Re-enables no-console eslint rule in stories and tests files:
- In stories, use `action` from '@storybook/addon-actions' or `fn` from
'@storybook/test' instead of console.
- In tests, console methods can be mocked like this:
`global.console.error = jest.fn()`.
* feat: configure eslint rules by replicating those in the twenty-front package and introduce scripts for linting, formatting code and removing build output
* fix: ensure each file of the extension package satisfies linting rules and disable some rules where necessary
* fix: update relative imports to absolute imports throughout extension code with the defined tilde and at symbols
* fix: import the updated ui module from the front package to the chrome extension package to prevent eslint rules from breaking subject to the recent merged changes into main
* fix: commit the case change for files that were missed by Git in the earlier commits due to default configuration