mirror of https://github.com/tweag/ormolu.git synced 2024-10-05 17:37:11 +03:00

Fix Hackage extraction by reusing existing operator fixity parsers

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Esgen 2023-01-04 23:02:36 +01:00 committed by Mark Karpov
parent 25c4ebb0ad
commit 960caaabec
4 changed files with 58 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ executable extract-hackage-info
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -rtsopts
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -rtsopts -Wunused-packages
aeson >=1.0 && <3.0,
base >=4.12 && <5.0,
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ executable extract-hackage-info
filepath >=1.2 && <1.5,
optparse-applicative >=0.14 && <0.18,
pcre2 >=2.0 && <3.0,
tagsoup >=0.14 && <0.15,
text >=0.2 && <3.0,
formatting >=7.1 && <7.2
formatting >=7.1 && <7.2,
megaparsec >=9.0
if !impl(ghc >=9.2 && <9.3)
buildable: False

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@ -28,16 +28,19 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Void (Void)
import Formatting
import Options.Applicative
import Ormolu.Fixity hiding (packageToOps, packageToPopularity)
import Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitFailure), exitWith)
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, splitPath, (</>))
import System.IO (stderr, stdout)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag (TagText), parseTags)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match (tagCloseLit, tagOpenLit)
import Text.Regex.Pcre2 (capture, regex)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
defaultOutputPath :: FilePath
defaultOutputPath = "extract-hackage-info/hackage-info.json"
@ -128,56 +131,32 @@ readFileUtf8Latin1 filePath = catch @IOException (TIO.readFile filePath) $
decodeLatin1 <$> ByteString.readFile filePath
-- | Extract the first element and last element from a list if possible, and
-- return the tuple (first, middle, last) where middle corresponds to all
-- the elements in between.
firstMiddleLast :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a], a)
firstMiddleLast = \case
x1 : x2 : xs -> Just (x1, init (x2 : xs), last (x2 : xs))
_ -> Nothing
-- | Normalize a symbol name extracted from a symbol declaration to match
-- the one used later in the AST.
declToNormName :: String -> String
declToNormName declOpName = case firstMiddleLast declOpName of
Just ('(', middle, ')') -> middle
_ -> declOpName
-- | Normalize a symbol name extracted from a fixity declaration to match
-- the one used later in the AST.
infixToNormName :: String -> String
infixToNormName infixOpName = case firstMiddleLast infixOpName of
Just ('`', middle, '`') -> middle
_ -> infixOpName
-- | When a symbol declaration is encountered,
-- e.g. @(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a@, update the fixity map accordingly.
onSymbolDecl ::
-- | Name of the package in which the symbol declaration was found
Text ->
-- | Symbol name extracted from the symbol declaration in the Hoogle file
String ->
-- | Current state
State ->
-- | Symbol name extracted from the symbol declaration in the Hoogle file,
-- before normalization
Text ->
-- | Updated state
onSymbolDecl packageName state@State {..} declOpName =
onSymbolDecl packageName declOpName state@State {..} =
let sPackageToOps' = case Map.lookup packageName' sPackageToOps of
Nothing ->
(Map.singleton normOpName [])
(Map.singleton declOpName [])
Just packageFixityMap ->
case Map.lookup normOpName packageFixityMap of
case Map.lookup declOpName packageFixityMap of
Nothing ->
(Map.insert normOpName [] packageFixityMap)
(Map.insert declOpName [] packageFixityMap)
Just _ -> sPackageToOps
normOpName = declToNormName . T.unpack $ declOpName
packageName' = T.unpack packageName
in state {sPackageToOps = sPackageToOps'}
@ -186,22 +165,21 @@ onSymbolDecl packageName state@State {..} declOpName =
onFixityDecl ::
-- | Name of the package in which the symbol declaration was found
Text ->
-- | Tuple of operator name and fixity info
(String, FixityInfo) ->
-- | Current state
State ->
-- | Tuple (fixity direction, precedence level, operator name);
-- no item is normalized at this point
(Text, Text, Text) ->
-- | Updated state
onFixityDecl packageName state@State {..} (rawFixDir, rawFixPrec, infixOpName) =
onFixityDecl packageName (opName, fixDecl) state@State {..} =
let sPackageToOps' = case Map.lookup packageName' sPackageToOps of
Nothing ->
(Map.singleton normOpName [fixDecl])
(Map.singleton opName [fixDecl])
Just packageFixityMap ->
case fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup normOpName packageFixityMap of
case fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup opName packageFixityMap of
| fixDecl `elem` fixDecls ->
@ -209,25 +187,12 @@ onFixityDecl packageName state@State {..} (rawFixDir, rawFixPrec, infixOpName) =
( Map.insert
(fixDecl : fixDecls)
packageName' = T.unpack packageName
normOpName = infixToNormName $ T.unpack infixOpName
fixDecl =
let fixPrec = readT rawFixPrec
in FixityInfo
{ fiDirection = Just . readFixDir . T.unpack $ rawFixDir,
fiMinPrecedence = fixPrec,
fiMaxPrecedence = fixPrec
readFixDir = \case
"infix" -> InfixN
"infixr" -> InfixR
"infixl" -> InfixL
other -> error $ "unexpected fixity direction: " ++ other
in state {sPackageToOps = sPackageToOps'}
-- | Represent an operator for which we found conflicting definitions
@ -277,30 +242,34 @@ extractFixitiesFromFile
filePath = do
fileContent <- liftIO . readFileUtf8Latin1 $ filePath
packageName <- liftIO $ getPackageName hoogleDatabasePath filePath
let state' =
foldl' @[]
(onSymbolDecl packageName)
(fromSymbolDecl <$> symbolDecls fileContent)
state'' =
foldl' @[]
(onFixityDecl packageName)
(concatMap @[] fromFixityDecl $ fixityDecls fileContent)
fromSymbolDecl match = capture @"declOpName" match
fromFixityDecl match =
(capture @"fixDir" match,capture @"fixPrec" match,)
<$> splitInfixOpNames (capture @"infixOpNames" match)
splitInfixOpNames "" = []
splitInfixOpNames s = case [regex|^(?:\s*?,\s*?)?(?<infixOpName>[^,\s]+)(?<remaining>.*)$|] s of
[match] ->
capture @"infixOpName" match
: splitInfixOpNames (capture @"remaining" match)
_ -> error $ "remaining text: " ++ T.unpack s
let onDecl (SymbolDecl opName) = onSymbolDecl packageName opName
onDecl (FixityDecl opInfo) = onFixityDecl packageName opInfo
state' = foldl' (flip onDecl) state $ parseDecls fileContent
return state' {sProcessedFiles = sProcessedFiles + 1}
symbolDecls = [regex|(?m)^\s*?(?<declOpName>\([^)]+?\))\s*?::.*$|]
fixityDecls = [regex|(?m)^\s*?(?<fixDir>infix[rl]?)\s+?(?<fixPrec>[0-9])\s+?(?<infixOpNames>(?:[^,\s]+\s*?,\s*?)*?[^,\s]+)\s*$|]
return state'' {sProcessedFiles = sProcessedFiles + 1}
-- | The types of declarations in the Hoogle files we are interested in.
data DeclType
= -- | See third argument of 'onSymbolDecl'.
SymbolDecl String
| -- | See third argument of 'onFixityDecl'.
FixityDecl (String, FixityInfo)
-- | Parse all 'DeclType's in some file content.
parseDecls :: Text -> [DeclType]
parseDecls = either mempty id . MP.runParser pDecls ""
pDecls = mconcat <$> pDecl `MP.sepEndBy` MP.newline
pDecl :: MP.Parsec Void Text [DeclType]
pDecl =
[ fmap FixityDecl <$> MP.try pFixity,
pure . SymbolDecl <$> MP.try pSymbolDecl,
[] <$ pRemainingLine
pRemainingLine = MP.takeWhileP Nothing (/= '\n')
pSymbolDecl =
MP.char '(' *> pOperator <* MP.chunk ") :: " <* pRemainingLine
-- | Process the whole Hoogle database and return a map associating each
-- package name to its fixity map.
@ -330,7 +299,7 @@ displaySelfConflicts selfConflicts =
unless (null selfConflicts) $ do
("Found" % int % " conflicting declarations within packages themselves:")
("Found " % int % " conflicting declarations within packages themselves:")
(length selfConflicts)
TIO.putStrLn $ T.intercalate "\n" selfConflictLines

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@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
module Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
( parseFixityMap,
-- * Raw parsers
@ -44,6 +48,9 @@ pFixityMap =
<$> many (pFixity <* newline <* hidden space)
<* eof
-- | Parse a single fixity declaration, such as
-- > infixr 4 +++, >>>
pFixity :: Parser [(String, FixityInfo)]
pFixity = do
fiDirection <- Just <$> pFixityDirection
@ -77,5 +84,7 @@ pOperator = tickedOperator <|> normalOperator
normalOperator = some operatorChar
operatorChar =
(\x -> (Char.isSymbol x || Char.isPunctuation x) && x /= ',' && x /= '`')
(\x -> (Char.isSymbol x || Char.isPunctuation x) && isNotExcluded x)
<?> "operator character"
isNotExcluded x = x /= ',' && x /= '`' && x /= '(' && x /= ')'

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ instance Arbitrary FixityMapWrapper where
genNormalOperator =
listOf1 (scaleDown arbitrary `suchThat` isOperatorConstituent)
isOperatorConstituent x =
(Char.isSymbol x || Char.isPunctuation x) && x /= ',' && x /= '`'
(Char.isSymbol x || Char.isPunctuation x) && x `notElem` ",`()"
genIdentifier = do
x <- arbitrary `suchThat` Char.isLetter
xs <- listOf1 (scaleDown arbitrary `suchThat` isIdentifierConstituent)