Sammy Teillet 49a99c8ae6
Sammy/t 392 aau i can drag and drop opportunities (#257)
* refactor: extract data from Board component

* feature: display board on opportunities page

* test: add strict mode in storybook

* chore: replace dnd to make it work with React 18 and strict mode

Atlassion has not fixed this issue in a year so we use the fork @hello-pangea/dnd

* refactor: move mocked-data in a file

* chore: use real column names in mock data

* feature: design columns

* feature: add New button at bottum of columns

* bugfix: move header out of dragable so the cards does not flicker on drop

* lint: remove useless imports

* refactor: rename board item key
2023-06-08 17:40:25 +02:00

148 lines
4.3 KiB

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