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Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Nickel release script
# This script automates part of the process of releasing a new version of
# Nickel.
# For requirements, see RELEASING.md.
# [^tomlq-sed]: tomlq has an --in-place option that would make the update much
# more pleasant. Unfortunately, tomlq works by transcoding to
# JSON, passing the JSON to jq, and then transcoding back to
# TOML, which has the very unpleasant effect of removing all
# comments and changing entirely the formatting and the layout
# of the file. Thus, we resort to good old and ugly sed.
# This is of course less robust. For now, it seems largely sufficient, but it
# might break in the future if the Cargo.toml files style change.
# In some cases it can be useful to leave the workspace in the state it was to
# finish the release manually. In that case, set this variable to false.
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
# Perform clean up actions upon unexpected exit.
cleanup() {
set +e
if [[ $DO_CLEANUP == true ]]; then
echo "++ Unexpected exit. Cleaning up..."
for ((i=${#cleanup_actions[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)); do
echo "++ Running cleanup action: ${cleanup_actions[$i]}"
${cleanup_actions[$i]} || true
echo "++ Unexpected exit. Leaving the workspace in its current state (DO_CLEANUP=$DO_CLEANUP)."
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
exit 1
# Take a subdirectory containing a crate of the current workspace as the first
# argument and a variable name as the second argument. Read the crate version
# from Cargo.toml and populate the variable with an array of the three version
# numbers (major, minor, patch).
read_crate_version() {
local -n version_array=$2 # use nameref for indirection: this will populate the variable named by the first argument
local version
version=$(tomlq -r .package.version "$1/Cargo.toml")
# Shellcheck isn't able to understand that we're populating the caller's
# provided variable `version_array` via namerefs and claims it's unused.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
readarray -td'.' version_array <<< "$version"
# Take a string message as an argument and ask the user to confirm that the
# script should proceed with the next actions.
# If the user doesn't confirm, exit the script.
confirm_proceed() {
read -p "$1. Proceed (y/n)?" -n 1 -r
echo ""
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then
echo "++ Aborting..."
# Take a bash array representing a version (major, minor, patch) or (minor,
# patch) as an argument and print the corresponding version string
# ("major.minor.patch") This function uses nameref, so the argument must be a
# variable name and not a value.
# For example:
# ```
# local version=(1 2 3)
# print_version_array version
# ```
print_version_array() {
local -n version=$1
local result
for component in "${version[@]:1}"; do
echo "$result"
# Go through a Cargo.toml file and bump all dependencies to local crates that are being updated (in practice, the crates populating version_map)
# Arguments:
# - $1: the type of Cargo.toml, either "workspace" or "crate"
# - $2: the path to the Cargo.toml file
# - $3: the version map, a bash associative array mapping updated crate names to
# new versions. This argument is taken by nameref, so you must pass the name
# of an existing variable containing the map, not a value. We do so because
# passing associative arrays by value is painful in bash.
# For example:
# ```
# local -A version_map
# version_map["nickel-lang-core"]="1.2.3"
# update_dependencies "workspace" "./Cargo.toml" version_map
# ```
update_dependencies() {
local path_cargo_toml="$2"
local -n local_version_map=$3
# If we are looking at a crate's Cargo.toml file, the dependencies are
# located at .dependencies. If we are looking at the workspace's Cargo.toml,
# the dependencies are located at .workspace.dependencies. This difference
# is abstracted away in `dependencies_path`
local dependencies_path
if [[ $1 == "workspace" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "crate" ]]; then
echo "[Internal error] Invalid argument for update_dependencies(): expected 'crate' or 'workspace', got '$1'" >&2
exit 1
local -a dependencies
readarray -t dependencies < <(tomlq -r '('$dependencies_path' | keys[])' "$path_cargo_toml")
for dependency in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
# If the dependency is in the version map, it means that we might have
# bumped it as part of the release process. In that case, we need to
# update the dependency to the new version.
if [[ -v local_version_map["$dependency"] ]]; then
# Cargo dependencies can be either specified as a simple version
# string, as in
# `foo_crate = "1.2.3"`
# or as an object with a `version` field, as in
# `foo_crate = { version = "1.2.3", features = ["bar"] }`
# The updated thus depend on the type of the dependency field, which
# can be determined by tomlq's `type` function
local dependency_type
local has_version
dependency_type=$(tomlq -r '('$dependencies_path'."'"$dependency"'" | type)' "$path_cargo_toml")
has_version=$(tomlq -r '('$dependencies_path'."'"$dependency"'" | has("version"))' "$path_cargo_toml")
cleanup_actions+=('git restore '"$path_cargo_toml")
if [[ $dependency_type == "string" ]]; then
report_progress "Patching cross-dependency $dependency in $path_cargo_toml to version ${local_version_map[$dependency]}"
# see [^tomlq-sed]
sed -i 's/\('"$dependency"'\s*=\s*"\)[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?"/\1'"${local_version_map[$dependency]}"'"/g' "$path_cargo_toml"
# Most of local crates use the workspace's version by default, i.e.
# are of the form `foo_crate = { workspace = true }`. In that case,
# the update is already taken care of when updating the workspace's
# Cargo.toml, so we don't do anything if the dependency doesn't have
# a version field
elif [[ $dependency_type == "object" && $has_version == "true" ]]; then
report_progress "Patching cross-dependency $dependency in $path_cargo_toml to version ${local_version_map[$dependency]}"
# see [^tomlq-sed]
# the regexp below recognizes dependencies of the form
# `foo_crate = { version = "1.2.3", features = ["bar"], ..etc }`
# Note that version must come first, which is the case currently
# throughout the codebase
sed -i 's/\('"$dependency"'\s*=\s*{\s*version\s*=\s*"\)[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?"/\1'"${local_version_map[$dependency]}"'"/g' "$path_cargo_toml"
git add "$path_cargo_toml"
cleanup_actions+=('git reset -- '"$path_cargo_toml")
# Currently, topiary isn't published on crates.io, so we can't publish crates
# that depend on it.
# The version released on the stable branch, the release branch and in the
# GitHub release should support the format feature, but the version published on
# crates.io can't, for the time being.
# For cargo to accept to publish our crates, we have to remove the "format"
# feature from the list of features and from the list of default features, as
# well as removing all the dependencies enabled by this feature (even if they
# aren't used anymore, their mere presence in `Cargo.toml` without them being
# available on crates.io is forbidden by cargo).
remove_format_feature() {
local path_cargo_toml
local tmpfile
local -a deps_to_remove
cleanup_actions+=('git restore '"$path_cargo_toml")
# We first extract the list of dependencies that are required by the format
# feature, because we'll need to remove them all (it'll include topiary, but
# might not be limited to it)
# We filter out dependencies (as `format = [..]` can also contain features,
# such as `nickel-lang-core/format`), and then remove the `dep:` prefix.
readarray -t deps_to_remove < <(tomlq -r '(.features.format | .[] | select(startswith("dep:")) | sub("dep:";""))' "$path_cargo_toml")
# see [^tomlq-sed]
# Removing the format feature is a bit more complicated than handling
# version numbers, because the format feature is a list of strings, so we
# resort to a stronger weapon: awk
# The following script looks for the `[features]` section, then for the
# `default` key and remove "format" from the list of default features. It
# also removes the feature format key (and its value) itself from the
# [features] section.
awk -F'[\n= ]+' '
if($0 ~ /^\[features\]$/) {
else if(a==1 && $1=="format") {
else if(a==1 && $0 ~ /^default ?= ?\[/) {
gsub(/, *"format"|"format" *,?/,"")
else if(a==1 && $0 ~ /^$/) {
1' "$path_cargo_toml" > "$tmpfile" && mv "$tmpfile" "$path_cargo_toml"
# We remove all dependencies required by the format feature that we just
# removed
for dep in "${deps_to_remove[@]}"; do
# see [^tomlq-sed]
report_progress "Removing dependency $dep from $path_cargo_toml"
sed -i '/^'"$dep"'\s*=\s*{.*}$/d' "$path_cargo_toml"
git add "$path_cargo_toml"
cleanup_actions+=('git reset -- '"$path_cargo_toml")
print_usage_and_exit() {
echo "Usage: $0 <major|minor|patch>" >&2
exit 1
# Report progress to the user with adapted indentation
report_progress() {
echo " -- $1"
trap cleanup ERR
set -eEuo pipefail
if [[ "$arg" == "" ]]; then
echo "Missing argument" >&2
elif [[ "$arg" != "major" && "$arg" != "minor" && "$arg" != "patch" ]]; then
echo "Invalid argument: $arg" >&2
# A stack of actions to perform upon unexpected error. Cleanup actions are
# indeed popped from the top of cleanup_actions (that is, in reverse order, when
# seen as an array)
cat <<EOF
++ Nickel release script
++ This script will:
++ - Bump version numbers in Cargo.toml files
++ - Bump local dependencies to local crates accordingly
++ - Commit and push the changes on a new release branch
++ - Make the remote 'stable' branch point to the release branch
++ - Preprocess and publish relevant local crate to crates.io
++ Sanity checks (build, test, publish --dry-run etc.) are performed along the
++ way. In case of failure, this release script will its best to restore things
++ to the previous state as much as possible
confirm_proceed "++"
echo ""
# Moving to the root of the git project
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
# Check that the working directory is clean
if [[ -n $(git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain) ]]; then
confirm_proceed "++ [WARNING] Working directory is not clean. The cleanup code of this script might revert some of your uncommited changes"
git switch master > /dev/null
echo "++ Prepare release branch from 'master'"
# Directories of subcrates following their own independent versioning
independent_crates=(core utils lsp/lsp-harness ./wasm-repl)
# All subcrate directories, including the ones above
all_crates=("${independent_crates[@]}" cli lsp/nls pyckel)
workspace_version=$(tomlq -r .workspace.package.version ./Cargo.toml)
readarray -td'.' workspace_version_array <<< "$workspace_version"
# We checked at the beginning of the script that $1 was either "major", "minor"
# or "patch", so we don't need to handle the cath-all case.
if [[ $1 == "major" ]]; then
new_workspace_version=$((workspace_version_array[0] + 1)).0.0
elif [[ $1 == "minor" ]]; then
new_workspace_version=${workspace_version_array[0]}.$((workspace_version_array[1] + 1)).0
elif [[ $1 == "patch" ]]; then
new_workspace_version=${workspace_version_array[0]}.${workspace_version_array[1]}.$((workspace_version_array[2] + 1))
confirm_proceed " -- Updating to version $new_workspace_version"
report_progress "Creating release branch..."
if git rev-parse --verify --quiet "$release_branch" > /dev/null; then
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
confirm_proceed " -- [WARNING] The branch '$release_branch' already exists. The script will skip forward to publication to crates.io (but still run checks)."
git switch "$release_branch"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
report_progress "Building and running checks..."
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
nix flake check
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
git switch --create "$release_branch" > /dev/null
cleanup_actions+=("git branch -d $release_branch")
cleanup_actions+=("git switch master")
report_progress "Bumping workspace version number..."
# see [^tomlq-sed]
sed -i 's/^\(version\s*=\s*"\)[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?"$/\1'"$new_workspace_version"'"/g' ./Cargo.toml
cleanup_actions+=("git reset -- ./Cargo.toml")
git add ./Cargo.toml
cleanup_actions+=("git restore ./Cargo.toml")
report_progress "Bumping other crates version numbers..."
for crate in "${independent_crates[@]}"; do
read_crate_version "$crate" crate_version_array
new_crate_version=${crate_version_array[0]}.$((crate_version_array[1] + 1)).0
read -p " -- $crate is currently in version $(print_version_array crate_version_array). Bump to the next version $new_crate_version [if no, you'll have a pause later to manually bump those versions if needed] (y/n) ?" -n 1 -r
echo ""
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
# see [^tomlq-sed]
sed -i 's/^\(version\s*=\s*"\)[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?"$/\1'"$new_crate_version"'"/g' "$crate/Cargo.toml"
cleanup_actions+=('git restore '"$crate/Cargo.toml")
git add "$crate/Cargo.toml"
cleanup_actions+=('git reset -- '"$crate/Cargo.toml")
read -n 1 -s -r -p " -- Please manually update any crate version not automatically handled by this script so far if you need to, and then press any key to continue"
echo ""
# Because the user might have updated the version numbers manually, we need to
# parse them again before updating cross-dependencies
declare -A version_map
for crate in "${all_crates[@]}"; do
read_crate_version "$crate" crate_version_array
crate_name=$(tomlq -r .package.name "$crate/Cargo.toml")
# Shellcheck isn't able to understand that we're passing `version_map`
# to `update_dependencies` as a nameref and claims it's unused.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
version_map[$crate_name]=$(print_version_array crate_version_array)
report_progress "Updating cross-dependencies..."
for crate in "${all_crates[@]}"; do
update_dependencies "crate" "$crate/Cargo.toml" version_map
# Patch workspace dependencies
update_dependencies "workspace" "./Cargo.toml" version_map
# We need to update the lockfile here, at least for the dependencies that we
# might have bumped. We changed ./Cargo.toml but Nix tries to build with
# --frozen, which will fail if the lockfile is outdated.
cargo update "${!version_map[@]}" > /dev/null
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cleanup_actions+=("git restore ./Cargo.lock")
git add ./Cargo.lock
cleanup_actions+=("git reset -- ./Cargo.lock")
report_progress "Building and running checks..."
nix flake check
report_progress "Checks run successfully."
confirm_proceed " -- Please add the release notes to RELEASES.md if not already done. Save but don't commit. Then press 'y'."
report_progress "Pusing the release branch..."
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
git commit -m "[release.sh] update to $new_workspace_version"
git push -u origin "$release_branch"
report_progress "Saving current 'stable' branch to 'stable-local-save'..."
# Delete the branch if already present, but if not, don't fail
git branch -D stable-local-save &>/dev/null || true
git checkout stable
git branch stable-local-save
report_progress "If anything goes wrong from now on, you can restore the previous stable branch by resetting stable to stable-local-save"
confirm_proceed " -- Pushing the release branch to 'stable' and making it the new default"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
git checkout stable
git reset --hard "$release_branch"
git push --force-with-lease
git checkout "$release_branch"
echo "++ Release branch successfully pushed!"
# Reset cleanup actions as creating and pushing the release branch was successful
cat <<EOF
++ Release branch successfully pushed!
++ CAUTION: '$release_branch' won't be cleaned up automatically from there, even
++ if the publication fails. If you call this script again with an
++ existing release branch, you'll be asked if you want to resume from
++ here.
++ Now preparing the release to crates.io
crates_to_publish=(core cli lsp/nls)
report_progress "Removing 'nickel-lang-utils' and 'lsp-test-harness' from dev-dependencies..."
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
for crate in "${crates_to_publish[@]}"; do
# Remove `nickel-lang-utils` from `dev-dependencies` of released crates.
# Indeed, `nickel-lang-utils` is only used for testing or benchmarking and
# it creates a circular dependency. We just don't publish it and cut it off
# from dev-dependencies (which aren't required for proper publication on
# crates.io)
# see [^tomlq-sed]
sed -i '/^nickel-lang-utils\.workspace\s*=\s*true\s*$/d' "$crate/Cargo.toml"
sed -i '/^lsp-harness\.workspace\s*=\s*true\s*$/d' "$crate/Cargo.toml"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cleanup_actions+=('git restore '"$crate/Cargo.toml")
report_progress "Remove the format feature and topiary dependencies..."
for crate in "${crates_to_publish[@]}"; do
remove_format_feature "$crate/Cargo.toml"
git add "$crate/Cargo.toml"
cleanup_actions+=('git reset -- '"$crate/Cargo.toml")
# Cargo requires to commit changes, but we'll reset them later
git commit -m "[release.sh][tmp] remove nickel-lang-utils and topiary from deps"
cleanup_actions+=("git reset --hard HEAD~")
# We have had reproducibility issues before due to the fact that when installing
# the version of say `nickel-lang-cli` from crates.io, Cargo doesn't pick the
# current workspace file `Cargo.lock`, but regenerates a fresh one. This can
# lead to a local installation of `nickel-lang-cli` succeeding, but after
# publication, the version on crates.io wouldn't install.
# This is a bit unsatisfactory, but a cheap way to have good faith that the
# published version correctly builds and install is to temporarily delete
# `Cargo.lock` and try to install the nickel crates locally
report_progress "Trying to install 'nickel-lang-cli' and 'nickel-lang-lsp' locally..."
report_progress "[WARNING] This will override your local Nickel installation"
rm -f ./Cargo.lock
cleanup_actions+=("git restore ./Cargo.lock")
cargo install --force --path ./cli
cargo install --force --path ./lsp/nls
git restore ./Cargo.lock
report_progress "Successfully installed locally. Trying a dry run of cargo publish 'nickel-lang-core'"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-core --dry-run
confirm_proceed " -- Dry run successful. Proceed with actual publication of 'nickel-lang-core' to crates.io ?"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-core
report_progress "'nickel-lang-core' published successfully"
report_progress "Trying a dry run of cargo publish 'nickel-lang-cli'"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-cli --dry-run
confirm_proceed " -- Dry run successful. Proceed with actual publication of 'nickel-lang-cli' to crates.io ?"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-cli
report_progress "'nickel-lang-cli' published successfully"
report_progress "Trying a dry run of cargo publish 'nickel-lang-lsp'"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-lsp --dry-run
confirm_proceed " -- Dry run successful. Proceed with actual publication of 'nickel-lang-lsp' to crates.io ?"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
cargo publish -p nickel-lang-lsp
report_progress "'nickel-lang-lsp' published successfully"
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
report_progress "Cleaning up..."
# Undo the previous commit removing `nickel-lang-utils` and other stuff from
# dependencies prior to publication
Add a release script (#1748) * Add a release script First draft of a release script to automate most of the painful details of releasing a new version of Nickel and associated crates. * Update the releasing guide with new script * Minor fixes to release script * Change casing, use namerefs and other small improvements * Make sure to checkout master before release process * Make release.sh executable * Shellcheck pass * Various fixes and improvement * More polishing of the release script * Try sed-based Cargo.toml modifications * WIP * Fix cleanup actions after using it add * Improve confirmation printing * Fix undefined variable and cleanup actions * Fix cleanup of ./Cargo.toml * Fix jq invocation and circular reference warning * Run cargo update during release script to fix Nix flake check * Add cargo as requirement for release.sh * Comment out effectful commands, fix Cargo.lock cleanup * Add topiary cleaning to the release script * [TODROP] disable nix flake check for rapid iteration * [TODROP] Disable cleanup for debugging purpose * Tentative fix of the remove Topiary dep step * Avoid trailing commas when removing Topiary * Improve output of removing topiary dependencies * Fix issues with format removal step * More fixing of the format removal step * Put back actual git commands and cleanup * Move release script to its own directory * Make release script re-entrant once release branch exists * Cd to the root git dir in the release script * Disable some shellcheck warnings, remove trailing spaces, add missing git switch * Run checks even if the release branch exists * Describe Topiary removal in the releasing guide * Update RELEASING.md Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com> * Cosmetic improvements to release script --------- Co-authored-by: jneem <joeneeman@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 17:52:09 +03:00
git reset --hard HEAD~
cat <<EOF
++ Successfully published to crates.io
++ Now, you need to:
++ - Do the GitHub release
++ - Redeploy the website
++ Please refer to RELEASING.md for more details
exit 0