mirror of https://github.com/tweag/nickel.git synced 2024-09-11 11:47:03 +03:00

Update on string context + typos

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Yann Hamdaoui 2023-01-03 20:14:48 +01:00
parent 229dfe30e1
commit 511c9ec9c7
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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ flakes and modules.
### Constraints
Because Nix is a distinct project from Nickel which has existed for quite some
time now, we need operate under the following constraints:
time now, we need to operate under the following constraints:
- _Do not require unreasonable changes to Nix itself_. While it's probably
illusory to avoid any change in Nix at all, we must strive to keep them
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ time now, we need operate under the following constraints:
- _Do not lock ourselves in the current Nixpkgs architecture_. Nixpkgs had
made a number of design choices that are, in hindsight, not optimal (stdenv,
describing packages as functions instead of data, etc.). While we have to
keep some form of backward-compatibility, we want to do so while avoiding to
tie ourselves to the current design and implementation. In other words, this
keep some form of backward-compatibility, we want to do so while avoiding
tying ourselves to the current design and implementation. In other words, this
document must propose a solution that stay compatible with a future radical
departure from e.g. the Nixpkgs architecture.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ goals and constraints:
- **Flakes**: new format for decentralized and composable packages.
- **NixOS modules**: NixOS system configuration.
In the long term, we aims at handling all those cases, but the scope of such an
In the long term, we aim at handling all those cases, but the scope of such an
undertaking appears very large for a single RFC. We decide to focus on the first
item: writing derivations and Nixpkgs-style packages.
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ possibilities, so we choose to include it as well.
### Interaction with Nixpkgs
There is a bunch of scenarios that require leveraging Nixpkgs:
There are a bunch of scenarios that require leveraging Nixpkgs:
- **PKG**: Using a package from Nixpkgs, for example as a dependency
- **LIB**: Use one of the myriad of helpers from Nixpkgs: `mkShell`,
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ JSON.
**LIB** is more involved. Some of Nixpkgs helpers take either functions, but the
sole laziness of expressions means that an interface (in the form of a FFI)
between Nix and Nickel would needs to handle going back and forth between the
between Nix and Nickel would need to handle going back and forth between the
two languages transparently.
**OVD** is technically not very different than **LIB**, since it mostly amounts
**OVD** is technically not very different from **LIB**, since it mostly amounts
to calling Nix functions like `override`, `overrideAttrs`, etc (for any override
that doesn't operate directly on a derivation, which most are). That is, solving
**LIB** would solve **OVD** as well.
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ dependencies as record fields without definition:
The contract may be optional as the infrastructure of an hypothetical Nickelpkg
The contract may be optional as the infrastructure of a hypothetical Nickelpkg
would already apply the contract Package.
<!-- In this design, it would be nice to avoid having to repeat those
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ derivations.
However, this only concerns a few top-level attributes. Other fields of the
derivation, such as `version`, `license`, etc. are still hidden under the output
function. Flakes are not a alternative to Nixpkgs, but a schema working on top
function. Flakes are not an alternative to Nixpkgs, but a schema working on top
of it. Building derivations in a flake still relies on Nixpkgs mechanisms like
`mkDerivation`, and the overriding mechanisms are the same as well. Flakes
solves related but distinct issues (package composition and reproducibility).
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ Compilation could be done on the fly, as the compilation process would be rather
straightforward, or have a Nixpkgs snapshot pre-compiled to Nickel, or a mix of
This solution requires to reimplement Nix builtins in Nickel (the nickel-nix
compatibility layer) . This is an interesting milestone in itself, because even
This solution requires reimplementing Nix builtins in Nickel (the nickel-nix
compatibility layer). This is an interesting milestone in itself, because even
without a Nix-to-Nickel compiler, the compatibility layer would already make
writing derivations in pure Nickel possible.
@ -399,62 +399,158 @@ Nixpkgs model to the PARM doesn't seem trivial, if even doable.
### Supporting string contexts
#### Nix-style
Ideally, we would like to have a behavior similar to Nix string contexts to
automatically track dependencies in a transparent way (you don't have to think
about it in Nix, using strings in a natural way).
automatically track dependencies transparently (you don't have to think
about it in Nix, using normal strings).
There is a tension between endowing Nickel with specific features for the Nix
use-case and keeping it a general and versatile language for configuration.
One solution is to support string contexts in Nickel exactly as in Nix. But that
would do feel _ad hoc_. Other use-cases would benefit from a similar but more
would feel _ad hoc_. Other use-cases would benefit from a similar but more
flexible mechanism for automatic dependency tracking. For example, in Terraform,
interpolated expressions can refer to values that are only known after certain
resources have been deployed. The Terraform evaluator thus uses a similar
mechanism to elaborate a deployment plan from string metadata. Using Nickel for
Terraform would need to replicate this mechanism in some way.
mechanism to elaborate a deployment plan from the evaluation of the
configuration. Using Nickel for Terraform would need to handle this in some way.
We propose to adopt a more generic mechanism for strings with context, which
behavior can be parametrized. Strings become (conceptually) pairs `(s, ctxt)`
where `ctxt` is an arbitrary data structure with additional structure:
We list below different proposals for a generic feature of which string context
would be one specific application.
#### Generic string context
This proposal is similar in spirit to Nix string contexts, but generic in what
is a context and how to combine contexts. Strings become (conceptually) pairs
`{value: Str, ctxt: Ctxt}` where `Ctxt` is an arbitrary data structure with
associated functions:
combine: Ctxt -> Ctxt -> Ctxt,
pure: Str -> Ctxt,
pure_exp: Expr -> Ctxt,
literal: Str -> Ctxt,
exp: Expr -> Ctxt,
The above functions could either be provided by user code or directly as an
interpreter plug-in.
In the case of user-land definitions, generic string context requires an
overloading mechanism (like type classes or trait, even if it can be much
simpler): there must be a non-local definition somewhere indicating which
definition of `Ctxt` and associated methods the interpreter shall pick, and a
way to deal with potentially conflicting definitions (coherence).
- Existing standard strings would be equivalent to having a trivial context
`null` and the obvious corresponding trivial structure.
- Custom contexts would be introduced by specific string delimiters, such as
`nix%" %{pkgs.hello}/bin/hello"%`
- Different kind of strings are incompatible, to avoid accidentally forgetting
or losing contexts. Also, we don't know a priori how to convert one context to
- Different kind of strings would be incompatible, to avoid accidentally
forgetting or losing contexts. Also, we don't know a priori how to convert one
context to another.
- There would be a contract to distinguish the different kind of
strings in order enforce the usage of e.g. Nix style contexts for writing
Nickel for Nix. We want to avoid users loosing or missing context unknowingly.
#### G-exps
Alternative: something like `g-exp`. No magic, no extension, but less ergonomic.
Generic string contexts look powerful and general, but they imply important
additions to the Nickel language.
#### Effects
Another possible route is to use [effects][nickel-effects].
Another possible route is to use [effects][nickel-effects]. A proper effect
system for Nickel is yet to be precisely designed.
<!-- TODO: add a proposal using effects. If string interpolation can perform
effects, including actual deployment (and not just build free effects AST), that
may subsume the string contexts usage as well as other things like Terraform
interpolation -->
The motivation for effects is somehow similar to the one of string context, but
the approach is different: effects would allow to actually perform build actions
when evaluating `%{some_derivation}`. But Nix observes a strict separation of
phases: first evaluation, then building. It's not clear that we can or should
replace this a model where evaluation is interleaved with building (_à la_
[Recursive Nix][recursive-nix])
<!-- tangentially, effects ~= recursive Nix? -->
A full-fledged effect system may be able to simulate string context by e.g.
performing an effect which saves or update contexts when interpolating a
derivation. This isn't trivial though, and depends on the power of the final
#### G-expressions
[Guix][guix] uses [G-expressions][g-expr] for Scheme to achieve automatic
dependencies management. The idea is pretty natural in a Lisp derivative: build
actions are _quoted_ (see [quasiquote][guile-quasiquote] in Scheme), which means
that expressions aren't interpreted but simply returned as data representing an
unevaluated syntax tree. Within such a g-expr, specific elements are treated
differently thanks to an unquoting operator, typically including derivations.
Unquoting implements what Nix string context do: store the implicit dependencies
somewhere, combine them if needed, and substitute the derivation for a string
representing a path.
It turns out one can mimic this idea without really needing language support.
Instead of building strings, we can build composite values carrying additional
data. Here is a former example of a Nickel derivation built using pure library
functions which automatically manage the dependencies:
name = "hello",
version = "0.1",
build_command = {
cmd = nix.lib.nix_string [inputs.bash, "/bin/bash"],
args = [ "-c",
([inputs.gcc, "/bin/gcc ", inputs.hello, " -o hello\n"]
@ [ inputs.coreutils, "/bin/mkdir -p $out/bin\n"]
@ [ inputs.coreutils, "/bin/cp hello $out/bin/hello"])
|> nix.lib.nix_string
env = {},
} | nix.builders.NickelPkg
However, the result is quite harder to read, and different from writing strings
idiomatically as well.
#### Nickel symbolic strings
The proposed solution for this RFC is [symbolic
strings][nickel-symbolic-strings]. Symbolic strings are a simple feature which
is on par with string context from the point of view of usability. For example,
here is the version of the hello package from the section on G-expressions using
symbolic strings:
name = "hello",
version = "0.1",
build_command = {
cmd = s%"%{inputs.bash}/bin/bash"%,
args = [ "-c",
%{inputs.gcc}/bin/gcc %{nix.lib.import_file "hello.c"} -o hello
%{inputs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p $out/bin
%{inputs.coreutils}/bin/cp hello $out/bin/hello
env = {},
} | nix.builders.NickelPkg
Symbolic strings are applying the idea of G-expressions to strings: when using a
special string prefix (here `s`, but `s` is confusing and temporary), the string
is not evaluated but returned as an array of either string literals or
expressions instead. Then, the contract for `args` defined in the `nickel-nix`
library just applies `nix_string` under the hood. Deep down, this example is
strictly identical to the previous version, but symbolic strings offer a nice
and natural syntax to write trees of values as nested arrays.
`nix_string` is just a Nickel library function implementing the logic of Nix
string context. Library writers can however define different interpreting
functions, such as a handler for Terraform's computed values, which makes
symbolic strings a generic mechanism as desired.
[nix-lang]: https://gist.github.com/edolstra/29ce9d8ea399b703a7023073b0dbc00d
[nix-flakes]: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes
[nickel-effects]: https://github.com/tweag/nickel/issues/85
[guix]: https://guix.gnu.org/
[g-expr]: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/G_002dExpressions.html
[guile-quasiquote]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Expression-Syntax.html#Expression-Syntax
[nickel-symbolic-strings]: https://github.com/tweag/nickel/issues/948
[recursive-nix]: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/13