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2023-06-05 23:20:55 +03:00
import { ThemeProvider } from '@emotion/react';
Move frontend to Vite 5 (#2775) * merge squashed - A couple of CJS modules into ESM (config mostly) - Vite complains about node.js modules: fixed `useIsMatchingLocation.ts` > or use rollupOptions in vite.config.ts > ref: - Adjust Storybook to work with Vite: use @storybook/test - Use SWC for jest tranformations - Remove unused deps: - ts-jest: replaced with @swc/jest, typecheck by `tsc` - babel plugins - @svgr/plugin-jsx: not used - @testing-library/user-event: handled by @storybook/test - @typescript-eslint/utils: was not plugged in - tsup, esbuild-plugin-svgr: will look into that later - Install Vite required deps, and remove craco/webpack deps - Adjust SVG to work with Vite as components - Fixed `Step.tsx`: I dont know if one should be swaped for the other, but there should be no slash - Initial formating and linting: - removed empty object params - sorting imports, etc.. * prettier: fix pattern * coverage: sb coverage report isnt working * Add missing pieces * `yarn lint --fix` * fix: scripts permissions * tsc: cut errors in half * fix: remove `react-app-env.d.ts` * tsc: all fixed, except `react-data-grid` types issue * eslint: ignore env-config.js * eslint: Align ci with config * msw: bypass testing warnings ref: * rebase: and fix things * Adjust to current `graphql-codegen` no ESM support * Remove vite plugin and use built-in methods * rebase: and some fixes * quick fix + `corepack use yarn@1.22.19` * Fix build errors --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2023-12-10 18:22:43 +03:00
import { Preview, ReactRenderer } from '@storybook/react';
import { withThemeFromJSXProvider } from "@storybook/addon-themes";
import { initialize, mswDecorator } from 'msw-storybook-addon';
Move frontend to Vite 5 (#2775) * merge squashed - A couple of CJS modules into ESM (config mostly) - Vite complains about node.js modules: fixed `useIsMatchingLocation.ts` > or use rollupOptions in vite.config.ts > ref: - Adjust Storybook to work with Vite: use @storybook/test - Use SWC for jest tranformations - Remove unused deps: - ts-jest: replaced with @swc/jest, typecheck by `tsc` - babel plugins - @svgr/plugin-jsx: not used - @testing-library/user-event: handled by @storybook/test - @typescript-eslint/utils: was not plugged in - tsup, esbuild-plugin-svgr: will look into that later - Install Vite required deps, and remove craco/webpack deps - Adjust SVG to work with Vite as components - Fixed `Step.tsx`: I dont know if one should be swaped for the other, but there should be no slash - Initial formating and linting: - removed empty object params - sorting imports, etc.. * prettier: fix pattern * coverage: sb coverage report isnt working * Add missing pieces * `yarn lint --fix` * fix: scripts permissions * tsc: cut errors in half * fix: remove `react-app-env.d.ts` * tsc: all fixed, except `react-data-grid` types issue * eslint: ignore env-config.js * eslint: Align ci with config * msw: bypass testing warnings ref: * rebase: and fix things * Adjust to current `graphql-codegen` no ESM support * Remove vite plugin and use built-in methods * rebase: and some fixes * quick fix + `corepack use yarn@1.22.19` * Fix build errors --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2023-12-10 18:22:43 +03:00
2023-07-24 10:57:56 +03:00
import { RootDecorator } from '../src/testing/decorators/RootDecorator';
import { mockedUserJWT } from '../src/testing/mock-data/jwt';
Move frontend to Vite 5 (#2775) * merge squashed - A couple of CJS modules into ESM (config mostly) - Vite complains about node.js modules: fixed `useIsMatchingLocation.ts` > or use rollupOptions in vite.config.ts > ref: - Adjust Storybook to work with Vite: use @storybook/test - Use SWC for jest tranformations - Remove unused deps: - ts-jest: replaced with @swc/jest, typecheck by `tsc` - babel plugins - @svgr/plugin-jsx: not used - @testing-library/user-event: handled by @storybook/test - @typescript-eslint/utils: was not plugged in - tsup, esbuild-plugin-svgr: will look into that later - Install Vite required deps, and remove craco/webpack deps - Adjust SVG to work with Vite as components - Fixed `Step.tsx`: I dont know if one should be swaped for the other, but there should be no slash - Initial formating and linting: - removed empty object params - sorting imports, etc.. * prettier: fix pattern * coverage: sb coverage report isnt working * Add missing pieces * `yarn lint --fix` * fix: scripts permissions * tsc: cut errors in half * fix: remove `react-app-env.d.ts` * tsc: all fixed, except `react-data-grid` types issue * eslint: ignore env-config.js * eslint: Align ci with config * msw: bypass testing warnings ref: * rebase: and fix things * Adjust to current `graphql-codegen` no ESM support * Remove vite plugin and use built-in methods * rebase: and some fixes * quick fix + `corepack use yarn@1.22.19` * Fix build errors --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2023-12-10 18:22:43 +03:00
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from '../src/modules/ui/theme/constants/theme';
import 'react-loading-skeleton/dist/skeleton.css';
onUnhandledRequest: async (request: Request) => {
const fileExtensionsToIgnore = /\.(ts|tsx|js|jsx|svg|css|png)(\?v=[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?/;
if (fileExtensionsToIgnore.test(request.url)) {
const requestBody = await request.json();
console.warn(`Unhandled ${request.method} request to ${request.url}
with payload ${JSON.stringify(requestBody)}\n
This request should be mocked with MSW`);
const preview: Preview = {
2023-06-05 23:20:55 +03:00
decorators: [
Move frontend to Vite 5 (#2775) * merge squashed - A couple of CJS modules into ESM (config mostly) - Vite complains about node.js modules: fixed `useIsMatchingLocation.ts` > or use rollupOptions in vite.config.ts > ref: - Adjust Storybook to work with Vite: use @storybook/test - Use SWC for jest tranformations - Remove unused deps: - ts-jest: replaced with @swc/jest, typecheck by `tsc` - babel plugins - @svgr/plugin-jsx: not used - @testing-library/user-event: handled by @storybook/test - @typescript-eslint/utils: was not plugged in - tsup, esbuild-plugin-svgr: will look into that later - Install Vite required deps, and remove craco/webpack deps - Adjust SVG to work with Vite as components - Fixed `Step.tsx`: I dont know if one should be swaped for the other, but there should be no slash - Initial formating and linting: - removed empty object params - sorting imports, etc.. * prettier: fix pattern * coverage: sb coverage report isnt working * Add missing pieces * `yarn lint --fix` * fix: scripts permissions * tsc: cut errors in half * fix: remove `react-app-env.d.ts` * tsc: all fixed, except `react-data-grid` types issue * eslint: ignore env-config.js * eslint: Align ci with config * msw: bypass testing warnings ref: * rebase: and fix things * Adjust to current `graphql-codegen` no ESM support * Remove vite plugin and use built-in methods * rebase: and some fixes * quick fix + `corepack use yarn@1.22.19` * Fix build errors --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2023-12-10 18:22:43 +03:00
themes: {
light: lightTheme,
dark: darkTheme,
defaultTheme: 'light',
Provider: ThemeProvider,
2023-06-05 23:20:55 +03:00
parameters: {
actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
controls: {
matchers: {
color: /(background|color)$/i,
date: /Date$/,
options: {
storySort: {
order: ['UI', 'Modules', 'Pages'],
Move frontend to Vite 5 (#2775) * merge squashed - A couple of CJS modules into ESM (config mostly) - Vite complains about node.js modules: fixed `useIsMatchingLocation.ts` > or use rollupOptions in vite.config.ts > ref: - Adjust Storybook to work with Vite: use @storybook/test - Use SWC for jest tranformations - Remove unused deps: - ts-jest: replaced with @swc/jest, typecheck by `tsc` - babel plugins - @svgr/plugin-jsx: not used - @testing-library/user-event: handled by @storybook/test - @typescript-eslint/utils: was not plugged in - tsup, esbuild-plugin-svgr: will look into that later - Install Vite required deps, and remove craco/webpack deps - Adjust SVG to work with Vite as components - Fixed `Step.tsx`: I dont know if one should be swaped for the other, but there should be no slash - Initial formating and linting: - removed empty object params - sorting imports, etc.. * prettier: fix pattern * coverage: sb coverage report isnt working * Add missing pieces * `yarn lint --fix` * fix: scripts permissions * tsc: cut errors in half * fix: remove `react-app-env.d.ts` * tsc: all fixed, except `react-data-grid` types issue * eslint: ignore env-config.js * eslint: Align ci with config * msw: bypass testing warnings ref: * rebase: and fix things * Adjust to current `graphql-codegen` no ESM support * Remove vite plugin and use built-in methods * rebase: and some fixes * quick fix + `corepack use yarn@1.22.19` * Fix build errors --------- Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2023-12-10 18:22:43 +03:00
cookie: {
tokenPair: `{%22accessToken%22:{%22token%22:%22${mockedUserJWT}%22%2C%22expiresAt%22:%222023-07-18T15:06:40.704Z%22%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthToken%22}%2C%22refreshToken%22:{%22token%22:%22${mockedUserJWT}%22%2C%22expiresAt%22:%222023-10-15T15:06:41.558Z%22%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthToken%22}%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthTokenPair%22}`,
export default preview;