We will remove the `twenty-postgres` image that was used for local
development and only use `twenty-postgres-pilo` (which we use in prod),
bringing the development environment closer to prod and avoiding having
to maintain 2 images.
Instead of provisioning the super user after the db initialization, we
directly rely on the superuser provided by Spilo for simplicity. We also
introduce a change that tries to create the right database (`default` or
`test`) based on the context.
How to test:
docker build -t twentycrm/twenty-postgres-spilo:latest -f ./packages/twenty-docker/twenty-postgres-spilo/Dockerfile .
docker images --no-trunc | grep twenty-postgres-spilo
docker run \
--name twenty_pg \
-e ALLOW_NOSSL=true \
-v twenty_db_data:/home/postgres/pgdata \
-p 5432:5432 \
Deploy to Render updated (#2033):
* postgres as a pserv (private service) compiled with pg_graphql
* default credentials (todo to fix), but postgres in a private network
* added FRONT_BASE_URL to server env
* added Dockerfile for postgres in infra/prod/postgres
* for server added dockerCommand with yarn database:setup
* Fix bug where "metadata" scheme was not created automatically (#1971)
* logging on
* testing on render
* render upadte
* added setup-db.ts and updated package.json