#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")/../infra/dev" cp .env.example .env set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport docker-compose up -d postgres while ! pg_isready -h localhost > /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for Postgres to be ready..." sleep 1 done echo "Postgres is accepting connections!" docker-compose up -d twenty-hasura while ! curl -s http://localhost:8080/healthz > /dev/null ; do sleep 1 echo "Waiting for Hasura to be ready..." done docker-compose up -d hasura-auth while ! curl -s http://localhost:4000/healthz > /dev/null ; do sleep 1 echo "Waiting for Hasura Auth to be ready..." done docker-compose exec twenty-hasura hasura deploy docker-compose up -d