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# Nickel Syntax
## Simple values
There are three basic kind of values in Nickel :
1. numeric values,
2. boolean values,
3. strings.
### Numeric values
Nickel has a support for numbers, positive and negative, with or without decimals.
Internally, those numbers are stored as 64-bits floating point numbers, following the IEEE 754 standard.
There are a some predefined operators for working with numbers :
| Operator | Description | Example |
| + | The addition operator | `1 + 2 = 3` |
| \- | The subtraction operator | `1 - 2 = -1` |
| * | The multiplication operator | `1 * 2 = 2` |
| / | The division operator | `1 / 2 = 0.5` |
| % | The modulo operator (returns the *signed* remainder) | `5 % 3 = 2` |
> **Remark about the `-` operator:***
> Since `-` can be used inside of an identifier, the subtraction operators **needs** to be surrounded by spaces,
> write `1 - 1`, not `1-1`.
Numbers are also comparable, using the dedicated comparison operators, returning a boolean value :
| Operator | Description | Example |
| == | Equal | `5 == 5` |
| != | Not Equal | `5 != 4` |
| < | Smaller than | `2 < 3` |
| > | Greater than | `1 > -5` |
| >= | Greater or Equal | `1 >= 1` |
| <= | Smaller or Equal | `-1 <= 6` |
All those operators have precedence with each others. In the table below, you will find the operators sorted from highest to lowest precedence:
| Operators | Associativity | Remark |
| `( ... )` | | parentheses always have to highest precedence |
| `-` | right-to-left | unary negation (as in `-1`) |
| `*`, `/`, `%` | left-to-right | |
| `+`, `-` | left-to-right | binary addition and subtraction |
| `<`, `>`, `=<`, `>=` | left-to-right | |
| `==`, `!=` | left-to-right | |
### Boolean values
The boolean values in Nickel are denoted `true` and `false`.
To work with boolean values, we have the classic logical operators *AND* (&&), *OR* (||) and *NOT* (!).
The _AND_ and _OR_ operators are lazy in the evaluation of the second argument. The truth table below gives the results for using these operators:
> true && false
> false || true
> ! true
### Strings
Nickel can work with sequences of characters, or strings.
Strings are enclosed by `" ... "` for a single line string or by `m#" ... "#m` for a multiline string.
They can be concatenated with the operator `++`.
Strings must be UTF-8 valid.
> "Hello, World!"
"Hello, World!"
> m#"Well, if this isn't a multiline string?
Yes it is, indeed it is"#m
"Well, if this isn't a string?
Yes it is, indeed it is"
> "Hello" ++ "World"
## Equality Operators
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We have seen that the operators `==` and `!=` works for comparing numbers, but they can actually compare any values together. Two values are equal if they have the same _type_ and the same _value_.
> 1 == 1
> 5 == 5.0
> "Hello" == "Hello"
> "Hello" != "World"
> 5 == "Hello"
> true == "true"
## Composite values
### List
A list is a sequence of values. They are delimited by `[` and `]`, and elements are separated with `,`.
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[1, 2, 3]
["Hello", "World"]
[1, true, "true"]
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Lists can be concatenated with the operator `@`:
> [1] @ [2, 3]
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
### Record
Records are key-value storage. They are delimited by `{` and `}`, and elements are separated by `,`.
Key-value elements are noted as `key = value`.
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The keys can be either identifiers, or strings. Values can be of any type.
Elements inside a record are unordered.
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{a = 3}
{my_id_n5 = "my id number 5", my_id_n4 = }
{"5" = 5, six = 6}
A record cannot contain the same key twice, or the values must be identical (see section about _merge_).
> {a = 3, a = 3}
{ a = 3 }
> {a = 3, "a" = 3}
{ a = 3 }
Accessing a record field can be done using the `.` operator :
> { a = 1, b = 5 }.a
> { a = 1 }.b
error: Missing field
> { "1" = "one" }."1"
## Statements
### If-Then-Else
This statement allows conditional branching in your code. You can use it as `if <bool expr> then <expr> else <expr>`. Both expressions in the `then` and `else` branches are lazily evaluated, and must have the same type.
> if true then "TRUE :)" else "false :("
"TRUE :)"
> if false then "Not this one" else "This one"
"This one"
> if "forty-two" == 42 then "equal?" else "unequal"
### Let-In
Let-in allows the binding of an expression. It is used as `let <ident> = <expr> in <expr>`.
> let r = { a = "a", b = "b" } in r.a
> let inner = { inside = true } in let outer = { outside = inner.inside } in outer.outside
> let a = 1 in let b = 2 in a + b
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The identifier in the `let` part can be typed (more about typing in the dedicated document):
> let a : Num = 6 in 6 * 7
## Functions
A function is declared using the `fun` keyword, then arguments separated by spaces, and finally an arrow `=>` to add the body of the function.
To call a function, just add the arguments after it separated with spaces.
Functions in Nickel are curried, meaning that a function taking multiple arguments is actually a function that takes a single argument and returns a function taking the rest of the arguments, until it is applied.
> (fun a b => a + b) 1 2
let add = fun a b => a + b in add 1 2
> let add = fun a b => a + b in
let add1 = add 1 in
add1 2