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Add entitlement table and sso stripe feature (#8608) **TLDR** Added Billing Entitlement table, based on stripe customer.ActiveEntitlements webhook event. In this table it has a key value pair with each key being the stripe feature lookup key and the value a boolean. We use this table in order to see if SSO or other feaures are enabled by workspace. **In order to test: twenty-server** Billing: - Set IS_BILLING_ENABLED to true - Add your BILLING_STRIPE_SECRET and BILLING_STRIPE_API_KEY - Add your BILLING_STRIPE_BASE_PLAN_PRODUCT_ID (use the one in testMode > Base Plan) Auth: - Set AUTH_SSO_ENABLED to true - Set your ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, LOGIN_TOKEN_SECRET, REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET and FILE_TOKEN_SECRET - Set IS_SSO_ENABLED feature flag to true Stripe Webhook: - Authenticate with your account in the stripe CLI - Run the command: stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:3000/billing/webhooks Migration: - npx nx typeorm -- migration:run -d src/database/typeorm/core/core.datasource.ts **In order to test: twenty site** - Buy a subscription (you can use the card 4242...42 with expiration date later in the future) - Go to SSO and create an OICD subscription - Change the value in the entitlement table in order to put it in false - An error should occur saying that the current workspace has no entitlement **Considerations** The data from the Entitlement table is updated based on the stripe webhook responses, and we use the customerActiveEntitlemet response to update the info on the table, however this event doesnt have the metadata containing the workspaceId. Because we cannot control at wich order the webhook send events, we force a server error if the entitlements are updated before the BillingSubscription. Stripe resends the event based on a exponential backoff (for more info see ) because we are in test mode Stripe retries three times over a few hours. So if the BillingEntitlement is not updated it is completely normal and it will be updated when stripe resends the event. --------- Co-authored-by: Félix Malfait <>
2024-11-22 17:32:48 +03:00
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2024-10-08 09:50:18 +03:00
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Closes #2413 - Building a chrome extension for twenty to store person/company data into a workspace. (#3430) * build: create a new vite project for chrome extension * feat: configure theme per the frontend codebase for chrome extension * feat: inject the add to twenty button into linkedin profile page * feat: create the api key form ui and render it on the options page * feat: inject the add to twenty button into linkedin company page * feat: scrape required data from both the user profile and the company profile * refactor: move modules into options because it is the only page using react for now * fix: show add to twenty button without having to reload the single page application * fix: extract domain of the business website instead of scrapping the industry type * feat: store api key to local storage and open options page when trying to store data without setting a key * feat: send data to the backend upon click and store it to the database * fix: open options page upon clicking the extension icon * fix: update terminology from user to person to match the codebase convention * fix: adopt chrome extension to monorepo approach using nx and get the development server working * fix: update vite config for build command to work per the requirement * feat: add instructions in the readme file to install the extension for local testing * fix: move server base url to a dotenv file and replace the hard-coded url * feat: permit user to configure a custom route for the server from the options page * fix: fetch api key and route from local storage and display on options page to inform users of their choices * fix: move front base url to dotenv and replace the hard-coded url * fix: remove the trailing slash from person and company linkedin username * fix: improve code commenting to explain implementation somewhat better * ci: introduce a workflow to build chrome extension to ensure it can be published * fix: format files to display code in a consistent manner per the prettier configuration in codebase * fix: improve the commenting significantly to explain important and hard-to-understand parts of the code * fix: remove unused permissions from the manifest file for publishing to the chrome web store * Add nx * Fix vale --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2024-02-12 14:30:23 +03:00