import { ESLintUtils, TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/utils'; export const RULE_NAME = 'inject-workspace-repository'; export const rule = ESLintUtils.RuleCreator(() => __filename)({ name: RULE_NAME, meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Ensure class names and file names follow the required pattern when using @InjectWorkspaceRepository.', recommended: 'recommended', }, schema: [], messages: { invalidClassName: "Class name should end with 'WorkspaceService'.", invalidFileName: "File name should end with '.workspace-service.ts'.", }, }, defaultOptions: [], create: (context) => { return { MethodDefinition: (node: TSESTree.MethodDefinition) => { const filename = context.filename; // Only check files that end with '.workspace-service.ts' or '.service.ts' if ( !filename.endsWith('.workspace-service.ts') && !filename.endsWith('.service.ts') ) { return; } if (node.kind === 'constructor') { const hasInjectWorkspaceRepositoryDecoratorOrWorkspaceService = node.value.params.some((param) => { if (param.type === TSESTree.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSParameterProperty) { const hasDecorator = param.decorators?.some((decorator) => { return ( decorator.expression.type === TSESTree.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression && (decorator.expression.callee as TSESTree.Identifier) .name === 'InjectWorkspaceRepository' ); }); const hasWorkspaceServiceType = param.parameter.typeAnnotation?.typeAnnotation && param.parameter.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type === TSESTree.AST_NODE_TYPES.TSTypeReference && ( param.parameter.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation .typeName as TSESTree.Identifier ).name.endsWith('WorkspaceService'); return hasDecorator || hasWorkspaceServiceType; } return false; }); if (hasInjectWorkspaceRepositoryDecoratorOrWorkspaceService) { const className = (node.parent.parent as TSESTree.ClassDeclaration) .id?.name; const filename = context.filename; if (!className?.endsWith('WorkspaceService')) {{ node: node.parent, messageId: 'invalidClassName', }); } if (!filename.endsWith('.workspace-service.ts')) {{ node: node.parent, messageId: 'invalidFileName', }); } } } }, }; }, }); export default rule;