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update records merging manual.

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francois-caddet 2022-02-08 11:16:13 +01:00
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commit 829b48a3d8

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@ -1,13 +1,56 @@
# Merging records
When you have a big configuration, the way to split it in several files
(e.g.: separated by cathegorie or level of abstraction) is the merging operator.
In nickel this is the `&` operator.
The merging concept in nickel is a very powerfull behaviour. It's performed by
the `&` operator.
Merging is used in several contexts, from the simplest to the more powerfull.
In this part we will try to described this concept exaustively as possible.
Warning: The given examples are clearly not the only context on which merging
can be used. But it's impossible to expose all the cases in a user manual.
You can check the examples in github for further readings. Also, you can check
RFC002 in the github repository.
Warning: Nickel beeing in a pre 1st release state now. Merging is a feature
which can recieve breacking updates until passing in 1.0.0.
In the simple case, you will merge records without commons fields.
If so, the merge is the intersection between both records.
If you have to merge records with fields in commons, you could be in following cases:
- Merging of fields beeing themself records.
- Merging with records containing fields with merely contracts (without value)
- Merging, with one side annotated `default`
## Simple merge (records without intersection)
The simplest merging case is when both records does not have any common fields.
It can be used to merge records from differents files in one only record.
You generaly will use this feature to be able to split a config in subparts.
When your config has a small set of big subparts, they can themself be either
a one top key record but also a multikeys record. The idea is to group the top
level records by topic.
For instance, having a server config and a firewall config, the network config
could be:
// file: server.ncl
host_name = "example",
host = "example.org",
ip_addr = "",
// file: firewall.ncl
enable_firewall = true,
open_ports = [23, 80, 443],
// file: server.ncl
server = import "server.ncl",
firewall = import "firewall.ncl",
@ -15,17 +58,14 @@ in
server & firewall
In the simple case where records `x` and `y` have no common fields, `x&y` is the
In this simple case where records `x` and `y` have no common fields, `x&y` is the
union of `x` and `y`.
If you have to merge records with fields in commons, you will have the following cases:
- Merging of fields beeing themself records.
- Merging with records containing fields with merely contracts (without value)
- Merging, with one side annotated `default`
## Recursivity of the merge
It's a behaviour you will use in similar cases as before but when the split is
at a deeper level (e.g.: in two different files you have unintersecting fields
but with the same "root path" `open_ports.` or even `firewall.open_ports`).
When merging, in the case of intersection of fields, Nickel will try to
recursively merge them. That mean: if you have tow records, `x` and `y`, both
having a field `a`; if `a` is a record, the merge will be a record `z` with a
@ -34,12 +74,12 @@ field a beeing the merge between `x.a` and `y.a` or `z = {a = x.a & y.a}.
// file firewall/udp.ncl
// file: firewall/udp.ncl
open_ports.udp = [12345,12346], // same as open_ports = {udp = [...]},
// file firewall/tcp.ncl
// file: firewall/tcp.ncl
open_ports.tcp = [23, 80, 443], // same as open_ports = {tcp = [...]},
@ -69,24 +109,44 @@ A record with only contracts fields is perfectly valid also.
This property can generaly be used to implement mixins like design.
let Host = {
host_name | Str,
public_addr | Str,
// return the record depending on host_name and public_addr
dns_rec: Str -> Str = fun rec_type => rec_type ++ ": " ++ public_addr ++ ", " ++ host_name,
} in
let exemple_dot_com = {
host_name = "exemple.com",
let exemple_dot_org = {
host_name = "exemple.org",
public_addr = "",
} & Host in
exemple_dot_com.dns_rec "A"
exemple_dot_org.dns_rec "A"
Above, the defined field `dns_rec` is a parametrised function. But,
As, you will see in the overwriting part, it could have been a recursively
depend field. Actualy, Nickel beeing a lazily functional language, a
variable can be seen as a function without params.
Here, you can see a property of merging implied by Nickel lazyness. You can
build records having fields without value, because Nickel doesn't check them
before they are accessed. In the previous example, `dns_rec` use `host_name` and
`public_addr` fields. So the only requirement is to call it on a record on which
you provided values for them. If not, Nickel will throw an `Empty Metavalue`
## Default annotation
If you need the same behaviour but with the field defaulting to a specified
value if not set during any merge, you will probably try something like:
value if not set during any merge, `default` annotation is the answer.
The main usage difference between using valueless fields with defaulting fields is
that the first make a field requiered to have a valid config where the second
make it "optionaly updatable". Even more, giving a value to a field make it
"read only" if `default is not set.
One more time we can give a firewall example which will have the most restrictives
values by default and can be updated".
But first, let's check what append if we forget the `default`:
let left = {
@ -102,9 +162,15 @@ left & right
Like it is, it's impossible to merge and will throw an unmergeable terms error.
Here, the issue is on the field `firewall.enabled`. It's undecidable which value
to keep. Also instead of priorising one to the other, Nickel prefer to be
explicit and provide the `default` annotation:
Here, the issue is that the field `firewall.enabled` is defined in both sides:
- it's undecidable which value to keep,
- also instead of priorising one to the other, Nickel prefer to be
explicit and provide the `default` annotation,
- finaly, when not annotated, it make fields read only by default which is quiet
more secure.
The solution here is:
let left = {
@ -116,26 +182,28 @@ let right = {
firewall.enabled = false,
server.host.options = "TLS",
} in
left & right
// => {firewall.enabled = false, ...}
left & right // => {firewall.enabled = false, ...}
The default annotation is generaly to give a default value to a record field.
So, this value can be changed afterward. Saying it in an different way than
the explaination maid in the current part introduction,
default indicate a lower priority to a field in case of merging. Saying that,
If both sides have been annotated `default`, the merge is not possible.
If both sides have been annotated `default` with both attached to a value, the
merge is not possible.
## Overwriting
The overwriting is the concept specifying the behaviour of a merge when you
overwrite a field on which depends an other one. This feature is described in
["#573 [RFC] Merge types and terms syntax proposal"](https://github.com/tweag/nickel/pull/573)
in more details.
RFC002 for further readings.
In short you can see it as a mix between the two previous parts. A record with
some valueless fields or annotated `default` and others depending on these ones.
You already had an example of this in Mixins part. Here, the extra thing is
that, the depend fields are updated as soon as you update fields on which they
depend on.
Here, we will simply explain what appen in the following case:
We have a record with some fields annotated `default` and others depending on
these ones. An example could be:
An example could be:
let security = {
@ -150,9 +218,14 @@ let security = {
security & {firewall.open_proto.ftp = false} // => {firewall.open_ports = [80, 443]
We then see that dependent fields are updated when you overwrite the fields they
Above, you can notice that, if accessing `security.firewall.open_ports` before
the merge, it will have a value. After the merge, this value is actuated.
As said before, dependent fields are updated when you overwrite the fields they
depend on.
In the Mixins part, we used a function field. It give the same here. We used simple
depend field for clarity but both behave the same.
## A word about contracts
When merging two records, all contracts of both left and right one
@ -176,4 +249,10 @@ value > x) in
} // blame because 80 < 1024
If in the second record we would have put `port=8888` it does not have blame.
In the case the second record would contains `port=8888` it does not have blame.
- case of top level contracts,
- what append with the `doc` annotation,
- what's more?