, stack_usage)
(save_regs, stack_usage)
| overflow_regs = save_extra_regs
| otherwise = shuffle_extra_args
doc =
text "if (arity == " <> int arity <> text ") {" $$
nest 4 (vcat [
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_TOO_MANY();",
-- load up regs for the call, if necessary
-- If we have more args in registers than are required
-- for the call, then we must save some on the stack,
-- and set up the stack for the follow-up call.
-- If the extra arguments are on the stack, then we must
-- instead shuffle them down to make room for the info
-- table for the follow-on call.
-- for a PAP, we have to arrange that the stack contains a
-- return address in the event that stg_PAP_entry fails its
-- heap check. See stg_PAP_entry in Apply.cmm for details.
if is_pap
then text "R2 = " <> mkApplyInfoName this_call_args <> semi
else empty,
if is_fun_case then mb_tag_node arity else empty,
if overflow_regs
then mkJumpSaveCCCS
regstatus (text jump) live (take arity args) <> semi
else mkJump regstatus (text jump) live (if no_load_regs then [] else args) <> semi
]) $$
text "}"
-- offsets in case we need to save regs:
(reg_locs, _, _)
= assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset args
-- register assignment for *this function call*
(reg_locs', reg_call_leftovers, reg_call_sp_stk_args)
= assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset (take arity args)
| no_load_regs || args_in_regs = empty
| otherwise = loadRegOffs reg_locs'
(this_call_args, rest_args) = splitAt arity args
-- the offset of the stack args from initial Sp
| args_in_regs = stk_args_offset
| no_load_regs = stk_args_offset
| otherwise = reg_call_sp_stk_args
-- the stack args themselves
| args_in_regs = reg_call_leftovers -- sp offsets are wrong
| no_load_regs = this_call_args
| otherwise = reg_call_leftovers
stack_args_size = sum (map argSize this_call_stack_args)
overflow_regs = args_in_regs && length reg_locs > length reg_locs'
save_extra_regs = (doc, (size,size))
-- we have extra arguments in registers to save
extra_reg_locs = drop (length reg_locs') (reverse reg_locs)
adj_reg_locs = [ (reg, off - adj + 1) |
(reg,off) <- extra_reg_locs ]
adj = case extra_reg_locs of
(reg, fst_off):_ -> fst_off
size = snd (last adj_reg_locs) + 1
doc =
text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-size) <> text ");" $$
saveRegOffs adj_reg_locs $$
loadSpWordOff "W_" 0 <> text " = " <>
mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi
shuffle_extra_args = (doc, (shuffle_prof_stack, shuffle_norm_stack))
doc = vcat [ text "#if defined(PROFILING)",
text "#else",
text "#endif"]
(shuffle_prof_doc, shuffle_prof_stack) = shuffle True
(shuffle_norm_doc, shuffle_norm_stack) = shuffle False
-- Sadly here we have to insert an stg_restore_cccs frame
-- just underneath the stg_ap_*_info frame if we're
-- profiling; see Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
shuffle prof = (doc, -sp_adj)
sp_adj = sp_stk_args - 1 - offset
offset = if prof then 2 else 0
doc =
vcat (map (shuffle_down (offset+1))
[sp_stk_args .. sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1]) $$
(if prof
loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-3)
<> text " = stg_restore_cccs_info;" $$
loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-2)
<> text " = CCCS;"
else empty) $$
loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1)
<> text " = "
<> mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi $$
text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp_adj <> text ");"
shuffle_down j i =
loadSpWordOff "W_" (i-j) <> text " = " <>
loadSpWordOff "W_" i <> semi
-- The EXACT ARITY case
-- if (arity == 1) {
-- Sp++;
-- JMP_(GET_ENTRY(R1.cl));
= text "if (arity == " <> int n_args <> text ") {" $$
(reg_doc, sp')
| no_load_regs || args_in_regs = (empty, stk_args_offset)
| otherwise = loadRegArgs regstatus stk_args_offset args
nest 4 (vcat [
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_CORRECT();",
text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp' <> text ");",
if is_pap
then text "R2 = " <> fun_info_label <> semi
else empty,
if is_fun_case then mb_tag_node n_args else empty,
mkJump regstatus (text jump) live (if no_load_regs then [] else args) <> semi
-- The LARGER ARITY cases:
-- } else /* arity > 1 */ {
-- BUILD_PAP(1,0,(W_)&stg_ap_v_info);
-- }
(larger_arity_doc, larger_arity_stack) = (doc, stack)
-- offsets in case we need to save regs:
(reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset)
= assignRegs regstatus stk_args_slow_offset args
-- BUILD_PAP assumes args start at offset 1
stack | args_in_regs = (sp_offset, sp_offset)
| otherwise = (0,0)
doc =
text "} else {" $$
| args_in_regs =
text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-sp_offset) <> text ");" $$
saveRegOffs reg_locs
| otherwise =
nest 4 (vcat [
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_TOO_FEW();",
-- Before building the PAP, tag the function closure pointer
if is_fun_case then
vcat [
text "if (arity < " <> int tAG_BITS_MAX <> text ") {",
text " R1 = R1 + arity" <> semi,
text "}"
else empty
text macro <> char '(' <> int n_args <> comma <>
int all_args_size <>
text "," <> fun_info_label <>
text "," <> text disamb <>
text ");"
]) $$
char '}'
-- Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
-- when profiling, if we have some extra arguments to apply that we
-- save to the stack, we must also save the current cost centre stack
-- and restore it when applying the extra arguments. This is all
-- handled by the macro jump_SAVE_CCCS(target), defined in
-- rts/AutoApply.h.
-- At the jump, the stack will look like this:
-- ... extra args ...
-- stg_ap_pp_info
-- stg_restore_cccs_info
-- --------------------------------------
-- Examine tag bits of function pointer and enter it
-- directly if needed.
-- TODO: remove the redundant case in the original code.
enterFastPath regstatus no_load_regs args_in_regs args
| Just tag <- tagForArity (length args)
= enterFastPathHelper tag regstatus no_load_regs args_in_regs args
enterFastPath _ _ _ _ = empty
-- Copied from Constants.hs & CgUtils.hs, i'd rather have this imported:
-- (arity,tag)
tAG_BITS = (TAG_BITS :: Int)
tAG_BITS_MAX = ((1 `shiftL` tAG_BITS) :: Int)
tagForArity :: Int -> Maybe Int
tagForArity i | i < tAG_BITS_MAX = Just i
| otherwise = Nothing
enterFastPathHelper :: Int
-> RegStatus
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> [ArgRep]
-> Doc
enterFastPathHelper tag regstatus no_load_regs args_in_regs args =
text "if (GETTAG(R1)==" <> int tag <> text ") {" $$
nest 4 (vcat [
text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp' <> text ");",
-- enter, but adjust offset with tag
mkJump regstatus (text "%GET_ENTRY(R1-" <> int tag <> text ")") ["R1"] args <> semi
]) $$
text "}"
-- I don't totally understand this code, I copied it from
-- exact_arity_case
-- TODO: refactor
-- offset of arguments on the stack at slow apply calls.
stk_args_slow_offset = 1
| args_in_regs = 0
| otherwise = stk_args_slow_offset
(reg_doc, sp')
| no_load_regs || args_in_regs = (empty, stk_args_offset)
| otherwise = loadRegArgs regstatus stk_args_offset args
tickForArity arity
| True
= empty
| Just tag <- tagForArity arity
= vcat [
text "W_[TOTAL_CALLS] = W_[TOTAL_CALLS] + 1;",
text "W_[SLOW_CALLS_" <> int arity <> text "] = W_[SLOW_CALLS_" <> int arity <> text "] + 1;",
text "if (TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%FUN_INFO(%INFO_PTR(UNTAG(R1))))) == " <> int arity <> text " ) {",
text " W_[RIGHT_ARITY_" <> int arity <> text "] = W_[RIGHT_ARITY_" <> int arity <> text "] + 1;",
text " if (GETTAG(R1)==" <> int tag <> text ") {",
text " W_[TAGGED_PTR_" <> int arity <> text "] = W_[TAGGED_PTR_" <> int arity <> text "] + 1;",
text " } else {",
-- force a halt when not tagged!
-- text " W_[0]=0;",
text " }",
text "}"
tickForArity _ = text "W_[TOTAL_CALLS] = W_[TOTAL_CALLS] + 1;"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- generate an apply function
-- args is a list of 'p', 'n', 'f', 'd' or 'l'
formalParam :: ArgRep -> Int -> Doc
formalParam V _ = empty
formalParam arg n =
formalParamType arg <> space <>
text "arg" <> int n <> text ", "
formalParamType arg = argRep arg
argRep F = text "F_"
argRep D = text "D_"
argRep L = text "L_"
argRep P = text "gcptr"
argRep V16 = text "V16_"
argRep V32 = text "V32_"
argRep V64 = text "V64_"
argRep _ = text "W_"
genApply :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
genApply regstatus args =
fun_ret_label = mkApplyRetName args
fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
(bco_doc, bco_stack) =
genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "ENTRY_LBL(stg_BCO)" ["R1"] "FUN" "BCO"
True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
(fun_doc, fun_stack) =
genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
False{-reg apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
(pap_doc, pap_stack) =
genMkPAP regstatus "NEW_PAP" "stg_PAP_apply" ["R1", "R2"] "PAP" "PAP"
True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} True{-is a PAP-}
args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}False
stack_usage = maxStack [bco_stack, fun_stack, pap_stack]
vcat [
text "INFO_TABLE_RET(" <> mkApplyName args <> text ", " <>
text "RET_SMALL, W_ info_ptr, " <> (cat $ zipWith formalParam args [1..]) <>
text ")\n{",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "W_ info;",
text "W_ arity;",
text "unwind Sp = Sp + WDS(" <> int (1+all_args_size) <> text ");",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print "static void *lbls[] ="
-- print " { [FUN] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_1_0] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_0_1] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_2_0] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_1_1] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_0_2] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [FUN_STATIC] &&fun_lbl,"
-- print " [PAP] &&pap_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_1_0] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_0_1] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_2_0] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_1_1] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_0_2] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_STATIC] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [THUNK_SELECTOR] &&thunk_lbl,"
-- print " [IND] &&ind_lbl,"
-- print " [IND_STATIC] &&ind_lbl,"
-- print " };"
tickForArity (length args),
text "",
text "IF_DEBUG(apply,foreign \"C\" debugBelch(\"" <> fun_ret_label <>
text "... \"); foreign \"C\" printClosure(R1 \"ptr\"));",
text "IF_DEBUG(sanity,foreign \"C\" checkStackFrame(Sp+WDS(" <> int (1 + all_args_size)
<> text ")\"ptr\"));",
-- text "IF_DEBUG(sanity,checkStackChunk(Sp+" <> int (1 + all_args_size) <>
-- text ", CurrentTSO->stack + CurrentTSO->stack_size));",
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL(" <> int (length args) <> text ");",
let do_assert [] _ = []
do_assert (arg:args) offset
| isPtr arg = this : rest
| otherwise = rest
where this = text "ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_CLOSURE_PTR(Sp("
<> int offset <> text ")));"
rest = do_assert args (offset + argSize arg)
vcat (do_assert args 1),
text "again:",
-- if pointer is tagged enter it fast!
enterFastPath regstatus False False args,
stackCheck regstatus args False{-args on stack-}
fun_info_label stack_usage,
-- Functions can be tagged, so we untag them!
text "R1 = UNTAG(R1);",
text "info = %INFO_PTR(R1);",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " goto *lbls[info->type];";
-- else:
text "switch [INVALID_OBJECT .. N_CLOSURE_TYPES] (TO_W_(%INFO_TYPE(%STD_INFO(info)))) {",
nest 4 (vcat [
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " bco_lbl:"
-- else:
text "case BCO: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgBCO_arity(R1));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
text "}",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " fun_lbl:"
-- else:
text "case FUN,",
text " FUN_1_0,",
text " FUN_0_1,",
text " FUN_2_0,",
text " FUN_1_1,",
text " FUN_0_2,",
text " FUN_STATIC: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%FUN_INFO(info)));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
text "}",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " pap_lbl:"
-- else:
text "case PAP: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgPAP_arity(R1));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
text "}",
text "",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " thunk_lbl:"
-- else:
text "case AP,",
text " AP_STACK,",
text " BLACKHOLE,",
text " WHITEHOLE,",
text " THUNK,",
text " THUNK_1_0,",
text " THUNK_0_1,",
text " THUNK_2_0,",
text " THUNK_1_1,",
text " THUNK_0_2,",
text " THUNK_STATIC,",
text " THUNK_SELECTOR: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
-- text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_UNEVALD(" <> int (length args) <> text ");",
text "Sp(0) = " <> fun_info_label <> text ";",
-- CAREFUL! in SMP mode, the info table may already have been
-- overwritten by an indirection, so we must enter the original
-- info pointer we read, don't read it again, because it might
-- not be enterable any more.
regstatus (text "%ENTRY_CODE(info)") ["R1"] args <> semi,
-- see Note [jump_SAVE_CCCS]
text ""
text "}",
-- if fast == 1:
-- print " ind_lbl:"
-- else:
text "case IND,",
text " IND_STATIC: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "R1 = StgInd_indirectee(R1);",
-- An indirection node might contain a tagged pointer
text "goto again;"
text "}",
text "",
-- if fast == 0:
text "default: {",
nest 4 (
text "foreign \"C\" barf(\"" <> fun_ret_label <> text "\") never returns;"
text "}"
text "}"
text "}"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Making a fast unknown application, args are in regs
genApplyFast :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
genApplyFast regstatus args =
fun_fast_label = mkApplyFastName args
fun_ret_label = text "RET_LBL" <> parens (mkApplyName args)
fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
(fun_doc, fun_stack) =
genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))" ["R1"] "FUN" "FUN"
False{-reg apply-} True{-args in regs-} False{-not a PAP-}
args all_args_size fun_info_label {- tag stmt -}True
(reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
stack_usage = maxStack [fun_stack, (sp_offset,sp_offset)]
vcat [
char '{',
nest 4 (vcat [
text "W_ info;",
text "W_ arity;",
tickForArity (length args),
-- if pointer is tagged enter it fast!
enterFastPath regstatus False True args,
stackCheck regstatus args True{-args in regs-}
fun_info_label stack_usage,
-- Functions can be tagged, so we untag them!
text "R1 = UNTAG(R1);",
text "info = %GET_STD_INFO(R1);",
text "switch [INVALID_OBJECT .. N_CLOSURE_TYPES] (TO_W_(%INFO_TYPE(info))) {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "case FUN,",
text " FUN_1_0,",
text " FUN_0_1,",
text " FUN_2_0,",
text " FUN_1_1,",
text " FUN_0_2,",
text " FUN_STATIC: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%GET_FUN_INFO(R1)));",
text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
char '}',
text "default: {",
nest 4 (vcat [
text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi,
saveRegOffs reg_locs,
mkJump regstatus fun_ret_label [] args <> semi
char '}'
char '}'
char '}'
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Making a stack apply
-- These little functions are like slow entry points. They provide
-- the layer between the PAP entry code and the function's fast entry
-- point: namely they load arguments off the stack into registers (if
-- available) and jump to the function's entry code.
-- On entry: R1 points to the function closure
-- arguments are on the stack starting at Sp
-- Invariant: the list of arguments never contains void. Since we're only
-- interested in loading arguments off the stack here, we can ignore
-- void arguments.
mkStackApplyEntryLabel:: [ArgRep] -> Doc
mkStackApplyEntryLabel args = text "stg_ap_stk_" <> text (concatMap showArg args)
genStackApply :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
genStackApply regstatus args =
let fn_entry_label = mkStackApplyEntryLabel args in
vcat [
text "{", nest 4 body, text "}"
(assign_regs, sp') = loadRegArgs regstatus 0 args
body = vcat [assign_regs,
text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int sp') <> semi,
mkJump regstatus (text "%GET_ENTRY(UNTAG(R1))") ["R1"] args <> semi
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Stack save entry points.
-- These code fragments are used to save registers on the stack at a heap
-- check failure in the entry code for a function. We also have to save R1
-- and the return address (stg_gc_fun_info) on the stack. See stg_gc_fun_gen
-- in HeapStackCheck.cmm for more details.
mkStackSaveEntryLabel :: [ArgRep] -> Doc
mkStackSaveEntryLabel args = text "stg_stk_save_" <> text (concatMap showArg args)
genStackSave :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
genStackSave regstatus args =
let fn_entry_label= mkStackSaveEntryLabel args in
vcat [
text "{", nest 4 body, text "}"
body = vcat [text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi,
saveRegOffs reg_locs,
text "Sp(2) = R1;",
text "Sp(1) =" <+> int stk_args <> semi,
text "Sp(0) = stg_gc_fun_info;",
text "jump stg_gc_noregs [];"
std_frame_size = 3 -- the std bits of the frame. See StgRetFun in Closures.h,
-- and the comment on stg_fun_gc_gen
-- in HeapStackCheck.cmm.
(reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus std_frame_size args
-- number of words of arguments on the stack.
stk_args = sum (map argSize leftovers) + sp_offset - std_frame_size
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The prologue...
main = do
args <- getArgs
regstatus <- case args of
[] -> return Registerised
["-u"] -> return Unregisterised
_other -> do hPutStrLn stderr "syntax: genapply [-u]"
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
let the_code = vcat [
text "// DO NOT EDIT!",
text "// Automatically generated by utils/genapply/Main.hs",
text "",
text "#include \"Cmm.h\"",
text "#include \"AutoApply.h\"",
text "",
vcat (intersperse (text "") $
map (genApply regstatus) applyTypes),
vcat (intersperse (text "") $
map (genStackFns regstatus) stackApplyTypes),
vcat (intersperse (text "") $
map (genApplyFast regstatus) applyTypes),
genStackApplyArray stackApplyTypes,
genStackSaveArray stackApplyTypes,
genBitmapArray stackApplyTypes,
text "" -- add a newline at the end of the file
-- in
putStr (render the_code)
-- These have been shown to cover about 99% of cases in practice...
applyTypes = [
-- No need for V args in the stack apply cases.
-- ToDo: the stack apply and stack save code doesn't make a distinction
-- between N and P (they both live in the same register), only the bitmap
-- changes, so we could share the apply/save code between lots of cases.
-- NOTE: other places to change if you change stackApplyTypes:
-- - includes/rts/storage/FunTypes.h
-- - compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs: stdPattern
stackApplyTypes = [
genStackFns regstatus args
= genStackApply regstatus args
$$ genStackSave regstatus args
genStackApplyArray types =
vcat [
text "section \"relrodata\" {",
text "stg_ap_stack_entries:",
text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
vcat (map arr_ent types),
text "}"
arr_ent ty = text "W_" <+> mkStackApplyEntryLabel ty <> semi
genStackSaveArray types =
vcat [
text "section \"relrodata\" {",
text "stg_stack_save_entries:",
text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
vcat (map arr_ent types),
text "}"
arr_ent ty = text "W_" <+> mkStackSaveEntryLabel ty <> semi
genBitmapArray :: [[ArgRep]] -> Doc
genBitmapArray types =
vcat [
text "section \"rodata\" {",
text "stg_arg_bitmaps:",
text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
vcat (map gen_bitmap types),
text "}"
gen_bitmap ty = text "W_" <+> int bitmap_val <> semi
where bitmap_val =
(fromIntegral (mkBitmap ty) `shiftL` BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT)
.|. sum (map argSize ty)