- Uses "nx affected" to detect what projects need to be checked in the
current PR (for now, `ci-front` and `ci-server` workflows only).
- Caches results of certain tasks (`lint`, `typecheck`, `test`,
`storybook:build`) when a PR pipeline runs. The next runs of the same
PR's pipeline will then be able to reuse the PR's task cache to execute
tasks faster.
- Caches Yarn's cache folder to install dependencies faster in CI jobs.
- Rewrites the node modules cache/install steps as a custom, reusable
Github action.
- Distributes `ci-front` jobs with a "matrix" strategy.
- Sets common tasks config at the root `nx.json`. For instance, to
activate the `typecheck` task in a project, add `typecheck: {}` to its
`project.json` and it'll use the default config set in `nx.json` for the
`typecheck` task. Options can be overridden in each individual
`project.json` if needed.
- Adds "scope" tags to some projects: `scope:frontend`, `scope:backend`,
`scope:shared`. An eslint rule ensures that `scope:frontend` only
depends on `scope:frontent` or `scope:shared` projects, same for
`scope:backend`. These tags are used by `nx affected` to filter projects
by scope and generates different task cache keys according to the
requested scope.
- Enables checks for twenty-emails in the `ci-server` workflow.
* feat: configure eslint rules by replicating those in the twenty-front package and introduce scripts for linting, formatting code and removing build output
* fix: ensure each file of the extension package satisfies linting rules and disable some rules where necessary
* fix: update relative imports to absolute imports throughout extension code with the defined tilde and at symbols
* fix: import the updated ui module from the front package to the chrome extension package to prevent eslint rules from breaking subject to the recent merged changes into main
* fix: commit the case change for files that were missed by Git in the earlier commits due to default configuration