mirror of https://github.com/tweag/ormolu.git synced 2024-10-05 17:37:11 +03:00

Implement a more precise inference of fixity information

This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2023-02-25 17:47:24 +01:00 committed by Mark Karpov
parent db1ebbba2f
commit badafc0452
66 changed files with 1305 additions and 1411 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
## Unreleased
* Inference of operator fixity information is now more precise and takes
into account the import section of the module being formatted. [Issue
892](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/issues/892) and [issue
* Consistently format `do` blocks/`case`s/`MultiWayIf`s with 4 spaces if and
only if they occur as the applicand. [Issue
1002](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/issues/1002) and [issue

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
import Options.Applicative
import Ormolu
import Ormolu.Diff.Text (diffText, printTextDiff)
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityInfo, OpName)
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityInfo, FixityOverrides (..), OpName)
import Ormolu.Parser (manualExts)
import Ormolu.Terminal
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ configParser =
metavar "OPT",
help "GHC options to enable (e.g. language extensions)"
<*> ( fmap (Map.fromListWith (<>) . mconcat)
<*> ( fmap (FixityOverrides . Map.fromList . mconcat)
. many
. option parseFixityDeclaration
. mconcat

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Servant.API
type Foo a b c =
Bar c a b

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Servant.API
type Foo a b c
= Bar c a b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental
foo = select $ do
t <-
from $
table @Bar
`innerJoin` table @Baz
`on` do
\(br :& bz) -> whatever
where_ $
t ^. BarInt ==. val 3
&&. t ^. BarName `in_` valList ["hello", "world"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental
foo = select $ do
t <- from $ table @Bar
`innerJoin` table @Baz
`on` do
\(br :& bz) -> whatever
where_ $
t ^. BarInt ==. val 3
&&. t ^. BarName `in_` valList ["hello", "world"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as E
foo =
E.from $
`E.innerJoin` E.table
`E.on` ( \(a :& b) ->
a E.^. AField E.==. b E.^. BField

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as E
foo =
E.from $
`E.innerJoin` E.table
`E.on` ( \(a :& b) ->
a E.^. AField E.==. b E.^. BField

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Lens.Operators
lenses =
Just $
M.fromList $

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Lens.Operators
lenses = Just $ M.fromList
$ "type" .= ("user.connection" :: Text)
# "connection" .= uc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module StreamSpec where
import Prelude (($))
import qualified Prelude
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Comparing list function to" $ do
qit "yieldMany" $
\(mono :: Seq Int) ->
yieldMany mono
`checkProducer` otoList mono

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module StreamSpec where
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude (($))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Comparing list function to" $ do
qit "yieldMany" $
\(mono :: Seq Int) ->
yieldMany mono `checkProducer`
otoList mono

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Lens.Operators
a =
& c .~ d

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Lens.Operators
a =
b & c .~ d
& e %~ f

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Arrow
foo =
op <> n
<+> colon

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Arrow
foo =
op <> n <+> colon <+> prettySe <+> text "=" <+>
prettySe <> text sc

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Arrow
foo =
line <> bindingOf
<+> text "="

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Control.Arrow
foo =
line <> bindingOf <+> text "=" <+> tPretty <+> colon <+>
align <> prettyPs

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Servant.API
type PermuteRef =
:> ( "b" :> "c" :> End

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Servant.API
type PermuteRef =
"a" :> ( "b" :> "c" :> End
:<|> "c" :> "b" :> End

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ set -e
WDIR=$(mktemp -d)
trap cleanup 0 1 2 3 15
@ -16,9 +15,8 @@ cleanup()
curl "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/hoogle.tar.gz" | tar -xz -C "$HOOGLE_DATABASE"
curl "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/top" -o "$HACKAGE_DATABASE"
nix run .#extract-hackage-info -- "$HOOGLE_DATABASE" "$HACKAGE_DATABASE" -o "$OUTPUT"
nix run .#extract-hackage-info -- "$HOOGLE_DATABASE" -o "$OUTPUT"
cp "$OUTPUT" "extract-hackage-info/hackage-info.bin"

View File

@ -34,16 +34,19 @@ only when there is no matching fixity declaration inside the package files
that a symbol declaration indicates that the operator has the default fixity
(`infixl 9`).
In addition to the extraction of operator fixities, we also scrap the
download count of the last 30 days for every package on Hackage, to get a
popularity metric for packages which will be used to arbitrate between
conflicting fixity declarations.
In general, correct resolution of fixities requires taking into account the
import section of a module that is being formatted, as well as knowing the
provenance (that is, module name) of each operator. Therefore, we also
collect and save this information.
The `extract-hackage-info` executable takes care of everything listed above,
and generates a `hackage-info.bin` file containing two associative maps:
and generates a `hackage-info.bin` file containing multi-level map from
package names to module names to operators to their fixities:
+ package name &rarr; operator &rarr; fixity
+ package name &rarr; popularity score
newtype HackageInfo
= HackageInfo (Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo)))
## How to use `extract-hackage-info`

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ author: Thomas Bagrel <thomas.bagrel@tweag.io>
executable extract-hackage-info
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
other-modules: Hoogle
default-language: GHC2021
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -rtsopts -Wunused-packages
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ executable extract-hackage-info
filepath >=1.2 && <1.5,
optparse-applicative >=0.14 && <0.18,
tagsoup >=0.14 && <0.15,
text >=2.0 && <3.0,
formatting >=7.1 && <7.2,
megaparsec >=9.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Parse Hoogle txt files.
module Hoogle
( Package (..),
Module (..),
Declaration (..),
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.ModuleName qualified as ModuleName
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName, mkPackageName)
import Ormolu.Fixity
import Ormolu.Fixity.Parser (pFixity, pOperator)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
-- | Parsed Hoogle package.
data Package = Package
{ packageName :: PackageName,
modules :: [Module]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Parsed Hoogle module.
data Module = Module
{ hmModuleName :: ModuleName,
hmDeclarations :: [Declaration]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The types of declarations in the Hoogle files we are interested in.
data Declaration
= Symbol OpName
| Fixity OpName FixityInfo
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Parse Hoogle package file.
parsePackage ::
-- | File name
FilePath ->
-- | Text to parse
Text ->
Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) Package
parsePackage = parse pPackage
-- | Parse a package. It starts with the word @\@package@ followed by the
-- name of the package. A package contains zero or more modules.
pPackage :: Parser Package
pPackage = do
void (skipManyTill (pLineWithoutEol <* eol) (string "@package"))
let isPackageNameConstituent x = x == '-' || isAlphaNum x
packageName <- some (satisfy isPackageNameConstituent) <?> "package name"
void eol
(pLineWithoutEol <* eol)
(lookAhead (void (string "module ") <|> eof))
modules <- many pModule
return (Package (mkPackageName packageName) modules)
-- | Match a module declaration. It starts with the word @module@ followed
-- by one or more spaces and a module identifier. A module contains
-- 'pDeclaration's and any other arbitrary lines.
pModule :: Parser Module
pModule = do
void (string "module")
let isModuleNameConstituent x =
x == '.' || x == '_' || x == '\'' || isAlphaNum x
moduleName <- some (satisfy isModuleNameConstituent) <?> "module name"
void eol
declarations <- mconcat <$> sepEndBy pDeclaration eol
return (Module (ModuleName.fromString moduleName) declarations)
-- | Here we are interested in two kinds of declarations:
-- > Symbol declaration, e.g.:
-- > ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
-- >
-- > Fixity declaration, e.g.:
-- > infixr 0 $
-- We discard everything else while being careful to stop in front of the
-- beginning of a new module.
pDeclaration :: Parser [Declaration]
pDeclaration =
[ fmap (uncurry Fixity) <$> try pFixity,
pure . Symbol <$> try pSymbolDecl,
[] <$ (notFollowedBy (string "module ") *> pLineWithoutEol)
pSymbolDecl = do
void (string "(")
r <- pOperator
void (string ") :: ")
r <$ pLineWithoutEol
pLineWithoutEol :: Parser ()
pLineWithoutEol = void (takeWhileP Nothing (/= '\n'))

View File

@ -8,74 +8,39 @@ module Main (main) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Binary qualified as Binary
import Data.Binary.Put qualified as Binary
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import Data.Void (Void)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName, mkPackageName, unPackageName)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
import Formatting
import Hoogle qualified
import Options.Applicative
import Ormolu.Fixity hiding (packageToOps, packageToPopularity)
import Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
import Ormolu.Fixity
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitFailure), exitWith)
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, splitPath, (</>))
import System.IO (stderr, stdout)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag (TagText), parseTags)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match (tagCloseLit, tagOpenLit)
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as MP
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as MP
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (errorBundlePretty)
defaultOutputPath :: FilePath
defaultOutputPath = "extract-hackage-info/hackage-info.bin"
-- | This fixity info is used when we find an operator declaration in a
-- package, but no matching fixity declaration.
unspecifiedFixityInfo :: FixityInfo
unspecifiedFixityInfo = FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 9 9
defaultOutputPath = "hackage-info.bin"
-- | Contains the database being constructed during the processing of Hoogle
-- files.
data State = State
{ -- | packageName -map-> (operatorName -map-> fixityDefinitions)
-- we keep a list of fixity definitions for each pair
-- (packageName, operatorName) because sometimes a package itself has
-- conflicting fixity declarations for a same operator
-- (called self-conflicts), and we want to emit a warning message later
-- for these
sPackageToOps :: Map PackageName (Map OpName [FixityInfo]),
-- | How many Hoogle files have been processed
sProcessedFiles :: Int
newtype State = State
{ -- | Hackage info
sHackageInfo :: Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName [FixityInfo]))
deriving (Eq)
-- | Exit with an error message.
exitWithMsg :: Text -> IO ()
exitWithMsg t = do
TIO.hPutStrLn stderr t
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
showT :: (Show a) => a -> Text
showT = T.pack . show
readT :: (Read a) => Text -> a
readT = read . T.unpack
indentLines :: [Text] -> [Text]
indentLines = fmap (" " <>)
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Recursively list all files inside directory.
walkDir ::
@ -91,33 +56,8 @@ walkDir top = do
False -> return [path]
return (concat paths)
-- | Extract the package name from a path to a Hoogle file.
getPackageName ::
-- | Path to the Hoogle directory containing all package directories
FilePath ->
-- | Path to the Hoogle file
FilePath ->
-- | Package name extracted from the Hoogle file
IO PackageName
getPackageName rootPath filePath = do
unless (rootPath `isPrefixOf` filePath) $
exitWithMsg $
sformat (string % " does not start with " % string) rootPath filePath
let packageName =
stripSuffix' "/" $
T.pack . head . splitPath $
makeRelative rootPath filePath
stripSuffix' suffix txt = fromMaybe txt $ T.stripSuffix suffix txt
when (T.null packageName) $
exitWithMsg $
("Extracted package name is empty for " % string % " (base path = " % string % ")")
pure . mkPackageName . T.unpack $ packageName
-- | Try to read the specified file using utf-8 encoding first,
-- and latin1 otherwise.
-- | Try to read the specified file using utf-8 encoding first, and latin1
-- otherwise.
readFileUtf8Latin1 :: FilePath -> IO Text
readFileUtf8Latin1 filePath = catch @IOException (TIO.readFile filePath) $
\e -> do
@ -128,269 +68,115 @@ readFileUtf8Latin1 filePath = catch @IOException (TIO.readFile filePath) $
decodeLatin1 <$> ByteString.readFile filePath
-- | When a symbol declaration is encountered,
-- e.g. @(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a@, update the fixity map accordingly.
onSymbolDecl ::
-- | Name of the package in which the symbol declaration was found
PackageName ->
-- | Symbol name extracted from the symbol declaration in the Hoogle file
OpName ->
-- | Current state
State ->
-- | Updated state
onSymbolDecl packageName declOpName state@State {..} =
let sPackageToOps' = case Map.lookup packageName sPackageToOps of
Nothing ->
(Map.singleton declOpName [])
Just packageFixityMap ->
case Map.lookup declOpName packageFixityMap of
Nothing ->
(Map.insert declOpName [] packageFixityMap)
Just _ -> sPackageToOps
in state {sPackageToOps = sPackageToOps'}
-- | When a fixity declaration is encountered, e.g. @infixr 5 :@, update the
-- fixity map accordingly.
onFixityDecl ::
-- | Name of the package in which the symbol declaration was found
PackageName ->
-- | Tuple of operator name and fixity info
(OpName, FixityInfo) ->
-- | Current state
State ->
-- | Updated state
onFixityDecl packageName (opName, fixDecl) state@State {..} =
let sPackageToOps' = case Map.lookup packageName sPackageToOps of
Nothing ->
(Map.singleton opName [fixDecl])
Just packageFixityMap ->
case fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup opName packageFixityMap of
| fixDecl `elem` fixDecls ->
fixDecls ->
( Map.insert
(fixDecl : fixDecls)
in state {sPackageToOps = sPackageToOps'}
-- | Represent an operator for which we found conflicting definitions
-- originating from the same package.
data SelfConflict = SelfConflict
{ scPackageName :: PackageName,
scOperatorName :: OpName,
scConflictingDefs :: [FixityInfo]
-- | From a map allowing self conflicts, build the final map
-- packageName -map-> (operatorName -map-> fixityInfo)
-- (where conflicting definitions from self-conflicts are merged), and also
-- return the list of self-conflicts
finalizePackageToOps ::
Map PackageName (Map OpName [FixityInfo]) ->
(Map PackageName (Map OpName FixityInfo), [SelfConflict])
finalizePackageToOps hashmap =
( Map.map (Map.map finalize) hashmap,
concatMap injectFst
. Map.toList
. Map.map (Map.toList . Map.filter hasConflict)
$ hashmap
finalize = \case
[] -> unspecifiedFixityInfo
fs -> sconcat . NE.fromList $ fs
hasConflict = (> 1) . length
injectFst (packageName, opFixs) =
uncurry (SelfConflict packageName) <$> opFixs
-- | Scrap all fixity data from a Hoogle file, and update the state
-- accordingly.
extractFixitiesFromFile ::
-- | Path to the Hoogle directory containing all package directories
FilePath ->
-- | Previous state
State ->
-- | Path of the Hoogle file to process
FilePath ->
-- | Updated state
IO State
state@State {sProcessedFiles}
filePath = do
fileContent <- liftIO . readFileUtf8Latin1 $ filePath
packageName <- liftIO $ getPackageName hoogleDatabasePath filePath
let onDecl (SymbolDecl opName) = onSymbolDecl packageName opName
onDecl (FixityDecl opInfo) = onFixityDecl packageName opInfo
state' = foldl' (flip onDecl) state $ parseDecls fileContent
return state' {sProcessedFiles = sProcessedFiles + 1}
extractFixitiesFromFile state filePath = do
fileContent <- readFileUtf8Latin1 filePath
case Hoogle.parsePackage filePath fileContent of
Left errorBundle -> do
hPutStrLn stderr (errorBundlePretty errorBundle)
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Right (Hoogle.Package packageName modules) ->
return $
let handleModule st (Hoogle.Module moduleName decls) =
let onDecl = \case
Hoogle.Symbol opName ->
registerOp packageName moduleName opName Nothing
Hoogle.Fixity opName fixityInfo ->
registerOp packageName moduleName opName (Just fixityInfo)
in foldl' (flip onDecl) st decls
in foldl' handleModule state modules
-- | The types of declarations in the Hoogle files we are interested in.
data DeclType
= -- | See third argument of 'onSymbolDecl'.
SymbolDecl OpName
| -- | See third argument of 'onFixityDecl'.
FixityDecl (OpName, FixityInfo)
-- | Add fixity info for an operator.
registerOp ::
-- | Name of the package in which the symbol declaration was found
PackageName ->
-- | Name of the module in which the symbol declaration was found
ModuleName ->
-- | Symbol name extracted from the symbol declaration in the Hoogle file
OpName ->
-- | Fixity info, if available
Maybe FixityInfo ->
-- | Current state
State ->
-- | Updated state
registerOp packageName moduleName opName fixityInfo state@State {..} =
let fixityInfoList = maybeToList fixityInfo
sHackageInfo' = Map.alter alterPackage packageName sHackageInfo
alterPackage = \case
Nothing ->
Just (Map.singleton moduleName (Map.singleton opName fixityInfoList))
Just pkg -> Just (Map.alter alterModule moduleName pkg)
alterModule = \case
Nothing -> Just (Map.singleton opName fixityInfoList)
Just mdl -> Just (Map.alter alterOp opName mdl)
alterOp = \case
Nothing -> Just fixityInfoList
Just finfos -> Just (fixityInfoList ++ finfos)
in state {sHackageInfo = sHackageInfo'}
-- | Parse all 'DeclType's in some file content.
parseDecls :: Text -> [DeclType]
parseDecls = either mempty id . MP.runParser pDecls ""
-- | Build the final operator map.
finalizePackageToOps ::
Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName [FixityInfo])) ->
Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo))
finalizePackageToOps = Map.map (Map.map (Map.map finalize))
pDecls = mconcat <$> pDecl `MP.sepEndBy` MP.newline
pDecl :: MP.Parsec Void Text [DeclType]
pDecl =
[ fmap FixityDecl <$> MP.try pFixity,
pure . SymbolDecl <$> MP.try pSymbolDecl,
[] <$ pRemainingLine
pRemainingLine = MP.takeWhileP Nothing (/= '\n')
pSymbolDecl =
MP.char '(' *> pOperator <* MP.chunk ") :: " <* pRemainingLine
finalize = \case
[] -> defaultFixityInfo
-- In some very rare and exceptional cases there seem to be multiple
-- conflicting fixity definitions. I think it is acceptable to be
-- somewhat arbitrary in that case.
(x : _) -> x
-- | Process the whole Hoogle database and return a map associating each
-- package name to its fixity map.
extractHoogleInfo ::
-- | Path to the hoogle directory containing all package directories
-- | Path to the Hoogle directory containing all package directories
FilePath ->
IO (Map PackageName FixityMap)
IO (Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo)))
extractHoogleInfo hoogleDatabasePath = do
hoogleFiles <- walkDir hoogleDatabasePath
State {..} <-
(extractFixitiesFromFile hoogleDatabasePath)
(State {sPackageToOps = Map.empty, sProcessedFiles = 0})
(State Map.empty)
(int % " Hoogle files processed!")
let (packageToOps, selfConflicts) = finalizePackageToOps sPackageToOps
displayFixityStats packageToOps
displaySelfConflicts selfConflicts
return packageToOps
-- | Warn the user about self-conflicts.
displaySelfConflicts :: [SelfConflict] -> IO ()
displaySelfConflicts selfConflicts =
unless (null selfConflicts) $ do
("Found " % int % " conflicting declarations within packages themselves:")
(length selfConflicts)
TIO.putStrLn $ T.intercalate "\n" selfConflictLines
selfConflictLines = concat $ showSc <$> sortedSelfConflicts
sortedSelfConflicts =
( \(SelfConflict p1 o1 _) (SelfConflict p2 o2 _) ->
compare (p1, o1) (p2, o2)
showSc SelfConflict {scPackageName, scOperatorName, scConflictingDefs} =
("(in " % string % ") " % string)
(unPackageName scPackageName)
(T.unpack $ unOpName scOperatorName)
: indentLines (showT <$> scConflictingDefs)
let sHackageInfoFinalized = finalizePackageToOps sHackageInfo
displayFixityStats sHackageInfoFinalized
return sHackageInfoFinalized
-- | Display stats about the Hoogle database processing.
displayFixityStats :: Map PackageName FixityMap -> IO ()
displayFixityStats packageToOps =
displayFixityStats ::
Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo)) ->
IO ()
displayFixityStats packages =
( "Found "
% int
% " operator declarations across "
% int
% " packages for a total of "
% int
% " distinct operators"
% " packages"
packagesCount = Map.size packageToOps
declCount = sum $ Map.size <$> fixityMaps
distinctOpCount =
Set.size . Set.fromList . concat $
Map.keys <$> fixityMaps
fixityMaps = Map.elems packageToOps
-- | Extract package download counts from the hackage HTML page.
extractHackageInfo ::
-- | Path to the Hackage HTML page
FilePath ->
-- | Map packageName -> download count
IO (Map PackageName Int)
extractHackageInfo filePath = do
content <- TIO.readFile filePath
let soup = filterBlankTags $ parseTags content
tableBody =
drop 7 $
takeWhile (not . tagCloseLit "table") $
dropWhile (not . tagOpenLit "table" (const True)) soup
processRow tags = case extractText <$> groupOn "td" tags of
rawName : rawDlCount : _ -> return $ Just (mkPackageName name, dlCount)
name = T.unpack . T.strip . head $ T.split (== ' ') rawName
dlCount = readT $ T.strip rawDlCount :: Int
_ -> do
("Invalid line: " % stext)
(T.intercalate " " $ showT <$> tags)
return Nothing
extractText tags = T.intercalate "" $ extractText' <$> tags
extractText' = \case
TagText t -> t
_ -> ""
groupOn _ [] = []
groupOn selector (_ : ts) =
let (tags, remTags) = break (tagOpenLit selector (const True)) ts
in init tags : groupOn selector remTags
filterBlankTags =
( \case
TagText t | isBlank t -> False
_ -> True
isBlank t = null $ dropWhile (`elem` [' ', '\t', '\n']) (T.unpack t)
result <- Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> traverse processRow (groupOn "tr" tableBody)
("Found popularity information for " % int % " packages")
(Map.size result)
return result
-- | Limit the number of items in a map.
limitMap :: (Ord k) => Int -> Map k v -> Map k v
limitMap n = Map.fromList . take n . Map.toList
packageCount = Map.size packages
modulesPerPackage = Map.elems packages
declarationsPerModule = concatMap Map.elems modulesPerPackage
declarationCount = sum (Map.size <$> declarationsPerModule)
data Config = Config
{ cfgHoogleDatabasePath :: FilePath,
cfgHackageDatabasePath :: FilePath,
cfgOutputPath :: FilePath,
cfgDebugLimit :: Maybe Int
cfgOutputPath :: FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -407,35 +193,16 @@ configParserInfo = info (helper <*> configParser) fullDesc
\curl https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/hoogle.tar.gz | \
\tar -xz -C hoogle-database"
<*> (strArgument . mconcat)
"Download: curl https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/browse \
\ -o hackage-database.html"
<*> (strOption . mconcat)
[ short 'o',
long "output-path",
metavar "OUTPUT_PATH",
value defaultOutputPath
<*> (option (Just <$> auto) . mconcat)
[ short 'd',
long "debug-limit",
metavar "N",
value Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
Config {..} <- execParser configParserInfo
packageToOps <- extractHoogleInfo cfgHoogleDatabasePath
packageToPop <- extractHackageInfo cfgHackageDatabasePath
let (packageToOps', packageToPop') = case cfgDebugLimit of
Nothing -> (packageToOps, packageToPop)
Just n ->
( limitMap n <$> limitMap n packageToOps,
limitMap n packageToPop
hackageInfo' <- extractHoogleInfo cfgHoogleDatabasePath
BL.writeFile cfgOutputPath . Binary.runPut . Binary.put $
HackageInfo packageToOps' packageToPop'
HackageInfo hackageInfo'

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
infixr 8 .=
infixr 5 #
infixr 5 #, :>

View File

@ -13,15 +13,17 @@
cp test-0-input.hs test-0-no-extra-info.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --no-cabal test-0-no-extra-info.hs
cp test-0-input.hs test-0-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --no-cabal --fixity 'infixr 8 .=' test-0-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --no-cabal --fixity 'infixr 8 .=' --fixity 'infixr 5 :>' test-0-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
cp test-0-input.hs test-0-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace test-0-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace -p base test-0-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
cp test-1-input.hs test-1-no-extra-info.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --no-cabal test-1-no-extra-info.hs
cp test-1-input.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --no-cabal --fixity 'infixr 8 .=' --fixity 'infixr 5 #' test-1-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
cp test-1-input.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace test-1-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace -p base test-1-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
cp test-1-input.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-weird-overwrite.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace -p base --fixity "infixr 5 $" test-1-with-fixity-info-weird-overwrite.hs
checkPhase = ''
echo test-0-no-extra-info.hs
@ -36,6 +38,8 @@
diff --color=always test-1-with-fixity-info-expected.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-manual.hs
echo test-1-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
diff --color=always test-1-with-fixity-info-expected.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-dotormolu.hs
echo test-1-with-fixity-info-weird-overwrite.hs
diff --color=always test-1-with-fixity-info-weird-overwrite-expected.hs test-1-with-fixity-info-weird-overwrite.hs
installPhase = ''
mkdir "$out"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
instance A.ToJSON UpdateTable where
toJSON a = A.object
$ "TableName" .= updateTableName a
: "ProvisionedThroughput" .= updateProvisionedThroughput a
: case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
:> "ProvisionedThroughput" .= updateProvisionedThroughput a
:> case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
[] -> []
l -> [ "GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates" .= l ]

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ instance A.ToJSON UpdateTable where
A.object $
.= updateTableName a
: "ProvisionedThroughput"
:> "ProvisionedThroughput"
.= updateProvisionedThroughput a
: case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
:> case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
[] -> []
l -> ["GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates" .= l]

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ instance A.ToJSON UpdateTable where
toJSON a =
A.object $
"TableName" .= updateTableName a
: "ProvisionedThroughput" .= updateProvisionedThroughput a
: case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
:> "ProvisionedThroughput" .= updateProvisionedThroughput a
:> case updateGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates a of
[] -> []
l -> ["GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates" .= l]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
lenses =
$ M.fromList
$ "type" .= ("user.connection" :: Text)
# "connection" .= uc
# "user" .= case name of
Just n -> Just $ object ["name" .= n]
Nothing -> Nothing
# []

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Ormolu
import Ormolu.Config qualified as O
import Ormolu.Exception qualified as O
import Ormolu.Fixity qualified as O
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal qualified as O
import Ormolu.Parser qualified as O
import Ormolu.Parser.Result as O
import Ormolu.Terminal qualified as O
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ foreign export ccall evaluateFixityInfo :: IO ()
evaluateFixityInfo :: IO ()
evaluateFixityInfo =
void . E.evaluate $ force (O.packageToOps, O.packageToPopularity)
void . E.evaluate $ force O.hackageInfo
-- actual logic
@ -97,8 +96,9 @@ format Input {..} = do
prettyAST :: Config RegionIndices -> Text -> IO Text
prettyAST cfg src = do
let pfixityMap = O.packageFixityMap O.defaultDependencies
(_, eSnippets) <-
O.parseModule cfgWithDeltas (O.LazyFixityMap []) "<input>" src
O.parseModule cfgWithDeltas pfixityMap "<input>" src
pure case eSnippets of
Left e -> T.pack $ show e
Right snippets -> T.unlines $ showSnippet <$> snippets

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ library
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ test-suite tests
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ test-suite tests
ghc-lib-parser >=9.6 && <9.7,
hspec >=2.0 && <3.0,
hspec-megaparsec >=2.2,
megaparsec >=9.0,
path >=0.6 && <0.10,
path-io >=1.4.2 && <2.0,

View File

@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
cp src.hs result-all-implicit.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace result-all-implicit.hs
cp src.hs result-all-explicit.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 1 --end-line 18 result-all-explicit.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 1 --end-line 23 result-all-explicit.hs
cp src.hs result-only-start.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 1 result-only-start.hs
cp src.hs result-only-end.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --end-line 18 result-only-end.hs
cp src.hs result-6-7.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 6 --end-line 7 result-6-7.hs
cp src.hs result-6-8.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 6 --end-line 8 result-6-8.hs
cp src.hs result-9-12.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 9 --end-line 12 result-9-12.hs
cp src.hs result-17-18.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 17 --end-line 18 result-17-18.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --end-line 23 result-only-end.hs
cp src.hs result-8-9.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 8 --end-line 9 result-8-9.hs
cp src.hs result-8-10.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 8 --end-line 10 result-8-10.hs
cp src.hs result-11-14.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 11 --end-line 14 result-11-14.hs
cp src.hs result-19-23.hs
ormolu --check-idempotence --mode inplace --start-line 19 --end-line 23 result-19-23.hs
checkPhase = ''
echo result-all-implicit.hs
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
diff --color=always expected-result-all.hs result-only-start.hs
echo result-only-end.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-all.hs result-only-end.hs
echo result-6-7.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-6-7.hs result-6-7.hs
echo result-6-8.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-6-8.hs result-6-8.hs
echo result-9-12.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-9-12.hs result-9-12.hs
echo result-17-18.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-17-18.hs result-17-18.hs
echo result-8-9.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-8-9.hs result-8-9.hs
echo result-8-10.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-8-10.hs result-8-10.hs
echo result-11-14.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-11-14.hs result-11-14.hs
echo result-19-23.hs
diff --color=always expected-result-19-23.hs result-19-23.hs
installPhase = ''
mkdir "$out"

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Foo (
foo, bar, baz) where
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -14,4 +16,7 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege = 1
>>> zeze +
>>> nona

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Foo (
foo, bar, baz) where
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -14,4 +16,8 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege =
>>> zeze
+ 2
>>> nona

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Foo (
foo, bar, baz) where
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -14,4 +16,7 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege = 1
>>> zeze +
>>> nona

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Foo (
foo, bar, baz) where
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -14,4 +16,7 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege = 1
>>> zeze +
>>> nona

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Foo
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -18,4 +20,8 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege =
>>> zeze
+ 2
>>> nona

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Foo (
foo, bar, baz) where
import Control.Category
foo :: Int
foo = 5
@ -14,4 +16,7 @@ bar = \case
baz :: Int -> Int
baz = gege
gege = 1 + 2
gege = 1
>>> zeze +
>>> nona

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Ormolu
-- * Fixity overrides
-- * Working with exceptions
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
@ -85,11 +86,7 @@ ormolu cfgWithIndices path originalInput = do
let totalLines = length (T.lines originalInput)
cfg = regionIndicesToDeltas totalLines <$> cfgWithIndices
fixityMap =
-- It is important to keep all arguments (but last) of
-- 'buildFixityMap' constant (such as 'defaultStrategyThreshold'),
-- otherwise it is going to break memoization.
(cfgDependencies cfg) -- memoized on the set of dependencies
(warnings, result0) <-
parseModule' cfg fixityMap OrmoluParsingFailed path originalInput
@ -180,7 +177,7 @@ refineConfig ::
-- | Cabal info for the file, if available
Maybe CabalUtils.CabalInfo ->
-- | Fixity overrides, if available
Maybe FixityMap ->
Maybe FixityOverrides ->
-- | 'Config' to refine
Config region ->
-- | Refined 'Config'
@ -189,23 +186,25 @@ refineConfig sourceType mcabalInfo mfixityOverrides rawConfig =
{ cfgDynOptions = cfgDynOptions rawConfig ++ dynOptsFromCabal,
cfgFixityOverrides =
Map.unionWith (<>) (cfgFixityOverrides rawConfig) fixityOverrides,
FixityOverrides $
(unFixityOverrides fixityOverrides)
(unFixityOverrides (cfgFixityOverrides rawConfig)),
cfgDependencies =
Set.union (cfgDependencies rawConfig) depsFromCabal,
cfgSourceType = sourceType
fixityOverrides =
case mfixityOverrides of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just x -> x
fixityOverrides = fromMaybe (FixityOverrides Map.empty) mfixityOverrides
(dynOptsFromCabal, depsFromCabal) =
case mcabalInfo of
Nothing -> ([], Set.empty)
Nothing ->
-- If no cabal info is provided, assume base as a dependency by
-- default.
([], defaultDependencies)
Just CabalUtils.CabalInfo {..} ->
-- It makes sense to take into account the operator info for the
-- package itself if we know it, as if it were its own
-- dependency.
-- package itself if we know it, as if it were its own dependency.
(ciDynOpts, Set.insert ciPackageName ciDependencies)
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ parseModule' ::
-- | Ormolu configuration
Config RegionDeltas ->
-- | Fixity Map for operators
LazyFixityMap ->
PackageFixityMap ->
-- | How to obtain 'OrmoluException' to throw when parsing fails
(SrcSpan -> String -> OrmoluException) ->
-- | File name to use in errors

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc qualified as GHC
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityMap)
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityOverrides (..))
import Ormolu.Terminal (ColorMode (..))
-- | Type of sources that can be formatted by Ormolu.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ data Config region = Config
{ -- | Dynamic options to pass to GHC parser
cfgDynOptions :: ![DynOption],
-- | Fixity overrides
cfgFixityOverrides :: FixityMap,
cfgFixityOverrides :: FixityOverrides,
-- | Known dependencies, if any
cfgDependencies :: !(Set PackageName),
-- | Do formatting faster but without automatic detection of defects
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ defaultConfig :: Config RegionIndices
defaultConfig =
{ cfgDynOptions = [],
cfgFixityOverrides = Map.empty,
cfgFixityOverrides = FixityOverrides Map.empty,
cfgDependencies = Set.empty,
cfgUnsafe = False,
cfgDebug = False,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Definitions for fixity analysis.
@ -12,34 +12,36 @@ module Ormolu.Fixity
FixityDirection (..),
FixityInfo (..),
HackageInfo (..),
FixityApproximation (..),
FixityOverrides (..),
PackageFixityMap (..),
ModuleFixityMap (..),
HackageInfo (..),
import Data.Binary qualified as Binary
import Data.Binary.Get qualified as Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.MemoTrie (memo)
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName, mkPackageName, unPackageName)
import Language.Haskell.Syntax.ImpExp (ImportListInterpretation (..))
import Ormolu.Fixity.Imports (FixityImport (..))
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
@ -48,210 +50,131 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
packageToOps :: Map PackageName FixityMap
packageToPopularity :: Map PackageName Int
-- | The built-in 'HackageInfo' used by Ormolu.
hackageInfo :: HackageInfo
HackageInfo packageToOps packageToPopularity =
hackageInfo =
Binary.runGet Binary.get $
BL.fromStrict $(embedFile "extract-hackage-info/hackage-info.bin")
-- The GHC WASM backend does not yet support Template Haskell, so we instead
-- pass in the encoded fixity DB via pre-initialization with Wizer.
HackageInfo packageToOps packageToPopularity =
hackageInfo =
unsafePerformIO $
Binary.runGet Binary.get . BL.fromStrict <$> B.readFile "hackage-info.bin"
{-# NOINLINE packageToOps #-}
{-# NOINLINE packageToPopularity #-}
{-# NOINLINE hackageInfo #-}
-- | List of packages shipped with GHC, for which the download count from
-- Hackage does not reflect their high popularity.
-- See https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/pull/830#issuecomment-986609572.
-- "base" is not is this list, because it is already whitelisted
-- by buildFixityMap'.
bootPackages :: Set PackageName
bootPackages =
[ "array",
-- | Default set of packages to assume as dependencies e.g. when no Cabal
-- file is found or taken into consideration.
defaultDependencies :: Set PackageName
defaultDependencies = Set.singleton (mkPackageName "base")
-- | The default value for the popularity ratio threshold, after which a
-- very popular definition from packageToOps will completely rule out
-- conflicting definitions instead of being merged with them.
defaultStrategyThreshold :: Float
defaultStrategyThreshold = 0.9
-- | Compute the fixity map that is specific to the package we are formatting.
packageFixityMap ::
-- | Set of packages to select
Set PackageName ->
-- | Package fixity map
packageFixityMap = packageFixityMap' hackageInfo
-- | Build a fixity map using the given popularity threshold and a list of
-- cabal dependencies. Dependencies from the list have higher priority than
-- other packages.
buildFixityMap ::
-- | Popularity ratio threshold, after which a very popular package will
-- completely rule out conflicting definitions coming from other packages
-- instead of being merged with them
Float ->
-- | Explicitly known dependencies
-- | The same as 'packageFixityMap', except this specific version of the
-- function allows the user to specify 'HackageInfo' used to build the final
-- fixity map.
packageFixityMap' ::
-- | Hackage info
HackageInfo ->
-- | Set of packages to select
Set PackageName ->
-- | Resulting map
buildFixityMap = buildFixityMap' packageToOps packageToPopularity bootPackages
-- | Package fixity map
packageFixityMap' (HackageInfo m) = memoSet $ \dependencies ->
-- The core idea here is to transform:
-- Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo))
-- into
-- Map OpName [(PackageName, ModuleName, FixityInfo)]
-- which we accomplish by turning 'Map's into tuples with 'Map.toList' and
-- then flattening them with 'flatten :: [(a, [b])] -> [(a, b)]'.
-- The target type results from the need to be able to quickly index by
-- the operator name when we do fixity resolution later.
. Map.mapMaybe NE.nonEmpty
. Map.fromListWith (<>)
. fmap rearrange
. flatten
. Map.toList
. Map.map (flatten . Map.toList . Map.map Map.toList)
$ Map.restrictKeys m dependencies
rearrange (packageName, (moduleName, (opName, fixityInfo))) =
(opName, [(packageName, moduleName, fixityInfo)])
flatten xs = do
(k, vs) <- xs
v <- vs
return (k, v)
-- | Build a fixity map using the given popularity threshold and a list of
-- cabal dependencies. Dependencies from the list have higher priority than
-- other packages. This specific version of the function allows the user to
-- specify the package databases used to build the final fixity map.
buildFixityMap' ::
-- | Map from package to fixity map for operators defined in this package
Map PackageName FixityMap ->
-- | Map from package to popularity
Map PackageName Int ->
-- | Higher priority packages
Set PackageName ->
-- | Popularity ratio threshold, after which a very popular package will
-- completely rule out conflicting definitions coming from other packages
-- instead of being merged with them
Float ->
-- | Explicitly known dependencies
Set PackageName ->
-- | Resulting map
strategyThreshold = memoSet $ \dependencies ->
let baseFixityMap =
Map.insert ":" colonFixityInfo $
fromMaybe Map.empty $
Map.lookup "base" operatorMap
cabalFixityMap =
mergeAll (buildPackageFixityMap <$> Set.toList dependencies)
higherPriorityFixityMap =
mergeAll (buildPackageFixityMap <$> Set.toList higherPriorityPackages)
remainingFixityMap =
(buildPackageFixityMap <$> Set.toList remainingPackages)
remainingPackages =
Map.keysSet operatorMap
`Set.difference` Set.union dependencies higherPriorityPackages
buildPackageFixityMap packageName =
( packageName,
fromMaybe Map.empty $
Map.lookup packageName operatorMap
-- we need a threshold > 1.0 so that no dependency can reach the
-- threshold
mergeAll = mergeFixityMaps Map.empty 10.0
in LazyFixityMap
[ baseFixityMap,
-- | Compute the fixity map that is specific to the module we are formatting.
moduleFixityMap ::
-- | Fixity information selected from dependencies of this package
PackageFixityMap ->
-- | A simplified representation of the import list in this module
[FixityImport] ->
-- | Fixity map specific to this module
moduleFixityMap (PackageFixityMap m) imports =
ModuleFixityMap $
(Given colonFixityInfo)
(Map.map FromModuleImports (Map.mapMaybeWithKey select m))
select ::
OpName ->
NonEmpty (PackageName, ModuleName, FixityInfo) ->
Maybe (NonEmpty (FixityQualification, FixityInfo))
select opName =
let f (packageName, moduleName, fixityInfo) =
<$> resolveThroughImports packageName moduleName opName
in NE.nonEmpty . concatMap f
resolveThroughImports ::
PackageName ->
ModuleName ->
OpName ->
resolveThroughImports packageName moduleName opName =
let doesImportMatch FixityImport {..} =
let packageMatches =
case fimportPackage of
Nothing -> True
Just p -> p == packageName
moduleMatches =
fimportModuleName == moduleName
opMatches = case fimportList of
Nothing -> True
Just (Exactly, xs) -> opName `elem` xs
Just (EverythingBut, xs) -> opName `notElem` xs
in packageMatches && moduleMatches && opMatches
in fimportQualified <$> filter doesImportMatch imports
-- | Apply fixity overrides.
applyFixityOverrides ::
-- | User overrides
FixityOverrides ->
-- | Module fixity map
ModuleFixityMap ->
-- | Module fixity map with overrides applied
applyFixityOverrides (FixityOverrides o) (ModuleFixityMap m) =
ModuleFixityMap (Map.union (Map.map Given o) m)
memoSet :: (Set PackageName -> v) -> Set PackageName -> v
memoSet f = memo (f . Set.fromAscList . fmap mkPackageName) . fmap unPackageName . Set.toAscList
-- | Merge a list of individual fixity maps, coming from different packages.
-- Package popularities and the given threshold are used to choose between
-- the "keep best only" (>= threshold) and "merge all" (< threshold)
-- strategies when conflicting definitions are encountered for an operator.
mergeFixityMaps ::
-- | Map from package name to 30-days download count
Map PackageName Int ->
-- | Popularity ratio threshold
Float ->
-- | List of (package name, package fixity map) to merge
[(PackageName, FixityMap)] ->
-- | Resulting fixity map
mergeFixityMaps popularityMap threshold packageMaps =
(useThreshold threshold . NE.fromList . Map.toList)
scoredMap = Map.map getScores opFixityMap
-- when we encounter a duplicate key (op1) in the unionsWith operation,
-- we have
-- op1 -map-> {definitions1 -map-> originPackages}
-- op1 -map-> {definitions2 -map-> originPackages}
-- so we merge the keys (which have the type:
-- Map FixityInfo (NonEmpty PackageName))
-- using 'Map.unionWith (<>)', to "concatenate" the list of
-- definitions for this operator, and to also "concatenate" origin
-- packages if a same definition is found in both maps
opFixityMap =
(Map.unionWith (<>))
(opFixityMapFrom <$> packageMaps)
useThreshold ::
-- Threshold
Float ->
-- List of conflicting (definition, score) for a given operator
NonEmpty (FixityInfo, Int) ->
-- Resulting fixity, using the specified threshold to choose between
-- strategy "keep best only" and "merge all"
useThreshold t fixScores =
if toFloat maxScore / toFloat sumScores >= t
then sconcat . fmap fst $ maxs -- merge potential ex-aequo winners
else sconcat . fmap fst $ fixScores
toFloat x = fromIntegral x :: Float
maxs = maxWith snd fixScores
maxScore = snd $ NE.head maxs
sumScores = foldl' (+) 0 (snd <$> fixScores)
getScores ::
-- Map for a given operator associating each of its conflicting
-- definitions with the packages that define it
Map FixityInfo (NonEmpty PackageName) ->
-- Map for a given operator associating each of its conflicting
-- definitions with their score (= sum of the popularity of the
-- packages that define it)
Map FixityInfo Int
getScores =
(sum . fmap (fromMaybe 0 . flip Map.lookup popularityMap))
opFixityMapFrom ::
-- (packageName, package fixity map)
(PackageName, FixityMap) ->
-- Map associating each operator of the package with a
-- {map for a given operator associating each of its definitions with
-- the list of packages that define it}
-- (this list can only be == [packageName] in the context of this
-- function)
Map OpName (Map FixityInfo (NonEmpty PackageName))
opFixityMapFrom (packageName, opsMap) =
(flip Map.singleton (packageName :| []))
maxWith :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
maxWith f xs = snd $ foldl' comp (f h, h :| []) t
h :| t = xs
comp (fMax, maxs) x =
let fX = f x
in if
| fMax < fX -> (fX, x :| [])
| fMax == fX -> (fMax, NE.cons x maxs)
| otherwise -> (fMax, maxs)
memoSet f =
memo (f . Set.fromAscList . fmap mkPackageName)
. fmap unPackageName
. Set.toAscList

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Simplified representation of the import list for the purposes of fixity
-- inference.
module Ormolu.Fixity.Imports
( FixityImport (..),
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName
import GHC.Data.FastString qualified as GHC
import GHC.Hs hiding (ModuleName)
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
import GHC.Types.PkgQual (RawPkgQual (..))
import GHC.Types.SourceText (StringLiteral (..))
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
import Ormolu.Utils (ghcModuleNameToCabal)
-- | Simplified info about an import.
data FixityImport = FixityImport
{ fimportPackage :: !(Maybe PackageName),
fimportModuleName :: !ModuleName,
fimportQualified :: !FixityQualification,
fimportList :: !(Maybe (ImportListInterpretation, [OpName]))
-- | Extract 'FixityImport's from the AST.
extractFixityImports ::
[LImportDecl GhcPs] ->
extractFixityImports = fmap (extractFixityImport . unLoc)
-- | Extract an individual 'FixityImport'.
extractFixityImport :: ImportDecl GhcPs -> FixityImport
extractFixityImport ImportDecl {..} =
{ fimportPackage = case ideclPkgQual of
NoRawPkgQual -> Nothing
RawPkgQual strLiteral ->
Just . mkPackageName . GHC.unpackFS . sl_fs $ strLiteral,
fimportModuleName = ideclName',
fimportQualified = case (ideclQualified, ideclAs') of
(QualifiedPre, Nothing) ->
OnlyQualified ideclName'
(QualifiedPost, Nothing) ->
OnlyQualified ideclName'
(QualifiedPre, Just m) -> OnlyQualified m
(QualifiedPost, Just m) -> OnlyQualified m
(NotQualified, Nothing) ->
UnqualifiedAndQualified ideclName'
(NotQualified, Just m) ->
UnqualifiedAndQualified m,
fimportList =
(second (concatMap (fmap occOpName . ieToOccNames . unLoc) . unLoc))
ideclName' = ghcModuleNameToCabal (unLoc ideclName)
ideclAs' = ghcModuleNameToCabal . unLoc <$> ideclAs
ieToOccNames :: IE GhcPs -> [OccName]
ieToOccNames = \case
IEVar _ (L _ x) -> [occName x]
IEThingAbs _ (L _ x) -> [occName x]
IEThingAll _ (L _ x) -> [occName x] -- TODO not quite correct, but how to do better?
IEThingWith _ (L _ x) _ xs -> occName x : fmap (occName . unLoc) xs
_ -> []

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
@ -10,12 +11,17 @@ module Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
FixityDirection (..),
FixityInfo (..),
FixityApproximation (..),
HackageInfo (..),
LazyFixityMap (..),
FixityOverrides (..),
PackageFixityMap (..),
ModuleFixityMap (..),
FixityProvenance (..),
FixityQualification (..),
@ -23,73 +29,22 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Short qualified as SBS
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName
import GHC.Data.FastString (fs_sbs)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Types.Name (OccName (occNameFS))
-- | Fixity direction.
data FixityDirection
= InfixL
| InfixR
| InfixN
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | Fixity information about an infix operator that takes the uncertainty
-- that can arise from conflicting definitions into account.
data FixityInfo = FixityInfo
{ -- | Fixity direction if it is known
fiDirection :: Maybe FixityDirection,
-- | Minimum precedence level found in the (maybe conflicting)
-- definitions for the operator (inclusive)
fiMinPrecedence :: Int,
-- | Maximum precedence level found in the (maybe conflicting)
-- definitions for the operator (inclusive)
fiMaxPrecedence :: Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | The lowest level of information we can have about an operator.
defaultFixityInfo :: FixityInfo
defaultFixityInfo =
{ fiDirection = Just InfixL,
fiMinPrecedence = 9,
fiMaxPrecedence = 9
-- | Fixity info of the built-in colon data constructor.
colonFixityInfo :: FixityInfo
colonFixityInfo =
{ fiDirection = Just InfixR,
fiMinPrecedence = 5,
fiMaxPrecedence = 5
-- | Gives the ability to merge two (maybe conflicting) definitions for an
-- operator, keeping the higher level of compatible information from both.
instance Semigroup FixityInfo where
FixityInfo {fiDirection = dir1, fiMinPrecedence = min1, fiMaxPrecedence = max1}
<> FixityInfo {fiDirection = dir2, fiMinPrecedence = min2, fiMaxPrecedence = max2} =
{ fiDirection = dir',
fiMinPrecedence = min min1 min2,
fiMaxPrecedence = max max1 max2
dir' = case (dir1, dir2) of
(Just a, Just b) | a == b -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (RdrName (..), rdrNameOcc)
import Ormolu.Utils (ghcModuleNameToCabal)
-- | An operator name.
newtype OpName = MkOpName
@ -119,26 +74,134 @@ instance Show OpName where
instance IsString OpName where
fromString = OpName . T.pack
-- | Map from the operator name to its 'FixityInfo'.
type FixityMap = Map OpName FixityInfo
-- | Fixity direction.
data FixityDirection
= InfixL
| InfixR
| InfixN
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | A variant of 'FixityMap', represented as a lazy union of several
-- 'FixityMap's.
newtype LazyFixityMap = LazyFixityMap [FixityMap]
deriving (Show)
-- | Fixity information about an infix operator. This type provides precise
-- information as opposed to 'FixityApproximation'.
data FixityInfo = FixityInfo
{ -- | Fixity direction
fiDirection :: FixityDirection,
-- | Precedence
fiPrecedence :: Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | Lookup a 'FixityInfo' of an operator. This might have drastically
-- different performance depending on whether this is an "unusual" operator.
lookupFixity :: OpName -> LazyFixityMap -> Maybe FixityInfo
lookupFixity op (LazyFixityMap maps) = asum (Map.lookup op <$> maps)
-- | Fixity info of the built-in colon data constructor.
colonFixityInfo :: FixityInfo
colonFixityInfo = FixityInfo InfixR 5
-- | The map of operators declared by each package and the popularity of
-- each package, if available.
data HackageInfo
= HackageInfo
-- | Map from package name to a map from operator name to its fixity
(Map PackageName FixityMap)
-- | Map from package name to its 30-days download count from Hackage
(Map PackageName Int)
-- | Fixity that is implicitly assumed if no fixity declaration is present.
defaultFixityInfo :: FixityInfo
defaultFixityInfo = FixityInfo InfixL 9
-- | Approximation of fixity information that takes the uncertainty that can
-- arise from conflicting definitions into account.
data FixityApproximation = FixityApproximation
{ -- | Fixity direction if it is known
faDirection :: Maybe FixityDirection,
-- | Minimum precedence level found in the (maybe conflicting)
-- definitions for the operator (inclusive)
faMinPrecedence :: Int,
-- | Maximum precedence level found in the (maybe conflicting)
-- definitions for the operator (inclusive)
faMaxPrecedence :: Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | Gives the ability to merge two (maybe conflicting) definitions for an
-- operator, keeping the higher level of compatible information from both.
instance Semigroup FixityApproximation where
FixityApproximation {faDirection = dir1, faMinPrecedence = min1, faMaxPrecedence = max1}
<> FixityApproximation {faDirection = dir2, faMinPrecedence = min2, faMaxPrecedence = max2} =
{ faDirection = dir',
faMinPrecedence = min min1 min2,
faMaxPrecedence = max max1 max2
dir' = case (dir1, dir2) of
(Just a, Just b) | a == b -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
-- | The lowest level of information we can have about an operator.
defaultFixityApproximation :: FixityApproximation
defaultFixityApproximation = fixityInfoToApproximation defaultFixityInfo
-- | Convert from 'FixityInfo' to 'FixityApproximation'.
fixityInfoToApproximation :: FixityInfo -> FixityApproximation
fixityInfoToApproximation FixityInfo {..} =
{ faDirection = Just fiDirection,
faMinPrecedence = fiPrecedence,
faMaxPrecedence = fiPrecedence
-- | The map of operators declared by each package grouped by module name.
newtype HackageInfo
= HackageInfo (Map PackageName (Map ModuleName (Map OpName FixityInfo)))
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
deriving anyclass (Binary, NFData)
-- | Map from the operator name to its 'FixityInfo'.
newtype FixityOverrides = FixityOverrides
{ unFixityOverrides :: Map OpName FixityInfo
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Fixity information that is specific to a package being formatted. It
-- requires module-specific imports in order to be usable.
newtype PackageFixityMap
= PackageFixityMap (Map OpName (NonEmpty (PackageName, ModuleName, FixityInfo)))
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Fixity map that takes into account imports in a particular module.
newtype ModuleFixityMap
= ModuleFixityMap (Map OpName FixityProvenance)
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Provenance of fixity info.
data FixityProvenance
= -- | 'FixityInfo' of a built-in operator or provided by a user override.
Given FixityInfo
| -- | 'FixityInfo' to be inferred from module imports.
FromModuleImports (NonEmpty (FixityQualification, FixityInfo))
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Fixity qualification that determines how 'FixityInfo' matches a
-- particular use of an operator, given whether it is qualified or
-- unqualified and the module name used.
data FixityQualification
= UnqualifiedAndQualified ModuleName
| OnlyQualified ModuleName
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Get a 'FixityApproximation' of an operator.
inferFixity :: RdrName -> ModuleFixityMap -> FixityApproximation
inferFixity rdrName (ModuleFixityMap m) =
case Map.lookup opName m of
Nothing -> defaultFixityApproximation
Just (Given fixityInfo) ->
fixityInfoToApproximation fixityInfo
Just (FromModuleImports xs) ->
let isMatching (provenance, _fixityInfo) =
case provenance of
UnqualifiedAndQualified mn ->
maybe True (== mn) moduleName
OnlyQualified mn ->
maybe False (== mn) moduleName
in fromMaybe defaultFixityApproximation
. foldMap (Just . fixityInfoToApproximation . snd)
$ NE.filter isMatching xs
opName = occOpName (rdrNameOcc rdrName)
moduleName = case rdrName of
Qual x _ -> Just (ghcModuleNameToCabal x)
_ -> Nothing

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- | Parser for fixity maps.
module Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
( parseFixityMap,
( parseFixityOverrides,
-- * Raw parsers
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -24,15 +25,15 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
-- | Parse textual representation of a 'FixityMap'.
parseFixityMap ::
-- | Parse textual representation of 'FixityOverrides'.
parseFixityOverrides ::
-- | Location of the file we are parsing (only for parse errors)
FilePath ->
-- | File contents to parse
Text ->
-- | Parse result
Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) FixityMap
parseFixityMap = runParser pFixityMap
Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) FixityOverrides
parseFixityOverrides = runParser pFixityOverrides
-- | Parse a single self-contained fixity declaration.
parseFixityDeclaration ::
@ -42,9 +43,9 @@ parseFixityDeclaration ::
Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) [(OpName, FixityInfo)]
parseFixityDeclaration = runParser (pFixity <* eof) ""
pFixityMap :: Parser FixityMap
pFixityMap =
Map.fromListWith (<>) . mconcat
pFixityOverrides :: Parser FixityOverrides
pFixityOverrides =
FixityOverrides . Map.fromList . mconcat
<$> many (pFixity <* eol <* hidden space)
<* eof
@ -53,10 +54,14 @@ pFixityMap =
-- > infixr 4 +++, >>>
pFixity :: Parser [(OpName, FixityInfo)]
pFixity = do
fiDirection <- Just <$> pFixityDirection
fiDirection <- pFixityDirection
hidden hspace1
fiMinPrecedence <- L.decimal
let fiMaxPrecedence = fiMinPrecedence
offsetAtPrecedence <- getOffset
fiPrecedence <- L.decimal
when (fiPrecedence > 9) $
(setErrorOffset offsetAtPrecedence)
(fail "precedence should not be greater than 9")
hidden hspace1
ops <- sepBy1 pOperator (char ',' >> hidden hspace)
hidden hspace

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Printer for fixity maps.
-- | Printer for fixity overrides.
module Ormolu.Fixity.Printer
( printFixityMap,
( printFixityOverrides,
@ -17,35 +17,24 @@ import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as B
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int qualified as B
import Ormolu.Fixity
-- | Print out a textual representation of a 'FixityMap'.
printFixityMap :: FixityMap -> Text
printFixityMap =
-- | Print out a textual representation of 'FixityOverrides'.
printFixityOverrides :: FixityOverrides -> Text
printFixityOverrides (FixityOverrides m) =
. B.toLazyText
. mconcat
. fmap renderOne
. concatMap decompose
. Map.toList
$ Map.toList m
decompose :: (OpName, FixityInfo) -> [(FixityDirection, Int, OpName)]
decompose (operator, FixityInfo {..}) =
let forDirection dir =
(dir, fiMinPrecedence, operator)
: [ (dir, fiMaxPrecedence, operator)
| fiMinPrecedence /= fiMaxPrecedence
in case fiDirection of
Nothing -> concatMap forDirection [InfixL, InfixR]
Just dir -> forDirection dir
renderOne :: (FixityDirection, Int, OpName) -> Builder
renderOne (fixityDirection, n, OpName operator) =
renderOne :: (OpName, FixityInfo) -> Builder
renderOne (OpName operator, FixityInfo {..}) =
[ case fixityDirection of
[ case fiDirection of
InfixL -> "infixl"
InfixR -> "infixr"
InfixN -> "infix",
" ",
B.decimal n,
B.decimal fiPrecedence,
" ",
if isTickedOperator operator
then "`" <> B.fromText operator <> "`"

View File

@ -18,31 +18,38 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Functor
import Data.Generics
import Data.Generics hiding (orElse)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Builtin.Names (mAIN_NAME)
import GHC.Data.Bag (bagToList)
import GHC.Data.EnumSet qualified as EnumSet
import GHC.Data.FastString qualified as GHC
import GHC.Data.Maybe (orElse)
import GHC.Data.StringBuffer (StringBuffer)
import GHC.Driver.CmdLine qualified as GHC
import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser (initParserOpts)
import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types qualified as GHC
import GHC.Driver.Session as GHC
import GHC.DynFlags (baseDynFlags)
import GHC.Hs hiding (UnicodeSyntax)
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type (Extension (..))
import GHC.Parser qualified as GHC
import GHC.Parser.Annotation qualified as GHC
import GHC.Parser.Header qualified as GHC
import GHC.Parser.Lexer qualified as GHC
import GHC.Types.Error (NoDiagnosticOpts (..), getMessages)
import GHC.Types.SourceError qualified as GHC (handleSourceError)
import GHC.Types.Error qualified as GHC
import GHC.Types.SourceError qualified as GHC
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Exception (ExceptionMonad)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (defaultSDocContext)
import GHC.Utils.Panic qualified as GHC
import Ormolu.Config
import Ormolu.Exception
import Ormolu.Fixity (LazyFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Fixity hiding (packageFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Fixity.Imports (extractFixityImports)
import Ormolu.Imports (normalizeImports)
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Result
@ -50,13 +57,13 @@ import Ormolu.Processing.Common
import Ormolu.Processing.Preprocess
import Ormolu.Utils (incSpanLine, showOutputable, textToStringBuffer)
-- | Parse a complete module from string.
-- | Parse a complete module from 'Text'.
parseModule ::
(MonadIO m) =>
-- | Ormolu configuration
Config RegionDeltas ->
-- | Fixity map to include in the resulting 'ParseResult's
LazyFixityMap ->
-- | Package fixity map
PackageFixityMap ->
-- | File name (only for source location annotations)
FilePath ->
-- | Input for parser
@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ parseModule ::
( [GHC.Warn],
Either (SrcSpan, String) [SourceSnippet]
parseModule config@Config {..} fixityMap path rawInput = liftIO $ do
parseModule config@Config {..} packageFixityMap path rawInput = liftIO $ do
-- It's important that 'setDefaultExts' is done before
-- 'parsePragmasIntoDynFlags', because otherwise we might enable an
-- extension that was explicitly disabled in the file.
@ -74,35 +81,44 @@ parseModule config@Config {..} fixityMap path rawInput = liftIO $ do
(setDefaultExts baseDynFlags)
extraOpts = dynOptionToLocatedStr <$> cfgDynOptions
(warnings, dynFlags) <-
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags baseFlags extraOpts path rawInput >>= \case
Right res -> pure res
Left err ->
let loc =
rawInputStringBuffer = textToStringBuffer rawInput
beginningLoc =
(mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString path) 1 1)
(mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString path) 1 1)
in throwIO (OrmoluParsingFailed loc err)
(warnings, dynFlags) <-
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags baseFlags extraOpts path rawInputStringBuffer >>= \case
Right res -> pure res
Left err -> throwIO (OrmoluParsingFailed beginningLoc err)
let cppEnabled = EnumSet.member Cpp (GHC.extensionFlags dynFlags)
implicitPrelude = EnumSet.member ImplicitPrelude (GHC.extensionFlags dynFlags)
fixityImports <-
parseImports dynFlags implicitPrelude path rawInputStringBuffer >>= \case
Right res -> pure (extractFixityImports res)
Left err -> throwIO (OrmoluParsingFailed beginningLoc err)
let modFixityMap =
(moduleFixityMap packageFixityMap fixityImports)
snippets <- runExceptT . forM (preprocess cppEnabled cfgRegion rawInput) $ \case
Right region ->
fmap ParsedSnippet . ExceptT $
parseModuleSnippet (config $> region) fixityMap dynFlags path rawInput
parseModuleSnippet (config $> region) modFixityMap dynFlags path rawInput
Left raw -> pure $ RawSnippet raw
pure (warnings, snippets)
parseModuleSnippet ::
(MonadIO m) =>
Config RegionDeltas ->
LazyFixityMap ->
ModuleFixityMap ->
DynFlags ->
FilePath ->
Text ->
m (Either (SrcSpan, String) ParseResult)
parseModuleSnippet Config {..} fixityMap dynFlags path rawInput = liftIO $ do
parseModuleSnippet Config {..} modFixityMap dynFlags path rawInput = liftIO $ do
let (input, indent) = removeIndentation . linesInRegion cfgRegion $ rawInput
let pStateErrors pstate =
let errs = bagToList . getMessages $ GHC.getPsErrorMessages pstate
let errs = bagToList . GHC.getMessages $ GHC.getPsErrorMessages pstate
fixupErrSpan = incSpanLine (regionPrefixLength cfgRegion)
rateSeverity = \case
SevError -> 1 :: Int
@ -116,7 +132,7 @@ parseModuleSnippet Config {..} fixityMap dynFlags path rawInput = liftIO $ do
msg =
. formatBulleted defaultSDocContext
. diagnosticMessage NoDiagnosticOpts
. diagnosticMessage GHC.NoDiagnosticOpts
$ err
in case L.sortOn (rateSeverity . errMsgSeverity) errs of
[] -> Nothing
@ -148,8 +164,7 @@ parseModuleSnippet Config {..} fixityMap dynFlags path rawInput = liftIO $ do
prPragmas = pragmas,
prCommentStream = comments,
prExtensions = GHC.extensionFlags dynFlags,
prFixityOverrides = cfgFixityOverrides,
prFixityMap = fixityMap,
prModuleFixityMap = modFixityMap,
prIndent = indent
return r
@ -253,6 +268,8 @@ runParser parser flags filename input = GHC.unP parser parseState
-- Helpers taken from HLint
-- | Detect pragmas in the given input and return them as a collection of
-- 'DynFlags'.
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags ::
-- | Pre-set 'DynFlags'
DynFlags ->
@ -261,14 +278,14 @@ parsePragmasIntoDynFlags ::
-- | File name (only for source location annotations)
FilePath ->
-- | Input for parser
Text ->
StringBuffer ->
IO (Either String ([GHC.Warn], DynFlags))
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags flags extraOpts filepath str =
catchErrors $ do
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags flags extraOpts filepath input =
catchGhcErrors $ do
let (_warnings, fileOpts) =
(initParserOpts flags)
(textToStringBuffer str)
(flags', leftovers, warnings) <-
parseDynamicFilePragma flags (extraOpts <> fileOpts)
@ -278,9 +295,45 @@ parsePragmasIntoDynFlags flags extraOpts filepath str =
throwIO (OrmoluUnrecognizedOpts (unLoc <$> unrecognizedOpts))
let flags'' = flags' `gopt_set` Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
return $ Right (warnings, flags'')
-- | Detect the collection of imports used in the given input.
parseImports ::
-- | Pre-set 'DynFlags'
DynFlags ->
-- | Implicit Prelude?
Bool ->
-- | File name (only for source location annotations)
FilePath ->
-- | Input for the parser
StringBuffer ->
IO (Either String [LImportDecl GhcPs])
parseImports flags implicitPrelude filepath input =
case GHC.unP GHC.parseHeader (GHC.initParserState popts input loc) of
GHC.PFailed pst ->
return $ Left (showOutputable (GHC.getPsErrorMessages pst))
GHC.POk pst rdr_module ->
return $
let (_warnings, errors) = GHC.getPsMessages pst
in if not (isEmptyMessages errors)
then Left (showOutputable (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> errors))
let hsmod = unLoc rdr_module
mmoduleName = hsmodName hsmod
main_loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString filepath) 1 1)
mod' = mmoduleName `orElse` L (GHC.noAnnSrcSpan main_loc) mAIN_NAME
explicitImports = hsmodImports hsmod
implicitImports =
GHC.mkPrelImports (unLoc mod') main_loc implicitPrelude explicitImports
in Right (explicitImports ++ implicitImports)
catchErrors act =
popts = initParserOpts flags
loc = mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString filepath) 1 1
-- | Catch and report GHC errors.
catchGhcErrors :: (ExceptionMonad m) => m (Either String a) -> m (Either String a)
catchGhcErrors m =
(GHC.handleSourceError reportErr act)
(GHC.handleSourceError reportErr m)
reportErr e = return $ Left (show e)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import Ormolu.Config (SourceType)
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityMap, LazyFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Fixity (ModuleFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Pragma (Pragma)
@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ data ParseResult = ParseResult
prCommentStream :: CommentStream,
-- | Enabled extensions
prExtensions :: EnumSet Extension,
-- | Fixity overrides
prFixityOverrides :: FixityMap,
-- | Fixity map for operators
prFixityMap :: LazyFixityMap,
prModuleFixityMap :: ModuleFixityMap,
-- | Indentation level, can be non-zero in case of region formatting
prIndent :: Int

View File

@ -36,6 +36,5 @@ printSnippets = T.concat . fmap printSnippet
RawSnippet r -> r

View File

@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
Layout (..),

View File

@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Internal
Layout (..),
@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (Outputable)
import Ormolu.Config (SourceType (..))
import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityMap, LazyFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Fixity (ModuleFixityMap)
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Printer.SpanStream
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
@ -98,12 +98,8 @@ data RC = RC
rcExtensions :: EnumSet Extension,
-- | Whether the source is a signature or a regular module
rcSourceType :: SourceType,
-- | Fixity map overrides, kept separately because if we parametrized
-- 'Ormolu.Fixity.buildFixityMap' by fixity overrides it would break
-- memoization
rcFixityOverrides :: FixityMap,
-- | Fixity map for operators
rcFixityMap :: LazyFixityMap
-- | Module fixity map
rcModuleFixityMap :: ModuleFixityMap
-- | State context of 'R'.
@ -171,13 +167,11 @@ runR ::
SourceType ->
-- | Enabled extensions
EnumSet Extension ->
-- | Fixity overrides
FixityMap ->
-- | Fixity map
LazyFixityMap ->
-- | Module fixity map
ModuleFixityMap ->
-- | Resulting rendition
runR (R m) sstream cstream sourceType extensions fixityOverrides fixityMap =
runR (R m) sstream cstream sourceType extensions moduleFixityMap =
TL.toStrict . toLazyText . scBuilder $ execState (runReaderT m rc) sc
rc =
@ -188,8 +182,7 @@ runR (R m) sstream cstream sourceType extensions fixityOverrides fixityMap =
rcCanUseBraces = False,
rcExtensions = extensions,
rcSourceType = sourceType,
rcFixityOverrides = fixityOverrides,
rcFixityMap = fixityMap
rcModuleFixityMap = moduleFixityMap
sc =
@ -386,13 +379,9 @@ newlineRaw = R . modify $ \sc ->
askSourceType :: R SourceType
askSourceType = R (asks rcSourceType)
-- | Retrieve fixity overrides map.
askFixityOverrides :: R FixityMap
askFixityOverrides = R (asks rcFixityOverrides)
-- | Retrieve the lazy fixity map.
askFixityMap :: R LazyFixityMap
askFixityMap = R (asks rcFixityMap)
-- | Retrieve the module fixity map.
askModuleFixityMap :: R ModuleFixityMap
askModuleFixityMap = R (asks rcModuleFixityMap)
inciBy :: Int -> R () -> R ()
inciBy step (R m) = R (local modRC m)
@ -514,7 +503,7 @@ getEnclosingSpan ::
(RealSrcSpan -> Bool) ->
R (Maybe RealSrcSpan)
getEnclosingSpan f =
listToMaybe . filter f <$> R (asks rcEnclosingSpans)
find f <$> R (asks rcEnclosingSpans)
-- | Set 'RealSrcSpan' of enclosing span for the given computation.
withEnclosingSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> R () -> R ()

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ p_exprOpTree s t@(OpBranches exprs ops) = do
couldBeTrailing (prevExpr, opi) =
-- An operator with fixity InfixR 0, like seq, $, and $ variants,
-- is required
isHardSplitterOp (opiFix opi)
isHardSplitterOp (opiFixityApproximation opi)
-- the LHS must be single-line
&& isOneLineSpan (opTreeLoc prevExpr)
-- can only happen when a breakpoint would have been added anyway

View File

@ -340,12 +340,11 @@ p_hsCmd' isApp s = \case
inci (sequence_ (intersperse breakpoint (located' (p_hsCmdTop N) <$> cmds)))
HsCmdArrForm _ form Infix _ [left, right] -> do
fixityOverrides <- askFixityOverrides
fixityMap <- askFixityMap
modFixityMap <- askModuleFixityMap
let opTree = OpBranches [cmdOpTree left, cmdOpTree right] [form]
(reassociateOpTree (getOpName . unLoc) fixityOverrides fixityMap opTree)
(reassociateOpTree (getOpName . unLoc) modFixityMap opTree)
HsCmdArrForm _ _ Infix _ _ -> notImplemented "HsCmdArrForm"
HsCmdApp _ cmd expr -> do
located cmd (p_hsCmd' Applicand s)
@ -663,12 +662,11 @@ p_hsExpr' isApp s = \case
_ -> return ()
located (hswc_body a) p_hsType
OpApp _ x op y -> do
fixityOverrides <- askFixityOverrides
fixityMap <- askFixityMap
modFixityMap <- askModuleFixityMap
let opTree = OpBranches [exprOpTree x, exprOpTree y] [op]
(reassociateOpTree (getOpName . unLoc) fixityOverrides fixityMap opTree)
(reassociateOpTree (getOpName . unLoc) modFixityMap opTree)
NegApp _ e _ -> do
negativeLiterals <- isExtensionEnabled NegativeLiterals
let isLiteral = case unLoc e of

View File

@ -110,11 +110,10 @@ p_hsType' multilineArgs = \case
parensHash N $
sep (space >> txt "|" >> breakpoint) (sitcc . located' p_hsType) xs
HsOpTy _ _ x op y -> do
fixityOverrides <- askFixityOverrides
fixityMap <- askFixityMap
modFixityMap <- askModuleFixityMap
let opTree = OpBranches [tyOpTree x, tyOpTree y] [op]
(reassociateOpTree (Just . unLoc) fixityOverrides fixityMap opTree)
(reassociateOpTree (Just . unLoc) modFixityMap opTree)
HsParTy _ t ->
parens N (located t p_hsType)
HsIParamTy _ n t -> sitcc $ do

View File

@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Operators
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import Ormolu.Fixity
@ -42,13 +39,13 @@ data OpTree ty op
data OpInfo op = OpInfo
{ -- | The actual operator
opiOp :: op,
-- | Its name, if available. We use 'Maybe OpName' here instead of 'OpName'
-- because the name-fetching function received by 'reassociateOpTree'
-- returns a 'Maybe'
opiName :: Maybe OpName,
-- | Its name, if available. We use 'Maybe RdrName' here instead of
-- 'RdrName' because the name-fetching function received by
-- 'reassociateOpTree' returns a 'Maybe'
opiName :: Maybe RdrName,
-- | Information about the fixity direction and precedence level of the
-- operator
opiFix :: FixityInfo
opiFixityApproximation :: FixityApproximation
deriving (Eq)
@ -57,8 +54,8 @@ data OpInfo op = OpInfo
-- of equality.
compareOp :: OpInfo op -> OpInfo op -> Maybe Ordering
(OpInfo _ mName1 FixityInfo {fiMinPrecedence = min1, fiMaxPrecedence = max1})
(OpInfo _ mName2 FixityInfo {fiMinPrecedence = min2, fiMaxPrecedence = max2}) =
(OpInfo _ mName1 FixityApproximation {faMinPrecedence = min1, faMaxPrecedence = max1})
(OpInfo _ mName2 FixityApproximation {faMinPrecedence = min2, faMaxPrecedence = max2}) =
-- Only declare two precedence levels as equal when
-- * either both precedence levels are precise
@ -89,48 +86,40 @@ opTreeLoc (OpBranches exprs _) =
reassociateOpTree ::
-- | How to get name of an operator
(op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
-- | Fixity overrides
FixityMap ->
-- | Fixity Map
LazyFixityMap ->
ModuleFixityMap ->
-- | Original 'OpTree'
OpTree ty op ->
-- | Re-associated 'OpTree', with added context and info around operators
OpTree ty (OpInfo op)
reassociateOpTree getOpName fixityOverrides fixityMap =
reassociateOpTree getOpName modFixityMap =
. makeFlatOpTree
. addFixityInfo fixityOverrides fixityMap getOpName
. addFixityInfo modFixityMap getOpName
-- | Wrap every operator of the tree with 'OpInfo' to carry the information
-- about its fixity (extracted from the specified fixity map).
addFixityInfo ::
-- | Fixity overrides
FixityMap ->
-- | Fixity map for operators
LazyFixityMap ->
ModuleFixityMap ->
-- | How to get the name of an operator
(op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
-- | 'OpTree'
OpTree ty op ->
-- | 'OpTree', with fixity info wrapped around each operator
OpTree ty (OpInfo op)
addFixityInfo _ _ _ (OpNode n) = OpNode n
addFixityInfo fixityOverrides fixityMap getOpName (OpBranches exprs ops) =
addFixityInfo _ _ (OpNode n) = OpNode n
addFixityInfo modFixityMap getOpName (OpBranches exprs ops) =
(addFixityInfo fixityOverrides fixityMap getOpName <$> exprs)
(addFixityInfo modFixityMap getOpName <$> exprs)
(toOpInfo <$> ops)
toOpInfo o = OpInfo o mName fixityInfo
toOpInfo o = OpInfo o mrdrName fixityApproximation
mName = occOpName . rdrNameOcc <$> getOpName o
fixityInfo =
( do
name <- mName
Map.lookup name fixityOverrides <|> lookupFixity name fixityMap
mrdrName = getOpName o
fixityApproximation = case mrdrName of
Nothing -> defaultFixityApproximation
Just rdrName -> inferFixity rdrName modFixityMap
-- | Given a 'OpTree' of any shape, produce a flat 'OpTree', where every
-- node and operator is directly connected to the root.
@ -202,7 +191,7 @@ reassociateFlatOpTree tree@(OpBranches noptExprs noptOps) =
indicesOfHardSplitter =
fmap fst $
filter (isHardSplitterOp . opiFix . snd) $
filter (isHardSplitterOp . opiFixityApproximation . snd) $
zip [0 ..] noptOps
indexOfMinMaxPrecOps [] = (Nothing, Nothing)
indexOfMinMaxPrecOps (oo : oos) = go oos 1 oo (Just [0]) oo (Just [0])
@ -367,5 +356,5 @@ reassociateFlatOpTree tree@(OpBranches noptExprs noptOps) =
-- class of operators because they often have, like ('$'), a specific
-- “separator” use-case, and we sometimes format them differently than other
-- operators.
isHardSplitterOp :: FixityInfo -> Bool
isHardSplitterOp = (== FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 0 0)
isHardSplitterOp :: FixityApproximation -> Bool
isHardSplitterOp = (== FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0)

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Ormolu.Utils
@ -27,16 +28,19 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Foreign qualified as TFFI
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.ModuleName qualified as ModuleName
import Foreign (pokeElemOff, withForeignPtr)
import GHC.Data.Strict qualified as Strict
import GHC.Data.StringBuffer (StringBuffer (..))
import GHC.Driver.Ppr
import GHC.DynFlags (baseDynFlags)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Hs hiding (ModuleName)
import GHC.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (Outputable (..))
import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name qualified as GHC
-- | Relative positions in a list.
data RelativePos
@ -169,3 +173,7 @@ textToStringBuffer txt = unsafePerformIO $ do
pure StringBuffer {buf, len, cur = 0}
len = TFFI.lengthWord8 txt
-- | Convert GHC's 'ModuleName' into the one used by Cabal.
ghcModuleNameToCabal :: GHC.ModuleName -> ModuleName
ghcModuleNameToCabal = ModuleName.fromString . GHC.moduleNameString

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Megaparsec (errorBundlePretty)
-- | Cache ref that stores fixity overrides per cabal file.
cacheRef :: IORef (Map FilePath FixityMap)
cacheRef :: IORef (Map FilePath FixityOverrides)
cacheRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Map.empty)
{-# NOINLINE cacheRef #-}
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ getFixityOverridesForSourceFile ::
(MonadIO m) =>
-- | 'CabalInfo' already obtained for this source file
CabalInfo ->
m FixityMap
m FixityOverrides
getFixityOverridesForSourceFile CabalInfo {..} = liftIO $ do
cache <- readIORef cacheRef
case Map.lookup ciCabalFilePath cache of
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ getFixityOverridesForSourceFile CabalInfo {..} = liftIO $ do
then do
dotOrmoluRelative <- makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory dotOrmolu
contents <- readFileUtf8 dotOrmolu
case parseFixityMap dotOrmoluRelative contents of
case parseFixityOverrides dotOrmoluRelative contents of
Left errorBundle ->
throwIO (OrmoluFixityOverridesParseError errorBundle)
Right x -> do
modifyIORef' cacheRef (Map.insert ciCabalFilePath x)
return x
else return Map.empty
else return (FixityOverrides Map.empty)
Just x -> return x
-- | A wrapper around 'parseFixityDeclaration' for parsing individual fixity

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ spec = do
mentioned `shouldBe` True
unPackageName ciPackageName `shouldBe` "ormolu"
ciDynOpts `shouldBe` [DynOption "-XGHC2021"]
Set.map unPackageName ciDependencies `shouldBe` Set.fromList ["Cabal-syntax", "QuickCheck", "base", "containers", "directory", "filepath", "ghc-lib-parser", "hspec", "hspec-megaparsec", "ormolu", "path", "path-io", "temporary", "text"]
Set.map unPackageName ciDependencies `shouldBe` Set.fromList ["Cabal-syntax", "QuickCheck", "base", "containers", "directory", "filepath", "ghc-lib-parser", "hspec", "hspec-megaparsec", "megaparsec", "ormolu", "path", "path-io", "temporary", "text"]
ciCabalFilePath `shouldSatisfy` isAbsolute
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory ciCabalFilePath `shouldReturn` "ormolu.cabal"
it "handles correctly files that are not mentioned in ormolu.cabal" $ do

View File

@ -9,35 +9,36 @@ import Ormolu.Fixity
import Ormolu.Fixity.Parser
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (ErrorFancy (..))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "parseFixtiyDeclaration" $ do
it "parses a simple infixr declaration" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixr 5 $"
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo InfixR 5)]
it "parses a simple infixl declaration" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixl 5 $"
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo InfixL 5)]
it "parses a simple infix declaration" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infix 5 $"
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("$", FixityInfo InfixN 5)]
it "parses a declaration for a ticked identifier" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixl 5 `foo`"
`shouldParse` [("foo", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("foo", FixityInfo InfixL 5)]
it "parses a declaration for a ticked identifier (constructor case)" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixl 5 `Foo`"
`shouldParse` [("Foo", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("Foo", FixityInfo InfixL 5)]
it "parses a multi-operator declaration" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixl 5 $, ., `Foo`, `bar`"
`shouldParse` [ ("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5),
(".", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5),
("Foo", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5),
("bar", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)
`shouldParse` [ ("$", FixityInfo InfixL 5),
(".", FixityInfo InfixL 5),
("Foo", FixityInfo InfixL 5),
("bar", FixityInfo InfixL 5)
it "parses a declaration with a unicode operator" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixr 5 ×"
`shouldParse` [("×", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 5 5)]
`shouldParse` [("×", FixityInfo InfixR 5)]
it "fails with correct parse error (keyword wrong)" $
parseFixityDeclaration "foobar 5 $"
`shouldFailWith` err
@ -69,13 +70,18 @@ spec = do
elabel "operator character"
describe "parseFixityMap" $ do
it "fails with correct parse error (precedence greater than 9)" $
parseFixityDeclaration "infixl 10 $"
`shouldFailWith` errFancy
(fancy (ErrorFail "precedence should not be greater than 9"))
describe "parseFixityOverrides" $ do
it "parses the empty input without choking" $
parseFixityMap "" ""
`shouldParse` Map.empty
parseFixityOverrides "" ""
`shouldParse` FixityOverrides Map.empty
it "parses a collection of declarations" $
-- The example is taken from base.
( T.unlines
[ "infixr 9 .",
@ -87,22 +93,24 @@ spec = do
"infixl 4 <*>, <*, *>, <**>"
`shouldParse` Map.fromList
[ ("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 0 0),
("$!", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 0 0),
("*>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("++", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 5 5),
(".", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 9 9),
("<$", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("<*", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("<**>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("<*>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("=<<", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 1 1),
(">>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 1 1),
(">>=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 1 1)
`shouldParse` FixityOverrides
( Map.fromList
[ ("$", FixityInfo InfixR 0),
("$!", FixityInfo InfixR 0),
("*>", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("++", FixityInfo InfixR 5),
(".", FixityInfo InfixR 9),
("<$", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("<*", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("<**>", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("<*>", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("=<<", FixityInfo InfixR 1),
(">>", FixityInfo InfixL 1),
(">>=", FixityInfo InfixL 1)
it "combines conflicting declarations correctly" $
( T.unlines
[ "infixr 9 ., ^",
@ -111,20 +119,21 @@ spec = do
"infixl 7 $"
`shouldParse` Map.fromList
[ ("$", FixityInfo Nothing 7 7),
(".", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 7 9),
("^", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 9 9)
`shouldParse` FixityOverrides
( Map.fromList
[ ("$", FixityInfo InfixL 7),
(".", FixityInfo InfixR 7),
("^", FixityInfo InfixR 9)
it "handles CRLF line endings correctly" $
parseFixityMap ""
`shouldSucceedOn` ( unlinesCrlf
parseFixityOverrides ""
`shouldSucceedOn` unlinesCrlf
[ "infixr 9 .",
"infixr 5 ++"
it "fails with correct parse error (keyword wrong second line)" $
parseFixityMap "" "infixr 5 .\nfoobar 5 $"
parseFixityOverrides "" "infixr 5 .\nfoobar 5 $"
`shouldFailWith` err
( mconcat

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype FixityMapWrapper = FixityMapWrapper FixityMap
newtype FixityMapWrapper = FixityMapWrapper FixityOverrides
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary FixityMapWrapper where
arbitrary =
FixityMapWrapper . Map.fromListWith (<>)
FixityMapWrapper . FixityOverrides . Map.fromList
<$> listOf ((,) <$> genOperator <*> genFixityInfo)
scaleDown = scale (`div` 4)
@ -35,18 +35,16 @@ instance Arbitrary FixityMapWrapper where
genFixityInfo = do
fiDirection <-
[ Nothing,
Just InfixL,
Just InfixR,
Just InfixN
[ InfixL,
fiMinPrecedence <- chooseInt (0, 9)
fiMaxPrecedence <- chooseInt (0, 9) `suchThat` (>= fiMinPrecedence)
fiPrecedence <- chooseInt (0, 9)
return FixityInfo {..}
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "parseFixityMap & printFixityMap" $
describe "parseFixityOverrides & printFixityOverrides" $
it "arbitrary fixity maps are printed and parsed back correctly" $
property $ \(FixityMapWrapper fixityMap) ->
parseFixityMap "" (printFixityMap fixityMap) `shouldParse` fixityMap
parseFixityOverrides "" (printFixityOverrides fixityMap) `shouldParse` fixityMap

tests/Ormolu/FixitySpec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Ormolu.FixitySpec (spec) where
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
import GHC.Types.Name (OccName)
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence (mkVarOcc)
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import Language.Haskell.Syntax.ImpExp (ImportListInterpretation (..))
import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Module.Name (mkModuleName)
import Ormolu.Fixity
import Ormolu.Fixity.Imports
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
import Test.Hspec
instance Show RdrName where
show = showOutputable
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "gives the correct fixity info for (:) (built-in)" $
[(unqual ":", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 5 5)]
it "does not know operators from base if base is not a dependency" $
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "++", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "does not know operators from base if Prelude is not imported" $
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "++", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "infers fixities of operators from base correctly" $
[import_ "Prelude"]
[ (unqual "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6),
(unqual "++", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 5 5)
it "does not know (>>>) when Control.Category is not imported" $
[import_ "Prelude"]
[ (unqual ">>>", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "infer correct fixity for (>>>) when Control.Category is imported" $
[ import_ "Prelude",
import_ "Control.Category"
[ (unqual ">>>", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 1 1)
it "handles 'as' imports correctly" $
[ import_ "Control.Category" & as_ "Foo"
[ (unqual ">>>", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 1 1),
(qual "Foo" ">>>", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 1 1),
(qual "Bar" ">>>", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "handles 'qualified' imports correctly" $
[import_ "Control.Category" & qualified_]
[ (unqual ">>>", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Control.Category" ">>>", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 1 1)
it "handles 'qualified as' imports correctly" $
[import_ "Control.Category" & qualified_ & as_ "Foo"]
[ (unqual ">>>", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Control.Category" ">>>", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Foo" ">>>", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 1 1)
it "handles explicit import lists correctly" $
[import_ "Prelude" & exactly_ ["$"]]
[ (unqual "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "handles hiding import lists correctly" $
[import_ "Prelude" & hiding_ ["$"]]
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6),
(unqual "++", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 5 5)
it "handles qualified imports with explicit import lists correctly" $
[import_ "Prelude" & qualified_ & exactly_ ["$"]]
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "+", defaultFixityApproximation)
it "handles qualified import with hiding correctly" $
[import_ "Prelude" & qualified_ & hiding_ ["$"]]
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6)
it "handles qualified import and explicit import lists correctly (1)" $
[ import_ "Prelude" & qualified_,
import_ "Prelude" & exactly_ ["$"]
[ (unqual "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(qual "Prelude" "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6)
it "handles qualified import and explicit import lists correctly (2)" $
[ import_ "Prelude" & exactly_ ["$"],
import_ "Prelude" & qualified_
[ (unqual "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(qual "Prelude" "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6)
it "handles qualified import and hiding import correctly (1)" $
[ import_ "Prelude" & qualified_,
import_ "Prelude" & hiding_ ["$"]
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6),
(qual "Prelude" "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6)
it "handles qualified import and hiding import correctly (2)" $
[ import_ "Prelude" & hiding_ ["$"],
import_ "Prelude" & qualified_
[ (unqual "$", defaultFixityApproximation),
(qual "Prelude" "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(unqual "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6),
(qual "Prelude" "+", FixityApproximation (Just InfixL) 6 6)
it "works for several imports from different packages" $
["base", "esqueleto"]
[ import_ "Prelude",
import_ "Database.Esqueleto.Experimental" & qualified_ & as_ "E"
[ (unqual "$", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0),
(qual "E" "++.", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 5 5),
(qual "E" "on", FixityApproximation (Just InfixN) 9 9)
it "merges approximations in case of a conflict" $
["fclabels", "persistent"]
[ import_ "Data.Label.Monadic",
import_ "Database.Persist"
[ (unqual "=.", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 2 3)
it "correctly handles package-qualified imports (1)" $
[package_ "esqueleto" $ import_ "Database.Esqueleto.Experimental"]
[(unqual "++.", FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 5 5)]
it "correctly handles package-qualified imports (2)" $
[package_ "bob" $ import_ "Database.Esqueleto.Experimental"]
[(unqual "++.", defaultFixityApproximation)]
-- | Build a fixity map using the Hoogle database and then check the fixity
-- of the specified subset of operators.
checkFixities ::
-- | List of dependencies
[PackageName] ->
-- | Imports
[FixityImport] ->
-- | Associative list representing a subset of the resulting fixity map
-- that should be checked.
[(RdrName, FixityApproximation)] ->
checkFixities dependencies fixityImports expectedResult =
actualResult `shouldBe` expectedResult
actualResult =
(\(k, _) -> (k, inferFixity k resultMap))
resultMap =
(packageFixityMap (Set.fromList dependencies))
qual :: String -> OpName -> RdrName
qual moduleName opName = mkRdrQual (mkModuleName moduleName) (opNameToOccName opName)
unqual :: OpName -> RdrName
unqual = mkRdrUnqual . opNameToOccName
opNameToOccName :: OpName -> OccName
opNameToOccName = mkVarOcc . T.unpack . unOpName
-- | Explicitly specify the package.
package_ :: PackageName -> FixityImport -> FixityImport
package_ packageName fixityImport =
{ fimportPackage = Just packageName
-- | Construct a simple 'FixityImport'.
import_ :: ModuleName -> FixityImport
import_ moduleName =
{ fimportPackage = Nothing,
fimportModuleName = moduleName,
fimportQualified = UnqualifiedAndQualified moduleName,
fimportList = Nothing
-- | Adds an alias for an import.
as_ :: ModuleName -> FixityImport -> FixityImport
as_ moduleName fixityImport =
{ fimportQualified = case fimportQualified fixityImport of
UnqualifiedAndQualified _ -> UnqualifiedAndQualified moduleName
OnlyQualified _ -> OnlyQualified moduleName
-- | Qualified imports.
qualified_ :: FixityImport -> FixityImport
qualified_ fixityImport =
{ fimportQualified = case fimportQualified fixityImport of
UnqualifiedAndQualified m -> OnlyQualified m
OnlyQualified m -> OnlyQualified m
-- | Exact import lists.
exactly_ :: [OpName] -> FixityImport -> FixityImport
exactly_ opNames fixityImports =
{ fimportList = Just (Exactly, opNames)
-- | Hiding.
hiding_ :: [OpName] -> FixityImport -> FixityImport
hiding_ opNames fixityImports =
{ fimportList = Just (EverythingBut, opNames)

View File

@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Ormolu.HackageInfoSpec (spec) where
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
import Ormolu.Fixity
import Test.Hspec
-- | Build a fixity map using the Hackage/Hoogle database, and the boot
-- package list, and then check the fixity of the specified subset of
-- operators.
checkFixityMap ::
-- | List of dependencies
[PackageName] ->
-- | Threshold to choose the conflict resolution strategy
Float ->
-- | Associative list representing a subset of the resulting fixity map
-- that should be checked.
[(OpName, FixityInfo)] ->
expectedResult =
actualResult `shouldBe` expectedResult
actualResult =
(\(k, _) -> (k,) <$> lookupFixity k resultMap)
resultMap =
(Set.fromList dependencies)
-- | Build a fixity map from a custom package database, and then check the
-- fixity of the specified subset of operators.
checkFixityMap' ::
-- | Associative list for packageToOps:
-- package name -map-> (operator -map-> fixity)
[(PackageName, [(OpName, FixityInfo)])] ->
-- | Associative list for packageToPopularity:
-- package name -map-> download count
[(PackageName, Int)] ->
-- | List of packages that should have a higher priority than
-- unspecified packages (boot packages)
[PackageName] ->
-- | List of dependencies
[PackageName] ->
-- | Threshold to choose the conflict resolution strategy
Float ->
-- | Associative list representing a subset of the resulting fixity map
-- that should be checked.
[(OpName, FixityInfo)] ->
expectedResult =
actualResult `shouldBe` expectedResult
actualResult =
(\(k, _) -> (k,) <$> lookupFixity k resultMap)
resultMap =
(Set.fromList highPrioPackages)
(Set.fromList dependencies)
lPackageToOps' =
Map.map Map.fromList $
Map.fromList lPackageToOps
lPackageToPopularity' = Map.fromList lPackageToPopularity
spec :: Spec
spec = do
"correctly merges fixities when a conflict appears in unspecified \
\packages, with max(pop) < threshold"
$ do
let operators =
[ ("A", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)]),
("B", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 3),
("B", 5)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.9
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo Nothing 4 6)
"keeps only the most popular declaration when a conflict appears in \
\unspecified packages, with max(pop) >= threshold"
$ do
let operators =
[ ("A", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)]),
("B", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 5),
("B", 103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.9
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)
"merges the ex-aequo most popular declaration when a conflict appears \
\in unspecified packages, with max(pop) >= threshold"
$ do
let operators =
[ ("A", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)]),
("B", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)]),
("C", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 8 8)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 5),
("B", 103),
("C", 103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.4
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 8)
"keeps only the most popular declaration when a conflict appears in \
\unspecified packages, threshold == 0"
$ do
let operators =
[ ("A", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)]),
("B", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 5),
("B", 103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.0
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 6 6)
"merges all declarations when a conflict appears in unspecified \
\packages, threshold > 1"
$ do
let operators =
[ ("A", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 4 4)]),
("B", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6)]),
("C", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 0),
("B", 0),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 10.0
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 4 8)
"merges all declarations when a conflict appears in cabal \
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "A",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
("C", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 0),
("B", 0),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = ["B", "C"]
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.4
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 8),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
"merges all declarations when a conflict appears in higher-priority \
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "A",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
("C", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8)])
popularity =
[ ("A", 0),
("B", 0),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = ["B", "C"]
threshold = 0.4
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 8),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
"whitelists declarations from base even when it is not listed in \
\cabal dependencies"
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "base",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
( "C",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8),
("|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 1 1)
popularity =
[ ("base", 0),
("B", 2),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = ["B", "C"]
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.4
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2),
("|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 1 1)
"whitelists declarations from base when base is also listed in cabal \
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "base",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
( "C",
[ ("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 1 1)
popularity =
[ ("base", 0),
("B", 2),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = ["base", "B"]
higherPriorityPackages = []
threshold = 0.6
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
"gives higher priority to declarations from cabal dependencies than \
\declarations from both higher-priority & unspecified packages"
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "base",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
( "C",
[ ("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 1 1)
("D", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)])
popularity =
[ ("base", 0),
("B", 2),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = ["base", "B"]
higherPriorityPackages = ["D"]
threshold = 0.6
result =
[ ("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8)
"gives higher priority to declarations from higher-priority packages \
\than declarations from unspecified packages"
$ do
let operators =
[ ( "base",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)
( "B",
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 6 6),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4)
( "C",
[ ("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 1 1)
("D", [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 2 2)])
popularity =
[ ("base", 0),
("B", 2),
("C", 11103)
dependencies = []
higherPriorityPackages = ["B"]
threshold = 0.6
result =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4),
("?=", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 4),
("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixN) 8 8)
it "gives the correct fixity info for ':' (from base)" $ do
let dependencies = []
threshold = 0.6
result =
[ (":", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 5 5)
checkFixityMap dependencies threshold result
"gives the base's fixity info for '<|>', even when a dependency has a \
\conflicting declaration for it"
$ do
let dependencies = ["pandoc"]
threshold = 0.9
result =
[ ("<|>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 3 3)
checkFixityMap dependencies threshold result
"gives the containers's fixity info for ':>' (because 'containers' is \
\a higher-priority package), even though max(pop) < threshold for \
\this operator)"
$ do
let dependencies = []
threshold = 0.9
result =
[ (":>", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)
checkFixityMap dependencies threshold result
"gives the servant's fixity info for ':>' once servant is added as a \
\dependency (although ':>' is also defined in 'containers', a \
\higher-priority package)"
$ do
let dependencies = ["servant"]
threshold = 0.9
result =
[ (":>", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 4 4)
checkFixityMap dependencies threshold result

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
module Ormolu.OpTreeSpec (spec) where
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Types.Name (mkOccName, varName)
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (mkRdrUnqual)
import Ormolu.Fixity
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal (LazyFixityMap (..))
import Ormolu.Fixity.Internal
import Ormolu.Printer.Operators
import Test.Hspec
@ -25,20 +24,16 @@ checkReassociate ::
-- | Expected output tree
OpTree Text OpName ->
checkReassociate lFixities inputTree expectedOutputTree =
checkReassociate fixities inputTree expectedOutputTree =
removeOpInfo actualOutputTree `shouldBe` expectedOutputTree
removeOpInfo (OpNode x) = OpNode x
removeOpInfo (OpBranches exprs ops) =
OpBranches (removeOpInfo <$> exprs) (opiOp <$> ops)
actualOutputTree = reassociateOpTree convertName Map.empty fixityMap inputTree
fixityMap = LazyFixityMap [Map.fromList lFixities]
actualOutputTree = reassociateOpTree convertName modFixityMap inputTree
modFixityMap = ModuleFixityMap (Map.map Given (Map.fromList fixities))
convertName = Just . mkRdrUnqual . mkOccName varName . T.unpack . unOpName
-- | Associative list of fixities for operators from "base"
baseFixities :: [(OpName, FixityInfo)]
baseFixities = Map.toList . fromJust $ Map.lookup "base" packageToOps
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "flattens a tree correctly" $ do
@ -52,7 +47,7 @@ spec = do
outputTree =
OpBranches [n "a", n "b", n "c", n "d"] ["+", "+", "+"]
fixities = [("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)]
fixities = [("+", FixityInfo InfixL 5)]
checkReassociate fixities inputTree outputTree
it "uses 'minOps' strategy by default" $ do
@ -68,9 +63,9 @@ spec = do
["+", "-"]
fixities =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5),
("*", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 7 7),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 5)
[ ("+", FixityInfo InfixL 5),
("*", FixityInfo InfixL 7),
("-", FixityInfo InfixL 5)
checkReassociate fixities inputTree outputTree
@ -87,9 +82,9 @@ spec = do
["+", "-"]
fixities =
[ ("+", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 5 7),
("*", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 8 8),
("-", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 6)
[ ("+", FixityInfo InfixL 5),
("*", FixityInfo InfixL 8),
("-", FixityInfo InfixL 5)
checkReassociate fixities inputTree outputTree
@ -110,9 +105,9 @@ spec = do
fixities =
[ ("@", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 0 5),
("|", FixityInfo (Just InfixL) 4 8),
("$", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 0 0)
[ ("@", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("|", FixityInfo InfixL 4),
("$", FixityInfo InfixR 0)
checkReassociate fixities inputTree outputTree
@ -132,4 +127,9 @@ spec = do
["$", "$"]
checkReassociate baseFixities inputTree outputTree
fixities =
[ ("$", FixityInfo InfixR 0),
("+", FixityInfo InfixL 6),
("*", FixityInfo InfixL 7)
checkReassociate fixities inputTree outputTree

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
@ -25,13 +26,15 @@ spec = do
es <- runIO locateExamples
forM_ es checkExample
-- | Fixities that are to be used with the test examples.
testsuiteFixities :: FixityMap
testsuiteFixities =
[ (".=", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 8 8),
("#", FixityInfo (Just InfixR) 5 5)
-- | Fixity overrides that are to be used with the test examples.
testsuiteOverrides :: FixityOverrides
testsuiteOverrides =
( Map.fromList
[ (".=", FixityInfo InfixR 8),
("#", FixityInfo InfixR 5)
-- | Check a single given example.
checkExample :: Path Rel File -> Spec
@ -41,7 +44,14 @@ checkExample srcPath' = it (fromRelFile srcPath' ++ " works") . withNiceExceptio
config =
{ cfgSourceType = detectSourceType inputPath,
cfgFixityOverrides = testsuiteFixities
cfgFixityOverrides = testsuiteOverrides,
cfgDependencies =
[ "base",
expectedOutputPath <- deriveOutput srcPath
-- 1. Given input snippet of source code parse it and pretty print it.